Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides mmln Thursday, April 23, 1931 Prince Rupert t south High 3.50 am. 10.7 ft. . . i wind; barom' . o 4 icin- 17.19 pjn. 15.9 h prraturc, 54; sea sn Low 11.04 a.m. 5.0 It , 22.50 pjn. 10.00 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUM BIA'S NEWSPAPER V j XXII.. NO. 04. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1031 , PRICE FIVE CENT8 mPECTS FOR CANADA BRIGHTER GOVERNMENT WINS SESSION'S FIRST DIVISION AT House of Commons Gives Majority of 24 To Throne Speech Liberal Amendment Was Defeated By Mariniof 43 While United Farmers Sub-Amendment Went Down With 31 OTTAWA, April 22: The p to the Speech from the Throne was passed in' the House ot i ommons nisi nigm on siraigm pany lines, i ne gov-i rnnu-nt had a majority of 34 vote!s on a division of 113 for and 77 against. Previous to the main motion for adoption of the Throne Speech, a Liberal amendment was defeated by 43 while the sub-amend - itnent of the United Farmers of Al- I V I H I X berta group, calling for an lnvesU- lUlJUJLi 1U gation into the present depression T.-tnm t I VI Kl Ik I A IM I Nevada Senator Declares Democrats Cannot Ignore Prohibition IIINGTON. DC, April 22: party convention may ibic toaeen.thAQuioBjBtack would hMtMwwmtA fcy.. hyi1H had n i Pitman' of 'Nevada s8Ucd.the sergeant-at-arnw, they were mnal, PP. th pmhp leraay tnai pronioiuon such an important teuejporartly upon reprenUtteu to 32 presidential election that ; be neglected In Uie party j I n: i :. Furd, famous automobile, i .turer. declared yesterday. i turn of legalized sale of 11- Uie United States was In-,iblo. One of Its first effects i tr a general reduction In GALE IN SEATTLE riftv Mie wind Swept Over I'uget Sound Yesterday ' - ' : ATTLE, April 22: A flfty-mlJe wrpt over Seattle yesterday " 1 iiiscd numerous fires as well ' uding light craft on Puget s : ! lulter-skelter Into shelter. lac department responded to j ; ' - than 36 calls to extinguish1 1 'V and roof fires. No serious: l: "u.iw was done. LEADER SOUGHT Murder Charge to Be Uld In Connection With American Deaths In Nicaragua V'AKHINOTON. April 22. A force "' 1 00 native guardsihas been as-1 'J to bring the leader of the re-1 i!i nury movement of the past w d iys in Nicaragua to trial on ;i ' uurge of wilfully murdering A ini u in citizens. It was announced .V' terday by President Hoover. Secures Delay In Robbery Charge V- C Julian, Oil Promoter, (liven Continuation Until June , . , ,-ir, innADO, April 22:-C. C. Julian. 110 oil promoter, was successful ' storday in obtaining a contlnu- "': until June 1 of the case In h':h he U charged with kldnap-P'nii and robbery. governmental motion in re a new to remedying It. was defeated by a margin of 31 During the vote on live Liberal amendment which was moved by IU. Hon. W. L. Mackentie King, the Olnger Group members, including Mlas Agnes MacPhatl. refused to vote one way or the other. After tense excitement when foe a while It looked as though Speaker Oeorge I ,permiwea w iwni tnemseives vcm- this effect by both Premier Bennett and Mr. King. BIG BANK j IS CLOSED State Savings Bank of New South Wales Said, However, to Be Solvent SYDNEY. Aust, April 82: The State Savings Bank of New South Wales with deposhs of $115,000,-000 will not open its doors tomorrow but official assurances state that the bank is solvent and that it was considered best to close down pending the outcome of negotiations to merge with the Commonwealth Ban', oi Australia. LAST OF MOHICANS Only One Member of Once Great, Tribe Can Now Talk Native I Language Freely j NOnWICH, Conn.. April 2J:-Of; Uie once powerful Mohican Indian tribe, there Is today only one who can still converse freely In the ab-1 original language. He Is believed to be William