PAOI THKM You cannot buy such quality So? less Frsh from the gardens' Salada Tea is sold by Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores WEEK-END CANDY SPECIAL Chocolate Covered Ginger, 35c lb. Home Maid Cream Caramels Mb. Boxes 35c Ormes ltd. "Jiiti Ptonccr Druqrjtsts Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Fulton St. LOCAL ITEMS Vti W. 8. Drury. wife of the we.: known Whltehorse merchan., a passenger a-ooaru inmyijy cess Louise this morning returning t" her home In the north" after spcndine a vacation in Vancouver , and elsewhere in the north. f D Emmons of Portland. Ore. ar: iv. d m the city on the Prince ! this morning from the south and will Mil tonight on the Prtmre John for Skidegate Inlet whrrc he Is interested In oil and coal lands. L ittii Hoover of Oakland. Cal Inquires through the provincial police for Walter T. Hoover, an American tourist, who is believed ') be m British Columbia at prea-fi;" A brother. Stephen C. Hoover "f Oakland, is dead. Best forouj Balntoo wi n ...MM n A fSSSL C'f she used: ft BABY'S OWN SOAP Tfctn ai Now- th It adin j Canadian Soap for Toll and Nuntry. ltt. In ln.l.l.ul .rl.n. ALBtNT IOM LTO. MONTREAL Auto and Truck Engines 10 to 60 Horse Power, Suitable tor Marine or Stationary Use. Batteries and Generators. Lowest Price-, Write for Information. VANCOUVER AUTO WRECKING CO. 1219 Granville St, Vancouver Branch Yard at 330 Second Ave. East Variety Concert in First Presbyterian Church. Friday, Oct. 23. Chief features, three one-act plays. Able cast of young people. Tickets SO cents. Mlas MUllcent Osborne R.N., who has been on a vacation trip to Vancouver and Vemon returned tJ the city from the south on the Prince George this morning. The regular meeting of the city eeondl whleh would ordinarily have been held on Monday night has been postponed until Tuesday because Monday 1st Thanksgiving Day. Lief Erikson Day Observed Concert and Social Staged by Society Last Night With Urge Crowd In Attendance Lief Erikson Day was observed last night by the local Lief Erikson Society with a concert program and social. The affair took olace ln the Metropole Hall and there was a large attendance including members of the society and invited friends. There was a two-hour progran which included piano and vocal mlos. readings, community singing choruses and the reading of a pa per prepared by the society. Among those taking pi'rt In the prograni wer Miss Rose Morin, Mrs V Dahl. M. Gunderson. Peter Lien. A. ! Lindstth, J. Johnson, P. Peterson and I. Fetincss. J i One of the feature! of the pro-j mm was an address by B. M Simpson on the subject of Lie' Brlkaon. the historical Norse explorer. In the course of his re-! marks. Mr. Simpson also referred I to pretent unemployment conditions. I Rf'rr-shmcnbJ were served before the gathering dispersed. 1 At a brief business meeting, the society decided to hold, meetings twice a month during the winter season. Meeting nights will be the first and third Wednesdays of each month. UNION STEAMSIMI'S LIMITED BtrAinrr Irav Prior Kiiprrt t t Vanrouvrrt t.n.h ('AT.M.A EVERY Tt'EHDAY, I.S0 P.M., Via Ocean Falls, arrlvlnj Vancouver, Thursday Morning. T.K.N, uAllltKVA EVERY FRIDAY MIDMOIIT Arrlrlng Vancouver Sunday midnight aprox. Wklj aaliinfa to Port Slmpnon, Allc Arm, Anyox. Stewart and Natl River rolnU. Sunday. 