e Daily News. "Classified is the Poor Man's Advertising Column CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR RENT F'.'! kknt Furnished room fla. ii twth. Phone -547. tf ; WrtTABLE Room to rent, i . in Phone Red 218. and five-room apartment! , r..nt Mussallejn .Grocery. Uti FOR SALE 1ALE -. Cary Safe. Apply News. ... i Fi! sale aood used cars at r prices. Kaien Motors Ltd.tf ALE Pktyer piano In good i:. on, modern 88 note with - lis $100. Walker's Music 288 ALE elegant Chesterfield solid walnut, beautifully .1 lered In lustrous English . nr: antique .'rench cablnei. XIV period; Encyclopedia tunica, up-to-date: Chroni-: Canada mewi 32 volumes. : lovely Christmas presenta . Mrs. Hyde, Room 18, Fed-Block. 286 HOARD AND ROOM Room AND BOARD. Phone Red !?' TRANSFERS R. TRANSFER. Cartage am i inure Moving Phone 204. tf i'VMERON'S Transfer Phone 1W Ory Birch, Cedar and Jack SACVAGE TOWIN(T U it" on oi under the water we do It Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. F Equipped far Diving surt ucneral Salvage Work AKMits for EAST1I0PC ENGINES :ai and Scows of all descriptions tor Smarter r a Boats and Canoes for Hire iukuains in gas engines 'inherit B.C. Distributors Coolidfe Propellers t"i tnd Gravel tn any quantity vc red anywhere by water Phone Day or Nlsht Ml I'.U. Box 15GI MACKKJS'ZIK'S 1 1 RNITURE SPECIAL Walnut End Tables $2.50 tUlnut Coffee Tables ..m.2.r W'"inrday and Thursday Special U will hold them for you until Christmas M.i'kemie Furniture Company rlurU Ave. Phone :7 WOOD FOR SALE Any Length Apnh T. Glenn and It. Vleretk T. & It. TRANSFER ! Orcn 600 Reasonable prleet '"I'M-.-, Promptly Attended Fresh Fish Daily Aboard gasboat Dolphin 11 at fow llay floats, Number of varieties, Just out of water. writers for Ret ' ,S ""Ha, :m m. by day, week or month w Hose, Cowan & Latta Phone 114 Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall Three Year Oraduate Chiropractic Modern Kay Treatments (Jiven . rheme for Appointment Green 211 and 519 ' "v.aiJKC lilA.. CHIROPRACTIC liealth Service The PALMER METHOD Absolute! confined to the spna: column. T. tV. HOLLAND 16 Beoier Block Phone &7 SHOE REPAIRS MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Shoes jc-palred. Second Avenue West, tf SHOE REPAIRS Best materials-finest work prices reasonable. Sharman Co., opposite Post Office, tf AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPEPT AUCTION MART We buy. srU or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical instruments, ma rnlneiy. etc Oeneral repairs,! eratln? naekinr nrrl ihlnnlno I Workmanship guaranteed. Just Dhone Biacc 120 and we. will call. O. J. DAWES. Auctioneer. Federal Block. t I PALMISTRY ' 1 f MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Federal Block, ,Phone Green 7Q1 Mail Schedule CLOSES AT POST OFFICE: For the East-Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 2 pjR From the East Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday - "..10:40 an. For Vancouver Tuesday 120 noon Thursday . pm Friday J I am. December J - pj. Dec. 20 ...J pja. From Vancouver Suaday pm. Wednesday 10:30an. Friday pxn. Dec. 16 -' a. Dee. 80 , ajn. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday 8 pm. Wednesday pjn. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday U:30 ajn. Thursday ... , 8 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday & PJn- From Naas Hlver and Port Simpson Tuesday . For Queen Charlotte Uland Dec. 5 9 pjn. Dec. W 9 pjn. From Queen Charlotte Wands-Dec. 3 Dec. W 9 pjn. For AUtks Dec. 1 JH. Dec. 30 ajn. From Alaska Dectaiber 2 pjn. Dec. 20 pjn. LIMi NOTICK NOTICE U hereby given tiixt j, Geo. Baoon. oecupaWau nvtnr, ir-teoda to Apply to U oammiiner cf usd tsr pcaateatan to purfl&M tin-Wlowteg land Conujw-netnj at a post about 1 y, miles utSTlj from Tulwxtuah lot Off) tfcenoe 20 ehabia aouVbrlr, dtact 2d " . OEO .BACON Qotober 37. 