f : I i 4. K. I a Of. tt . . 0. 0. ft. 4 li. 4'i 6 W. ft". f r l t St 1 fcAOfi TOTJ3 at i m i m li 11 77 .. e 102. aro& un .. it1 f-' -i i i - 7 X"W1 sWt I iT laobkg cir S0-lionpr krluuln trrbi .nu,.. ' ' "?T V , , 7 aia healthu EVERY mother dreams of her baby's future. She pictures the years ahead sees him -growing up through sturdy, healthy childhood to strong, vigorous manhood. What baby will become depends very largely upon that service of love even more important than the tiny garments so carefully chosen. During the weeks before baby arrives the expectant mother will make quite sure that she will be able to feed babj herself. So much depends upon this 1 In babyhood are laid the foundations of future health and happiness. No substitute is equal to maternal milk for giving baby a sounds-start in life. And no substitute so surely safeguards a child against nutritional diseases, such as rickets. Doctors, nurses and mothers dally testify to the remarkable value of "Ovaltine" in promoting adequate lactation When this delicious beverage is taken, before the birth the milk is sufficient in quantity and rich in quality. Even when only taken after the 'birth the use of "Ovaltine" has quickly effected a radical change in the quality and quantity of the milk. "Ovaltine", moreover, maintains the mother's strength while nursing and en-sures a quick return to normal health. "Ovaltine" is prepared from Nature's foods which are richest in nutriment ripe barley malt, creamy milk and eggs. It is quickly prepared and easily digested. There is no food beverage comparable with "Ovaltine". It is the richest in food value, the most economical in use. Outline h tali tt Jt looi ttottt, in 5 Or, 7fc, tlJf tnJtptrul S4M ("tily tit tin, . tlto ttrtti tt wit feunltini. A. WANDER LIMITED, London, England and Peterborough, Canada 1NE TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE (brm&Jas Jotfieis to 55oeast-feed tftein fta&ies For. heavy work the whole year 'round at the lowest cost -per -in He MIEYROLET trucks are always ready to do good job at low cost. These big, powerful Sixes have the strength and stamina for long hauls, bard pulls, fast schedules and rough going. And Chevrolet's coit-pcr-mlle Is not only extremely low, but It stays low, season, after season. You will find It well worth while to inspect today's CbeTroIet truck line. Chevrolet bottles, of every type are now built In Canadian plants exclusively for use on the Chevrolet chassis. Chevrolet 1V4 Ta CJi.l.IUlJrWhJ. bate, $675 ( ! JJ0 tort) 1 M TON CHASSIS WITH 157' WHEEL, IIASE, $730 ( Dutl WW $J0 run) COMMERCIAL CHASSIS, M70 IllMnwJ Am, b (U (W tri 1 1 truck naplm Mfi Cktmt c.b mm4 luk bWy. All prut I. fc, Itmimt. J" 1ciml - y i CHEVROLET oxiMiKit T J t U C K S : A GENERAL MOTORS VALU E Kaien Garage Ltd., Prince Rupert, B.C. General Motors Product Telephone 52 Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you. "tTU-tJ THE DAIL7 NEWS Camera Win: in the bout was hampered by he uncertainty as to whether or not Camera would be really able to go on. VANCOUVER Lions WINS GAME Again at Top of Hockey League by Defeating Portland PORTLAND, March 6: Vancou ver Lions went back to the top of the Pacific Coast Hockey League with a one point na:-gJn over Seat tle Eskimos by defeating Portland Butta.oai tn the Coliseum here last night by a score of three to one. In cidentally, the Duckaroos them- telves are Just about eliminated from any chance of figuring in the I post-season play-off. Last night's was a brilliant exhibition of the puck game and marvellous goar keeping by Percy Jack-ion for Vancouver was again a fea ture. If the Lions can thank any one player for their victory, that player would be Jackson who time after time trade superb saves. The teams entered the third period with Portland ahead, one to nil. The Lion's scored in two minutes of the third period. $even mlnutss before the close oMhe game, Rcdpath broke tht tie with n fine nolo play, putting the puck through while Andy Aitkenhead was not looking, Five minute later, Brennan scored the third for the Lions. There were no Duckaroos playing defence and Brennan was, able to beat Aitkenhead easily. The league standing is now as follows:' i - W, D. Ii ForAg't P. Vancouver 13 8 0 54 49 34 Seattle 12 9 8 52 44 33 Portland 10 8 13 52 53 28 Tacoma 2 1 7 12 24 18 BILLIARD. SCHEDULE Mar. 6--Orotto- vs, Legion, Mar 10- Legion, vs. Elks. League fixtures at the Sunken Oardetu on Wednesday evening ' this week. I M i BILLIAKI) STANDING ond half of the A VII. fc- in Amazing F? Giant Italian Outpointed Jm WHIST LEAGUE Maloneyin Ten Furious Rounds; GAMES PLAYED Decision Was Not Wholly Liked , 3 MIAMI, Fla., March 6: In a most unusual sort of boxing match at the great open air arena here last night, Primo