PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS LAGER CASCADE PALE "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. 1 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK EnglneerR, Machinists, Iloilermakers, Jllacksmiths, Pattern , Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant h Equipped to Handle All Kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK TIIONES 43 AND 385 OUR fin wit ixuaw COAL Buy the, real Coal our famous ?Etison and Cassidy-Welllntton in any quantities. Also Rulklry Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 COAL IS IN A DRY SHED When you are buying coal look on tlic economical side of life. If you buy wet coal, you are losing 10. So start today and burn dry coal and see what 10 means to you. PEMBINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton $12.50 M1NEHEAI) EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 MINEIIEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton . ... 13.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 575 B ESN EH BLOCK DENTIST If you want anything, try a classified ad. -z scieniificalbj made The modern methods tmploja-il in brewing the hcrr listed dciow include Mien sale-guards to the urinkln? public as the sterilization of the air before it conies in contact with the brew . . . the purification of all water used... also a scries of analytical tests taken at frequent intervals during the brewing process to make certain the finished product will pass every tejt for purity and required food values. ' f? fiF& BLUE RIBBON LAGER This iuivui tlsiiincnt ii. not published or displayed by tiie Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous MEETING OF LADIES'AID Lutheran Women Elected Officers I Last Evening The West End Lutheran Ladies' Aid held a very successful meeting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. H. ! Hanson, 216 Sixth Avenue West. The meeting opened with singing, "My Faith Looks Up to Thee," by the audience. The pastor then read the First Psalm with a short discourse and then "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," was sung by the audience. A short business session followed. The following officers were elected for the year: President, Mrs. Tom Dybhavn. Secretary, Mrs. Hans Underdahl. Treasurer, Mrs. M. Raiding. The retiring president, Mrs. Hanson, thanked the ladies for .the cooperation received in the last year and wished them a successful year. A short program followed. The, program Included the sing- tag of "One Day When Heaven Was pr box - -m. Ayimer Royal Anne Cherries qQn 5. nr tin as . l! AtV Gem Lye per tin lie The Economy Cash & Carry 'Where Dollars Have More Cents" HUNT IS DELAYED Trouble With Exhaust Pipe Preven ted Pilot Eckmann .Fromj Going As Pilot Anscel Eckmarin was ! taking off yesterday afternoon for Annette Island to continue the 1 search there for further wrpekage ifrom Pilot Robin Renahan's plane, : which is believed to have gone to : the bottom thereabouts on the evening of October 28, an exhaust pipe, passing through the cabin ,of his I (Eckmann's) plane for heating purposes, sprang a leak and started ,to fill the cabin with fumes. Eck-mann came Immediately back to his mooring at the floats of the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club to have repairs made before proceeding. Air Engineer Frank Wadman hoped to have the engine ready for today when, if weather ! permits, another start north will be 1 made. It Renahan. as now seems almost certain, really did plunge Into the water and go down with his plane and two companions, Eckmann is anxious to find more wreckage to definitely establish the tragedy and, If possible, to recover the bodies or some of them. I It Is presumed that, as arranged for, the United States coastguard j cutter Cygan started her search of the beaches of Annette Island yesterday. The provincial police cruiser P. M. L. 8 went north today with the first load of gas she is to take to Annette Island for use of Eckmann when he makes 'his plane base there. Eckmann, chief pilot for the Al- aska-Washingtyon Airways, repairs having been made to the monoplane Wrangell following the slight defection yesterday, hopped off at noon today for Annette Island to continue luVseircfij i . I . i One of the tires from Renahan's plafcJfwhfcliweYe. found on the beach' will e(tkjt) Jip about 500 feet by Eckmann and dropped to ascertain what the effect of the fall would be upon them. The tires, so far, are still inflated and little if any damaged. Eckmann salt on leaving here today that he woujd establish a base on Anne'te Islarid and probably would not return here for a' few days. The P. M. L. 8 left at 6 o'clock Filled With Thy Praise." by the aud- I tnl morning for Annette Island ienee. the reading of an impressive ! with a full load of gas. poem by Mrs. Mastln, "The Principle of the Sheep and the Lamb," a duet by Mrs. Murvold and Mrs. Anton Dybhavn, and a piano solo "Ase's Death" by Mrs. J. H. Hanson. After the meeting adjourned, refreshments were served by the hostess who was assisted by Mrs. Dybhavn ahd Mrs. Hveding. An unusually large crowd was present. James L. Lee, manager of the Atlln Fisheries, sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. PRICES THAT COUNT! QUALITY THE BEST Malkln's Deal Plum Jam 4's, par Un Malkln's Best Spices 3 tins ........... 