MI - 31 ANTISEPTIS A Cleansing Deodorant Used as a gargle, after shaving, for the hair, abrasion,? and scratches, mosquito and insect bites. 3 oz. 25c; 6 oz. 40c; 16 oz. 75c Ormes Ltd. Zflui Pioneer Vruoyisls Phones 81 & 82 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TU.WL IIHITISII COLUMIIIA JLf it 1 1 1 fiirt iirwu rt ELEPHANT lira ml rilEMICAI. lEKTII.IZKItS Pi "urt-rn tt Rlnera of TADANAC llmiiil ei.kctihmatic LOCAL ITEMS I ward for a britf visit. H, L Nichols, well known local! . . ' 8. Irvine, who has L been spend- haubui fisherman, left on Satur-1, n a teiU iij Mi his home in Nova Scotlv IeYVl there hr will spend the winter. ! t0lhe '""J ,ntr,or on thls Mr." A. E. Ireland and son Norman Ireland, left on Saturday for Toronto They had been resld- j tog here for several months. There wre 87 passengers nr-?: 'UK this morning on the Prince Rupr:' from Alaska. Of this number 1 29 rtly mbarked here, the most to gn ' '- by train. I H. Mills, provincial government1 ud!!or disembarked from the ss. Prtn Charlotte here Saturday if -moon after a trio to Telegraph Creek on official duties. , t!':r Mr("nvirt rrived in the cttv on tho Princess Charlotte Saturday iftpvv.n from the Taku River nun'rv and left on today's train fir Minneapolis whence he will procMj to Rochester, Minnesota, to reo i.v treatment at Mayo Clinic, j Thn firo department had a call i' 3d Saturday evening to the 61ms imuse at 1431 Atlin Avnnu hot ashes had been dumpod near "Ik- wall which started to winder The fire vm extinguished h1 use of chemicals, no damage being lionp. ANNOUNCEMENTS . ldh Novelty Dinee August Jfi. ldK n rrcshmenU. GenU. 50c Elk Dance August 28th. E.'.! :V Social and Smoker Sep-tcnii: : 10. Ctrm!l bazaar October 21 and 22. Third Ave. & Fulton St. j A.miU.MU.M PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TKIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZING CAOMIUM-1USMUT1I I Nick Coulter arrived in town on I this afternoon's train from Port Ed- Mrs. Robert Glance and daughter, Marjorte. who have been holidaying In the interior, returned home on this afternoon's train. T. W. 8hacklton. Usk hotel proprietor, arrivecrih the cltv from the interior on thlffiTternoon's train for a brief buslnewYiatt in town. Master Robrt CoUart, son. fit Mr and Mrs. Theo Collart, who has beeh holidaying at Terrace, returned to "e clly from Interior on this afternoon s train. No definite instructions had been received up to this afternoon by W. K. Uwyer in regard to proceeding with the relief camp at Cloyah Bay but word Is expected at any time. Mrs. R. C. Bamford ol Smlthers. who has been on a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south, arrived !n the city on the Prince Charles this morning from the south and proceeded to the interior by train. Col. J M. Rolston, who is engaged in survey work on the Queen Charlotte Islands for the Powell Rtrer Co.. arrived in the city on the Prince Chart ea this morning after a brief trip to Vancouver and is proceeding through to Port Clement on the vessel. Oiio Olsen was charged in city police court before Magistrate Mc-Clymont this morning with having liquor for sale in a room at thn Dominion Rooms. After prosecution evidence had been heard thh morning, the case was adjourned until this afternoon. TO "GREAT BRITAIN and back SrEQAL REDUCED third class far from Montreal to Itellast, uias-bow, Liverpool, Plymouth or London and back. Coed going from Aug. let to Oct. 15th Return portion valid for 2 years. Hound trip rate to Continental points reduced proportionately. Two sailings a week, ttlutl tnjormatlon afph CX'NARD MNK IlllUitlnaa SimlW, . a irhon. Seymour JUS) ml . CUNAR ANCHOR DONALDSON UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED dteamrrs Irave rrlnre Knprrt f or Vancouver! tsm'atau rvi:kv Tiffn.w. un vm, Arriving Vancouver. TM'rsday Morning. T. lAHItr.NA F.YKHV IKIH.IV MIDNIOHT w Arriving Vancouver Bunday mldninhi approx. "My aalllngi to Port Blmpcon, A!lc Arm. Anyox. BKwart and Nasi River otnti Sunday. 