TIME WORKS WONDERS ) rM in When your EVEREADY Radio Batteries CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO.. LIMITED Calgary Vancouver TORONTO Montreal Wlnnlp Omii Ernttif Ktiio Slat( CKNC. Ttnt Iha nck ol aach III of Seagram's Rye-Whiiky there a Government la- bearing the year which this whisky was stored and proving that it b 7 years old. 4 RYE WHISKX This advertisement is not published or displayed by th Llquoi Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Radio spnek out an safl for batteriea, put new rP into it with Uyerbilt, the better batterie with the longer life. There' nothing like Layerbilti to ginger up the performance of your art And there' nothing ctn touch them for real economy. ' Every inch of Pce iniid a Lyerbilt Battery 'I filled with cur rent producing material. There no wte, no uaeleu padding. It' battery clear through ' . . .' and th ONLY battery of it kind In th world. Look, for the paw Evertady, 3 ft J t Rdio Slerti averyaArr. "mm i u an bp RB 4 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED .trainer Iruve I'rlnre Hupert t tr Vmicoum; T.ft.N. tMTAI.A FVKKV TI'KMD.W, I SO P.M. Arriving Vancouver. Thurtdne Noon approx, T.M.K.' :AIBNA EVMIV KHIIiAV MIDNKIIIT Arriving Vancouver Bundir midnight Ppros. Weekly aalllngi to Port Slmpaon, Alice Arm. Anyox. Stewart nd Na rtlver point. Sunday. B.00 p.m. Further information regarding nil Milling mid ticket t rillNT Ul l'I'ItT AtlKNCV See ond Avenue, Phone 5S Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroner'i Store. Misses May and Lillian Jones sailed Saturday evening on the ss. Prince Rupert for a vacation trip to Vancouver. J. R. Morrison, a recent guest At the Irwlnton Apartments, Bur-rard Street, has left for Prince Rupert. Vancouver Province. Thomas Walsh, Government Te! , egraphs operator at Terrace, arrived in the city from the interior on Saturday afternoon's train. J. T. Harvey, Smithers barrister, arrived in the city yesterday on professional business. He returned to the interior on this morning's train. Miss Horning of Vancouver arrived (n the city on the Catala last evening from the south to pay a visit with her sister, Mrs. Ellis Morris. Mrs. L. A. Green and grandson arrived in the city on the Catala last evening from Victoria to pay a visit here with Mrs. Greens daughter, Mrs. Hubert Ward, Atlln Avenue, Westvlew. Mrs. W. E. Walker and family were passengers aboard the Catala last evening bound for Ar- randane where they will spend the summer with Mr. Walker, who U cannery manager there.. A number of Indian children who have been attending the Co- qualcetea Institute at Sardls, were aboard the steamer Catala last evening bound for their homes on the Naas River to spend the sum mcr vacation. The tea and sale of home cook ing held by the First Company of Olrl Guides at the home of Mrs. J. B. Gibson Saturday afternoon was quite successful and very en joyable to all who called to lend their patronage to the affair. Delayed by adverse tidal condl Mona. CNJl. s. Prince Charles Dept. Dan McKlnnon. did not ar rive until 1 o'clock this afternoon from Vancouver. The vessel will sail at 8 o'clock this evening for Stewart. Anyox and Massett Inlet points, whence she will return here southbound on Thursday. "BUILD U. C. PAYROLLS" "I Find It Most Satisfactory" MB I Jwir KtnK "I like Pacific Milk because I get good results. I always keep some on hand, use it for all cooking purposes and find it most satisfactory." Mrs. Jean Frith, Nanalmo. Thousands of families are using Pacific Milk for the same reason Mrs. Frith gives Its "good results." PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abl.otnfi.nl. H.C. 100', Il.C. Owned and Controlled SAILINGS FKOM PItlNCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangrll, Juneau and Skagway July 10, 13, 17, 20 To Vancouver, Victoria and 8, 11, 15. 18 For Butedale, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday 10 p.m. Full Information from C. Orchard, General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave. St 4th St. Phone 31 j j E3 IT PAOB THRKB THE DAILY NEWS Monday, July 6, 1931 JUST ARRIVED Swim Kaps Season's latest and original designs. ' Keep the curl in and the water out. Price: 15c to $1.25 Ormes Ltd. Z7Jia Pioneer Drugisls . Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PIIAKMICISTS Local Items Kefep Free From Fat-Feel Younger Unlike moat ulu, Knnrboi isn't limply laxative-if that's all you want any lind of aalu with any kind of a label will do but I that aU you want T When you take Kruarbrn Salt yo not only stimulate your bowel. Iivrf and kidney to function naturally and perfectly, but you eupply every internal organ, gland, nerve and fibre in the body with nature' own revitalizing and rejuvenating mineral. Cet a bottle of K ram-hen Salt at any drug (tore take one-half teaspoon in a bum of hot water every morning before breakfatt cut down . . ... . i on tweet ana in winning iooa ana get nme moderate regular exercise in jiut a few day indolence change to activity and life grow brighter. A Virginia woman writes I " I just tarterf on my aeoond bottle of Kruarhen Salts and have been loaina flesh right along you have fathomed the teat of fleah rednctijo." Mrs. H. L. Shadwell and son sail ed Saturday evening on the Prince