PAliK OUK THE DAILY NEWS Monday, Aufust 24. iki THE DAILY NEWS. GLACIERS I New Roses PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except 11 ' ' Sunday, by Prince Rupert RECEDING Prince Dally News. Limited. Third Avenu.' Rupert H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Notable Ice Beds Are Found By SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, pa Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters Telephone - Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION advance For lesser periods, paid in advance, per month Uy mail to all parts at Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period - By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year By mail to all other countries, per year . ADVERTISING RATES Attend Fair ..88 ..98 5.00 50 3.00 $600 9.00 Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion ' 1.40 Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word . Local readers, per Insertion, per line . , Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line . sa .25 .15 Measurement to Be Shrinking Mount Robson One Scientists Recently Vhlted Ice Beds In Rocky Mountains (By Arthur O. Wheeler) Following up observations pre viously made of glaciers along the Canadian Pacific Railway, at the Prospectors Valley, this month, the president, H. 1 Sampson, ot Regina, ard the honorary president, A. O. Wheeler, of Sidney, went to Mount Robson to ascertain the amount of recession of the Robson Olaclcr. Observations were first made in 1911, at the time ot the Alpine Club ot Canada's expedition to explore the Mount Robson reelon. The ex- Monday, August 24, 1931 Jpedltion was then, accompanied by a party from the Smithsonian msti- , tue of Washington, D.C. ALL IN SA.Mb t BOAT i Subsequently the measurements In the matter of hard times, practically all the people of have been checked twice, namely, in the community are in the same boat with the exception of iff", at the time of the dub s camp those who are receiving the Same salaries as before the J lSi XoU.? drop in prices. They are better off than ever before. SurTey of ,Canada a mem. During a recent trip through- the mterior the editor ber 0f the club, found that in every place he visited the conditions were. From in to im there had been very similar. None was exempt from the buyers' strike a retreat of 30 feet, and from i9ii which has been going on and. unemployment had conse-;" ? Talks with many of the merchants and others in the in- i ' Marks Readable terior as well as here seem to indicate that all are agreed j using the same rocks marked in that we have to adjust ourselves to the new conditions and , in. on which the marks were still carry on the best we can until there is an improvement. ! distinctly readable, measurements . . . , . r made and it found was were now j 4. in i j And it is not expected the improvement will be rapid. We that ln the elapsed 20 years the ke are, it would seem, at or near the bottom of the slump and ihad retreated 687 feet, of 402 feet the climb back Will be slow, With a good many falling by ! for the last nine years, an average the wayside, unable to make the grade. We may never re-;' n"1 45 Pcr year as com-turn to the former conditions but must adjust ourselves if,265 feet for the p to the present. There is no going back in life. It is a con-j nThewas also, in addition to a tinual move forward. I general shrinkage, a very remark- If a person asks when we shall be back to normal, the able change, in 1911 the ice fore- reply is "never." There is no normal. Life is not static. We i'ootof the glacier had sept out two can never be sure that any particular condition is normal, r.: ,,, Vvl the River to the Arctic rm. .1 t..i.t i. s si. l n i Smoky The hopef ul feature about the present is that it cannot well be worse and that in all probability we are on' the way toward prosperity. THE LOCAL CONDITION The local condition is rather a serious one. Halibut fishermen have been earning scarcely enough to carry them through the summer. With the winter staring them in the face and no other work in sight except relief, the outlook is not a pleasant one for them. Ocean, and the other southward via the Fraser Valley to the Pacific. That flowing to the Pacific had issued from a fine ice cave. This was all changed. The cave