I THREE A Bottle of Evening in Paris PERFUME FREE IWith Each Box of Face Powder Both For $1.00, Qrcnes ltd. TtfiQ Ptonccr Druggists Ulihnna Rl Ar R9 Tl,:,l A v. at THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS TRY A NIP TONIGHT" I BEST PROCURABLE -- 'V'. MOOUCl Of SCOTLAND a7jg.yr.rgryjJ5U3&ai Tb Original Label look for it at the Vr.ndor'i and imUt on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE" This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. FOR SALE $ KOOMED HOUSE Close in. 2 Bedrooms, Fireplace. Coal and Electric Range. Fully Modern, Hot Water Heating. QC CAA Sec us for terms T ?eJ,OUU 7 KOOSIEI) HOUF ModjLHot.Ar Fugjafie, AAA ' Fifth Avenue East. Very casyte?ms VtjUUU 9 KOOMED HOUSE Fully Mudern. Fine Harbor 7 CAA View Terms arranged ?ijOUU McOAFFERY, CIIJIJONS & COLLART, LTD. TIIIll!) AVENUE TELEPHONE 11 ILNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED SPECIAL WINTEK LXITKMON r.VltKS TUkrli on tale from Nor. IS, lW to lh. :s. 1931 (wllh final rHurn limit Munli II. 1911) WINCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER $10.00 KETUKN Mnuiirra Irate Miter Hupm I or Veneouter: T-S.S, I ATALA EVEKY Tl EMIAV, I JO P.M. Arriving Vancouver, vu Oinin fall. Thuradar Noon appro. i.j.n. iaiiiikna ew:ky IKIHAl MIII.MUIII Arriving Vancouver Sunday mldntfht appro. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson. Alice Arm. An to. Stewart and Naa River pulru Sunday. 8:00 p.m. f.' it lnfnrmntlrm rrifirrlmir nil wllllus and ticket at PIltME 1UPEKT AUENIY: ec "ltd Atenue. Phone 5H " mm .. mi B.r coast STEAMSHIPS U. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE , ' hAILlNGS 1 ROM PRINCE KUPKIIT To Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau, and Skagway. January 10th and 24th. To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle January 1st. 14th. and 28th. Prince Mary Ocean rails, cu Van-o uvr and yic-.-' torla. every Friday, 10 p.m. Agents For All Steamship Lines ' W c orchard. Pen. Agent. IrdAv.. Prince Rupert. Phone 81. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCK) 00000000000000000000000000000 Want Ads Let Them He Your Broker in Buying . and Selling Somebody is waiting to buy that house or bedroom set, or coat you ltaye U) sejl Somebody ,1s waiting to sell that car, or typewriter, or whatever, else it, Is you aro in the market for. Get the habit of shopping' through the Want Ads. You'll find undi earned of bar gains-undreamed of opportunities. Do your shopping through these columns and sec how profitable and pleasant It is. READ and USE PRINGrtUPiR! DAILY NEJfSjj CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 "If it's fully told It's quickly sold" aooooaoooartaoooooooooaooooooooooooooeKjooocrOoiHiooooo ft the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taking advantage of the help they uring you. Local Items Glasses fitted by registered ! optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Bush's iGrocejterlft..SpcclaI No. 1 Creamierj'! JButterrjaOo pound.' i h -i .r.'uvi 'I ' "' - Annual meetingiiRadioi Association Friday, City Hall at a o'clock. 8 Miss Jessie Watkinson sailed last night on the Prince George1 for a holiday trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the 6outh. ' Mr. and Mn 'tance Styles" anC family sailed last night on the ss Prince George to pay a. visit in Vancouver: W. II. Tobey, C-NJl. divisional superintendent, returned to th: city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the interior on of ficial bustnees. Tommy Byrne, after having spent the Christmas and New Year holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Byrne, sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver