PAGE BIX THE DAILY HZW8 WATERFRONT WHIFFS Many Boats Burned This Year Halibut Boats Start Tying Up New Floats Being Built Eric Roy during the winter. Capt. J. D. Thurbcr. one of Prince Rupert's best known and most popular halibut skippers, has been remaining in port since a week, ago Monday when his boat Vera Beatrice turned back to port from the fishing grounds owing to his illness. Jud has quite recovered now but he may not go out to the fishing banks again this season. In any case, it Is not likely that the Vera Beatrice will make any more than one trip after the present one is concluded. Capt. Len Miller has taken tcm- voyage on which she is now engaged, Making two passenger flights from Ketchikan here, the Ketchikan Air ways of Alaska Stinaon-Detroiter monoplane Northbtrd, piloted by Ray Howard, had a fairly busy day on Thursday. The plane brought In six passengers In. all, Including Mt. Hickey, manager of the Ketchikan Airways, who made a round trip. The visitors from Ketchikan who came down in the plane are returning home this afternoon on the steamer Prince George. Carmona Overhauling Prior to being tied up for the win ter, Skipper Jack McAuiey's well known power cruiser Carmona is on the grid at the Pacific Salvage Co. plant undergoing annual overhaul after a busy yachting season. The halibut boat Hclge H. has been on the Edward Lipsett ways this week undergoing hitl repairs and general overnaul. Bringing over the head of the company, Thomas A. Kellcy, 1he The well known local halibut boat Cane Swain, which !Kclley Lossing Company's power was consumed on Wednesday afternoon in Tucks Inlet, T n , was the third Canadian halibutter to be destroyed by fire.S5SS uoTLucSZ this season. In all five boats have been lost on the coast charlotte islands. The vessel re-this year as a result of fire, including two American ves- turned to the islands yesterday pels. Trior to the Cape bwain, the Canadian ooats to be looming, Mr. Keiiey ha?mg pro-burned were the Emblem I. and I ceeded to Vancouver on the steamer W. T. The American vessels were porary command of the Vera Bea- i Prince Rupert Thursday night. the Marmot and Volunteer, both of trice. , which were lost in the north. The Cape Swain was originally built In Boats Tying Up Seattle 14 years ago as the Eagle, With the four months closed sea and was brought here by the late son starting on November 1, Theiew 40x10 foot landing float for the Marine Department on the j local waterfront was completed the 1 during the past week by the Pacific Capt. George Sellg, who was the vie- halibut boats are now starting to j Salvage Co. tlm of a shooting accident years tie up for the winter, although the slderably larger than the ago on the Queen Charlotte Islands big majority are still out and many and gives ample room for the land and was renamed Cape Swain on will make at least one more trip her registry being changed. The after the present one. The Sea vessel was owned and operated for Maid, Capt. Henry Dorreen, is one several years by Capt. Sinclair (Red) of the larger of the local boats al Pierce, who turned the vessel over ready tied up. The Embla, Capt. Alf to Capt Hugh Miller last spring, Anderson, will conclude operations having purchased the larger boat for the season at the end of the The new float Is con- in these riner soups It's the Natural Flavour of AYLMER Tomato Soup that has won for it such hearty popularity. Only the finest of fresh-picked, sun-ripened British Columbia tomatoes go into it. Your grocer has AYLMER Tomato Soup. It is one of ten different AYLMER varieties. Order a supply today. A.k for AYLMER. if NATURAL FLAVOUR Soapi. DOMINION CAHNERS B.C. LIMITED, Vancouver, B.C. 9 Ctnnini Planttin British Columbia A 100 B.C. PRODUCT old one ing of the Blrnle as well as the Catherine B., regular Digby Island ferry boat. A new 60x8 landing float to be Installed at Digby Island for the department Is now under con struction on this side of the harbor and will be towed to Digby on com pletion. Engine in Plane The engine of the Northern B. C. Airways seaplane was re-installed on Wednesday aftr having under gone a thorough overhaul following the recent accident to the plane at Langara Island. The trim little air nachine will soon be ready to go nto commission again. George Smith, wharfinger at the lovernment Wharf, has returned " duty after a two weeks' vacation .s a result of which he is feeling nucb refreshed and ready for an- uher year's hard work. The big lighthouse tender Estcvan, . ... 