Dick, who claims to be a descendant of the old chlels. There are today only 70 members of the Mohican tribe living on the tribal reservation near this city. KING ALFONSO IS NOW IN LONDON LONDON. April 2: -King Alfonso XIH. oxlled monarch of Spain, was comfortably ensconced in a London hotel last night, having crossed from Paris during the day. The Queen and the Royal Family also to England, it is T will Will UIOTJ WIIIV come w oxpccted. Soon after arrival In London. Former King Manuel 0( Portugal greeted him. There was no official welcome. , KCPUBLIC NOW BEING PLANNED FOIt ICELAND REJKAVIK, Iceland, April 22: The- establishment of a republic In this ancient depen- dency of Norway js being con- templated following a political Impasse caused by a vote oL non-confidence in the present government. LOADING . STARTED Pontine ot Grain Into Steamer I Welsh City Started at Elevator This Morning I PrelimlUnarles having been carried out following her arrival from Shanghai yesterday afternoon, pouring of grain Into the steamer Webm City at the Alberta Wheat Pool's local elevator started this morning. The vessel Is to load a full cargo for the .United King dom or Continent and is expected to the fnd Qf tnc wtek n' - 0ir(m ma,r f ,ha f shiinjlhal Prin(, Ru. on,y unfavorable weathe WM a llt0c whUe nearlnK the Queen Charlotte Islands when there was, some fog. The Welsh City left; Shanghai on April 1. The vessel went to Shanghai with a cargo of cotton and phosphates. She left England on Christmas Eve and had not been home since. NOTHING TO SAY j George Nickerson lias No Comment to Make in Connection With Halibut Marketing "The plan is still continuing. I Apart from this I have nothing to! sty today. Maybe there will be some thing tomorrow." So said Oeorge W. Nickerson this i afternoon following his return from a trip to SeatUe when he was asked if there was anything to report In connecUon with the present cooperative halibut marketing scheme here. It was principally In connecUon with the affairs of the United Pacific Fisheries that Mr. Nickerson went south. TUG BOATS TYING UP Seventy-Five Vessels In Vancouver Well as Several on Island Affected VANCOUVER. April 22 Approximately 75 tugboats are tied up today In Vancouver as a result of the strike of masters, and mates. A number of vessels on Vancouver Island are also affected. LECTURE IS , CANCELLED Dr. Thompson, due to Illness of his daughter In the east, will not lie able to lecture In Prince , KETCHIKAN GETS FISH Landings Being Diverted From Prince Rupert to Alaska Portjj It Seems As mielit hare been expected by the System under .which the United Pacific Fisheries is operating in making the same advance in Ketchikan as .in Prince Ilupcrt for American halibut, landing of practically all the American fish now seems to have been diverted from Prince Rupert to Ketchikan. No less than 230,000 pounds of halibut, being .the landings of the Seatile fleet after their first trips of the season to the grounds, were landed at. Ketchikan yesterday, according to word received here. Those interested in the fish-erics will watch with keen interest the result of the attempt being made by the United Pacific Fisheries to pack' fresh "halibut at Ketchikan and trans-ship it here for rail shipment to the eastern market. This system has been in the past considered inefficient owing to the' extra time and handling involved. Of course, it is highly unpopular in Prince Rupert. r,m H , SALE HERE City Comes Third in Province For Aggregate Volume of Trade A publication Just to hand gives the total liquor sales in Prince Rupert since the opening of the vendor's store at $3,540,807.25. Total sales for the last fiscal year amounted to $451,296.70. In the former classification. Prince Rupert comes third In the