8 00 p.m. Further Information regarding all aalltngn and ticket at riUScr KrrERT .UIKM'V: Kreontl riuie. Diune Sf.S Local Items Dinnerware, china, crockery glassware. Ileilbroncr's store. Nelson Drew of Haysport . Is a visitor In the city, having arrived from uprlver on yesterday after- j noon's mixed train. Miss Pebbles Stone, who has been on a trlj to Vancouver, re turned to the city from the south j on the Prince George this It. W. Sinclair, of Inverness can nery, arrived in the city on the Princess Mary yesterday afternoon irom ine mceena Kiver ior a onei visit In town. Mrs. Paul Eggert of Atlln, who has been visiting in Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise this morning returning to her home in the north. Wesley Singer of Massett, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, arrived In the city from the soutn on the Prince George this morning and will proceed to the islands on the Prince John tonight. Provincial Constable Ronald M Stewart df Atlln, who has been or a vacation trip to Vancouver and, elsewhere In the south, was a pas- THE DAILY NTSW8 Saturday, October IB, 1931 GlLLETT' e arn s Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroncr's store. Ernest Unwln will sals on tha Prince John tonight for a visit at home here, Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Waddlngtonl Ml r,,nr pmt n. VMnrU asked. Announcements Eagles social and dance, October 14. Ladles refreshments. Gents 50c. Gyro Fall Hoedown. October 16, Moose, Hall. Catholic Bazaar, October 21 and a. Comer V - Presbyterian Church, October 23. St. Peter's Church bazaar, tober 29. Oc- Hill 60 I.O.D.E. Bridge and danre October 30. Moose Hallowe'en dance, Oct. 30 Presbyterian vember 5. Fall Bazaar, No- Moose Carnival and Dance No. 12 and 13. Baptist sale of work, Nov. 17. Anglican Cathedral Bazaar, November 19. m m Hsrj j l 1 r j i ii .t j FROM MONTREAL TO (iLASGOW-BF.LFAST-LlVER-POOL Oct IS. Nc v 13 puchrsa of York Oct. as. Nov 20 ..Durlwna of tlli'hmoiid Oct. 30. Nov. 37 DuctiMA of Atrial: Nov. t MontcJire To Cherbourg-Southampton- Liverpool No. J6 Moutelm To Havre-London-Antwerp Jv. 13 MontroM FROM QUEBEC fO CHCHnOURG-SOUTHAMPTON Oct, 14, Oct. 28 Emprffwi of DrtUIn FKOSI VANCOUVKR Tu Itun n ll-Jtiiaii-l'lil nit-l'ltlllj,ilnrB Oct. 94 BmprpM of AU xNrv. 7 Emprena of Canaoa Nov Si bmpi-ena of RumIk xlncludln call at Honolulu. Aoolv to AaenU everywhere or it lORMTER Steamship Oenl. Pea. Atent C P n S'xUon. Vancouver. Telephone Trinity 1151 j C. N. R. steamer Prince George. J Capt. H. E. Nedden. arrived in port ,at 10:45 this morning from Van couver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock thh afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here southbound tomorrow evening. NOTICE Discount of $1.00 per ton off all coals for cash. Note our adv. for prices. HYDE TRANSFER (tf) MUSSALEM'S MEAT MARKET Thanksgiving Specials LOCAL FOWL, I per lb LEGS OF TORK, per lb. SHOULDERS OF PORK, per lb.' - LOINS OF PORK, per lb ..... LEGS OF LAMB, per lb SHOULDERS OF LAMB, per lb LOINS OF LAMB. per lb ROLLED PRIME RIBS, per fb. SIRLOIN TirS, per lb SIRLOIN nOASTS, per lb - - RUMP ROASTS, per lb. HOME MADE SAUSAOE, 2 lbs SPARE RIBS. 3 lbs. Mf the bathroom in half the usual time Mf y y i Full strength for Sink Drains full strength for the toilet bowl In solution lor general cleaning GlLLETT'S ILye "Eats Dirt? Conductor W. D. Moxley returned on this morning's train to hl.i run between Snlthers and Prince George after a two-day visit to hLs G. H. Tycho, who Is in the ser- RVinrnpn vnur Irntvp- .fnr thiMViri rt fhp f!annHlan Nat.lnnnli senger aDoara ine rrmcess wnuse Xn-nksglvmg turkey. Scissors Railways at Smlthers. was an over- ground variety Store, Secnd. Ave.! night visitor in town, having ar- In the north. I ,.,., ij ,. t.i. tMlf tilU Allill IftiC lllbCliUl Ull JC.3lr(.A" 25c 22c 16c 23c 28c 15c 22c 25c 25c 25c 20c 35c 50c Phones 18 & 81 417 Fifth Ave. E. day afternoon's mixed train. saUed last the Princess night on u yming wUn friendj ta prm Mr. j.nd Mrs. John Splckett. we '. for Victoria whence