1 vAR JVMct ladettlW Capt. H. Bilton, regularly based out Constitution was paid for 30,000 of Victoria, is on her annual visit pounds. to northern 'waters to carry out , heavy work on aids to navigation According to a bulletin Issued by in the district. Tlie vessel was in the United States Bureau of Fish- port Thursday afternoon from eries halibut landings at the port Digby Island. Hunting Quiet There Is comparatively ber of animals are being brought In. No more than eight or ten have been landed at the floats ot the Prince Rupert Yacht St Rowing Club so far. Undoubtedly there will be much more doing after the bird season opens next Thursday. Scientists of the Biological Board ot Canada have been continuing their work in the waters of Oraham Island endeavouring to establish runs of pink salmon in the so-called off years. If success can be met with In this case, similar methods can, doubtless, be applied elsewhere and annual runs of pinks built up Instead of biennial runs. This Is an off-year for pinks at Massett but at Tlell River there is a limited run. At Tlell a number of pinks have been stripped of their eggs, which have been transported to the fish culture establishment on Mc- Clinton Creek and will be later liberated as fry in the hope that two years from now they may return to Massett Inlet and help to build up an odd-year run. Lost Off Selneboat The selneboat Gladiator arrived of Prince Rupert by American v'es- S sels during the month of August M this year totalled 1,413,000 pounds i" little !H has as compared compared with with 1.760.000 1,768,000 pounds pounds activity in deer hunting here this In the same month last year. fal) and not nearly the usual num in Ketchikan recently from Portways 3:30 nm niCAiUIUCl WUil MIC VI fvuuie H. Raffseth. aged 29. member of the crew, who was drowned at Port Alexander. The drowning was en-Urely accidental. Raffseth had gone ashore In a small boat. The trailer heard a splash and saw a man's cap floating and then sighted the man's form sinking. He recovered The heavy discount of Canadian money has had the effect of causing at least a few of the American halibut boats to go to Ketchikan or Seattle rather than sell their catches of fish here.' At a discount ot 25 per cent at least one-half a cent a pound Is lost on fish often. The American halibut fishermen are starting to contend that when their American fish is sold to American buyers In Prince Rupert for American consumption they should be paid with checks on American banks instead of being compelled to take, checks on Canadian banks and thus less the exchange. The Pacific Salmon Sales Cor poration has been formed In Seattle to aid salmon packers ot Washing ton and Alaska in marketing their product E. 'A. Sims, well known Washington business man and vet eran legislator, Is president of the organization. William Calvert president of the San Juan Fishing St Packing Co Is treasurer and Vic tor H. Elfendahl, former president of the Association ot Pacific Fisheries, is secretary. It is not a hold ing company and will not seek to acquire or control salmon canneries but Is purely a sales organization and has been formed to perform that function. The concern will seek to discharge its duties by Im proving general market conditions, developing new consumers for the products of its members and by encouraging its members as a whole to maintain prices at a satisfactory level. Many salmon packing con cerns have already Joined up. Packer to Islands In response to an appeal from the Queen Charlotte Islands, the Canadian Fish St Cold Storage Is again putting a fish packer on the run to the Islands. There is still a good deal ot salmon trolling in progress on the Islands. Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the week ending yesterday totalled 510.500 pounds of which 92,000 pounds was from Can adlan boats and 418,500 pounds from American. For the season to date landings total 14,522,840 pounds In eluding 5.392,900 pounds Canadian and 9,129,940 pounds American fish. Prices paid during the week again showed a slight improvement over the week previous. The top bid ot the week for Canadian fish was 7.8c and 3c received by the Tramp for 12,500 pounds, while the low Canadian price was 5c and 3c which the Cape Beale received for 30,000 pounds. For American fish the high price was 10.3c and 4c which the Visitor and Oarland received for catches of 3,000 and 4,000 pounds I respectively. The low American price was 55c and 3c which the C. N. TKAIN For the East-l 1 For the Season up to the end ot August, n American landings here aggregated' 7,301,000 pounds as against 11.081.