PAUlS 1 WO THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue . H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor . City delivery, by Jnalh For leaver perfod p By mail to all parts of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup XJXJfS SUBSCKIPJIOX.KAXES cS rhemyqan' period? i UdvaiKie.ipet nonth i paid in advance Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period the Vancouver. The. i . ..... 'as low as tne ra about twice the rate about 30 of this was commercial , Rupert to Vancouver timber. Brttlsi Columbia was part : Exports Keep Up 5.00 3.00 f By mail to all othfr parte at BriUsn Columbia, the, British Em- . I , plreandtlShttea ftatet, pd inWvaiuemfrajr .;&. $8.00 1 By mall to all other countries, perjrear-....: 9.00 j .ADyEKTISLNG, RATES ; r J , Traijwa outplay aaverusuig, per men, per insertion' ,. i.u , Classified Advertising, per insertion, per wdrd, . 02 j Local readers, per insertion, per .line . ........ ,25 j Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line- .15 Membtr of Audit Bureau or Circulations . , DAILY EDITION ted that the next move would be for sites in Northern British Columbia especially for pulp production for export to the Orient. Mr. McMillan apoke moat inter-eettogljr of timber and timber export and made his figures speak volumes. He thawed that of 2X6,669,000 acres of land in B.C., 136.060.000 acre were timbered and Friday, Much 6. 1931 Pulp Sites in Northern B. C. Will Soon Be in Demand Says Prominent Lumber Operator II. R. McMillan Talks Interestingly of Lumber Conditions in British Columbia and Throughout the World Asserting that practically all the. good stands of timber on the coast were taken up and that all the waterpowers in the southern part of Canada were taken aKhough not used to capacity and some not used profitabl yet, H. R. McMillan, prominent lumber exporter and job -t owner of the Big Bay Lumber Co.'s local lumber mill, in an address yesterday to the Rotary Club, tntlma-fr time when competition was in- tensely keen. Some interesting examples of freight rates were shown by Mr. McMillan. The rate for lumber at preientcthrlehBiarfletis than the. rate from ..Prince- Rupert to ALL-BRAN BROUGHT WELCOME RELIEF Thousanps of letters attest to the efficiency of Kellogg's All-DkAN til overcoming constipation. For insUnce. Mr. James D. MeEnery (address on request) relates his experience: "For fifteen years I wag constantly bothered with constipa- tion. . . . Some eighteen months ago, I began using Kellogg'a AtXBruft. From the first week ' to this good day, I have never had to take a dose of laxative medicine of any description." Kellogg's All-Bran is the largest-setting all-bran cereal in the world. Two tablespooa-fote daily are guaranteed to i give relief. How much safer than using habit-forming laxatives. All-Bran also adds needed iron to build the blood. In the red-and-green package at your rrocer'fc Made by Kellogg in . London, Ontario. All-Bran The Letter Box OBJECTION TO TAX Editor. Dally News: The proposed tax of one percent on aU incomes over $12 per week will wo-k a great hardship on the laboring classes in B. C. Tt rlnM nnt GMtm fair that trA to Eurooe was ' . .... Iwi, . larmers snouid be exempted, aJ from ; and have their own homes and steady work the whole year. u . -m. : i. , I . . . j . . The averaae citv or town nnonl wi uu wmiu wuuugu vvasii- ivuinuw expuix w uiima nan Kept ' .fngton and OreSjon on the coast. In up' well because the troubles In the hav only seasonable Jobs and for this area British Columbia had ulterior of that country had driven varlous reasons cannot have a about ls0O,O0O acres of commercial their wealthy men to toe coast and ; name oi tneir ow: timber. Washington. 14.000.000. and Chev had not some of their manv AH "living- eest "more in cities Oregon. 19.000,000 acres. B.C. had into buildings in eoast cities suoh 11,311 on a farm- and 3 01211 wltn a suffered much more than the states , as Shanghai and bad used B.C. ' am.?r earning, say on an average to the south from fire but she still lumber. In that city lumber soMJ&t,.4 P dav and doing his beat to hut MO hiltina ot anailahl nihil ahit th. nma am in TtwtJ.t titOAhfi' fpMt and wttirala Vila fhl1. she had already cut 60 billion feet. Rupert, Much more had been burned than cut. Today British Columbia was cutting two and a half billion feet a year; Washington, seven and a half drefLhas very little left of his During last year and this the4 to pay for this new tax or to lumber industry wduld receive -no 1 prorWe a living when old age ar-retum on Its capital lnvestmejJtajg Mr McMttlan said, but tliey