Thursday. Deccmtier 3, 1931 P Box 1581. v a I i a 'I ujmji nino VATiV. THBBW A. J, Webber, Mgr., " Ba-? i i , ii ii i i mi i ii mi inngB?r , ,,, , XMAS CARDS, TAGS, SEALS, Etc. Largest Assortment in the City Prices From 5c Up Ormeslm. Z7i Pioneer Druqgists THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. i i i a. iii.i JuiiuuiiuHiiuiiBuiiununnni Family Shoe Store! $1.65 to $3.25 rhone 3.7 2 Comfy Slippers Make Cozy Gifts For a delightful comfort-bringing gift you couid not choose better than a pair of Comfy Slippers. . They are butlt for warmth and comfort and they are good looking, too. Everyone in the family will be delighted to find such a gift under the Christ mas Tree. WOMEN'S SLIPPERS D'Orsay pattern in blue, red, et. MEN'S SLIPPERS In felt and brown or black kid Child's Comfy Slippers m ' u :m m, Mtn: m m-m u urn. mora Bl III IrBf 1 1 1 "il I ' KB m I X 10 ( I m ufl 1 I W1 1 II t!B IBM SELECTING GIFTS IS DIFFICULT Let Us Help You , l!if v'- viii rail we can olve a number of y u '""blrnw. We have unique ami tndlvittua" J1'"'' ' : Christmas Cards, singly or boxed . ' ' quince line oi Kiuiiunery. vuih-i 'i ,tti''J '"' ' ii isimas Tree and parcel trimmings; nu is T' ' ' Us of various kinds. mm, TALK IT OVER WITH JOHN AN I) MRS. McRAE. Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg.....;... $11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE You Don't Have to Buy REGAL SHOP THIRD AVENUE b: ::s m mwmm wmmyawn ci i una n s ra i n ,ict Hie habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taking; advantage of the help they bring you. Local Items Dinserware, china, crockery glassware. Hcilbroner's store. Bridge and wnlst Rupert East Gymn Friday, December 4, 8 p-iri admission 50c. ' (281) A. J. Matheson returned to the city on this morning's train Irom a brief trip tq the Skeena River. James Boyd, supervisor of fisheries for District No. 2, returned tj the city on this morning's train frpm a trip to the, Skeena River on official duties. F. M. Davis, who is to succeed H. D. Barrett as chief clerk here to (the divisional superintendent rf the Canadian National Railways, arrived In the city from kamloops on this morning's train. Col. J. W. Nlcholls. comDtroller of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storaee Co., was the speaker at the regu lar weekly luncheon of the Rotary Club In the Comm3ore Cafe today. He spoke on fiscal matters and loucnea on tne subject of the cold standard. President O. H. Munr was In he chair. R. O. Cunningham of Port E3' slngton arrived In the city on this morning's train from the Skeena River and tonight will sail on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where on December 12, he will embark on the steamer Prince David for Ber muda where be expects to spend the winter. Next spring he will re turn to this district by rail. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bruno and family will sail tonight on the ss. Prince Rupert for Vancouver en-route to the Atlantic Coast where they will embark for a visit to Co- ene Province in Southern Italy where Mr. Bruno's father Is seriously 111. They will probably spend everal months In the Old Country. Louise Mazzle and Felix Reda will be in charge of Mr. Bruno's local business during his absence. NOTICE Our eoal is In a dry shed. Don't buy water. Buy coal and get ,your 'uii weijcnt. Discount si.oo a ton Vote our advertisements for cash rices. HYDE TRANSFER, rhone 580. rf Food Values For Friday & Saturday i'astry Flour Wild Rose A.Hf Ill per 10-lb. sack Lard Swift's AO 0' per 3-lb. tin Lard Gainer's 4 1UL Of per 3-lb. tin Eggs U. C. Extras. Scott's AQp Ov In cartons, per