- g 000 pounds in the corresponding period of 1930. Canadian vessel landings here for August amounted to 028,000 pounds as against 1,129,-000 pounds in Aueust 1930. while for the season Canadian fish aggre gated 5,232,000 pounds in comparison with 5,676,000 pounds up to the end of August 1930. Seattle landings this year continue to gain while all Alaskan ports have fallen behind extensively. Doc Clapperton, popular assistant wharfinger at the government wharf, will go off duty on Mondav morning for a two weeks' vacation. Doc intends to spend the holiday pretty quietly at home and a brie visit to Cedarvale, if he decides to go, will probably be the extent of his travels. We wish him a pleasant and beneficial vacation. Mondays, Wednesday and Satur-ys 11:30 ajn. From (he East Sundays. Tuesday and Thurs- Tonv Mlkulica and Ivan Ceclch. who have been in the employ of the Oranby Co. at Anyox. left on this morning's train for Montreal where on October 15 they will em bark on the steamer Auranla for a trlD to their native home near the body with a pike pole but all 'Zagreb. Jugo-Slavla. efforts to restore life failed. Raff seth is survived by his father and sister In Seattle and mother in Norway. The body was sent to SeatUe for burial. Thanksgiving SPECIALS We have arriving a consignment of Fruits and Vegetables Friday and Saturday to take care of your holiday requirement. We advise phoning us up and reserving your order. California Lettuce large heads, 2 for Hothouse Tomatoes per lb. Hubbard Squash per lb Pumpkin per lb Vegetable Marrow per lb Cauliflower per head per box and 35c 20c 7c 6c 6c 15c 20c and 25c 5c O rapes 2 lbs. for Cantaloupes 15c or 2 for Cranberries per lb 10c 45c 25c 25c Mcintosh Red Apptai Arriving tsaiuraay Fancy Grade, wrapped, CO OCT per box Ceo Grade, wrapped, per box S1.95 Household, unwrapped, O-f pn Dutch Maid Salad Dressing. JOp 23-oz. Jar, per Jar .uy Dutch Maid Mayonnaise oj 32-oz. Jar. per Jar OD I Dutch Maid Mayonnaise OOp ll-oz. Jar, per Jar hO Our Stores Will Be Closed Monday, October 12th A visit to our stores, where all goods are plainly marked, will convince tho buyer today that our prices command attention when living costs are to be considered. Mall orders receive personal attention and satisfaction guaranteed. Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents'' Phone 3C0 riione 18 ti 81 319 3rd Ave. 4H-423 5lh a iBHHiHi i i H s ty n s s ii rsjiffjprmsramsrasWBSBft Friday and Saturday TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 PJU. Feature starts 7:40 and 9:40 Admission 20c & 65c Sat. Matinee at 2:30 ire & 40c Feature Starts 3:10 Elected by a Million Votes the Queens of Comedy Marie Dressier And Polly Morah Paramount News Musical, "All for the Band" Saturday, October 10, 1931 In- "Politics" With UOSCO ATES You'll die laughing when you hear him stutter Novelty TWO AM." Cartoon, The Birthday Party" Thanksgiving Program Monday and Tuesday Two Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Fannie Hurst's Thrilling Book 'Five and Ten' Starring MARION DA VIES and a Great Cast Poor little rich girl! All her father's millions could not buy hrr in. Comedy Thirteenth Alarm." Scenic "Climate Chasm" Admission 20c and 65c Feature starts at 7:30 and 9:30 Monday Matinee at 2:30 15c and 40c. Feature starts at 3:00 Kiddies' Birthday Club For the balance of this year, any child is invited the theatre on his or her birthday. See tiu- show as tli" manager's guest WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY THE GIRL HABIT" nxB3MxzwMT9x-MzW'.ut.uri:uxm Kwmt.umemueK-rw Bran i Balance of BARRIES Bankrupt Stock Must Be Sold Wc Have to Vacate Premises Tuesday Next FOR CASH SALE J 1 Cary Safe 1 Dalton Cash Register and Adding Machine 1 Library Table White Wood Breakfast Table Radio Loud Speaker in Cabinet 8 Semi-Indirect Lights Chesterfield Table, and End Table Lazy Boy Chair and Stool Rockers, Chairs, Toys and Miscellaneous" Artit l, must be sold. Give Mc an Offer Geo. J.Dawes - Phone Black 120 Price of Coal Reduced for Cash TV delivered y-Vf ciiiiiK(on ainBe Screened ' Q4 4 fl( loose, per ton dll.UU JSanaimo-WellinKton Single Screened Q4 O Off delivered bapged, per ton 12.25 Sootless " ' " " Stove, delivered bagged, jgfl Albert & McCaffery, ltd. nunc 11U PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Free' UNO -THE TAILOR ""Second Ave. rhoe 619 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOK SKKENA BIIANO Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese ntrsii i'ARTEimizn mil AND CREAM DAILY Early Drllrery Throufboot the City