PAGE BIZ THE DAILY NEWS t. : kiwi i:i in ::: ravwaii'BRnnai'Bi ixni !V'i:i:i:ri!i:ii!i'i::ixi:iiixB!iii:a:ix:i:;KiKi:iB ! Dempsey Bags a Big 0 tie LOCAL ITEMS n - r- "j. A. Hlnton returned to the city 9 Vaues 7Aaf Mafo Sales brief on this business morning's trip uprlver. train from a 1 I i fttl D B a w H H m i m u 1 I We Invite Your Inspection We have a wonderful assortment of staple articles for your friends and every member of the family In Our Basement Store You will find a wonderful selection in Dinncrware, Fancy China, Cut Glass, Crystal Hand Bags and Suit Cases Medium priced Glasses from 90c. per doz. up A large line of Brassware at special reduced prices PRUNES Del Monte, per pkg FIGS Choice Cooking, per lb Singapore PINEAPPLE Per tin PORK & BEANS Royal City, per tin SYRUP Rogers, 2's, per tin SLICED PEACHES Royal City, No. 214 tins OATS With China, per pkg AYRSHIRE IUCON Fresh Sliced, per lb. IJUTTER Per lb APPLES Spitz, 5 lbs. 22c GRAPEFRUIT Hp Juicy California, ea. LETTUCE- 4 40 Large Crisp Heads IJtv 19c 10c 10c 8c 17c 25c 23c 21c 26c TEA Pur Thrift Blend Per lb. . , 34c WE RECOMMEND IT Strawberry, Raspberry. Black Currant, Apricot Y" fm rtXC 4-lb. tins VANCOUVER ISLAND FRUIT BROOMS Bach O'CEDAR OIL Large Bottles TOILET TISSUE 2 Rolls PUMPKIN Royal City, No. 2 tins SOCKEYE SALMON-Tall tins LARD Swift's, 3's, per tin PALMOLIVE SOAP Per bar SPICES Malkln's Best, , per Un SOAP Pearl White, 2 bars POTATOES 10 lbs ONIONS Okanagan, 4 lbs. CARROTS 5 lbs .. FREE 5 LBS. TURNIPS WITH EACH ORDER OUR PRICES ARE LOWER THRIFT CASH & CARRY Orders over $10 delivered free A small charge on orders under this amount "CARRY AM) SAVE" 29c 35c 7c 10c 2Sc 42c 6c 7c 7c 16c 12c 10c ; ' S Hi m n m m ! i And a very special price on Flatware, Hamilton, Waltham "and Elgin Wrist m Ttr l i ? I B i m waicnes Quality & Service Our Motto MAX HEILBRONER Diamond Specialist m i mmrnsmm mmimmmmmmmmimmm m m mm tumm mtmtMfwuum winw ur Good News For the Housewife! Astounding Values COFFEE Exceptional Quality at Low Cost. Per 122c OUR VICTORY BLEND In QUALITY FOODS Mark the Opening of the . THRIFT CASH & CARRY 201 Third Avenue, a few doors down from the Moose IlaJI Phone 179 THESE PRICES IN EFFECT TILL SATURDAY FLOUR 49-lb. cotton tacks RICE Choice Jap, 6 lbs KKAFT CHEESE I-lb. pkg SARDINES Canadian, tin SUNLIGHT SOAP per pkg JELLY POWDERS Malta's, per pkg 1.10 25c 31c 6c 17c 5c SUGAR Granulated, ft) jt& CRISCO l-lb. tins EXTRACTS All Flavors, 2-oz. bottle MILK Tall Tins .-..v.;,,, CATSUP Llbbys. bottle COCOA Per lb TOMATOES Qp Large Tins, each U PEAS- Qp Sieve 4, per tin CORN lip Crosby, No. 2's lv JAM 54c 25c 14c 11c 14c 15c Jack Dempsey thinks he'll rest si ting mi tiu.s l 200pound moose he shot in Wyoming NORTHERN B. C. NEWS ALICEARM The annual meeting of the La-lies' Aid of St Michael's Church as held here on Tuesday after-noon of this week. Principal business was elect ton of officers for the ensuing year. Dr. Joseph T. Mandy. resident nining engineer, Prince Rupert, pent a ' few ldays here the latter jart of last week. The Alice Arm Athletic Association held a successful and enjoy-ible card party in the club house ast Friday evening. No further advice has been revived locally regarding a resumption of work at the local relief camp,. Meantime, the men are being fed it the camp. The Pacific Salvage Co. of Prince-' rtupert Is now engaged in the con- i ract of moving all the logging ! equipment of the Abootsford Log- j ,lng Co. from here to Marpok. Some warn A this corona nv on- I ;rated here. Cold and frosty weather has pre vailed throughout the district recently. It was one of the longest ?old snaps that has been experienced so early In the season. STEWART Unemployment relief work Is still it a standstill in this district. One of the two camps has been closed and the men requiring shelter have been moved Into the other where they are being fed. Men having homes here have corae Into town and are receiving direct relief. Rev. Father E. M. Leray O. M. I. returned last week from a visit in Prince Rupert. A son was born in the Stewart Geperal Hospital last Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brooks. The Stewart Board of Trade held Its monthly dinner meeting on Tuesday evening of this week with President OfHme Hills In the chair. A business session followed the dinner. Word has been received here that Mike