Camera, the mountainous Italian heavyweight, with a physician standing in his corner so that he might administer his skill immediately in case of emergency, scored a ten round decision over Jim Maloney, the Boston heavy. It was one of the -fastest y"" heavyweight bouts that has been seen for many a day and was fea tured by not a single knockdown. clslon in favor of Camera was not acceptable and. the call was roundly bbed: Between each round. Camera's doctor made a cursory Inspection of the big Italian. The doctor was allowed to remain In the ring by per-mivlon of the Miami, Boxing NO CS.ll. GOLF As the first half of the season At no stage of the game was either Is over and the second has not yet fighter tn any danger of knock-out. commenced, ihere were no Cana-To many of the spectators the de- j dlan Recreation Association Oolf Mouse and Grotto Are Now Tied For ' . .Leadership Prince Rupert Fraternal Whist League results last night were as follows: Seal Cove, 3, 1. O. O. P. 6. Wanderers 6, Dry Dock 3. Ix Musketeers 3, Orotto Ramblers 6. Canadian Legion 4, Lief Erikson Orotto 7, Moose 2. -, League Table W. Moose ;..-..... II Orotto 11 Six MuskQteers. 9 Wanderers: ..... 9 Dry Dcfek. '.I'jJ.- 8 The league swricfflig for the ;t q. O. F 8 i Seal Cove ..a- 7 7 IHW lUlft IIICUIUBI lUttil I1UU VJ.wvfcv v " ' V- instructions to stop the fight at any Canadian Legion II 12544 1140 Canadian Legion . : 5 time he' considered Camera might Elks i 13011 1084 Lief Erikson S be lh danger of serious injury. This was In view of the fact that Camera ! was supposed to have cracked a rib ' in training three weeks ago, the! Italian entering the ring only over' the protest of his managers. If Car-nera was actually suffering from a I cracked rib. he put npan amazing performance, again proving that he is one of the greatest heavyweights in the game today. Camera was wearing a big plaster on hif. right side over the alleged cracked rib. Maloney did not neg lect to work on this whenever the occasion arose but only once or twice did the Italian wince. Although 0arnera was In the limelight, Maloney, too. put up a good performance. It was the second fight for these two heavyweights, Maloney having outpointed Camera a few months ago at Boston In their first engagement. A crowd of 25,000 persons is estimated to have attended the fight. The gate was about $75,000 and the promote! is, believed to have dropped about $25,000 for his pains. At least that Is what he said. Interest L. PU. 5 5 7 7 8 8 9 9 11 ll CANADIENS Flyln New Ford THE itibMnntlal worth of the new Fortl Isjreflertetl in Its pood perform ancr, economy and relhibility. Itn stamina and endurance ure particularly apparent in nertlonn where had road and rere weather put a heuvy extra hurden on the uutomohlle. In less than a. year a new Ford Tudor Sedan was driven more than 73,000 mile over a difficult route. The operating cot per lulls wa very low and practically tho only expense for repaint was for new piston rings and a new hearing fur the generator. $585 s Frenchmm n.i Maroon, hf TORONTO March i r real Maroons iidva- .r '. place In uu- t:aiu'' 'J me National Ho-kf night by defeating th. here with a cn- v: free scorini! ua- -j had a lead ui 4 . but the Leafs n.,lt( The Mun.ui. with Chicago's nc -1U orer trie New Y ,r, 'hunted the 9 fourth plare 9 standing 8 In the only othr .,.m( 8 evening. New York R4l! veiling Canadiens ., M,5;r, to one. It was the fir & the Flying Fmichm.-:; a 5 starts. More than 7JJ.000 miles in a i s The car carried an average loaJ of 12(H) pounds of mail and was drifra 2.V) miles daily. "The Ford has nr fallal to go when I was ready," writes one of the three mail carrier operil-lug the ear. "The utarter did the trifk hut winter even at 31 decrees Wo rem. The gu runs alH.ut 24 mllf per gallon. At timen I pull trailer whenever I have a bulky loaJ." Many other Ford owner report the same nthfuctory performance, hrrj part ha leen made to endure-!' serve you faithfully and well for many thouaifdn of nille. THE K W F O It 1) T I' II O It S K A f. Q. D. Kutt rit4,or, Ontario, flmmprrt, P" ''j ' four Fori J eater. h ! ml' Muny Itturrt tomblni fo male the new Tori a rfe fr abore the price, they rt '. J tlftlne$ tnJ totorf, rlth, lorigtretrinf upholder?, tturttr tteei b4y tpmttruttion, I (ii trinJthleU, fully encloied fourheel Irak t; four I to J mile Jouble-tttUg hjimiu ,tff mhtorber; aluminum pUtont, thntme titlron alloy rafrei, torque-tube drive, lfcreer"r Ing rear axle, more than twenty halt and rolltr learlngt, and bright, enduring far many exterior metal parlt. Ytm leva many dollar berauie of the low firil tott of " Ford, low foil of operation and vp-Uttp and low yearly depreciation. FOIH MOTOIl COMPANY OF CANAUA, UMltW Tit CintDiin CAa" Hit