Rupert for a vacation trip to Walter Hume, dry dock accoun'. ant, returned to the city on yes terday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Terrace. E. M. Haynes, Post Office In spector, Victoria, was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening go ing through to Stewart on official duties. Harry Bowman. C2W. coloniza tion agent, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to Terrace and other Interior points on official business. Wattuf Rasmussen of Ketchi kan arrived in the city from the north on the Princess Louise Sa turday afternoon and will be a visitor here for a few days with his brother. George Grosvenor of this city. who has been on a trip into the Stikine and LJard River district as census enumerator, returned to tin? city from the north on the ss Princess Louise 'Saturday after-, noon. CiiSi. steamer Prince George Capt. Nell McLean, returned to port at 7t45 thlsmornmg frcrm Skac-way and other Alaskan points and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Ocean Falls, Powell River and Vancouver. asP Union steamier Catala. Capt A. E. Dickson, arrived In port at 7:15 last evening from the south and sailed a couple of hours later for Anyox, Stewart and other northern points, whence she will return here tomorrow morning southbound t Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Cutler of Anyox. who have been on a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south, were passenflers aboard thf Catala last evening returning to the smelter town. During their absence in the south, the children of Mr. and Mrs. Cutler stayed at Terrace. A party of thirty-three members of the Knights Templar organlza tlon from San Francisco. In charge of Earle J. Harris of the Southern Pacific Railway and Mrs. Harris, Is aboard the steamer Prince George today returning south after havinz made the round trip to Skagway. Having on board quite a large list of round trip tourist passengers. C.P.R. steamer Princess Char lotte. Capt. C. C. Salntey, arrived In port at 9 o'clock this mronlng from Vancouver and sailed at 11 o'clock for Skagway and other A! askan points, whence she will re turn here southbound on Saturday afternoon. foreman for the Government Telegraphs, arrived in the city frou his headquarters at Hazelton on yesterday afternoon's tram and sailed this morning on the Princess Charlotte for Wrangcll en-route to Telegraph Creek where h will superintend work to be carried out on the line. ANNOUNCEMENTS Royal Russian Chorus. Moose Hall, July 9. Under auspices Gyro Club. Eagle's Dance, Friday, July 10 Ladies refreshments. Gents. 50c. Cunadlan Legion Picnic July 12 Dlgby Island. No baseball tonight. EU? vs. Sons of Canada on Wednesday, Dutch Maid Mayonalsehas none of the greasy, flat aftertaste of ordinary Mayonalse. Furs remodelled, cleaned and repaired. An experienced cutter Goldbloom's Fur Shop. tf F. H. Mlddlemlss, Post Office in spector, Victoria, and Mrs. Middle miss were round trip passenger) aboard the steamer Catala, which was in port last evening bound north. Mrs. Northover of Smithers is paying a visit here with her sister Mrs. Sam Haudenschlid. She arrived on Saturday from Terrace where she had been visiting with other relatives. Mrs. Charles Herchman was n passenger aboard the ss. Princess Charlotte this morning bound from Vancouver to Atlln. She is the wife of the manager of the Engi neer mine. Eighty-one members of the Wisconsin Commandery of Knights Templar, after having made thr round trip to Alaska, were aboard the steamer Princess Louise Sa turday afternoon returning south. Miss Marjorie Munro. Terrace school teacher, arrived in the city from the interior on Saturday at ternoons train and, accompan ied by Miss Patricia Gwyer of th local High School staff, sailed In the evening on the Prince Rupert for Victoria. chlkan. If you suffer from biliousness or indigestion there is no Hung belter than III Secciatitt (Pim jjgjr (Th NabW. Limit ) HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all roomi A. J. FKUDHOMME. rrop. Cor. of Frasc-r wid Fifth 8ts. SAVOY Duncan McLean and K. Twlii T ir Wilth Torrnrp! Mm M.J, . I D. Codelll. Kitlmat; J. A. Bahler, Smithers. New Royal Hotel I. 7-arrlll. Top Hit 11(11 KL UOKTII MMII.E Hot CoH Water. Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlriliour Jt Royal Al Gordon, R. O. Todd and A M. Scheer, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Twlss. Edmonton; J. Dodds, C.N.R.; Duncan Rodman and James McConnachte, city; t n. Bowman. Prince oeorge; B. J. Kohne. S. Holowaychuk and T. More' Ket' William Blackstock. construction wls.hJ Knox Hotel Are Our MEALS Good? Our Guests Say They Are. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRF.SII PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City .Mrs. George Howe is sailing this afternoon on the Prince Oeorge for a vacation trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Rourke arrived in the city from Regina on yesterday afternoon's train to pay a visit here with her sister Mrs. F. A. Rogers. J. W. Gibson, who has been pav ing a brief visit to the city, sailed by the Prince Rupert Saturday evening for Ocean Falls. Mrs. Gibson will be here for some time longer. The giant watch in Bulger's win dow stopped on Saturday with thi hand pointing to the name of Dolly Derry. daughter of W. H. Derry. The young lady gets a 15-Jewel watch. There were 117 passengers on board the steamer Princess Louise on her arrival here Saturday af ternoon irom AiasKa. Three pas sengers disembarked here from ttv vessel while two joined her at this port. Miss Kathleen Dunn and Miss Mary Comadlna will sail this ev enlng on the Prince Charles for Massett where they will spend a holiday visiting with the parents of the former, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Dunn. Dr. Harold G. Beeson of thi Royal Victoria Hospital in Mont real, who has been attending th; recent convention of the' Cana dlan Medical Association in Vancouver, was a passenger aboard th" Princess Charlotte this morning bound for Ketchikan where he will pay a brief visit. He was accom panied by his son. Principal Hoadley of the Kam- loops schools, accompanied by Mrs. Hoadley and MJss Hoadley, arrived yesterday on the train and left la ter for Alice Arm where they wili spend the holidays with their son, who is teaching at that point They drove from Kamloops to Smithers In their car and plan to return later by the same route. While in the city the party was shown around by W. J. Alder, a former neighbor of Mr. Hoadley at Victoria.,, Glasses fitted 0 reglitered optometrist at Ileilbroner'i store. Teher were H7 passengers on board the steamer Princess Charlotte when she arrived in port this morning enroute to Skagway. Six persons disembarked here from the vessel. John J. Lothian, a member of the staff of the Vancouver Province, was a passenger aboard the Princess Charlotte this morning going north to make the round trip to Skagway. Dr. Cyril Wace of Cobble HOI, Vancouver Island, was a passenger aboard the Princess Charlotte go ing north this morning. After mak. lng the round trip to Skagway, he will disembark here on Saturday for a brief visit. father Edgar Gallant, well known Roman Catholic Church priest at Skagway, who has been on a trip to Seattle and elsewhere in the south, was a passenger on board the Princess Charlotte thh morning returning to his post ir the north. John Zarclll, who arrived in the city last week from Hazelton, where he has been teaching school, will sail on the Catala tomorrow afternoon for Sointula where he wlu rpend a few days before continuing his Journey to Vancouver whence he will proceed to Victoria where he will spend the remainder of the summer vacation at his home. Aboard thr? (steamer Princess Charlotte this morning were a number of prominent doctors from the east who have been In attendance at the recent convention In Vancouver of the Canadian Medical Association. Among them were Dr. and Mrs. Duncan A. Graham. Dr. David David D. Robertson and Dr. and Mrs. F. A. G. Starr of Toronto and Dr. and Mrs. Dick Woodcock of Lethbrldge, all of whom are making the round trip to Skagway. Have you paid your suoscrlptlon to the Dally.News this year? ' - NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Taking Placer Machinery Into Manson Creek Country Dr. George Manson at Stewart Attracted to Rainbok Creek Word has been received at Vanderhoof from George W. Otterson that the Pomeroy interests will establish a larfje dredge on Manson Creek and will put their machinery in during the coming winter. The machinery will weigh about 250 tons and the dredge will have a digging capacity of 4000 cubic yards per day. The hauling will help out the farmers and the laborers and will attract a good deal of attention to the Manson Creek country. Mr. Otterson and associates have taken an option on a group of mining properties in Eastern Oregon which t they acquired for $90,000. week from Vancouver. At Summit Lake, he will meet hb brother, Jack Dr. George Hanson of the federal Ad etfran ,de and f,ver Oeologlcal Survey Is spending the . . . ... , . , In Salmon faker and they tato Raln-Rlver summer with a party the district of the Portland Canal. ow Creek by outboard motor boat Dr. Hanson has spent the past five up the Crooked River to the Nation, summers engaged in such survey Capt. Adams has recently returned work in the Alice Arm field. j to British Columbia after spending (two years in Mexico. Two lengthy Capt. R. D. Adams M. C, a veteran prospecting trips into the Peace of placer and lode mining camps jn River and his long experience in most parts of the world since he the Yukon have convinced Capt went into the Klondyke in 1897, will Adams that Northern British Co-prospect Rainbow Creek and adja- lumbla and the Yukon, in fact the cent .parts of the Nation River whole north of Canada, offer the country this summer. Capt. Adams most promising mineral field In the is expected In Prince George this world. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING I COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TR.ML-OKITIiUI rOLlMIIIA Manufacturer ol ELEPHANT lira ml CHEMICAL I'EKTIUZKKS Froducen tt Boflner ot TADANAC lira ml IXKCTHOUVTIC AMMONIUM niOSrilATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE surEiiriiosriiATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMUTH SIMONDS SAWS The most economical saws to use Slmonda Canada. Saw Co. Limited, St. Rcml ii. and Acorn Ave. Vancouver, B.C MONTRCAL TS St John, KB. !. . xUS -mi ' i W- a 4 Km