8:00 p.m. "tfthjr information regarding Ml wiling. ni ticket at -- PRlNcr Ki riiKT .MIKNCY: Heennd Avenue. Thone S8 Local Items Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, Ilellbroner'i Store. Mrs. D'. II. McDonald and son. Angus McDonald, sailed Saturdav Saturday afternoon on the Princess Charlotte for Seattle. Retail Merchants' Dinner Tuesday, Aug. 25, at 6:30 pjn. In Com modore Cafe to meet candidate for the Beautequest, Miss Pauline Fur-ness. 199 Mrs. C. J. Norrlngton, who has been holidaying at Terrace, return j ed to the city from the Interior pu j yesterday afternoon's train, belnrr on a brief .trip to town on official business. Mrs. Peter. Stephen arrived in the city on the Catala last even lng from Vancouver to pay a visit with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McAuley Fourth Avenue West. A party of local girls, who hav? been empoyed during the salmon packing, season at Butedale can nery with Mrs. A. Ivarson m charge, returned to the city on the Catala last evening. Miss Margaret Bcattle of this city, after spending some time at Douglas Lodge, Fort St. James, is now visiting in Vancouver with her cousin. Mrs. Leonard French, be fore proceeding to Vancouver Is land where she will visit friends. The following is from the Twen ty Years Ago column of the Van couver Province: "Location of thrw divisional points on the O. T. I. west of Hazelton Is announced by O. U. Ryley of Winnipeg, land commisslcsT and townsite agent of the company, who is in Vancou ver today" The' Admiral Line steamer Ad miral Rogers, which called here yesterday morning with the Unl versltv of Oreson tour party on board, was formerly known as th? 8pokane and as such used to call at Tpnie Rupert regularly some "twenty bdd Trors agV The v&sel still maintains her popularity In the Alaska trade. "BUILD IJ. C. PAYROLLS" Pacific Used 11 surt ttUDtVlTTO Years. ismm Mrs. E. Atkins of Rossland, In a letter just received, says herMamlly has used Pacific Milk 1 1 years. "I tried several mtlks before this, but got so much satisfaction from the first tin that wc have used Pacific Milk even when we had fresh milk on hand. The children prefer It In coffee and on oatmeal In the morning." PACIFIC MILK Factory at vM.botsford. RC. 103 B.C. Owned and Controlled NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Grado A certificate Health and Sanlta tlon. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY Box 893 Phone 287 PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Mado Collection and Delivery Free! LING -THE TAILOR M7 Second Ave. Plione fit!) Took it Btfore Childbirth "T FIRST tookLydilE.Pinkham's X Vegetable Compound before childbirth beciuse I was so weak. "After taking it, I felt much stronger. I could deep better and I could do mj work! "I hare taken the Vegetable Compound for cleTen years off and on whenever I need a builder and I recommend ft." Mrs. Emily Schindel, Renown, Saskatchewan. This is only one of thousands of letters praising this simple, home remedy and recommending it to women who need a strengthened mSSEmBm Baseball tonight Old Empress vs. Elks. R. L. Mcintosh arrived In town on yesterday aiternoons tram from his summer home at Terrace. A daughter was, born at Prince. George on August 19 to Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Carter. Mrs. Carter "was formerly