was gone and the ice had receded so far on its eastern side, behind a rock rib, that the stream to the Arctic no longer existed, all the runoff from the Ice being carried southward to the Pacific. This disposition clearly placed the Oreat Divide ot the Rockies east Salmon fishing has not been, much better. Trollers have cf the Robson Glacier and Mount made little money and gillnetting has not produced any ! Robson undisputaoiy within the great profits. Mining and lumbering are still in the doldrums and a number of men who have been employed by the city during the summer will have to be laid off soon unless new work is found for them. The city taxes have been mounting and it is well nigh impossible to increase them more in order to provide relief. Prince Rupert is in much the same condition as Van couver in that it is Unable to spend any appreciable amount of money on providing employment this coming winter. The federal and provincial governments must take hold of Miss Louise Wo;, holds a spray of "the New Dawn climbing roses, for which the first plant patent ever Issued has been forwarded by the VS. patent of-' flee. one as could be had. failed to scale the Ice wall. The last time, in des-, peratlon, Hans, leading, said. "I will 1 go if you tell me to. We may get , through, but I may be killed or we all may be killed." The woman declined to assume the responsibility i and the attempt' failed again. ; Observations made of the IllecU-lewtae, Asulkan ,Yoho and Victoria Olaclers prior Co ilie Alpine Club camp, and of the Robson Olacier after It. tend strongly to show a greatly Increased recession of the tee within the pas: ten years; also of a big decrease ln volume, as shown by the uncovering of broad rock faces and cliffs where previously the ice was supposed to He to the depth of hundreds of feet. The results would seem to bear out the theory of a very distinct change to milder climatic conditions, moving gradually toward the climax of Its cycle. In due course, wherrthe observa- Provlnce of British Columbia. Newitions made have been fully worked rocks were now marked closer to the Ice for future reference, and photographs for comparison with previous ones were taken. IcefaU Shrinks The Tumbling Glacier, which falls very steeply for 5,000 feet from the icefield below the final peak of Mt. Robson and buries its nose In the waters of Berg Lake, appeared to have shrunken quite a lot in width I of its lcefall and to have lost much the situation seriously and undertake to provide for the lu bold- precipitin front, it ap- men, juvii, many inuiijr i 01 whori iiiium work to commence. wpeared to be as active as ever, for unit uhh .Y.wmifc iU1 : while at the Hai English Women Pioneering In New Callings Greenville Band Ready to Come Hargreaves Bros.' cab ins, which are at the east end ot Berg Lake directly opposite to It, several huge blocks of Ice came crashing down Into the lake, sending up columns ot water and spray many feet Into the nlr. From the Harsreaves' cabins. out, a report will bo submitted to the International Commission on Olaclers and the accumulated results from observations in the several countries where glacial conditions exist will confirm or deny the truth of such climatic change. PASSING OF OLD TIMER Mrs. Anna Johnson, Who Died Suddenly Sunday, Had Lived Here Twenty-Two Years After an Illness of only four days whlrh nrovide accommodation for Mrs. Anna Johnson, wife of Carl Q. Arrangements Completed For Naa tourists, a most marvelous view Is Johnson, died yesterday afternoon River Musldal Body to to be seen when the weather is! at 3 o'clock at her home, 155 Ninth clear. The Ice-capped crest of Mt. Avenue tast 1 Robson rises in a sheer white prec- Born In Sweden in 1854, the late TORONTO, Aug. 22: English wo- j th.rtn o,,c. ,. IdIcc to very nearly 13.000 feet above Mrs. Johnson came to Prince Ru men are showing an incllnatlpn to rjfeenvllle native band, who was lnisea Ievel- Across a narrow snow col pert from Fernle twenty-two yean get away from the ordinary office town thl3 jnin,, sta'ted that ar- the snow-covered heights of the ago. Apart from her husband, shs and shop callings, and to pioneer in rangmenU had en completed for Helmet rise to over 11,000 feet, and leaves no relatives, new lines, according to Mrs. 8am hi3 to Ia at Ialr nere:from the base of its final dome the Funeral arrangements are ln the Sloan, who Is a successful Journalist next weet The mujlc of ine tond , broken lcefall ot the Tumbling Gla-: hands of the B C. Undertakers, free lance in London. Mrs. Sloan is w, bt tven betUr thU tnan ,tcier falls 3.000 feet ln a gigantic , spending a short vacation In Can- wa, Jat Mr Rus3 sUted 1 cascade to the bright blue waters I ada with her husband, Dr. Sloan. 