PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS USE THE MILK u u v W2HSi&Vil PRODUCED IN CANADA No wonder Carnatlon-mide dishes are to delicious. The beat of milk from (elected herdi, safeguarded at the source by clean housing of the cows and clean handling of the milk, is evaporated to double richness for Carnation Milk and hermetically sealed in its containers to protect it until it reaches you. You'll find it absolutely dependable, extremely convenient and surprisingly economical. Writ for Cook Booh and Baby Book CARNATION CO, LIMITED, 1J4 Abbou St, V.ncouw, B.C Milk (torn Canadian cows, packed in Lanaaa la Canadian cans ana cases. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD ' OPERATING (i. T. 1. 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK bngihPfrs, Machinists, liollermakers, Hlarkamiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworker, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 W5mld Amjoiie be a social lion this A faletI,batteredhatUiiariHy respectable . .yet no worse tban dull, gray-looking shoes ...your ninrning toilet should always Include a "Nugget" thine which w aterproofs tho shoes as it polishes. MU BCKT SHOE POLISH (jhe NUCOET TIN cjwti Uttli a twtit More Value For Today's Dollar at Kaien Motors Ltd. See us for appraisals on you) used r:ir Estimates on repairs. Jobs, anything in the automobile line. Satisfaction guaranteed. KAIEN MOTORS' LIMIT!.!) IMIONK 52 COAL Bay the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wrlllntton In any quantities. Also Ilulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 68 AND 858 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station Tires. Parts, Accessories Phone 566 iNleht Calls: Phone 161) Distributors of DODGE CARS and TRUCKS IS HONORED BY ROYALTY Famous Russian Chorus ami Dancers Receive Many Gold Medals Recent announcements made by the Oyro Club of the appearance j here of the world famous Royal Russian Chorus at the Moose Hill on July A and 17 have created keen interest in local music circles and the success of their concert seem.; to be assured, as the advance seat sale has started very briskly at George Arseneau's Store, 3rd Av enue. The Royal Russian Chorus has the distinction of probably havlnj sung before, and been received by. more royalty, than any other musical organlzatloa in the worl't. On two occasions under the personal direction of Prince Dmltf Slavlansky; the original founder of the choir, they sang before th.? Pope In Rome and at St. Peter''-Cathedral. On their first Europe tour they were given over 50 medals,, decorations and diplomas. In Spain, they received the Order of Chivalry from the kin an1 the silver medal of honor from tl Ateneo Musical and Art Society of Madrid, lilng Edward, of Enlanrl bestowed upon them the Britisn Medal of music and Invited them to sing at Windsor Castle. U.S. Presidcntal Medal. On their first American tour. some years ago. the President Invited them to sing at White Houi in Washington, and bestowed upon them the first, and possibly only. presidential medal ever given to i musical organization. Their most recent royal honors were bestowed upon them In J it-pan two years ago at the coronation ceremony in Kyeto. where they were invited by the Japanesj Government as a special foreign entertainment feature of the enthronement festivities, and Princess SJavIansky, the present conductor, was given an Imperial mi -dal. The Imperial Conservatory of Music, Tokyo, also honored her In- making her an Honorary Member of their faculty, the first foreign woman to have ever received this honor. This magnificent group of sing ers and dancers, with balalaika instruments, will appear here on Friday, July 9, 8:15 p.m., In the Moose Hall, under the losal management of the Oyro Club. Tickets are on sale at George Arseneau's Store, at popular prices. Induction of New Pastor at Ocean Falls Last Week OCEAN FALLS. July 6 On Friday evening last the Induction of Rev. H. Fcir, late of Oliver, as pastor of the Ocean Falls United Church took place. Rev. W. H. Gib son of Bella Bella, chairman of the Presbytery of Prince Rupert, presided and the address to the new minister was given by Rev Peter Kelly of Bella Coola and to the congregation by Rev. R. C Scott, captain of the mission boat Thomas Crosby. There was a pro gram of music and reception by the congregation. Mind Your Health and Drink Dally Pure and Fresh Milk From DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red COS P.O. Box 1f t Visitors Welcome Auto and Truck Engines 10 to CO Horse Power,- Suitable for Marine or Stationary Use. Batteries and Generators. Lowest Prices, Write for Information. VANCOUVER AUTO WRECKING CO. 1249 Granville St, Vancouver Branch Yard at 330 Second Ave. East 'God Subject In Science Church For Yesterday The subject of the lesson sermon In all Christian Science churches and societies on Sunday was "God." Among the Bible texts included in ,the lesson-sermon was the fol- J ! lowing from P3alms 73:1: "Truly j God Is good to Israel, even to such i as are of a clean heart." The lesson sermon also Included j the reading of citations from the j Christian Science textbook ..Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." by Mary Baker Eddy, one passage being as follows: "God is Love. 'Can we ask Hun to bel m6re? God is intelligence. Can we inform the infinite Mind of any-j thing He does not already compre-1 hend? Do we expect to change per- j fection? Shall we plead for more at the open fount, which Is pouring' 4U 1 1 nnn4-0 TVia . n I luiiu Jliuie lllttll wc atvcpvr iuc uu- j spoken desire does bring us nearer the source of all existence ana blessedness." Orange Ladies And Juveniles Church Parade The Ladies' Orange Benevolen Association and Juvenile Orange j Association had their annual church parade last evening from the Metropole Hall to St. Andrew'; Anglican Cathedral. Mrs. M. Rolhi Is In the chair of the L.O.B.A. at , the present time. The parade was in charge of Mrs. S. V. Cox. There were about twenty members of the L.O.B.A. and some fourteen of th J.O.A. Dean Gibson gave an appropriate address, alluding to subjects o! interest to the order. Hymns ap-priate to the occasion were sung. Another Paper Passes Away at Ketchikan Alaska i On Saturday there passed through the cJty southbound three members of the mechanical staff of the eKtchikin Tribune, leavtn? for a new fleidrpf activity, the p-per In Alaska's "first city" havln failed. The Tribune was. a good paper while it lasted but Its life extended for only about three months and those who know anything about the game wondered it struggled on so long. The plant was taken over by the Ketchikan-Al-aska Chronicle. Don't Miss It! Our Nineteenth ANNIVERSARY SALE Will Rental Your Porketbook Don't Fail to Call and See For Yourself. ! Look at our windows and read the poster; or ask for one if you haven't already got It. A FEW OF OUR 19c SPECIALS Libby's Bauer Kraut 1 ft p A 1 il'. rvor fin ' "' !- Aylmer Peaches 2's, per tin Dates, fresh stock ft 3 lb.-. -0Vf Salmon l's, 2 tins Clark's Ketchup Qp nor hnttlo lwv Clark's Corned Deef per tin Libby's Qusen Olives 1 Qp WUMV Lifebuoy Soap 3 bars 19c 19c 19c 19c Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores Where dollars have more cents Phone 3G0 Phone 18 Si 81 319 3rd Ave. 417-423 Sth Ave. t PRIEST IS AT JASPER Father O'Connor, Who Ministered to Martyred Mayor, On Way To Ireland JASPER PARK. July 6: Father Dominic O'Connor, who was chaplain to Terrence MacSwiney, Lord Mayor of Cork, during his historic 74-day hunger strike in Brixton Prison. London, In 1920, was at Jasper Park Lodge at the week-end en route home to Ireland, for the first time since he left his native land to minister to the spiritual needs of the martyred lord mayor. Father O'Connor attended MacSwiney during the entire period of his fasting and was with him when he died. Father O'Connor served in the Great War as chaplain to the 30th Brigade, which Included various Irish Regiments stationed in the Struma Valley, Greece, during the years 1916 and 1917. Following the war, he was appointed chaplain to Thomas MacCortain, Lord Mayor of Cork, who was later assassinated. Father Dominic has been for 10 years a missionary In the Baker City Diocese In Oregon and has recently been pastor at Bend, Ore.MIe is returning home to Ireland to attend the election of the superiors of the Capuchin Order which will be held in Dublin in August. He travelled by Canadian National Railways directly from Jasper to the east and wtll sail from New York on July 11. J. E. Jack sailed Saturday evening on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat Eyes Tested For Glasses At St. Elmo Hotel ISULHS FOR SALE Grower Leaving the Islands Daffodils, per dozen 20c per 100 ....$2.40 per 1000 .$22.00 Itarii, per dozen 25c per 100 ...$2.0tf per 1000 .. $18.00 Pocticus, per dozen 20c per 100 ....$1.75 per 1000 ... $10.60 Apply to CAPT. GILLATT, SANDSl'IT, B.O. Monday and Tuesday TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 VM. A Million People Have Read the Rook by Kathleen Norrls Monday, July 8, "PASSION FLOWER" Now a talking sensation with Charles Rickford, Kay Johnson, Kay Francis, Lewis Stone and Zasu Pitts. The Problem of Thousands of Married Women Comedy FORD STERLING In "COME TO PAPA" Scenic "THE HUDSON AND ITS MOODS Screen Song "I'D CLIME THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN" ADMISSION 20c & G5c Feature Starts at 7:40 & 9:40 m " Wed. & Thur. Lew Ayrcs in "Doorway lo Nowhere" WE ARE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Rate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, R.C. atoa Write for Copy Of Fall Fair Prize Book, 1931 Those who wish to enter exhibits in the Prince Rupert Fa1 Fair should write to the secretary for a copy of the new prize book and read tho list of now prizes offered this year to farmers and others. There arc many special prizes in addition to the monej prizes offered by the Fair Hoard. Residents out of town are especially invited to enter flowers either in the floral display or individual exhibits. Prepare for the exhibition, now and then get ready to visit the fair Soptcmber 1 to -1. Read more about tho fair in the DAILY NEWS, Prince Rupert, B;C