fl It If I! TEAM FAILS Cold Storage TO ARRIVE Still Leading No Explanation lleceivecl Froni A"-yox IJadminton Players Follow in; Failure to Arrive The Anyox Badminton Club, pliers, wrw had cent word earfler in the day that they tarald arrive here at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon to meet local players in competition, failed to arrive. Neither had any explanation been received from them un to this morning They were supposed to come down on the Oranby Co.'a eenrioe boat Oranby. Because of the erqnoniic deprei-jfiQD in Engiacri, tipimi avy w5k the closing of some bif, estate U announced, or a famous town house Is put on the block. ASWaU Score jn JiiUiarc! iu Ffcture lo Date is 89 1-877 Against Orotto WUb two more garner from Tues day night's Billiard Lqague figure between Grotto vand Cold Storage played last evening, the aggregate score for the four of six fame already pjayed stands at 894 to &11 in favor of the Storage. The gajne played last night resulted as follows : W. Murray (Grotto), ??7: A. Mac-donald (Cold Storage). 250. George Shenton, 2S0: J. May. 180. Oames of D. Brown (Grotto) v A M"rrpv (Cold Stornwi and Mj r,fr-w- vs hules Rjptte are to be rlved tonight. Kaien Motors Ltd. Are pleased to announce that they are now in a position to welcome inquiries regarding" the new smart 19,32 Buick eight, and their great advancement over preceding models, including Wizard control; syr cromesh transmission, selective free wheeling and many other improvements holding fast to those sound, fundamental engineering principles which have won world leadership for McLaughlan-Buick year after year. CHEVROLET For motorists who want quality, style, performance and durability in a smaller, lower-priced car, watch for the announcement of the new 1932 Chevrolet, which we have reason to believe is the most outstanding value ever offered by General Motors and the Chevrolet Motor Company. Keep your Eye an Chevrolet KEEP YOUR EYE ON CHEVROLET HAWKS MOVE NEARER TOP Oeffalcd Montreal Canadians Last Night to Displace Boston ill In Second Groove CHIOAGO, nec. 3: Chicago; .Black Hawks noved back Into se-I'cbnxl place in the American sec- . tion of the National Hockey League last night by defeating Montreal ' Canadien.s by a score of two to one. ! ' Boston Bruins had been formerly in second place. ' Hockey Standings International Division ! W. D. L. P. iAmerisans 2 3 1 9 'CanadJmfl 2 I 4 7 'Maroon . ....... 2 1 5 5 ; Toronto.- J 3 a 5 American. Division ! W. D. Rangers 5 1 I Chicago 3 3 Boston .4 0 Detroit .3 0 FORT Lsnsley, on the Frw River the fint pott erected under organized direction of affairs by the Hudson's Bay Company wis completed in 1827. It was "forty by forty-five yards ind.the bastions were twelve feet square, built of eight-inch logs." Subsequently burned, it was re-built is one of the largest of all forts In the North West. Here Sir James Douglas was installed as Governor of British Columbia in 1 851 MOLSOKS THE ALE YOUR CHEAT GRANDFATHER. D RAN rV In DoMtn and jf lfa(f'Jotn Carton Thu advertisement is not published or displayed br the Liquor Control Board, or by the Government of British Columbia, L. 1 2 4 4 P. 11 9 8 G 1 j j Basketball Standing Senior League W. j Panthers 3 u. M. ? 32 Taxi 2 Intermediate League L. 2 3 2 W. L. High School 3 1 (TiycU, ..... 2 2 Merehants 1 4 Ladies' League Amazons 5 , 0 ' Cardinals 3, 2Y, Comets 0 4 Junior League W. U League of Nations 4 0 Boy Scouts 2 1 Rovers . 1 3 Japanese 0 3 'Pts. 6 4 4 Pts,. 6 a: Pjta. 10 4 b Pts. 8 4 2 0 BASKETBALL December 4 Boy Scouts vs. Japanese Asso. Tuxls -vs. Merchants. Comets vs. Amazons. 