1 Mr ' " M fh,. ,..,; of Bere Lake, dotted with grotcsque-l next trip of the Admiral This venturing upon new lines has Greenville would also send its foot-' 'T haped icebergs formed fromiUne steamer Dorothy Alexandir, been accompanied by the breaking M1J and bftMban teams he for the of the old prejudice against a pro-ijajr fesslonal life for women which for-! ' : .... " merly clutched many conservative it J i f 1 English families. While people of Had ISaQ LUCK considerable means are beginning itr 1 t r to want an occupation, the general, Wlf " h NtMAT I ni public, on the contrary, has shown i"C W sal an Increased desire to read about masses that have avalanched fromlCaPt- A- W. Nlckerson, will be her this tremendously-active glacier M"1 Alaska cruise of the season, with cannon-like reports. She k due here southbound on Robson Dangers (Friday of next week and will pro- It Is to be wondered whether the bly be making a longer stay here changes that are taking place In 'than usual if tides at Seymour ice conditions have affected the narrows permit, vulnerability of the mountain dim- , berr. Mt. Robson had not been the realm of luxury and leisure. Capt. Ole Skog, well known local -uh thi. vMr .m m hi. im. nf Thus, with these trends, one toward iisherman, had' bad luck with a mr observations The great Ice wall democracy and the other a way from Chrysler sedan automobile which wnjch has to be surmounted had it, there has been the vogue for ar- he had bought at auction on Sa-' ' presented too many dangers from tides written- by-titled women, turday afternoon from G. C. fairing Ice blocks. Three times this Borne of these writers hate ability Walker. He was taking his initial formidable barrier was attempted which Justifies the course. Others drive soon after acquiring the enr by Miss Kate oardlner. of Warrlng-are merely riding on the whim of when he struck the curb at the 'ton. Eng.. a well known woman al-tne moment and temporarily com- Royal Hotel corner and ran up an'pintst, who has done much climb-plleatlng matters for the profes- the sidewalk. A wheel was broken ling In the Canadian Heckles and sionai writer. , 0ff the car but. apart from that ! elsewhere. She was led by th 8wiss ;tJirt was llttU damage although ieuides. Hans and Henri Fuhrer. of Progressive merchants advertls cltement. ,the crash occasioned no little ex-'the Canadian National Railways. Three times the party, as itrong a TELEPHONE 657 VAI-KNTIM DAIRY" FOR KKKKNA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Chennc FRFSII PASTKUKIZF.D MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Opens Tuesday, Sept. 1 Closes Friday, Sept. 4 Number of Jugglers, Equalibrists and Contortionists to give Oever Performances Bevy of Dancing Girls. Two Bands in Attendance. CHAMPIONSHIP SPORTS The sporting events at the Prince Rupert Fall Fair this year jrjve promise of surpassing those of former years. The visiting teams have won distinction in their respective districts, while the local boys are in the best of form. BASEBALL: FOOTBALL: LACROSSE: : a Hazelton, the champion team so far, will try to add one more to its string of victories by playing a series against Prince Kupcrt. Also Indian baseball games. ANYOX VS. PRINCE RUPERT For the championship of Northern B. C. Also In dian football contests. 'rince Rupert and two Naas River teams will play championship series. International Beautequest The most beautiful girl in this district will be chosen to visit Los Angeles and compete in the huge competition, and the candidate will be chosen during fair week at the final ball. Exhibition Features Flower show, the largest in Northern British Columbia. Individual farm exhibit, most important yet ever made in district. Dozens of Midway features every afternoon and evening. EIUJIKDINGM CIGARETTES Mild and Mellow k.. .. J? ALL QUALITY mm-' I J 9 'ft I s v WW