where he will resume his school studies. RATEPAYERS' GENERAL MEET ING, in City Hall. Friday evening January 0, at eight o'clock, to dis cuss Assessment of Improvements. Two -Year term for Mayor and Good and Welfare. AW ratepayers invited. George B. Casey, Secy. M. M. Stephens, Chairman. A fine example of W. W. Wrath aVl's artistic photography is to be seen in a large tinted picture of the steamer .Prince Rupert which Is at present on display in the windows of the Canadian National Railways city ticket office. It Is .a notab'e piece of work and is attracting much favorable comment Having six prisoners in his custody. Constable Malcolm Martin of the city detachment of the provincial police sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver. The prisoners were Henry Erten-shaw Jr., and Jack Osborne cf Massett, who will serve six months iemenceaTxo six-jewhos ior vng rancy: Matthias Mowalt and Leo Goldfish, of HateIton.reach sentenced to four month terms for cbstruetjrW a police officer and u'KJvJra, Indians with' liqaor respectively, and John Svorz:o of this city, who is to be' committed to Essondale mental hospital. Bush's Orooerteria. S Dedal No. II Creamery Butter 40c. pound. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel l'Mr.lt NEW MANAGEMENT tram lleatrd; Tritrllrr' Sample lEtxtmt; Hot and Told IValer tree Itu Meet All Trains and ' IWai s Kates $1.00 and Up KIT.rlM MONTHLY KATE C. I(. HIGGART & A. DONALD llnpilelun PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rnper.'s leading family hotel. Hot and oold water in all roonu A. J, PKUDHOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser tnd Fifth SU. Savoy C. E. Cadden. Hazelton; Mr-'. J. II. Comer. Stewart; E. O. Newn-ham. Klncollth. New Royal Hotel , , .1. Zarrlll, rop ' 'THE HOVEL UOIITH WHILE Hot ii -Cold Water; Steam Heat 75c rF.R DAY AND UP trlrphoite tXI Royal W. Gladstone, Henry Watt a.io Miss Com Watt. Kltkatla. - 'Till- MJw"i"fi" i" ii lu'iijy uuoiun uuii Phone 457 Prince Rupert large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private PartlM THE DAILY NEWS Friday, January 9, 1931. NEW KIND OF i SPECTACLES 5,000 Sample Pairs Offered Free, A new spectacle ihasi been pro duced which lsguaranteedi against breaking or tarnishing and . Is a great Improvement I over other makes. They enable almost anyone to read the very smallest print, thread the finest needle and see far or near. Hundreds of thousands have been ordered in the last few months. Orders are ; pouring" ' In from all over the world. The Uu-Way Optical Co., Suite T-12, 2u Mellnda St., Toronto; O'nt;, are offering 5.000 more sample pairs free Just write them for their free offer giving your name, age and address. They will also tell you how you can get their agency and without experience or money make from $250 to $500 a month. Adv. Oinnrrtvarr. i-lfma crockery, glassware. Heilbroner's Store. Billiards tonight Elks vs. Grotto. Bush's Grocerteria, Special No. 1 Creamery Butter . .4. Oft. BQund. James Ross sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. A few vacancies exist in Prince Rupert Badminton Club for half yearly members. Fee $5.00. 9 Joint installation of officers of Royal Purple and BP.O.Elks, Elks' Home, Friday, Jan. 9 at 8 p.m. All Elks please turn out. 8 Vinlands dance tomorrow night Metropole Ha'l. Premier orchestra. Everybody welcome. Admission. Men 50c. Xadles 25c . Thrift Specials FOR Eriday & Saturday Eggs Pullet Extras 3 doz. Eggs Fresh Firsts 3 doz $1.00 1.10 Eggs Fresh Extras. , Q4 Off 3 dc T...pl.D Ni v OraheauN5ti' at their best .TrrreIellJvklue, 3 dozen 46C 73C 51.00 Nabob Tea AQn per lb Nabob Coffee dQn per lb Red Pitted Cherries 9Qf 01 Aylmer Brand, per tin Apples Fancy Golden OS) Aft Bens, per box tJ.UU Cee Grade Mcintosh In CO "J C fine condition, per boxV--" Household Newtons QA 4P per box Q&LD Quaker Rolled Oats China- 99s OAS ware in-each pkg Red Arrow Sodas Ifip per pkg :..