4 Malkln's Bast Jelly Powders 4 pkta. Evaporated Appl 2 Vlb. pkga Del Mont Fruit Salad per tin Banquet Sardines 4 .Hut Nabob Caffee pef lb C. it B. Chow Chow per Jar Clark's Ketchup per bottle Clark's Pork & Beans med. 6 tin 48c 25c 23c 54c 40c 23c 49c 49c t9c 63c Colman's Prepared Mustard ICip MEASURES APPROVED Interesting Recommendations to Be Made at Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner The legislative committee of 'he Prince Rupert Chamber of Com merce tonight will recommend at the annual dinner meeting of the board the adoption of the following recommendations : To request the government to re move piscnmlnauon against customers of privately owned public utilities. Improvement of the fishermen's floats at Prince Rupert. Making it illegal to buy, sell or import spring salmon weighing leas than six pounds and that all other varieties of immature salmon be also protected. Extermination of hair seals. The port committee will recom mend the approval of Improve ments installed and suggested by the Department of Marine for He cate Strait lighting with the ex ceptlon that an unwatched light be placed at Gull Rock instead of Et trick Rock arid also that a power ful watched light with foghorn be installed on Bonilla Island and an unwatched light on Hankin Rock. TWO LAYER DEVIL'S FOOD AND LEMON CAKES 30c Each The Electric Bakery We Deliver Phone 667 RETURNING FROM HUNTING TRIP IN AFRICA Marshall Fie'd. 3rd. Chicago, and hia bride, formerly Mrs. Dudley Coats of London, married ii. Loudon recently, as they returned the other day to New York on the liner Bremen from a hunting trip In Africa Lief Erikson Ladies' Meeting The annuac meeting of the Lie! Erikson Ladies' Aid took place last night at the home of Mrs. A. An derson, Hays Cove Avenue, where there" was a "good attendance ol members. Mrs. Jorpenson, the secretary-treasurer, read a report foi 1930 which proved most satisfactory to all. Mrs. J. Moen. the retiring pre sklent, thanked the ladles for ttu good work they had done and er. pressed her appreciation for interest and good w'Jll which bar been exhibited': The election of of fleers for 19Ji resulted a follows: President, Mrs. J. Johnson. Vice-President. Mrs. P. Wikdal Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Ne' Luth. Assistant Secretary - Treasurer Mrs. II. Erikson. The meeting concluded with i social hour during which musi and refreshments were rn joyed b all. Week-End Specials Swift's Picnic Ham hi per lb Malkln's Best Teal-lb. pkg 25c 50c Malkln's Best Sliced Peaches OFZt, 2H's, 3 tins OUj Rose-Dale Bartlett's Pears QCp fin. OOl Nabob AprteoU 2 s 3 tins : "... Quaker Sweet Corn Ts per Un Comet Peas Sum 4 per tin Ayimer Choice Tomatoes 2's. 2 tins Malkln's Best Splnach-SVs's 2QC Libby's Dry Prunes 2-lb pkg Cream 'of Wheat per pkg : Creamettes Quick Cooking Macaroni, p pkg Cowan's Perfection Cocoa QQC King Oscar Kipper Snacks ff?n Mr. &0j Eggs Fresh JExtras 2 dot 70c 15c 10c 25c 25 c 25c 10c 95c New Zealand Creantftb Q4 4t Butter,!. , t?JLJ.t) Sunklst Oranges 5 doz. 95c Alberta Market P. GAMULA. toprfetor Fifth Street rhnne 20H Friday, January 9 153) AFRICA SPEAKS Th Strangest Romance EvW filmed Mld 'Tribes and Wiliirr . mats pi central Africa .-Ta, liirun nui : turtle Y0a Royal Hunter Slain By M:!a. Eating Lion Comedy. "LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR Cartoon "IRISH STEW FOX NEWS TIIURS, FRI. and SAT! R ' Two Shows - 7 & lp , D.nssio.N r Feature Starts at Ma ,, THUKS. & SAT. M (Visit 2:30 lie t. Feature StarK at ' Monday & Tuesday 'MONTE CARLO" If, COLO S0R& HAPPED-W KUOI-DIIL,: CHILBLAINSJ if wi fVCRACKLD LI mJSL 7AM BUK TP For chapped handi, cold sores, chil-Mjni, froit bit and all tha akin trouhltt dua to cold vrtathtr, ZAm-Buk will b found' particularlf arlectiva. Mr. F. W. Aahton, 1318 Lantdowna Arc . Toronto, aayii "I willlnglr teatify to tha tplandkl Kalin( qualitiaa of Zam-Butc I troublad with Natal Catarrh during tha winter and thia was (paated by froit blta which fare much pain and inflammation, but Zam-Buk worked wonders and ended tha trouble. Zam-Buk works wonders also for Colds in the I lead if heated a nd inhaled up tha nostrils. pf F TM and Mil paiW M apfcatiM (a Xam.Saa C, ill Dupt St 7rA. Rupert Fish & Chip Shop Announces the installation of a new range that gives snupp three-minute service Come everyone and enjoy a real treat of Fish and Chips, Piping Hot Lodges, Etc. catered to. Coffee, tea. bread, etc, served with f 1 and chips, only 36c. Open 4 pjn. week days until midnight. Satin days 12 noon until midnight. R. R. STRACHAN, PROP. Ml Third Avenue West Phone Black 93i Madge: We'll probably have to wait age for that husband of yours. And I'mjdying of starvation. Kelly: Wrong! I cured him of lateneaa long agu. (Save liim'a Grucn for his birthday. John Bulger Ltd. Frlnce Rupert, B.C. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAI it V FOR SKEENA IUIAM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throufhoat the City ie odd Rupert Motors Garage and ServIc4tatlon DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND BODY WORK A SPECIALTY