Monday, July 8, 1931 Why THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE Not Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? Rent That Room, Secure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etc., Through a Classified Ad. CLASSIFIED ADVE Fur rrnt, for Kale and all other email advertisements In this section charged at Hie rate of 2 cents a word per Insertion with tlx Insertions for the price of four, l'.y the month the charge Is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for less than 50c FOR KENT THREE-ROOMED cottage for rem. Phone Red 106. Ml ru 'ICS Apartment for rent. wvsienhavef Bros. tr For RENT Folir-roomed flat. Apply Smith tt Mallett. tf FAMILY cabins for rent on La k( Ke Lake shore. For particular! uhone Blue 901. 158 WK RENTFurnished apartments oy day, weea. ui iuuhui, ruimv Hcd 007. , if F r RENT Four-roomed modem apartment, partly furnished. Phone Red 607. tf 10R RENT Clean, well furnished modern apartment Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. FOR RENT Two four br five-roomed furnished apartments. Apply Mussallcm's, Phone 1&. tf FOR RENT Modern S-roomel house with cement basement on Biagar Place. Phone Oreen 378. . tf FOR RENT Pianos, phonographs, sewing machines and can, Walker's, cor. Second Avenue and Fourth Street. tl FOR RENT Five-roomed cottafe with cook stove and heater. Next door to Dally News. Apply Pul-lcn. Dally News business office. FOR SALE For sale wicker baby buggy, almost new. Apply Dally News. tf FOR SALE First class dry Jack-pine f ob. Terrace. Make an offer to 18 Dyer Apartments. 1M FOR SALE Bedroom suite, 2 large dregrers, 3 beds, drop leaf table, and 5 dining chairs, small Rose wood organ, this Is an antique and other articles. Apply 223 Bee ond Avenue, upstairs. tf HOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 129 t WANTED WANTED -Blue Baby buggy. Phone 409. 158 offered for quick loan on from 3 to 3 thousand dollars. Al security. Apply Box 88. Dally New tf TENDERS for the sale of a 1923 Hudson Sedan will be received up to July 20. Half cash, balance arranged. Kalen Motors Ltd. t! MiNMixt. act Certificate of improvement NOTIOC P"lyon Fractional Mljiefa. Clilm, ll "'" n the Atlln Minim DlvUlon o ol mwlar DUtrlct. Wnir.' ii.caird: About one milt N rii,Tly Irom the Engineer Mine and xljolnlntt te Speculation SweepttaU '1 Iron Mat 'Mineral Claim. TAKE NOIICE tint 1. J6hn DuhhtlM Miner CertlflctU S844S D. intend, sixty daya rroit. the date hereof 1,1 "Pply to the Mlnlnit Recorder for t Oriirinate ot improvement for the purpouc 0f obtaining t Crown Oftnt ol 'h- itbtivc cltlm. And further Uke notice that action under section 85. miwt bo coramenceo 'wfure the Ututnoe of such Certificate Improvement Dat thlt Ut day of l My. mart A.D. r,u. 1S1I. t.j II McN. VrasEH. Agent A Real Vacation Swimming, Fishing, Hunting Comfortable Restmore Beds Food Is home cooked par excellence. THE HOME FARM Rates: $2.50 per day, children under 12, half price. Wire or Write for Reservations MADAME hAJAtJT TL ELL, Queen Charlotte Is. TENDERS RTSEMENTS TENDERS will be received up to Friday, July 10, at 8 a.m., on the. construction ot a residence on. J04!42' 8ecU0n5 nana uu aw.i m urn) w- obtained at 6. D. Johnston's Of-' flee. Lowest or any tender not I necessarily accepted. . 