they wLl Mary George Qn the way nortn shf known ploneer resldents of JunpaM proceed on a trip to Honolulu In 8pent a snoft tme ln Vancouver were pasBengers aboard the Prtn- the hope that the change will bi beneficial, to Mr. Waddington'i health. Mr, Waddlngton is fire inspector for the Forest Branch here. At the special meeting of the Paul A. Boving, former professor at the University of British Columbia, was a passenger aboard th city council last night there was a back tQ Vancouver aftcr havlnR Kera. WK on ine quesuon o , jud ged-exhlblts at the recent Bella f m v)uv aw wv wj 44 w steel was ordered purchased forj the blacksmith work In order that! the guest of Mrs. Edward Bassett. ; cess Louise this morning return Coola Fair. Arthur Leverett. who Is stationed the work might not be held up for at T,wnh rww . ,hp lack of that material Should any ol the Oovernment Telegraphs, quantity of material of any kind be ;waj passenger ogLTd Prln. win H fitWnAr l.nH.ri will K. ' ""irBM liiultP th! mhrntnir rotnrnlnff north after spending a vacation ln Vancouver and elsewhere in ing to the Alaskan capital after a vacation trip to California. Making her final voyage of th year on the Alaska route. C. P. H steamer Princess Louise, Capt. Arthur Slater, arrived ln port t 9:3C this morning from the south and sailed a couple of hours later for Skagway and other Alaska points whence she will return here southbound next Wednesday afternoon. HJTaU sttKtstl'ar! KZB'ailBJ.SilsU De Jong s Cash and Carry Phone 933 For Week-End Savings Woodland or Fraser Valley Butter, 2 lbs. for Fresh Pullet Extras, 3 doa. for Red Arrow Soda Crackers, 2 pkgs. for Salr Dates, 4 lbs. for Phone 933 55c 85c 35c 25c 1 lb. Malkin's Best Coffee; 1 lb. Malklns- Best Tea The two pounds 5C Elk Brooms, each Fry's Cocoa, per l-lb. tin Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 tins for Ashcroft Catsup. Jargc bottle Gold Dust, large pkf. Clark's Pork and Beans, rim 3 can Up-Rlver Potatoes, per sack . mill r lower, large heads, 2 for Corn on Cob, per doa. Green Peppers, 2 lbs. for a Oranges, medium size, 3 doz. for 35c 48c 31c 23c 28c 19c SL50 45c 25c 25c 75c Mcintosh Red Apples Box $1.50 up Free Delivery on Orders of $2.00 or Over Flake lye Lye should ntvi be dissolved In hot water. .' CNE tablespoonfu! of Gillett's Lye dissolved In a gallon of cold water provides an Ideal, safe solution that quickly cleans everything fn.the bathroom. Use it to wash walls, the floor, In the sink and bathtub . . . and rememoer, when you use Gillett's Lye, each Is disinfected as well as cleaned with the one operation. Once each week, pour full strength Gillett's Lye down the closet bowl and it will always be clean and free-running. Gillett's Lye has dozens of other handy household uses. Send for the newFREEGillett's Lye boolletdescrib-Ing the many ways it will help you with all your cleaning THE EASY WASHER is all its name implies: Easy on clothes, easy to operate; long life, hence easy on the pocketbook. Saves washing time, ironing time, mending time, and no broken buttons or crushed fingers. The Easy Damp Drier (no wringer) is a boon in wet weather. No wet hems dripping on the floor. All small articles direct from the drier to the ironer. Phone 6 for a demonstration. Sold on the Westinghouse Easy Payment Plan. eMaeSm.Jjd The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PKINCE RUPERT, R.C. Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg $11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump .... $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 .ra rsui xu mm ru i ran iv 1.1 1 f ict the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taking advantage of the help they bring you.