-1-0' Salt 7-lb. sacks 18p per sack 3helled Walnuts Fresh Q7p light halves, per lb. ...A Crteco 3-lb. tins 7Qf each 9' Quaker Corn Q , 3 tins Royal City Tomatoes Q7p No. 2 tins, 3 tins Ot, Pineapple No .2 tins Q1 OA1' 3 tins Fine Upriver Turnips QCn 10 lbs ", Watts Grocery Quality Right Prices Right IMIONE 55 PHONE 56 I J si JE E lj YJT1I IS A FJT Y ! Is what you;wmHlo7lH'a?mfort- able roomy car, by calling TAXI 25 Promptness, reliability and courtesy Is our motto. A trial will be appreciated. Phone 25. Matt Videck Ambulance and Taxi Service Arthur Nlckerson sailed last night on the Prince George for p. trip to Vancouver. Game Warden Ed. Martin re turned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train' from a brief trip to the, Terrace., district on official duties. lie was away for four days. A, typographic erirpr in. , line advertisement of,, Bush's Grocer-teria yesterday made' one item read, Oranges at 35c. a doz. oi-three doz. for 75c, The correct price was 20c. per doz.. or 4 doz, for 75c. C.P.R. steamer', princess. Alice, Capt Albert ,Rlppontf arrived in port at 2.30. .this afternopn from Vancouver and waypolnts and will sail at 10 o'clock tonight on her return south. J. S. Gray, well known Smith ers Jeweler, is paying a brief visit to the' city. He arrived in the city from the interior on yesterday af ternoon's train and will return tomorrow morning to Sraithers. Charles II. Sawle, publisher ol the Omineca Herald, arrived in th; city on yesterday afternoon's tralrt from, the interior for a brief bust ness visit in town. He will return to New Hazelton tomorrow C. E. Caddcn. who has been sta tioned at Second Cabin on the Yukon Telegraph line, arrived In the- city on yesterday afternoon's train from Hazelton. He succeeds Mi Irene Bourassa as book-keeper In the local telegraph offic. Rev. P. E. Fosse of Belllngham will arrive in the city on the Car- dena this evening to conduct a week's mission In connection wit St. Paul's Lutheran Church and rJso to look into possibilities o' work for a mission boat ths church is building for service on this part of the coast. Mr. Fosso has spent the past week at Belh Coola. Russell M. Smith, local agent of the Union Steamship Co. and Canadian Express Co.. who has been spending a three weeks' vacation in Vancouver, wiU return to ttw city on the Catala Sunday after noon. Jack Buckerldge. who has been in charge of the' Ideal office during Mr Smith's absence, wilt return to Vancouver In the Catali next Tuesday afternoon. ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Whist Drive and Danee January 16. Presbyterian Burns' Banquet on January 23. Moose Legion Novelty Dance January 30. Sons of Norway FlshermenV Farewell Dance February 6, Moose Hall. District News NEW HAZELTON The Kisplox Indians on Monday night opened a fine new hall which cost them $9000 to build. Capt. Mortimer, Indian Agent, was in charge of the proceedings and Rev. T. II. Wright cut the silk streamer which marked the formal opening. There was a large dinner and dance. The Women's Auxiliary to the Hazelton Hospital has re-elected its officers of last year: president, Mrs. Robert Tomllnson; vice-president, Mrs. Walton Sharpe, and secretary, Mrs. T. II. Wright. During 1930 the auxiliary raised a total of $720. The new Jail and police officer's residence in Hazelton has been completed by the contractors, Hann, Mutch It Cook of Smlthers. SMITHERS The Evelyn