PAOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS. PB1NCF. RUPERT - BRIT1SII COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Pally News. Limited. Third Avenu: H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall ir carrier, yearly period, paid In advance..- $5.00 For lesser periods, pal 1 In advance, per week 10c By mall to til parts of Northern and Central British Columbia. paid In advance for yearly period ........, 3.00 By mail to all other parts cf British Columbia, the British Em- 1 plreand United States, paid In advance, per year $600 By mail to all other countries, per year , 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per insertion, per word .02 Local readers, per Insertion, per line . 25 Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line , ,, , .15 C6ntracl lates on application. Editor and Reporters' leleplione 86 Advertisinr and DlreuUUon Telephone .... 93 Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations daily porno Saturday, Oct. 10. 1931 Prince Kupert and Commission. There is to be a commission appointed by the Federal Government to consider what action is to be taken to simplify railway matters in the country and put the business of transportation oft a better basis. It has been suggested locally that when the commission is appointed a competent engineer should be engaged by the city to study the local situation and make representations with "a view to having both companies use the line to Prince Rupert. The chief difficulty in doing this would be that of cost. It would probably take several thousand dollars to get a man big enough for the job. ALL EYES ON BRITAIN All eyes seem to be turned on Britain today where one of the greatest electoral battles of recent years is is progress. As is the case here, there will be much small talk designed to confuse the unhappy elector and many people will vote without considering the seriousness of the situation, influenced by selfish motives. On the whole, however, it is probable that a majority of the electors will judge wisely between the two opposing groups. m Prince Rupert people have varying sympathies. Speaking generally the labor people of Prince Rupert sympathize with the labor people in Britain. Others are more generally with the MacDonald Government. Happily this is one question that we can discuss without anyone feeling that there is nnv nersnnnl intp-pr in tha r-aau tv,of are trying to influence public opinion. Anything we may say or leave unsaid will not in the least affect the issue. - a" HMMMMBMMMMHnMMMBN CHURCH NOTICES ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of EnUnd) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean HAH VEST THANKSOIVINO SERVICES 8 ajn. Holy Communion 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. Anthem. "YE SHALL DWELL IN THE LAND" Soloists, A. J. Lancaster and Mrs. F. W. Allen Sunday School at 12:30. 7:30, Evening prayer and sermon. Preaeher, Rev. Canon Rushbrook, BJV. Anthem. "ANqEL VOICES EVER SINQINO" Soloists, Mrs. P. V. AMen and Mrs. Jarvls MtLeod. The Offertory will be devoted to the General Expense Fund. It Is hoped this appsal will meet with a generous response a funds j... at urgently needed. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Ifev. W. I). Orant HoUingworth, Bj, Organist, John E. Davey 11 sun. Sermon Subject. THE CHCRQIIND MODERN PROBLEMS" 12:15. noon. Sunday Schoo. 7:30 pjn. Popular Evening Service. Sermon subject, "hell Ancient and modern." All visitors welcome. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Christian .Science Society, 315 Second Avenue West) Thanksgiving Day This Society is branch ot the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist. In Boston. Mass Thanksgiving Service at 11 ajn Subject "ARE SIN. DISEASE AND DEATH REAL?" Sunday School at IJila; -Teatlmonlal meetlnf Wednesday at 8 pjn. Reading room 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursday from 3 to 5. FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, IM. t " Thanksgiving Services. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Bong by Junior Choir, "bod Is Ever Good." Communion at close. Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Worship at 7:30. Anthem, "IJOW MANIFOLD ARE THY WORKS" Solo, Dr. R O. Large. THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, October ifl 3l V ; . A SATURDAY SERMON In the Right Order i , Growing Spirit of Democracy Has Dissolved Much That Was Superfluous j ' By REV. ALFRED WILSON. First United Church There was a time when the question of order and precedence was one that called for very careful attention at all functions of a formal character. We are not so much concerned in such details today. The growing spirit of democracy has dissolved a great deal that was superfluous along this line. On the other hand, life cannot reach its true glory and purpose without. wise ordering, and putting things place given to human values. We that are Important in their proper have of late, mace extensive use of place and trifles Just where they the word service, yet one of the belong. most severe indictments of the pre- Froude, the historian, places hi sent state of industry is that the finger on the weak spot of the toil of hanc anu orain has been Spanish king, Philip 11. of Armada ; capitalized more for private and iame, when he says that the smal-i personal gain than supplying hu-lest thing and the largest seemed man need. Bewildered thousandj to occupy nim equally or in other have asked, is man made for the words that he didn't recognize a machine or the machine for man? tritie when he saw it. Shall the machine minister dlvl- In this same way the world haa (lends and comfort for a portion of gone very much astray and got "5clety or make possible a freer auny things, out of their proper life for the whole? When men gerK order. One feature In .the restored crally make their first concern, a world will be that nany tho) Just social order, rather tVan mak now last shall b