THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - bftlTlStl COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Extent Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenu' H. P. PULLEN " Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or cartler, yearly period, pa . ldvance ... For lesser periods, paid In advance, per month .. - By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance lor yearly period .... j By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year .....j .. By mall to all other countries, pef year .... ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word Local readers. Ler Insertion, pet line Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line Contract rates on application. Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION 50 3.00 $800 9.G0 Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion 1.40 .02 .25 .15 n Wedhesday. August 12, 1931 emn pledge: "We pledge ourselves to the improvement of the whole scheme of Canudian transportation, northward by completion of the Hudson Bay route; TO THE PACIFIC SLOPE BY A PEACE RIVER OUTLET' That was the policy on which he Was elected. Parliament, when it unanimously adopted Bill 142, was well aware of that nolicv. Both narties were nledtred toPeaee HOW JOBS BUSY TIME ARE SAVED: IN LONDON Cutting of Immigration Has Bert-, Mrs. efklal Effect in United Slates j River action. Almost the last words uttered in the 1930 ' 50 681 ,a,t 7,16 net loss at tv session of the House of Commons were Prptn?Pr KnaftM of m ,n thu categoiy announcement that if the railways did not speedily select a rouie ne wouiq do so ror them. iMr. Bennett immediately . underwrote mat pledge. So the Peace River Railway situation today is this: Premier Bennett, his nartv and his irovernment. are under solemn pledge to build the Pacific Coast Outlet. There can be no oppositionsince the Liberal party is equally pledged. , Parliament has unanimously given Premier Bennett and his government lhe money and the authority to go ahead with construction right away. Premier Bennett has the reputation of being a solo performer. Parliaments, cabinets and similar institutions annoy and hahiper him. i SUBSERVIENT TO PREMIER Well, Parliament has gone home. The cabinet is completely subservient to the Prime Minister's will. Mr. Ben nett has a blank cheque In his pocket. He has himself assured the country that great Construction projects are immediately necessary to cope With unemployment. All the arguments that hae ever been uttered by himself and others as to the need for a Pacific Coast Outlet for Peace River's 22,000,000 fertile acres still apply. The whole issue is up to one man Premier R. B. Ben nett. He has the reputation of being a man of honor. Failure to get Peace River Railway construction i way before March 31. 1032. the datp nn which th niitw ity vested in his Bill 142 expires, will blast that reputation forever. What is Premier Bennett going to do about it? COAL Bay the real Coal uf famous Edson and Casildy Wrlllmton In any nantltlts. Also Dulkley Valley tlay, Grain and- Robin Hood flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co I'll ONES 58 AND S58 TELEPHONE 657 VALK.VTTN DAIRY FOK SKEENA DRAM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese rftESrt PAstEtmizku Milk AND CflSAM DAILY Early Delivery ThroaglioDt the City I G: Howard Ferguson Finfll Much to Occupy Her 5nJ WASHINGTON. August 12 Wllh TORONTO, Aug, 12 A highly ir, imai iigures ior me iiscaj year a- lerestjng description or tne actl-j sued here it was learned immlgra-vities which have occupied Mrs.! tlon restrictions by the State and Howard Ferguson, wife of Canada) Labor Departments had saved Am- high commissioner to London j erican workers approximately 180,-' since they went to London last 000 jobs In the 12 months endhrt winter, is furnish?d in an inter ' June 30. (view given by Mrs. Ferguson on At the same time the nation her return for a holiday -to Helen closed an epo!h of Immigration V. Walker of the Mail ahd Empire expansion and sent out 10,237 more Outstanding among the asbivt-alfens In the year thin it received, ties ot Mrs. Ferguson, and in ad' This Is the first year .In the lonj dttlon to the strenuoOs social and history of the Amerirah tepublte court life in Lohdon has been rr.