Stops Body Odour h i iT- Ifff "rv-Tf Wednesday February 4, PAGE BIX THE DAILY NEWS He Stole a Girl and Killed Her He deposits her remains and runs. But a mark on the wheel says, "1 did it."' He left his Mark and it Convicted him Walter Hickman, Los Angeles, kidnapped a pirl from school. He killed her. Then he demanded $1,500 from her father for ransom. The father paid on a dark corner at night. Hickman drove away; the father found a dismembered body left by Hickman in a sack. But Hickman's .auto stalled, and on the steering wheel they found his finger prints. In the Los Angeles police department those finger-prints wero registered for a previous crime.' . So they knew the man, they had his picture, and they caught him up in Oregon in three days. Ilesult this despicable criminal wa3 punished by death in the chair. Be Careful of Your Marks You are not a criminal, but you leave your finger-prints on every thing you touch. Those prints are germ-laden, and they all present danger. You have gathered them by touching things which other hands have touched. You have clasped hands with other hands which, for instance, have checked a sneeise laden with cold germs. Life Extension Institute lists 27 diseases which may be conveyed in that way. Touch a piece of bread, a candy, and you leave that dan- imprint on it, unless your !;erous lands are clean. And a few germs multiply to millions quickly. The safe way is to wash hands often, and always before a meal. Not with ordinary soap, but with Lifebuoy Soap, which contains a germicide. There is every proof that no active germs can exist after its application. But that isn't all. You smell the pleasant germicide for a minute, then it disappears. There remains only the odour of utter cleanliness. Then you have only the effects of a supreme beauty soap, the finest that men have created. A soap, based on two palm oils, which has won its way to top place as a complexion soap. And a bath soap. Lifebuoy Soap combines a germicide with the factors that you love. Here you have both safety and service of the highest order. Keep a cake of Lifebuoy' handy by the wash basin. Urge the family to use it. Make it easy for them to benefit by Lifebuoy's wonderful protection. Your nearest dealer sells it. Vera Brolben IimlUd.'Totonto Lifebuoy Health Soap A Luxury Soap Plus a Germlcido The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED IACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PMNCE UUPERT, K.C, 43 OUR GOAL IS IN A DRY SUED When you are buvlnc coal look on the economical side of life! If you buy wet coal, you arc loslnj 10. So start today and burn dry coal and see what 10 means to you. I'CMUINA EGO Delivered, Per Ton $12.50 MINEIICAD nGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 MINE1IEAD LUMP Delivered, Ter Ton 13.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 . PIIONE580 WILL RUSSIA DOMINATE THE WORLD? Is a New Era Dawning? -. :. , I. :U . Will Russia's great upheavel In economics fall or succeed? If it sue- j cceds, how will it affect the civilized world? Every well-read person today is more than generally interested in these questions and it is timely that the inside story of the great Russian social and industrial upheaval has been photographed, as it were, by the mind of a man 1 who has made it a personal study and then written It down for the world to read. The Truth About Russia Maurice Hindus, Russian by birth, North American by adoption, has studied economic Russia during the past seven years. He has set down facts dispassionately but with the eye of an artist. He takes you through the labyrinths of the great human problem today being dramatized in Russia. He tells, you about the Russian, his property, family, morals; he gives you a picture of Russian peasantry, the proletariat and the intelligentsia; the Cossack, the Jew, Russian women all the elements he has noted that play a role in Russia, greatest of all world dramas. Read Maurice Hindus' exciting but hone the less educative revela- lons In the Vancouver Sun com mencing February 15th. Delivered by carrier or mall 50c a month. Write direct to the Vancouver Sun, Vancouver, D.C., or your local agent Lee J. Dell, Box 281, Prince Rupert, B.C., Green 732. New Building