first, and. like- ing themselves secure In the cpm-wlse, much occupying Jlrgt place mand and possession of material today, shall be last. Surely fault resources, then only can they claim of this kind rest ic a degree on to put first things first In regard us aU- to social responsibilities and prlvl- It is not difficult to see, that, in leges, ihort. the player that puts win- The tmhint of Jesus regarding ntng the game before clean play the supreme a:ue of human life and observance of the rules, has a Snd personality i slowly finding false idea of sport. So the differ- recognition. More concessions are enee between religion and irrellg- necessary before the divine order ? W,e? V"' te clem of published and a wid-nd helpful and a shallow selfish application of the principle hi We. may be seen as putting seeon- Pvery phrase of life and enterprise dary and subordinate things first, effected a thus reversing the order of Thb M a qutJon Qf pef. This is common enough in tin iJi'S' Wh nm Batumi tnrf,n,.v .,... foment In a true education. suit of pleasure and happiness be-' The "rst or suPren element In fore duty and right principle The a true edition is the production Father and Creator has planned ot racter. where the Individual for his children all things richly b led to an ance to the moral to enjoy, but the sure way to miss and sP!r,tual las being, such experience is to make a The First Cause 'good time" the keynote of life. Th.r . ... , but more as the accompaniment 'Continued on paire 0) and result of duty and worthy endeavor, which links up with the good and welfare of the lives pf others. The most bored and disappointed folk in die world are those who put pleasure first and true living a poor second. It is so easy to define what the world or society owes us, but the better way is to There can be a ereat dpni approaen irom me otner direction -character In a small home if vw ssss'dSastris rtn- makes for attainment of a better'" unu,ual features wn,ch mkc world, where the human race shall (h Hitinctlve In spite of its small rae 10 me piane oi lire or the splr- aimensions. over the door is la. m . . m ... .... 1 ii n a great iamuy, with diversity j semi-circular arch supoprted Aurelim was rkrht whn'h w lreM ' h puw and ctnle the way to iudge the worth of a j ;nv,tln atmosphere at the en rwm Is by the thlnes which mm. '.ranee. first In his life. Human Value. So In the realm of Industry and commerce, we lag behind In th Just Phone 125 Sometimes when a vacuum cleaner feels temperamental and loses Interest In scurrying away with the dust settlements It's a very simple trouble. We are Intimately acquainted with all makes of vacuum cleaners, and we know how to persuade them to go on about their business with a stout heart and' lots ot vigor. We repair all things electrical Parkin Ward Electric Company Repair Shop 319 Third Ave. al by an Shlnple walls offer many post-l bllitles in color scheme ind If! good quality shingles are used, pro-! via excellent durability. Turning our attention to the plan we s' many deslrabjj features. One side of the house Is de.j voted entirely to sleeping quar-l tcrs with a separate haU divided, from the kitchen and living room! effectively. There Is a suggestion or roomlneas in be llvln room i wing to Its proportions and addrd ' simroom. A fireplace and book- iiejves form an interesting ?roup ..t the opposite end of the. room to' thr sunroom and a bav window r.clds Interest at tbc side. The size of Up house dxw rut rliow for a separate dining roo.ii but the dining alcove at the end ot the kitchen provides an adequate space for this purpose, well' lighted and conveniently placed, the alcove has many advantages In the small home. There has been no need of eccn 0'iy In the size of the kitchen and cupooara space has been plentl-, , fully supplied. The sink Is directly! under the window with the built-in cabinets ranging on both side) oi it. Opening into the cooler Jn the corner is a milk and Ice bo. ; Without wasting space, the twd' rooms, bathroom, clothes clovUJ jand stairs have been compactly arj i ranged on the other side of the' RE HEAT SS MONEY I mith", or "Coniox" Coals from Vancouver Isluml cost this year, for No. 1 lump, $13.50 a ton. Imported lignite costs more. The product of the Island mines yields, on the average, 13,030 H.T.Uh per pound where lignite coal shows only 9,10. This means, to get the same lient, that you will line 4 shovelsftil of lignite to every 3 of "Nanaimo"! t tons instead of 3 tonsil trips to the basement instead of 3!!I However you figure it, Inland Coal is your best liny because you get more . beat and you pay less money. Ask your dealer today. Order by name. Check your delivery slips. ALBERT & HcCAFFEHY LTD. Phone 116 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Plwne 648 Distributors for CANADIAN COLLIERIES (DUNSAAUIR) LTD- VANCOUVER, B.C. 9B.T.U. mnni BritUh Thermal Unit or lh amount of '; boat rquU4 to ral 1 lb. f oaltr 1 Jtgr Fabrtnhrlt. n jir I 1 SMALL BUT ATTRACTIVE "MOST Bills (heat unit) PER $ Suitable for ths Family of Average Size - jt& im R KlTCriCN f'oj EOOn 1 ty.n-cr t-- U i.C.v I ' (n Although the frontage of the, Outline Fprrirication house Is but 25 feet, there Is no Size of House: 25' x 25. cramping of rooms. They are airy,' Suitable Lot: 33' frontage, well Jlqhted and conveniently re- Walls: Shingles, lated together. Roof: Shingles. This Interesting and original de-j Heating: Hot water. -35CT- ruOOB PLAN AftAM. " K m . Built-in feature: Kitchen boards, fronlug board. ttm n; .... . -W. Cubic Contents: 20,15 cu ft Approximate Cost, $3,000.' eup- SHEET METAL WORK and Roofing HOT Allt IIKATINO and VENTILATION Alexander Murray's Apprv noofers. Work guaranteed f 10 and 20 years by bond! company. StQQns Limited P.O. Uox 028 Phone 5 Readers desiring further infor- matlon regarding a house of thu,menlIon dNlh No. 290. Consul' design should communicate wlth!,ooal architect If designing ar Messrs. Bowman St Cniw,. . . j t Seymour 8t., Vancouver, no nnrf