Miss Susie E. McLaugh lln. . ' Miss Hermlone King and little Miss Josephine Ely, both of Van couver, arrived In the city from the south Saturday and are the guests of Mrs. F. N. Good, Graham Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. George Sellars n. Anyox, who havebabn pna Jhrpe! weeks' vacation, fflfvjo Vancouver, were passengers aboard the Catala last evening returning to the sme1 ter town. Rev. Commander O. T. Hodgson. Anglican Church missionary at Telegraph Creek, was a passenger aboard the Princess Charlotte Sa turday afternoon going south on ?. hree-weeks' trip to Setttle and Albernl. Admiral Line steamer Dorothy Alexander, Capt. A. W. Nickerson, arrived in port at 6:45 this morn ing from Alarka and sailed at 10 a.m. for Seattle. The vessel had p large list of tourist passengers on board. W. O. Jaffray, president of the Toronto Mall and Empire, and Mrs. Jaffray, were passengers on board the Princess rjharlotte Saturday afternoon returning south afler making the rund trip to Skagway. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A E. Dickson, arrived In port at 6:30 last evening from the south and sailed at 8 p m. for Anyox, Stewart and other northern points, whence she will return here tomorrow southbound. Completing her final trip of cV season to Skagway. C.N.R. steamt" Prince Rupert, Capt. Donald, ar rived in port at 10 o'clock thi morning from Alaska and will sa 1 at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Van couver via Ocean Falla and Pow ;ll River. There were UW rrwntrr's on Nwrd the steamer Prince Char- 'ntie which wn in port Saturday afternoon southbound from flkair- way tn Vancouver. Throe' persons rllsembark',d from the vessel here while nine went aooard for the outh. The purser on tho steamer A1 miral Rogers, which called here yesterday morning wiyj.the Unl versify of Oregon tour party on board, is R. V.( Reggie) 'Harris, who years ago was purser on steamers of the Grand Trunk Pacific fie"! plying between here and Vancou ver Including the Prjnce Geort;e Prince John and other ships. Mr Harris, who Is still known to many old timers of the port, came out from England with the steamer Prince George In 19KU Capt. A. M Davlcs was In command and Capt Harry Nedden, now master of the Prince Henry, was second mate. Glasses fittca b registered optometrist at Ilellbroner'i store. Oiler Besner Jailed on the Prin cess Charlotte Saturday afternoon for a trip to Vancouver5. ! Elks' Dance, Friday, Aug. 23, Metropole Hall, in honor of Miss Vivian Hlckey. Admission 50c, 102 Auction Sale of Solid Walnut and Mahogany Furniture, the equal pf which has never been seen in tni3 Altn AftQ QtK Aa tX7 iurr Q h Wb. 1VU Ufclt five Ug. .Oi - M. Hunt, Auctioneer. 200 R. H. Scanlon, well known official of the Powell River Co, and P. D. Rees, after a brief visit In the city, are sailing by the ss. Prince Rupert this afternoon for Powell River. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Green of Con cordia, Kansas, have arrived at Douglas Lodge, Fort St. James, '.o spend several weeks. On their way north they paid a brief visit In Vancouver. Mrs. J. W. Mounce, who has been the guest here for the past ten days of her nieces, Mrs. Alex McRae and Mrs. O. A. Hunter, will sail by the Catala tomorrow afternoon on her return to her home in Vancouver. J. P. Forde, district engineer for the federal department of public works. Is a passenger aboard tlw Prince Rupert today returning to his headquarters In Victoria afwr a trip Into the Telegraph Creek rountry on official business. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Smith and child airlved in the city on the ss. Prince George Saturday eveninj from Premier and will proceed from here Wednesday to visit In Idaho and Manitoba. Mr. Smith is assistant manager of the Premier mine. C.N.R. steamer Prince Charles Capt. Dan McKlnnon. ar'rived In port on time at 11:30 this morning from Vancouver and will sail at 8 o'c'ock this evening for Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inlet points whence she will return here Thurs day morning southbound. The si. Prince Charles will make- one more .voyage, pn summer schedule befoK t next week for the winter. "My NERVES Were Terrible" Now Mrs. Hyland Feels Happy and Well Owing to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills (tonic). "My nerves were Feels Like terrible," writes Mrs. Alex. Hyland, Clarendon "New Station, Ontario. "Mother told Person". me to take Pink Pilb. so I started and I soon felt that they were helping me. Today I am happy and well, and I feel I owe it all to Dr. Williams Pink Pills." The iron and other elements in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills (tonic) increase the amount of haemoglobin or the oxygen-carrying agent in the blood. The increased oxygen re-vitalizes your tissues, sharpening your appetite, giving you a feeling of happiness and well-being. Dr. Williams' Pink Tills are available at SO cents a packaee at any druggist's. Be sure to say "Dr. Williams' " so that the druggist will know exactly what you want US HUGH L. DICKEY, M.D, SPECIALIST Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted No. 1 Royal Hotel CLEANING & PRESSING Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Reasonable Prices M. T. LEE CO. 323 3rd Ave. YT. Phone 663 Next Benson Studio COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy. Wellington In any quantities. Also llulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Boat and Car for Sale Car can be seen at Parker's Garage Boat, the Imalonc, at Yacht Club Floats Dr. Joseph Maguire, Alder Block Vancouver Stocks (Courtesy 8. D. Josnatot, Co. Big Missouri, 22, 23. Cork Province, nil, 1. Georgia River, nil, 2Y2. Golccnda, 21, 25. Grandview, 3'2 5. Independence, nil, 1. Indian Mines, nil, 14. Lucky Jim, 2, 2. Morton Woolsey, nil, 2. National Silver, 1, 1ft. Noble Five, 4, 5. Oregon Copper, nil, 3. Pend Oreille, nil, 70. Premier, 57, 58. Porter-Idaho, nil, 5. Reeves Macdonald, nil, 23. Rufus-Argenta, nil, 2. Ruth-Hope, nil, 5. Silver Crest, ft, nil. Snowflake, 1. Topley Richfield, nlL 1ft. Woodbine, ft, 1. Bluebird, nil, 2. OILS A. P. Con, 6, 9. Calmont, 3,'nll. Dalhousle, 13, nil. Fabyan Pete, nil. Hi-Home, 40, 50. Freehold. 2ft. 3ft. Hargal, 2, 3 Vic Merland, 5, 9. Mercury, 8i, 9ft. United, 7, nil. Eastern Stocks Noranda, 1825, 19.00. Int. Nickel. 12.75, 13.00. C. P. R.. 20.75. 21.75. Imperial Oil. 12.75. nil. Cons. M. & S., 95.00, nil. Halibut Landings American' Defence, 9,000, Storage, 7.5c and 3c. Alki, 6,000, Booth, 7.6c and 3c. Eastern Point, 5,000, Royal, 8.1c and 3c. Midway, 11,000, Atlin, 7.6c and 3c. Lenor, 11,000, Storage, 8c and 3c Canadian Melville, 15,000. Atlin, 5c and 3c. Covenant, 24,000, Storage, 5.5c and 3c. Embla, 16,000, Booth, 6c and 3c. Nuba. 6.500. Atlin, 6c and 3c. Pair of Jacks, 7,000, Storage, 6.5c and 3c. Zapora, 10,000, Royal, 6c and 3c. New Inspector of Schools Arrivfes W. Hall of Kamloops Successor to II. C. Fraser, Moved to Victoria T: W. Hall, transferred from Kamloops to Prince Rupert as Inspector of schools, succeeding H. C. Fraser, who has been moved to Victoria, arrived In the city from the southern Interior town by train on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Hall and family will be arriving In about a week's time to take up residence here. Mr. Hall is engaged this