For Library Is Discussed At the meeting of the Lib'-ary Board last night, Frank Dibb presiding, "J. J. Qlllls suggested that this year the board should seriously consider the erection of a new building. He thought a frame building with stucco at an approximate cost of $12,000 would answer the purpose and a good site would be that alongside the City Hall on Fulton Street. If located there it night be heated from the present heating system In the City Hall. Chairman Dibb said Mr. Glllls' remarks were tamely. He thought he board should formulate a policy in regard to the building. Mr. Basso-Bert said that a solid concrete building would cost very little if any more than a frame building and it would be absolutely fireproof. The discussion was continued by Mr. Black and others after which it was decided to give it more con sideratlon before appointing a com mlttee to formulate plans. Permanent officers for the year will be elected at the next meeting. Mussallem's MEAT Market Loin Pork Chops per lb Loin Lamp Chops-por lb Loin Veal Chops per lb Round Steak per lb Stew Veal 3 lbs Stew Lamb 3 lbs Shoulder Veal 5, lbs Fresh, Spring Opinion, per lb. . . '. 30c :25c 30c 25c 50c 50c $L00 30c Mussallem's Met Market Phones 18 & 81 417 Fifth Ave. E. ..affacks PROTEST TO Account of Local Man's Vedding in South Recently The following from the Vancouver Province describes the wedding last week of Miss Isabel Garland of Vancouver and Bert Fltzpatrick of this city: A pretty wedding was solemnized at the homo of the bride's parents. 2255 West Fifteenth, on January 26, when Isabel Katherlne, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Gar land, became the bride of Bertram M. Fltzpatrick, only son of Mrs. N. A. Regan of Seattle, Rev. George O. Fallis officiating. Given In marriage by her father. the bride wore a gown of electric blue crepe and georgette. Her corsage bouquet was of pink roses and lily of the valley, and her only at-tendent was her sister Hazel, who was attired In a dress of apple reen georgette. The groom was supported by J. Herbert, while F. A. Garland, brother of the bride, ac ted as usher. Little Miss Doris May 3arland, In peach crepe and lace, jpened the door for the guests, and luring the signing of the register Mrs. E. Deane sang "O Promise Me." After the ceremony a buffet supper was served, when a three-tier wedding cake centred the table, which was decorated with pink and white streamer? and silver vases filled with pink rosebuds and gip-sophela. The rooms had been beautifully decorated for the occasion in 1 color scheme of pink and white, and during the reception the bridal arty stood under an arch which suspended a floral bell. Mrs. F. M. Garland, mother of the bride, and Mrs. N. A. Regan, the groom's mother, assisted In receiving. Mr. and Mrs. Fltzpatrick later left by boat for Prince Rupert, where they will reside. CIRCULATION REACHES 7312 First Time Citizens Have Borrowed Seven Thousand Books in One Month The report of the librarian at the meeting of the Library Board last night showed that the circulation of books during the month reached the total of 7312 made up of fiction, 4,537; duplicate pay, 195; non-fic 1 tion. 857; Juvenile, 1,723. New borrowers during January numbered 66 . while 32 cards were cancelled. Three books were received by gift and 93 by purchase while 17 were discarded leaving total collection of 7,733 volume Estimates for the year were passed, those present being Frank Dibb, chairman, V. Basso-Bert, II. F. Pullen, J. J. Ollil, T. B. Black and Miss Cfulkshank. The chairman formally welcomed Mr. Black to the board and spoke of the excellent work done there by his father. J" Ripple Rock Is Condemned Many Northern Skippers Testify at Inquiry In Vancouver Regarding Obstruction Among well known northern skippers who testified last week, ft t the Ripple Rock inquiry in Vancouver were Capt. Andrew Johnstone, Capt. Dan Donald, Commander B. L. Johnson, Capt. A. J. Edgecumbe, Cupt. F. T. Saunders and Capt. A. J. Gilbert. All urged the removal of ithe rock and strenuously protested I at any move-to build a structure on v cnH m nlfri nr nhntmpntM VS1V MMV f-wm for a bridge across Seymour BE WIRED TO A protest to be made In Washington, D.C., against