wotflaf Tnu new tax Is really a license, ' keep labor employed and would giving the people who Day it the billion feet, and Oregon, four and a spend a large amount of money in privilege of working. No license, no half billion. At the present rate of supplies in United States' the cut work. production the timber' would last had dropped almost 40" and the' 1 propose, that if this tax is en-one hundred years. In this province local consumption in that country , forced that a large part of It be 35,090 acres a year, was cut. had been about the same, so that jet aside and used to' give the re in B.C. there were about 4,000 the export had remained about sta-1 .mmo. r tv nmin. m..h lw4n lilt I .1 . i ... . - 1 fc '"wn i iuuiuib uuuiu auu one , iiunaxy. uuruw me pan iew years in every -our persons m the pro vtnee was connected with the In the lumber supply had shifted from the central and southern states to dustry. lOie Pacific Coast. In fact, most of its Mr. McMillan showed how today, the lumber in the states was provlMe was dependent upon i hausted except in Washington and it? tang rt jnarket to keep the indus- Ofagoo. The increased consumption Tfcts market was found tniaf pulp and paper resulted In all PaJIfMrnla. ailtMtl mtmtm Snauu iiullnkU .1 - w.llt. !..-. er pensions than now are given to the aged, when they become incapable of earning a fair living, or when they reach the age of Of ano need it. Also large estates should be more heavily taxed and I advocate that the people be encouraged to take . .. ... . . . r I. . . . Ji . UD small farms anrt nav th ni,ol ABsssmua anc tne orient. The ex-tin the southern part of Canada. It, ; r ' part market, whieei started since the war. reached its maximum in I9SI with mfiWJM board feet and In sitte of the world Horesslon last year the ailing off was not very great. Last year's business was the test ci Britirh Columbia i ability to compete In the world market at a th nnrtk.i nt nHMh'rte1t.mM. A11 lncome J)00 should be .TT . .more heavllv taxed. for sites resulting in an Increase before long In pulp production on the north coast. At the conclusion of his address Mr. McMillan was thanked by President S. D. Johnston Contracted Bad Cold Believed Getting Pneumonia Mira Margurite Oroft. E.N., Cheater Bssin, NJ5-write : " LBt wintr X contracted a very bad cold. Nothing I tried gare itt any relief from tbe ieer jiains in my chert, and I bettered I was jetting pneumonia. My father told me one night he had a ew cough medicine for me to try. Before I had taken a half bottle of Dr. Wood'a Norway Pins Hyrup th pain was greatly relieved. I took two bottle and my cold had disappeared, " fries 86e. a botUe; large family tits 66c j at all drugclit and dealers; put up only by The T. Milbura Co, Ltd Toronto, Oat IS IN A DRY SUED When you are buylnr coal look on the economical side of life. If you buy wet coaL you are losing 10. So start today and burn dry coal and see what 10 means to you. PEMBINA KGG-Dellvered, Per Ton $12.50 MlNi:iU;AD EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 M1NE1IEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 13.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 ' PHONE 580 All automobiles used for pleas -urshould be extra taxed. All civil servants now receiving pensions to have their pensions cancelled and that they should all. receive the same amount of pen' tlons, of about $2,000 each, and the i government will save a laree am-1 punt of money each year. Billiard Averages C. P. Balagno Ei .22 5380 245 A. Murray (CL) 20 4852 243 Q. P. Tinker (CL) .20 4700 235 Don Brown 0 12 2825 235 F. ZlemanTCLl 17 3906 230 G. Waugh (Q) 21 4809 229 3. Smith E) 13 2955 227 O. Howe Q 22 4944 220 M. McLachlan (O) 21 4714 225 C. Baptle CL 15 3354 224 M. EVYoung (E) .21 4G05 222 W. Wllllscroft (E) .15 3328 222 J. May (O) S 1767 221 M. Andrews (CL) 21 4583 218 J. Andrews 0 20 4313 216 A. Macdonald (CL) 1 1499 214 W. Mitchell (E) 22 4704 213 I F. H. Stephens (E) 5 1020 205 I CX. Youngman (CL) 4 814 204 iT. dough (0) 3 699 200 ,W. Murray () ... 7 1342 102 F. Bray (E) 4 744 188 J. Scotf CL) 1 172 172 John Bulger (O) .. 1 109 109 " THE DAIL? NEWS Mil. BADMINTON TOURNAMENT Roydl Canadian Naval Volunteer . Ueserve Host to Ilupert East r r? Royal1 Canadian 'Naval Volunteer Reserve was host to Rupert East United Church Yourig People's Society with a badminton tournament in Rupert East gymnasium. There were some close and exciting matches and Rupert East emerged the winner with four out of six events. The scores were as follows: C. P. O. Young and J. Macfie N beat I. Motte and J. Murray (RE), 15-9, 8-15, 15-12. Mrs. Duncan and W. Moofehouse (RE ( beat Miss Macfie and S. White IN), U-15, 15-2, 15-12. Mrs. McLean and Mrs. Duncan (RE) beat Miss McKay and Miss White N), 15-9, 15-12. L. Murdoch and H. Bunn (REi beat W. Fidler and S. White N. 14- 17, 16-8. 