151 ' HELP WANTED M nothlj)g to enqulre from u, how to get a job as Postman. I Poetal Clerk, Stenographer, Cus-toms Examiner, etc.. In the Can- j adlan Civil Service. Vacancies occurring constantly. The M.C.C.J. Civil Service School Ltd.. 401 Kensington Bldg., Winnipeg, tr PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Walla-:" Block. Telephone Black C37. TAXI SERVICE TAXI SERVICE PHONE C7E. Promptness and security. Bert St Mac. tt TRANSFERS B. it Ft. TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tt; AUCTIONEER. PRINCE IIUPEPT AUCTION MART We buy. sr'l or exchange any kind ol furniture or household goods, musical Instruments ma chlnery, etc General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, federal Block tf SALVAGE ANP TOWING 'If It's on or under the water we do lu" Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Ful'y Equipped for Diving and -General balvage Work Agents fof KASTllOrK KNGINKS Uoats and Scows of al! descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Cane for Hire Bargains In Gas Engines Northern- B.C Distributors OnlldcC Propellers Sand and Oravel In any quantity, delivered anywhere by water, Phone, Day r NlM 564 BELLA. PINK HOSK. COPPER CUrT KEY. LAST CHANCE OP THK PINK HOSE OHOUP OP MINERAL CLAIMS. alluated In the Cwut Steene. Mining j DlvUlon tt hd of Klekane Iale TAKE NOTICI. R Maeon. free. miner cenuieaie ioi. rrw ', "re. mlneri cetUfWalt SS318C. Aleaan-i der McIeod, free miner"! cert! f lea te 34-729D R A. HoDeytnan frw mlnere cer-llflea'te S4754D.. Intend, elxty dayi rroan I daU hereof to tpply w the mining re-corder for certlllcatet of Improvement ot obtaining crown . tot the purpote tranu for the ahove daimt 1 And further take notice that actton ...S -...nn 88 of the Mineral Act, muat be to(mf 1 boWr t" ot auch certllicaM 01 ""',"'7U, "" Dated thlt inn oax CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Kay Treatments N,rTou4i remaie and Children' DUeasM Specially Treated W- C AKPINALL - (Chiropractor, Phone Green 241 & 7 Eictwnee'BlK. iOpp. Orme's) CARPENTRY R. GREENFIELD, Carpenter. Altei- nations, repairs, first class practl-j cal asperience. Phone Black 414 325 2nd Avenue. SHOE REPAIRS . MAC Shoe Hospital Shoe repairs of aH aa, Second Avenu Weit. if FOR Finest Work try Louis Shlblg. 331 Second Avenue West, Box 30. Prince Rupert. B.C. tt Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue Your Figure Studied Lines Symmetrical Arranged MRS.TIIOMASSON Dressmaker tt Ladles' Tailor 41S Green St, Phone Blue 901 QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our rrlnce Rupert Prices: No. 1 5x per M. $3.7$ No. 1 3x per M 3.25 No. 2 per M. .. 2.7$ ROBERTSON & SIMPSON Massett, B.C Agent: Hyde Transfer. Phone 580 Typewriters for Rent by day. week or month Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 . . - GEORGE MACKLIN Plain and Ornamental PLASTERING, STUCCO. BRICK. CEMENT. ETC. Tel. Red 832 4 Emad Blk. 1IOUSEPA1NTING Inside and Outside PAPERIIANGING KALSOMINING Reasonable Prices JOERGENP.MOLLER Call Red 802 between 5.30 and 0 p.m. or before 8 a.m., or call 04 at any time. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monday--s3. Pr, Oeorge 4 p.m. Tuesday ss. Catala 1 :30 p.m, Wednesday Pr. Henry,. 9 a jr. Thursday ss. Pr. Charles, 2 p.m Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 p.m. SS. Cardena, midnight. 8aturday Ss. Pr. Rupert 7 p.m. July 4 ss.Prln. Louise 5:30 p.m. JUly 8- s. Prin. Alice 5:30 p.m. July 11 ss.Prln. Charlotte - 5:30 pm. July 15 ss. Prln. Louise 5:30 pm. JOly IB ss. Prln., .Alice 5:30 pm July 22 fcs. Prln. Charlotte Jly 25 ss. Prln. LouUe 5:30 pm July ?9 si. Prln. Alice 5:30 pn: From Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. Monday Pr. Charles 11:30 a.m Wedss. Pr. Rupert 11:30 a.m Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 p.m. Fri. ss. Pr. George, 11:30 ajn Frlday-6s. .Cardena pjn. Batuh ss. Pr. Henry, 11:30 ajii Ji;ly 6 ss, Prln. Charlptte - 9 a.rft. July 10 ss. Prln. Louise 9 a.m. July 13 ss. Prln. Alice 9 ajn. July 17 ss. Prln. Charlotte 9 ajn July 20 ss. Prln. Louise 0 a.m July 24 ss. Prin. Alice 9 a.m. July 27 ss. Prin. Charlotte 9 a.m July 31 ss. Prin, Louise 9 a.m For Naas Rhrer and Port Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala .8 pjn. From Naas River & Fort Simpson-Tuesday ss. Catala .. .11:30 a.m. For Stewart and Anyok Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. Monday ss. Pr. . Charles. 