doz Coffee Malktn's Best , CO A UU A pers-lb. tin Green Cut Beans Ensign 4p XX No. 2 tins, per tin V Saanlch Clams 1Af per tall tin Red Pitted Cherries En- IQn mrh. No. 2 tins, per tin XtO Crushed Pineapple Mai- QCn tin's Best, No. 2 tins, each"' Sweet Mixed Pickles Afn Happyyale, per 38-oz. Jar" H. Pi Sauce 9Qp AuK per bottle Gold Dust Washing 9f2f Powder, per pkg AOK Currants Rccleaned lAf Xll per .l-lb. pkg. Suhmald Raisins Puffed "I r seeded, per 15-oz. pkg XUl Cut Mixed Peel Robert- 99ft son's, per lOoz. pkg AAK Swansdown QOi 03K per pkg Desslcated Coconut 1 r per lb.'.:. X 1 V Brown SUgslr 97n 5 lbs. A IK Matches 9Qp per pkg. of 3 boxes mvK Watts' Grocery I'HONE 55 PHONE 56 THE BEST FOR LESS Grosvenor -thejrimdltj Hotel 4sp Comfortable Rooms NEW LOW WINTER RATES $10 per month $9 per week VANCOUVER, B. C. 6 Senior Olrls' Branch of W. A. Tea at home of Mrs. Waddlngton, Waldron Apartments, Saturday from 3 to 6. 231 Mrs. H. L. Alexander sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince u Norah for her home In Victoria where she will spend a holiday. Mrs. John Milton, sr.. and Mr. . John Milton, Jr., will be passengers leaving on the steamer Prince Rupert tonight for a trip to Victoria. H. J. Burns of the Canadian Bank of Commerce staff here sails on the Prince Rupert this evening for Vancouver where he will spenJ a holiday. Thomas Van Dyk, district game warden headquarters In Prlnre George arrived in the city from the Interior on this morning's train In the course of one Qt his periodical trips to the coast on official du- There were 34 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Norah on her arrival here yesterday afternoon from Skagway enroute to Vancouver. One passenger left the vessel at this port while six embarked here aboard her for the south. Miss D. H. Neal. R.N.. lady superintendent of the Port Simpson Hospital, who has been the guest here for a couple of days of Dr. and Mrs. R. O. Large, A 'n Avenue Westview. will sail on the ss. Prlnre Rupert tonight for Victoria where she will spend the remainder o! her vacation at her home. Announcements United church Bazaar Deo. 3. I.O.D.E. hard time dance December 4. Eagles Social dance December 4. Oenlemen 50c. Ladios refreshments, 9:30 to 1:30, High School concert, December 10 and 11. Presbyterian tea at Manse December 16. Moose Whist Drive and Dance, December 17. Canadian Legion Christmas Tree Dec. 19. Hogmanay dance I.OD.E. Hall December 31. ,tt . Presbyterian Burns Banquet January 25. T t Hotel Arrival New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Stearr? lieat 75c. rtlt DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Tflplmn tsi Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms. A. J. l'UimilOMMi:, Prop. Cor of Frasci and Fifth 8ts W. Harrison, C-loyah Bay. Basketball, Auditorium, Friday. Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. J. Wilson, who has been at tho Cloyah Bay road camp here as an official of trUs , provincial government sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Norah for Victoria Daniel Sheehan sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Norah for Vancouver enroute to St. John, New Brunswick, where he will sail December 12 on the steamer Montrose for a visit to his native homi in England. V. I. Haan, superintendent of tht Yukon and White Pass Route with neaaquarters at seagway, was i passenger aboard the ss. Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle where he will spend the winter. Word has been received from the south that Miss Huldah Graham a former member of the Dally News staff here, was recently married in Los Angeles to Ted McCarthy, brother of Charles McCarthy to whom her sister, formerly Miss Margaret Gaham, is married. Thty are residing in Los Angeles, having moved from Ensenada. Mexico. Mr and Mrs. Charles McCarthy have also mt)ved from Ensenada ar.d now make their home in San Diego. Hia;:i'i.rsiJ,a;T:i3i:JHii::i:-iBJii De Jong s Cash and Carry Phone 553 Phone 953 Week-End Specials Pink Salmon 'i's 90 4 tins for Brillo Silver Polish The only real silver polish in tubes. 9n Reg. 30c, ea. Now, 2 tubes Rowntree's Elect Cocoa Ro 1-lb. can Malkin's Best Extracts ICo XOi per 2-oz. bottle Felix Ginger Ale Pints UO 9E!p 2 bottles for S1.40 Purity Quick Oats tro OIK 2 pkgs. for Malkin's Best Coffee In VOX Qp fancy Xmas wrapper 2 lbs. Bullen's Lemon ' Cheese 9 On per 9-oz. ar Hed Arrow Sodas Dollar 7ki A9p site, per box Malkin's Best Sliced 9 AOK ftp Pineapple, 2'a, per tin Rinao Large package OQn each Royal Crown Soap 9Qp iOK' 6 bars for Rajonl Tea, 1 lb.. Lump 9p Sugar, 1 2-lb. box, both tot'' De Luxe Matches Same as 9Qp Blue Ribbon, 3 large boxes AOK California Orapefrult tZn 2 for XOi Sunkist Oranges Medium OOi OOp size, per doz ITT.. 90c Florida lOrapefrult i Op Large size, each Xvv Free Delivery on Orders of S2.00 or Over a cimsiro .TBrnnr:! ciTixi'm u TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City This Xmas Save WHILE YOU GIVE! Seize this Opportunity oil FriBay and Saturday . . CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS In Felt. All sizes, good quality in blue, brown or red. Reg. 90c to $1.00. Out they go at 68c and. 78c GIRLS' BLOOMERS Girls' Fleece Lined Bloomers in navy only. Nice heavy quality for winter j.Qp All "sizes HOUSE DRESSES Ladies' House Dresses, small, medium and OQf large, reg. $1.65. Out they go at oox LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS 50 Boxes of Ladies' Handkerchiefs, nice assortment. Reg. 89c. Out they An0 go at m. i WHITE COTTON 500 Yards of good quality White Cotton 36 in. wide. Reg. 30c yard. Out it goes at $100 yards .:. FLANNELETTE Flannelette in white, pink and blue. Reg. AA 25c yd. Out they go at 7 yards for ... . Vi VU TAPESTRY CUSHION COVERS 14 Only, nice 7Qtf designs, each BABY OVERPANTS Pure Wool, in white S, 89c Remainder of Ladies' Hats, regular to Q4 9Q $2.95. Out they go at ?A.OJ Girls' Long Wool Hose in white, black and brown. Sizes 8 to 10. Regular 90c Q-f A A Out they go at, 2 for . . . V ivU LADIES' HOSE In silk and wool. All shades. 9 to 10. Out they go at 1 COTTON SHEETS Cotton Sheets. Good r 0u $1.00 they go at SHOE DEPARTMENT Ladies' Shoes In Oxford Si Strap. Victoria Shoes. Cuban and high heels in brown and black. Broken sizes. Keg. $5.95 to $7.50 uta!hey S1.95 SILK HOSE CRAFT Ladies' Hose, service weight. Regular $1.50 Out they QQ go at LADIES' GAITEES Small sizes in black, fawn or grey. Reg. $2.75. Out AAf they go at ... Ladies' Mocassins in wine, blue or rose Q4 OCT colors. Reg. $3.00. Out they go at ... . V Our Christinas Lines are now complete and your inspection is cordially invited JABOURS LTD. 533 Third Ave. W. Phone 015 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK CO! Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Ltd. PJRINCE RUPERT, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sttainm fe lrlnp Kuprrt lor Vtntourr! T.8.I. CATALA EVERY TCESDAY, 1J0 VM. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver. Thursday Morning. T.S.S. UAKDF.NA EVEKV FRIDAY MIUNKIIIT ArrtTtng Vancouver Sunday midnight pjroi. WUj aalllng to Port SLmpson, Allc Arm, Anyox. 8twrt nd Hut Rlvtr points Sunday, 0 p.m. Purthr Intormttlon rgtrdln til uUlngi ind tlcku t I'ltlNCl Ull'EUT ACir.NCV; Hrtond WfliUf, . I'liuii SRS