1931. KC6M JJIMI tliXTICtUT 1!1 (MOT r (i;bk cutKUtTTC ilam TAKE NOTICr. that I. Robert It. Mount, oi Portland. OrMon. hit-end to W? if a lUxo&e lo.prvtptat tor cost w Proiun. om and UBdr tt IW-towuu aeecrlbrd land. OtHDe&elnz t part pJaiitrd at tnB NtrffcajT eorne-at Section 6. Tp 9: Uieoce sutb tn chain. t)Mwe West 80 chalniv theix North 80 emdoa. Uieoe 'HSt ebalr . u polm of ammeaoeaM&t and ewir lac 640 acraa more or leu. Located )7th Oct.. 1931. ROBERT M MQUtfl Skeena Land District District of Queen Charlotte Islands TAKE NOTICE that I. O. D. Emmojv Jjt frtlad, Orefon. Intend to apply lor a licnae to prowret for coal and pttroaeun. oer and under Mm ftHov lng daacrlbed land. Commencing at peat planted at the Nortfcwcat comer o fceetton 4. Tp ; ttxinoe South riulHa. tbeaee Eaat B0 etaataa. taenc North 80 chain, tbenev West 80 chair to point of wmamcfDMst and cor talnlng 840 aon move or leta. Located 17th Oct . L31 C. D. BWUONB SKEENA I..tI ItHTItinT III4TRIC1 OK WEEN rilAKLOTTK lSltMS TAKE NOTICE tfeat L C. D. Eauaan.. t ttettaM. Oreann. latrad to aaalu ,iet a Umm te pnonwt for eoal anJ petroleum, ever and under the Mlew-.Ing dcMUked land. Onmwaiutut at poat pUatrd at the Wmithafctt WW Of Seettaa S. To.. . x XmQi 80 eaaMa, teno wast m ntu. tbeevec South 80 efaalna. tbonoa Baat 89 etialw to point or eon lautlac 640 acrea note or lau Loeatwr nth Oct., 1911. a. - D. EMMONS SKEEVt LtXIl DltTHICT IIISTIMCT OF qitEX rillKEOTTE ISMM.H TAKE NOTICE that I. C D. ft Portland Orefon. Send to kit tor a Itcenw to pcoatMct for coal and petroleiun. over and under the follow-Mi dewrtbed Und Ownaenelag at poat planted at the Southwaat corner X Seetii 9. Tp. 9; thenee North SO Ofctltw. tbenoe Eact 80 ihcnec Couth SO chain, thenee Weat SO chataa to noint or caamoooaoMaU and eon tatDint 640 acras more or 1cm. mh oet . imi C. D EMMONS. Guide to Correspondents The Dally News welcomes correspondence on live topics of the day or any other subject of public interest, but letters must be brief and to the point. The long-winded correspondent has no place in modern Journalism. Every letter muss be signed by the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a matter of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to the waste paper basket. Letters of a caustic character must have the signature appended for publication? Letter should be written on one side of the paper only. Oerrespendente must avoid personalities and the language should be such as would be allowed In the ordinary rules of debate. I HE'S' 1VOU "'-TILLIE THE T01LER,, HffTi TONP, I ELtGvE VU BH, t'M A FltlOMD OP MAC'S HE TJ3UO ME To j.k- VOU IF THBfiS5 AMV THE BANKRUPTCY ACT In the Estate of VERNER F. SON and J. ARTHUR SMITH trading as RUPERT PHARMACY ".TPjince Rupert, B.C.. Authorized As signor. Notice is hereby given that VER NER F. ABLESON and J. ARTHUR SMITH, trading as RUPERT PHAR MACY. Province of British Coluro bia, did on the 21st day of Novem ber, im, make an authorized as- cjfnment of all their property for 4he benefit of their creditors, an hat H. F. McLeod, Official Recei- i,.. ... . i.. - dian of the estate of the debtor until the first meeting of creditors Notice is further given that the first meeting oi creditors in the above estate wHl be held at the Court House, Prince Rupert. BjC. -n Wednesdav. the 16th day of December. 