week In conducting matriculation supplemental for this district. Good Things Corite In Small Quantities MALVERN. Eng.. Aug. 24: George Bernard Shaw would rather pick up a piece of small change many times than take a big profit only once In a while, he said today at an address here tn the Interests of the National Theatre movement. It would be surprising to know, he I said, how much money ho gets from little groups of players putting on his dramas In halls where the admission prjee Is from ten cents to a quarter. "I take my fifteen cents, touch my hat and trust for a renewal of favors," said he. The Weather Triple Island Overcast, light southeasterly wind; slight sea. Langara Island Overcast, light south wind; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, calm; barometer, 30:20; temperature, 60; sea smooth. SENATOR IS DEAD Hon. Sanford J. Crowe Dies in Vancouver Was Pioneer of Province VANCOUVER, Aug. 24:-Senator Sanford Johnston Crowe, a member of the Senate since 1921, died In his sleep at his home here last night. He was 62 years of age. The late Senator Crowe was born February 14,-1868, at Truro, N5 and was educated in that town. He came to British Columbia In June, 1888 and for years was a partner in the firm of Crowe & Wilson, contractors, retiring In 1909. He was an alderman of the city of Vancouver for seven years from 1907 to 19l3 inclusive. Senator Crowe first entered Parlia ment in 1917 when he was elected as a Liberal-Unionist. He was summoned to the Senate on December 1, 1921. Senator Crowe was married In 1890 to his first wife, Annie C. Smythe, 'of Bathurst, N.B. They had three children a daughter, now dead, a son. Harold, who was killed in action In the Great War. and another son, Elmer, who served three years overseas. Deceased was mar ried again In 1914 to Laura C. Mc- Leod of Charlottetown, P.E.I., who survives him. The late Senator Crowe was an active member of the Canadian Club and also belonged to the Terminal City Club, Shaughnessy Golf Club, Terminal City Lawn Bowling Club. He was a life member of the Vancouver Exhibition Association and belonged to the Presbyterian, Church. THE MARKET as follows: Vegetables 3. C. New Potatoes. 15 lbs .25 sack 1.41 B. C, Beets, bunch, 2 for .15 Parsiey. ounch 10 B. C. Celery, head. 15c and .25 Vegetable Marrow, lb. .06 Spinach, B. C, lb. .10 Oarllc, imported, per lb .40 Parsnips, 2 bunches .15 Green Beans, lb .10 Cabbage, green .07 B.C. head lettuce, head .10 Victoria hothouse tomatoes, lb 20 Field Tomatoes, lb . .15 Green Peas, lb .. .10 Rhubarb, outdoor, lb. . .05 Bunch Turnips, 2 bunches ... 15 B. C. Cauliflower, hd.. 20c and .25 B. C. Bunch Carrots .05 Victoria hothouse cucumbers each .15 Hothouse Cucumbers, each ,15 Hothouse Squash, lb .15 Broad Beans, lb .05 Green Onions, 3 bunches .10 Radishes, 3 bunches .' .10 Onions, 4 lbs 55 Apples Green Cooking Apples, 4 lbs. 25 California Gravenstclns doz. 60c to 1.00 Fruits Valencia Oranges 20c to .70 Lemons. Sunklst, doa. 40 California Grapefruit 7'ic to .10 Bananas, lb. 15 Calif. Seedless Grapes, lb. ..... .25 Cal. Malaga Grapes, lb .25 Local Raspberries, 2 boxes 25 Canteloupes, Cal 15c to 25 Terrace cooking Cherries, lb. .15 Plums, lb .15 Pears, basket 0 Cal. Pears, doz. 45c to .55 Elbcrta Peaches, doz. 40c to ... 0 Casaba Melons, lb. .u Watermelons, lb. fl Honey Dew Melons, each. 30c to .40 Dried trults -Extracted honey, per Jar 25 Comb honey 25 Dates, bulk, lb .12 Raisins, bulk, lb .15 Lemon and orange peel 20 Dlack cooking figs. lb. -15 Currants, lb. .15 Citron peel 25 White fl. lb 15 Apples, dried - 20 Peaches, peeled 20 Apricots, lb 20 Prunes. 60-70. lb - 10 Prunes. 30-40. lb. .15 j Prunes. 40-50. lb .12V'