province and for the year the city comes fourth. New Westminster having nosed this city out of third place. GIRL TO TRY HOP Atlantic Flight to Be Essayed Soon by Kuth Nicholls NEW YORK, April 22: Ruth Nicholls, noted woman flyer, wilhln two months, will essay a folo flight across the Atlantic Ocean in her Lockheed -ga monoplane, It was stated yesterday by Clarence Chamberlain, former Atlantic flyer 'and her technical advisor. Miss Nicholls will hop off from St. John's, Nfld.. probably in June. Plane Wreckage Found But is Not That ofRenahans SEATTLE, April 21; Airplane 'wreckage found In Cook InleW Alaska, cannot be from Robin Rena- nan's plane, which was lost near Prince Ruperts October 28 last, according to officials of Alaska-Wash ington Airways Company. Rena-han's plane was blue and yellow In color, and was covered with fabric-coated plywood. The wreckage found was a section of on aileron, silver in color. : woVd;eerpeg PRICE OF WHEAT ASSERTS BENNETT ! OTTAWA, April 22:- No gov- ernment of which he Is head i will ever peg the price of wheat, i- Premier R. B. Bennett declared j lit ilUW U WV4UU4 jm ' terday when the wheat situa- (. tion was under discussion. j .l Admiral Byrd Is Grief-Strjcken AtDeatJiofDog NEW YORK, April 22: Rear Ad- imlral Richard E. Byrd, noted' Ant arctic explorer, was so grief-stric-! ken yesterday at the death of a pet terrier dog that he cancelled tern-j porarlly a lecture tour on which he its engaged. The dog accompanied ihlm on the Antarctic expedition two years ago. ITRIAL FOR I ALFONSO Certain Republican Elements Would Charge Former Monarch With Political Offences MADRID. April 22 Certain factions of the republican party are demanding that King Alfonso XIII be brought back to Spain from his exile to stand trial on political and other charges. Ramon Franco, aviator firebrand leads the critics of the government for allowing Alfonso to leave. SHOWDOWN EXPECTED j Something Must Be Done Today In Case of Adolph Linden In Seattle SEATTLK, April 22: A show down was expected today In the! orosecuUon of Adolph Linden, for mer president of the Puget Sound Savings it Loan Co. on emberale- ment charges. While the prosecution Is endeavoring to have Linden indicted today at the latest, the defence Is seeking his dismissal on the ground that more than the statutory time for indictment has passed since he was arrested 06 days ago In New York. RUSSIA IS DICKERING , Soviet Ararnglng Extensive Credits With Its Neighbors ; MOSCOW, April 22 While countries further afield are rejecting her a proffers of trade, Soviet Russia is 1 building up extensive credits with countries Immediately neighboring. Credits aggregating $12,000,000 have Just been .established with Germany. Three Halibut Hoats Hriiiff Catches Today Three halibut boats were here with catches totalling 24,000 pounds ' this morning. All o!d to the United Pacific Fisheries on the usual terms, ::More Hopeful Aspect is Seen in Business of Canada; Rail Chief Optimistic For Future WINNIPEG, April 22: R. , . . am. charge ottramc, L-anauan national Kanways, wfto ar- irived in Winnipeg last jiight declared that the general business situation wears a somewhat more hopeful aspect Vitin if Viae in cntno t!mo nnrl tViat nrttr5fv in fnirnir inrlnn- TbilUU lb I1UO 111 OUilll. bliilV Ul'VI tries, notably the textile, has Commenting on passenger traffic, Mr. Burnap said that this Is the west's year for conventions and that there are more and larger conventions to be held In this part of Can- j Ida, particularly on the Pacific ' Joast during the summer. The ad- j ance bookings for these gatherings indicate, at the present time, that, Condition of 0rifnU1 Monarch Ke. this class of traffic wi 1 be In excess M to Be Much , wd Df 1930. Passinger traffic, In gener-! al, is