Farmers' Institute has elected oflcers for 1931 as follows: president, A. McMillan; vice-president, F. Roseberg; secretary treasurer, W. Owens; executive, Ed. Johnson and C. Fagerlld; auditors, George Storey and Charles McGulre. The Smlthers Band had a very successful year In 1930. paying for all Its Instruments and still having a credit balance on hand. Officers for 1931 have been elected as fol COMPARE THESE PRICES! With Other So Called Specials Then. Laugh at the Rain and Phone Your OrthtftUs We Deliver Phones 211 and 212 Eggs, Fresh Pullet Extras OCp nor- rW 0t3 3 doz. . . , Oranges, Juicy Navel, doz. . . 4 doz. for Apples, Fancy Wrapped, 3 lb. $1.00 20c 75c IZ 1.95 Whole Wheat Fig Bar Biscuits Mixed Sandwich Biscuits, lb. Raisins, Seedless 4-lb. pkt Quaker or Purity Rolled Oats 2?P per packet lows: president, II. G. Olsen; vice-president, J. M. Collison; secretary, A. C. Fowler; drum major, William Orant ; librarian. A. O. Bowie; executive, J. S. Gray, F. Cook, W. H. Doodson, E. Woodward, W. V. Tomllnson and Ernest Hann. The Smlthers Chamber of Commerce is in communication with a Calgary, man who it desirous of establishing a plant for the manufacture of butter and cheese. L. S. McGUL local barrister, will leave next month to give a series of lectures in Eastern Canada and the prairies on the resources of this district and province. The tour will be under the auspices of the Chara cter of Mines and C.N.R. PRINCE GEORGE Sheriff E. S. Peters came Into town this week from Fort Fraser to cast his vote in the provincial by-election. ' It was the first ballot the sheriff had oast in 22 years in a provincial election as he had been, returning officer at all elections! during that time. Sliced Pineapple- 9 ELt 2's,2for -atf '..$1.00' Nabob Marmalade, Extra Special an 40-oz. jar Post Toasties 3pkts. for .... Libby's Prunes tyFlj 2-lb. pkt Attl, Nabob Coffee gQg sK.'for.....6c Brooms, 5 string S.Qg No. 1 Creamery Butter Woodland's per lb tc It Will Pay Thrifty Housewives to Give Us a Trial Order BUSH'S GROCERTERIA WE DELIVER rilONES 211 & 21S i n Hi, ii i rmrr im AR EASY WAY To Own the Very Latest Victor Rad With ELECTROLA This Victor Mlrco-Synchron-Radlo with Electrola & Home Record $197.50 Other Models $185.00 $317.50 $285.00 The greatest musical instrument the world has ever ; known. Wc Arc Making An Extra Generous Trade-in Allowance for your old phonograph, radio or piano-Balance arranged on easy monthly payments to suit your income. There is no longer any reason why you should be without this supreme entertainment in your home. The Victor Combination Radio with Electrola is unequalled in tone selectivity and distance performance. It carries with it the unqualified guarantee of the makers. With it you can pick your favorite radio station Select your programmes from far to near with complete assurance of absolute satisfaction. With the self-contained Electrola you can reproduce the recorded music of the world's most famous artists. Take advantage of our extra generous trade-in allowance now and pay the balance conveniently as you enjoy the pleasure of Victor Radio-Electrola ownership. MmMms.M SOMETHING NEW FOIt LADIES AND GENTS Large assortment new clothes for autumn and winter lust to hand. All finest quality and latest patterns. Come in and soe us today. Suit or overcoat compi, :- and finished in three days. Ian (he Cutter Steam cleaning, presoin ; and altering. We deliver any pai i of the city. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. t'houe CO S. E. Parker Ltd. Cars Trucks Tractors t Tires Accessories Gas It Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Ave. East Phone 81 A DMly News vant-.u will bring results.