Curls, well known Georgia River prospector, has had both hands frown as a result of having had to stay out all night while goat "7AM-BUK u i port herbal ointment known t til over the World for IU wonderful ooltiinf and healing pmpertK. quickly Hop pain tod irritttion, klltyi infUmmitton tnd grows nrw neilthytkuv Zun-Buk u equally gooa lor eczema, ucert arm vuci aa i or uie oauy mi hapa uch ai burnt. acalda. cold taml jrttandpottpaid wui or itmon application to lam Bukto. hunting. He is being eared for by his partner. A new boat house has been built for the speedboat Miss Premier, fastest water craft In Portland Canal. j Arthur F. Shepherd, typewriter I expert from Victoria, has been t tnJinH ins a fotu Iqim In (Aitm ujmMuuia s avn tonw sit tjvvvas. With light snowfall and clear, cold weather, automobiles are still able to run through steadily to the Premier mine. Week-End Specials Malkln's Best Coffee per l-lb. tin Malkln's Best rea per l-io. pkg. Aylmer Catsup per bottle Rogers Syrup 5-lb. Un Quaker Quick Oats Pr pkg. Orchard City Tomatoes 2V's, per tin Royal cay Sweet Coral's, 3 tins Peas Standard quality stee 4. per tin Malkln's Best Strawberry 'Jam, 4-lb. Un B. & K. Pastry Flour 10-lb. sack Libbs Apricot 2 4fc's per Un Orchard City Peaches 2's 2 tins Nabob Plums 2's 2 tins Libby's Corn Beef 2 tins Fairy Toilet Soap 6 cakes Classic Cleanser 3 tins 40c 40c 15c 45c 25c 10c 25c 10c 60c 40c 25c 35c 25c 35c 25c 25c Alberta Market P. GAMULA. f'-oprfetor Fifth Street Phone 20 Mr. Tlmmii Ctrpentcf. 376 HiU Avc Verdun, It jMjfllr kavt been & tue of ZtnvBuk for mor uian thirty yean, dur It for nit Idtii'aM 111 ml aLin tmnkUi ka Dittitm, and it bu always given treat lAtiaartknn tn kalin anJ rrwtna sia Mu . ion II that It ta nnst tJ k L.I fXo n w Hit VUI VHW menti on tKc market pATARRH I of btad or throat 1 otually txntfitad by tb rapore of wicks VapoR us Otmr it MUlitm Jmt VJ ttmrif Drink More Milk For Fresh Local Milk Phone Red 608 DOMINION DAIRY Cut Down Prices on STOVE WOOD 12, 11 or 16-inch length DRY SPRUCE and CEDAR GREEN HEMLOCK, ALDER and JACKPINE Cedar mines and Radio Poles N. Carlson & J. Flostrand Telephone Green 556 Thursday December j. Two Shows - 7 and S , Feature Starts at 7 40 L i n ADMISSION - 20c T1IURS. MATINEE it Ij, Feature Starts 3:10 15C t w, Two Fascinating Favoritf, TALLULAII RANKIIEAD tll4 FREDERIC MAIICII In 'My Sin' Can her strange life m Justified? - A Parmoan ricture One that evtrr . man will want to tee Comedj "Lone Star IUnitr Musical "REACH NUTS FOX NEWS FRIDAY and SATl'RD.U "CITY LIGHTS OUR MOTTO 1 2 3 Economy Service Quality When buying from us. Free delivery on orders of $2.00 We stork i advem.spi Our prices are uniform, we sell for less and list a few of our manr low priced articles for your selection. Use our phones, wc hirt them for your convenience and are always pleated to quote prttn not adrrrtbed. Creamery Butter Good Qfijp 57 quality. 3 lbs. for Swift's Pure Lard A(n bulk, 3 lbs. for ENo.1 extras Slt00 Shredded Wheat Bis cults, per pkg. Kellogg's Corn FUkes Qp per pkg I,u Aylmer Catsup 2 bottles for Aylmer Plums 2's per Un Aylmer Strawberries Raspberries. 2's. tin Aylmer Saurkraut 24's. per tin Beektot Honey 5's per tin 10c 27c 10c 25c 15c 68c Beeklst Honey-2 Off, per tin . Malkln's Best Jelly Pfn Powders, per diz "" Malkln's Best Jams tip 4 s. per tin Economy Bulk Tea I " . Liquid Veneer Furni .: large bottles AXn 0X reguUr 60c for BrusseU Sprouts OCp 2 Ibc for , Bread naisin, Brow & "7p llf White, per loaf With each order oi $: c : we will sell 10 lbv Out of town customers can be auurrd of having their ordrr t lvra the best of care and attenlion. Mussallems Cash & Carry "WHERE DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS No, 1 Slore. 5th At. No, 2 Store. 319 3rd A v. No. 3 Store '7 Ar Phone 18-81 Phone 360 Phonn : i PRINCE RUPERT Likes the Best! Prince Kupcrt merchants say that their i m m like to buy goods of the best quality. Th-.v are a discriminating people. . , If there are any Prince Ruport people n f t.-iKinff the Daily News regularly we suggest that thr.v are making a mistake in not taking the best. Tli Prit-'e is now so low that it is a mistake to do viili'Ut tiie paper that circulates throughout the distrn r. Call up the Daily News business office and ask that the boy call and collect, 10c. Weekly Commence Getting the Paper Tomorrow