somewhat more promising, he . ALBANY, April 22:-The King of Xi?td'. . , ... . w traffic . , Stam. on his way to New York for The feature of the freight an operatlon on hii eye who had luring the past five months, ac-,boen u, for a few wUn bron. rdlng to Mr. Burnap. was the chltls reported yesterday. as ;raln movement. Since August 1. his traln gped acrMa e continent, 930, more than 150.000,000 bushels to be much better i Brain nmve oen marKBica aiUlB ;anadlan National lines, which la an increase of almost 50.000.000 bu- ihels over the same period last year. Jne of the most noticeable Increases has been to shipments to Varicou - : ver. where morf than 17wo have been unloaded during the 1930- Jl crop season, approximately i doubling the figures for the pre- j vious crop year. "Shipments of grain from theiXoU( Australian Aviator Going to prairies started In earnest last Wed-1 Timor For ' Mail nesday with the opeilng of, navtga-' Lion on the QiAt "Lakes." Mr.iBur- nap declared. 'M6re: than a million 'commander Charles Klngsford-bushels of grain are being shipped Smlth tn notfd Au.traiten fiver. from the lakehead each day. The export movement from Vancouver continues and shipments from Prince Rupert will start before the fnd of the week." In addition to the grain move- j ment, Mr. Burnap referred to the opening of new Industries in the west and particularly Northern , 'Manitoba. In this connecUon. he mentioned the Hudson Bay Mining Si SmelUng Co. at Klln-Flon. who, have shipped over 300 cars of ore; out of the provlrtc,s!nce the smelter was placed In operation late in No- j vember. ! 'Farming Has' Wide Rage An interesting fact revealed by Mr. Burnapits that shipments of packing hodtsj ahd dairy products have shown ah 'increase over pre- M'ri under these headings being butter. eggs and various kinds of meats Continued on page five) CANADIAN LOST LIFE Henry P. Jordan Dies in San Diego After Being Burned Aboard Small Boat SAN DIEGO, AprU : Henry P. Jordan, aged 28. of New Westmtn- ster, B.C., was brought to San Diego by the coastguard cutter Tahoe after he had been severely burned In gasoline explosion aboard the 85- foot oil screw vessel Ruth B.. 200 miles south ot here, died in hospital " yesterday. 4 .. ' , The nuth B. wint bound Trom Vancouver for- is4rmtia. Ltw1w' California. Jordan was radio operator and second engineer. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, April 22: Wheat; was quoted on the local exchange ( today at 01c. i OTTAWA L. Bui-nap, vice-president in it . , , - . VUUb UbtlMbJ 111 bHlll IliUUd- increased. SIAM KING IS BETTER x.iMtv i, ,n ,.n ftff 9t fcr. borough where he and the Queen wiU be gue$la of Mr8 whltclaw Rel(j . lKnnnrcfnrH.rnif h "5 wmm Planning Flight was prepartng yesterday for a flight to Timor to pick up mall from a plane which crashed there while bound for Australia. Klngsford-Smith is to use his plane Southern Cross Jr. REVOLT IN HONDURAS Rebels sAffrr Defeat at Hands of Federal Troops and Arc Reorganizing TEGUCIGALPA, AprU 22 After suffering five successive defeats at tVt A Vii rrtsf of 9 aAmw I rvin 1tn is', coast had retired yesterday to reorganize then; forces. There is reported to be, a. force of only 200 rebels while 3.000 federal troops have been assigned to repel them Martial law has been declared In all cities of the republic. ANTHURIUM IS WINNER The Pen Second and Cabalerro Third In City and Suburban Handicap EPSOM DOWNS. April 22: An-thurlum won Uie City and Suburban Handicap Handicap tpdar UDdajr. Th The Pen was sec- iHUan(fiHlijlior'tJ nil had &mlffOf t&Ifd,' Seventeen horses An. The Weather Triple Island Clear, fresh north !werS!. Langara Clear. light easterly ' wind, smooth sea. Dead Tree Point Clear, calm, barometer. 30.34; temperature, 50; sea smooth.