the proposed International treaty giving the mcm-1 bers of the mixed commission power ;to regulate halibut fishing, the 'question of wire vs. web spillers, land a protest to be made against natives being given exclusive dock age rights in Thomas basin, figured at the noon meeting of the Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce recently. The meeting was held at the Knickerbocker Cafe. A wire from the Anchorage Chamber ot Commerce asking the Ketchikan chamber to protest against the raise of rates on the Alaska railway was referred to the executive committee for action. The following wire was received from Dan Sutherland, delegate from Alaska In Congress: "Regarding your letter of Janu ary 3 have discussed matter of trap spillers vtth bureau of fisheries and leain that they are considering modification of order. They will decide and Inform trap holders be fore time arrives to purchase web bing for 1931 season." The delegate also advised under date of January 7 by letter In re-. Nation to the international treaty,! hich seeks to give the lnterna-ional fisheries commission power o regulate halibut fishing, in vhkh he said: "I asure you of my strongest op-rwition to this treaty and that hen the senate committee on for-ign- relations has its hearing, I shall be on hand to oppose its The house bUTNo. 15005, grant ing certain rights to the natives in Thomas basin under the name of the Alaska Native Brotherhood was made a special order of business. After a full discussion It was decided to wire Delegate Suther land, the public lands committee and the secretary of the interior protesting against the passage of the bill. Prince George F. Elk Officers A. Matheson Installed as Head of Order For Coming Year PRINCE GEORGE, Feb. 4: The local lodge of Benevolent and Pro tective Order of Elks has installed officers for the coming years as fol lows: Exalted Ruler. F. A. Matheson. Leading Knight, W. Flynn. Loyal Knight. Dr. C. Ewert. Lecturing Knight, II. J. Hocking. Chaplain, G. McCullagh. Esquire. E. Sibley. Inner Guard, W. Cleland. Outer Guard. R. Thompson. Secretary, Thomson Ogg. Treasurer, C. C. Wright. Trustees J. Mclnnis, II. G. Perry and M. C. Wiggins. The installation was conducted by Alex McB. Young, past district deputy. T. Carmichael, retiring ex alted ruler, was presented with a past exalted ruler's Jewel. FOR PRICE, QUALITY AND SERVICE Phone 18 and 84 - Fresh Meats (JKNKUAL GROCERIES & VEGETABLES Out-of-town Orders Receive Prompt Attention P. O. BOX 575 Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 FIFTH AVENUE EAST Phone 18 and 81 in H H 5 5 WASHINGTON! Wednesday & Thursday TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 P.M. Frank Albertson, H. B. Warner, Sharon Lynn & Joyce Comptpn in Here is m l.oo t "WILD COMPANY The Jazz-Mad Younger Generation Challenges Tradition Comedy "LIVE AND LEARN" Cartoon "GOLF NrK PARAMOUNT NEWS Admission 20c & 65c Feature Starts at 7:10 & t.ig THURSDAY MATINEE at 2:30 15c & 40c Feature Starts at J Fri. & Satur. "THE MAN FKOM WYOMING" IH ior you 11 you bring us your old iron Make money out of. that old iron of yours. No matter what kind it is, sad or electric, or what condition it's in, we will give you $1 for it This amount to apply against the purchase of a ncw,modern,Electric Iron. Act now and save a dollar. This offer positively closes Saturday, February 14th. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited . CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Ol'EHATINU d. T. 1 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYIMK'K EnKlncetchihlsta,;,IIolIermnkers, Marksmllhu. I'nltein " Makers, Founders, Woodworker, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK rilONES 43 AND 38S I 1 1 1 1 1 mm ..... i. , . ..Bl, B , B1 Bl B j B , B B a B : m Beauliful and Serviceable 20 pieces Sterling Silver - .Quecnston PatteriM ' Here Is a set that combine beauty with utility, It U a fine Kradc flatware ... the kind that handed, do 11 frm one generation to another and still retain its aristocratic air. The 26 pieces arc moderate In price $58.00 . . r a ui 1 w J A Jewellers JSSLtme store with the clock Silver will never any cheaper than It is today. a n Bl' Daily News Want Ads. bringquick Results IS i 1 i