15-7. Miaa Brewerton and Miss Rogers (RE) beat Miss Macfie and Miss White N, 15-10, 15-17, 15-2. C. P O. Young and Miss McKay (N) beat Mrs. Lamb ind J. Woods 4 RE), 15-10. 15-10. J. Westman and R. Pritchard N i beat J. McKay and A. Dobbs (N. 18-11, 16-17. 15-1. Mrs. Watt and E. Popeck RE beat R. Pitcher and J. Westman ( N ) . 15-1,15-8. Mrrf Duncan and L. Murdoch R E) beat Mice B. Allen and W. Fidler N, 15-1. 15-6. Miss White and J. Macfie Ni beat Mrs Squire and J. McGlashan RE, 13-15. 15-11, 15-10. Following the games refreshments were served. Merchants Golf Play LastNight Northern B.C. Airways and Hunt' ( Furniture Now Tied for Leadership of League In the Merchants' Miniature Ooif League last night, results were as follows: Northern B.C. Airways, 321; Bulger's. 384. Hunt's Ftrrniture, 340; Old Empress, 364. The Daily News won by defaul' from the Northern B. C. Power Co Low individual score was 73 which was made by Bill Wrathal of the Old Empress team. Next, week's fixtures will brlnj; the first half to a close. Hunt's Furniture and Northern B. C Airways being tied for the leadership CRIBBAGE SCHEDULE March 9 rotto vs. Kts of Columbus. Seal Cove Sawmill vs. Toe H. Operators vs. Hawks. Elevator vs. P. R. Hotel. Moose vs. I.O.OJ". Eagles vs. Six Musketeers. March 1C P. R. Hotel vs. Hawks. Toe II. vs. I.O.O.F. Elevator vs. Six Musketeers. Moose vs. Orotto. Eagles vs. Kts. of Columbus. Seal Cove Sawmill vs Operators. WENDLE-GimVICII BOUT IS SET FOR MARCH 20 Friday, March 20, has been set as the date for the meeting of Bennv Wendle and Nina . Yours truly. ourvlch, both of Prince CITIZEN OF PRINCE RUPEJIT. pert. In a 10 round boxing i match for the welterweight 4 championship of Northern Bri-4 ttih Columbia. Both boys are 4 working out well for a bout 4 which local pugilistic fans have 4 Jong looked forward to, Nina Is 4 working under ttie tutelage of 4 his older brother Dido whose 4 ring experience should help a 4 lot. Meantime, Wendle Is In the TONES VlOD 4 4 4 4 4 4 pink and Is not worrying about 4 4 the outcome. 4 4 4 44444444444444 Yr tftS ts io2'm AIT"' , ... T BLOOD . . 1 ft W". ODUCI W I I I II II I 1 11 11T II Mi I Ti 111 lfsi mm mmi i T I T T i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 sm us i sjsLi!r7nTTiTn ii i nrrmwiMMss. r 1 1 l 1 I I I I I 1 II 1 ill 1 I I ITT-BBJ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfVri I I '''II fTTTMrnmiT SATURDAY at FRASER & PAYNE'S Kayser Hose Full fashioned seml-servlce weight, every paSr perfect, in all the new spring shadesr-i Pair, $1.00' Ruffled Cartain Sets ' Assorted styles, blue, gold, rose and green trims complete with valens and ties, full stse Per set, $1.00 Frilled Curtain ypile and Scrims Cream and white voiles and scrims, assorted I trims, rose, gold, blue and green ' 4 yards for $1.00 Sheeting Special 78 inches wide, extra heavy quality, Wabasso make, unbleached 2 yards for $L Dish Towels , Good large sUe, splendid drying qualify, red' cheek only 6 towels for $1.00 Ladies' Silk Lisle Hose A good hard wearing silk lisle hose mock fashioned, in all popular shades-- 3 pair for $1.00 Bovs' Coveralls OoocT heavy qfitrWy red back denim, red trim long leg, red insert, sixes 2 to g years-l Each, $1.00 Rayon Satin Brocade 300 yards rayon adtln rhadcSf 28 Inches wide 3 yards f oi 150 Pairs Lace Curtains Nottingham lace curtains. f,i. ready to hang, marvellous vain' per pair $!j 6 Yards Cretonne for $1 Extra good quality, good de.MiT. choose from 6 yards for $1 00 150 Snwlrc ti M uuivkiiu us, Exit good quaHty chintz x smx snvx assorted patterns IRRADIATED,, i ' 4. t ... fe x each, $1.09 Girls Print Dresses Good quality prints, assorted years, contrast trimmed, extra ; each, $1.1 Boys' Combinations Guaranteed to give exception., short sleeves, knee length. .: 2 to IS yean 2 pair for $109 Men's Shirts and Drawers Good weight balbrtggan shi ah sties, shirts and drawers- the suit, $1.40 50 doien men's Rayon Silk Combination in shades of &y,-rmani $1 pink, champaigne. white, mauve and peach ' gainieiU, P1 Wabasso Prints and Broadcloths, excellent variety to A J0 fni. CI choose from, 36 inches wide 4 yQS. IQl 1. Wabasso Pillow Cotton, extra good quality 4 yds. tor $1. FRASER & PAYNE Third Ave. and Sixth . NOW SUN'TREAT D M & UM. 0AK1I f IS m NO COUPONS ALL QUALITY TWENTY FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS i'im Daily'ltiews Want Ads. Bring Quick Return