8 pjn Friday 6S. Pr.. Oeorge, 3 pjn. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 ajn Thurs. Pr. Charles, 10:30 a.nt Bat.--ss. Pr. George 6 p.m. For Ocean Falls. Monday ss. Pr. "Rupert, 4 pjp Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 Sat. ss. Prince, Geprge, 7 pjn From Ocean FaRs Wed. ss, Pr. Rupert. 11:30 a m Friday-rss. Pi.fcjporge, 11:30 a.m Friday- it. Cardena pjn. ss. Princess Mary 4 pj Sat. ss. Pr. Henry, 11:30 a.m For South Queen Charlotte Islands-July 6 ss. Prince John 10 p.n Jujy 20 ss. Prince John 10 p.m From South Queen' Charlotte Islands-July 15 ss. Prince John a.m. July 29 a.m. For North Queen Charlottes Mon. ss. Prince Charles, 8 p.m. , From North Queen Charlottes i Thurs. ss. Pr. Charles 10:30 a.rv For, Alaska-Weil. sS. Prince Oeorge, .... 3 p.W Sat Prince Henry 3 pm uly 6 ss. Prin. Charlotte 11 a.m July 10 ss. Prln. , Louise 11 a.m July is ss. Prin. Alice.... 11 aja July 17 ss. Prin. Charlotte 11 a.m. July 20 ss. Prin. Louise.. 11 ajn. July 24 ss. Prln. Alice.. 11 ajn. July 27vss. Prin. Charlotte fc 11 am. July 31 sc. Prin. Louise 11 a m. July 4 ss. Prin. Louise ... 4 pm July 8 ss. Prln. Alice.... 4 pm July li-as. Prln. Charlotte ". 4 p.m July 15 ss. Prln. Louise.. 4 pm. July 18 ss. Prln. Alice... 4 pm July 22ss. Prln. Charlotte 4 pm July 25 s. Prin. Louise. 4 pm. July 29 as. Prin. A1H.... 4 ptf. From Skeena River Friday ss. Cardena pm. BalaMiaaaB , Ill njFJZ I Take The DAILY NEWS with you When Going on Summer Holidays Mail Schedule For the East-Dally, except Sunday .11:30 ajn. From the lUtst Dally, except Tuesday 1 :30 pjn. For Vancouver .,' Monday -2 pm. Tuesday - 12:30 noon Wednesday. 1 4:30 pjit. Thursday --..I Friday IW Saturday 4:30 psA. : , 6 pm; From Vancouver-Sunday 4 pm. . Monday 9 am. 11:30 am. Wednesday 11:30 ajn. Friday 9 am. I 11:30 pm. Saturday 11:30 a.m. Fof Stewart and Anyox Sunday ? pm. Nearly everybody likes to keep in touch with Prince Rupert when avay for their holidays. The best way to do this is to order the paper sent during that time. If it is only for two weeks, the News is a welcome visitor and the mails during .the summer months are carried almost daily to most points. Recently a number of Scandinavians have given up the local fishing for thesum-mer and gone on an extended visit to their former homes. In almost every case they order the Daily News sent them while they are away. Several subscribed for a year, others for shorter periods. No time is too short for us to look after our patrons. THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. Monday 7 pm. Friday .7 pjn. From Stewart and Premier j Tuesday 11:30 am. Thursday 10:30 ajn. J Saturday 6 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson , Sunday - 7 pjn. Front Naas River fcnd Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 ajn. For North Queen Charlottes-Monday - 7 pm. From Queen Charlottes Thursday - 10130 am. I For South Queen Charlottes-July 8 arid 24 10 pm. From Sowth Qaren Charlottes July 15 and 29 .., .-, For Alaska , ' July 6. 10. 13, 17, 20, 24. 27 and 31 10 am. Froni 'Alaska July 4, 8. 11. 15, 18, 22, 25 and 29 4 pjn. Subscription Department The cement industry of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Is operating at capacity. mssnasa REDUCTION On All Suits Tilt our present stock Is sold. all work Guaranteed. Prices $30 to $55 LING -THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave, Phone 649 TILLIE THE TOILER" Words of Magic jBy Westover, rf rT l 'T .jar""- 1 V .,