193l, at 3:00 o'clock in "he afternoorr.-';-To. entitle you to vote thereat Kroof of your ifym must be lodged us beforpihe meeUns: is held Proxies to -bHsed at the meet- 'e must be lodged with us prio hereto. And further take notice that af -uch meeting the creditors will Meet the Wrmanent tnistee. And further take notice that If vou have any claim asainst the lebtors-for which you are entitled o rank, proof of such claim must filed with us. or with the trustee 'hen anpointed. otherwise the pro--ed. of the debtors' estate will b? -'trtbuted among the parties en-; 'led thereto without regard to our claim. Dated at Vancouver. B.C.. this "0th dy of November. AJJ., 1931. THE CANADIAN CREDIT MEN'S TRUST ASSOCIATON LIMITED, Custodian TO Pacific Bklg Vancouver. J3.C. Steamship Sailings for Vancouver Tuesday, a tala ..... 1:30 pjn Thursday-. Pr. Rupert 10 p.ir Friday m. Pr. Mary 10 p.m. ss. .Cardena,antdnight. Dec. 2 ss. Princess Norah pjn. Dec. 2068. Princess Norah pjn. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala p.or Wed as. Pr. Rupert . 10:30 a.m Friday as. Princess Mary 4 pjn. Friday- s. Cardena pjn. Dec. IS ss. Princess Norah ajn. Dec. 30 as. Princess Norah ajn. 'or Naas Hiver and Port Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala .9 p.n. From Naas River & Port Simpfon Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 oju "or Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Catala 9 pjn. Wednesday as. Pr. Rupert 4 p.m vrom Stewart and Anyox Tuesday as. Oatala .11:30 ajs Thurs. ss. Pr Rupert p,m om Ocean Falls Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert ....10:30 ajn. Friday Pr. Mary .. A p.ni Friday ss. Cardena p.m "or Ocean Foils Tuesday ss Catala 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Pr. Rupert 10 p.m. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 p.m. Fcr Queen Charlottes pec. 6 ss. Prince John 10 pjn. Dec. 1466 Prince John 10 pjn. From Queen Charlottes Dec. 2 at. Prince John ajn. Dec. 11 ss. Prince John ajn. For Alaska-Dec. 16 a.m. Dec. 30 as. Prineece Norah ajn. From Alaska Dec. 2 as. Princess Norah pjn. Dec. 20 ss. Princess Norah pjn. Ftom Skeena Itlver Friday as. Cardena p.ra What's in a Name, Anyhow? OKA,y - HE MENTiouEC) rTDMORIJDU Mlt iV t-VAlKVCH MIC3HT .- TO GO TO -THOOSHTPul. C Cheapest and Bes Christmas The Daily News is co-operating with those who wish to give ti Christmas present to a friend anywhere in British Columbia outside the city of Prince Rupert. All that is necessary is to cut out the appended coupon, fill it in, wrap a fifty cent piece in it antf w do the rest. We send the . i paper to 'any , 'person who is not aJrGa4y,a subscriber, Fill but the coupon at once and we Me that the paper Js sent to commence at Christmas. The value of a six months subscription to the paper is $1.50 ..which jve give forthis purpose for fifty cents. Thut is our co-operation to your Christmas present. Coupon To Circulation Manager, Daily News, v .Prince Rupcrt,B.C. ' ," i ' Please.senrt;theDanjr Ney.foivijirn,QnJth8 to Address and notify him thatllt 'Name Address Cut out this. coupon. Fill. In the blanks. Wrap it. around half, a dollar and mall. A GIFT THAT KEEPS COMING FOR SIX FULL MONTHS Keep your friend posted on Prince Rupert and its future activities. THE DAILY NEWS PHONE - 98 ASOiJT . v v Offered this Season 1 ot ou f I !. I UA&fOLHT I JK 1 I --TV1-.. - i i wnrrnss r - I Ik i.p"f;Zafc X Vb, I II llJO II al i iMKJVJM I I OTfltf A 1 l I 1 ' U W Present u... is a Christmas present from TRSps aj-u 1BUU ME IF 4 4 mlm By Westover. S'Xj. S"" ''''TLLrtfcA ILa n fed