32 Taxi vs. C. N. R. 1 'I "rr,ll,J ' l '?uM ftv .4 V. 1 .i-i.i m n ,r nrrn r-rtnt-nrvr-m n r m Record Atlantic Crossing stand for 12 years On June 11, 1919, Sir John Alcock and i , W1" Brown rrwuml I lie 1 AlUnlie OvcajifrvmNrHfviiudlauil lo Irrland In 16 Lour and 12 minulm . ? Vlckem-Vliny Ili.plai.r powernt w 1 1 h t a ltolU.IlaTvc rnaiue devr lo- J20 ',orPW' 1 ! rvcorj ! all 11 the mora remarkable bcaue the lckrr-Vlmy lii-plane In which it was made I now obsolete. Sand for FREE copy of tlx "FAMOUS RCCORPS" Beklt WtrUl I Tptaco Company of Ctntdt, United Dtpt "N , P.O. Bon 1 JtO, Monbt.l, 0. GtnlicRiaai Plti nd m frta copy ol the "Famovi Rtcordt" bookll which dticribti icofd kufflan achitvtmntl of all Vlndt, Nana ... AdraM OLDCOUNTRYFOOTBALL English Cup Ileplays Gainsborough Trinity 1, Crewe Alexandra 0. Accrington Stanley 5, Rotherham 0. Watlwd 2. Thames . Northfleet 0, Bournemouth and: Bosccmbo 1. Brentford 2, Tunbrldge Wells 1. Halifax 2, Newark 1. Billiard Averages o. shfriton p.) 9 A. MacdQnold (CS) 1 O. Howe (0) !i. I 4. Murray igs .1 C. P. Balagno (Elks) .1 C. Daptle (ElkO 1 I Strathan. ijfi f J: gnilth ttiL) 4 N. ChenonkHEJk .i .4 M. Andrtwe (El J.......Y R. Young (B , 1 J. Saundera (B) . 1 J. Bulger IE 1 F. Zleman QL) 1 B. Morgan (Q) 1 TJ Vnnna mi 1 fj. HUlnvan fCS) 1 !W. Murray (Q) 2 (E. Hudwn 0 1 rB. Hudson (Elks) .1 L. Baabe (Elka) 1 A. Murray IE) 1 P. Aldrldge (CL) .1 J. May CS 1 D. Brown (0) 1 P. Johnson Ef 1 ft. Orotto; CS, Cold Elks. Ttl. Ave . 5QO 260 ' 250 250 250 260 350 250 250 .260 ! 250 200' 250 260 .250 760 250 2501 ' 250 260 250 260 250 250 250 250 228 228 225 225 J 215 2)5 214 2M 410 208 207 207 204 .204; 197 ip7 197 197 189 J89 180 180 178 178 150 15Q Storage, Whist Schedule December 3 1, Cft;jl.Cl lO WVW' JKW.QT. vs Moose. Musketeers vs. Legion. O. Emp. Hotel vs. Bona of Norway. Seal Cove vs. Totem Park. December 10 Orotto vs. Seal Cove. Legion vs. Moose. l.O.O.P. vs Musketeers. Fish Packers vs. pld Empress. Sons of Norway vs. Totem' P,ark. , In Burma, elephants are used In lossJnfl operations and rc said to h mnm affiriuni. on dcheauer thdll I I machinery. J IXjorlH 20jorZSi ami In flat fin J ftjt? ami one tiu ml ml 1 11 a . . ..1.'. RE HEAT S$ MONEY 4fcjANni()-VcllIiigtonM,or"Imly-l Haiti til, or "Coninx" CnuU from Vancouver IhIiuhI cost tliU year, for No. 1 lump $13. f0 ton. Imported lignite corttH more. The product of the Inland pi in pa yields, on the average, 13,030 ll.T.U.V per pound where lignite comI shows only 9,1110. This nicniiH, to get the intiic hent, that jott will u m: 1 shoveUfui of lignite to every 3 of "Nunaiiiui"l 4 tniitt iiiHteud of ,3 Ioiih!! 1 trjpH to the biiHemcnt -inslvail of 31!! However you figure it, Ulutul Coal Ih your IiomI huy hevniiu you get more heat and you pay Ichh money. Ask your dealer today. Order by name. Chech ypur delivery slips. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. fkmt 116 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 648 Distributors or CANADIAN COLLIERIES (dunsmuir) ltd VANCOUVER, B,C 1 ll.T.U. tn..n. 1l.ill.h Vttrm Unit . 4k .M.ant f fact require! to rU 1 lb. f v.l.r ;lt. fani.n. -' i.yw ri&VTM; f "25? Ai w. Qke RECORD SPEAKS jov ITSELF After twelve years, the Trans-Atlantic record held liy Alcock uiid Itrowu and Iheir Vlckem-Vlniy HUpluno still tatida ... Just as the puling yeurs srrve Lut to accentuaU; the cigarett mipreinucy hch U Jielil li) Turret ciKuretles. Qiiulltr, mildiienn and fluvonr . . , thrte Ht tributes yrlilch are untrlkiii(ilycTideiud in Turret fiKrettcs keep tliein ever at the top in public favour. After all, nothing can replace ciod, Iioneflt tobacco grimn mid rljieiied right out in the field under nature's own sunlight nothing artificial ubuut that und the high quality i "hiliml". MarfMtr4 kf ImHU Tuli.rQ C rf Quality and Mildness urret CICAKETTES I un v .lUIT.t r.LMi una if PER$