- that sfl?h a condition has appear- ruece In Organizing Canadian wo ed. am! bring to an end. for all men living Iti England Almfltt 1M time. It is believed here an era that mediately upon her arrival In Sn has seen succwslve Incoming wave !and Mrs. Fergur" wai appilnt-.-d of Iri'h Scandinavian. German ; liaion off -or if th Women's In ' - and Mediterranean immigration, rtltute While this group was eon The sudden and dramatU Chan-1 , celved orginally as a service or .nn niittiriv TTrr.iTrvTtrr PLACE RIVER RAILWAY AUlllUKlZhL) (has oeeurrtd In the past 12 months ganizatlon. it has served to bria Parliameht, ill the Session jUSt ended, authorized COn-! and already has had Important Canadian women tn England n struction of the Peace River Railway, declares a Vancou-;?mk: TSl st'h" , , , . o orUfnvinl Idecislon of the big Atlantic steati. Contrary to general onlnlon. Mr er oun eaiionai. J ship companies, announced ytster Ferguson raid, from her expc- Complete and absolute power to do this work was vested reduce fares, due m part t leme. court life nd soctai run.- by Act of Parliament m the hands ot Premier liennett ana the failing off in immigrant tra-.tions at BusVnthim Piia-e his Cabinet. Bill 142, introduced by the Minister of Finance (Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett), provides as follows: "The Governor-inCouncil may provide for the CONSTRUCTION, extension or improvement of public works, buildings, undertakings, RAILWAYS, highways, subways, bridges and canals, etc. "And, for the purposes aforesaid, may expend such moneys from the Consolidated Revenue Fund as may be required." This bill, introduced on July 30, was finally passed by both houses on August 1 and was given royal assent at the prorogation of Parliament on August 3. It is the; law of Canada today. WHAT WILL PREMIER DO? WHAT IS PREMIER BENNETT GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? .... -. . . . . . . . . . , i vei. j 'ess arduous men ine orainaiy ! The estimate that the restrtetloi 'demands on a woman In public llf?. on immigration admittance naa sn pointed out that women in saved Jobs Is made from a compar- enml. preps r In v for Dresentf.-Ison of the number of aliens ad- "on at court stood n fear of b.?-mitted last year wilh tho rising made ridiculous by a wron? parting this year. In the 19S0 fiscal ; move. "There Is but one thing osv year there was a net gain of 173.. needs to know before presentatln 789 aliens, following arrival ot 448.214 and departure of 272,423. Deportations during the pas year also set a new high reioM for all time at 18.142. as again st 16.631 In the previous fiscal year. The year Just closed Included ahn for the first time aliens deported voluntarily under a provision or (only twice during their residence the Immigration Act by which ln-,at Canada House. Their first large dlgent aliens. In the United States , reception upon arrival In London leas than three years, may be sent i was In honor of Lord and Lady home at government expense.! Bersboroueh before they sailed for Nearly 1000 ot such departure are believed to have taken place Only one thing can stop the building of the Peace River CnUlnr 0t Aliens Railway in the face of that legislation! viz., P nzntn given out a lhe netts determinatipn not to build It. Np.such determina- Department also contrast tws tion is in honor open to Premier Bennett. In his keynote , years' record of aliens in the s -speech at Winnipeg on June 9, 1930, opening the election "immigrant class - This cia-s .! A.1.fV i. t . . a i ... t iif 1 !nMlHa arriving a 1 1an trKi eumpaign wnicn put mm into oince, ne uuerea tnis soi- r ""w to remain permanently In tli" country, as against admittances of 'non-immigrant aliens" who r: i assumed to visit, immigrant aliens amftt admlttM ithii year were 97.139 as again. t 241.700 !'t yeaf. In the same way "emigrant aliens" assumed to be leaving tlv country permanently were listed as 62.351 fof this year, as against was accordingly 34 788. Records of the Immigrant buret j summer ahd winter, in the leader- enthusiastic band ot women, who lng thera on behalf of the city. The task of officially meeting, sending off and welcoming home the boys was extremely exacting, but it was done so thoroughly well that the thanks of the federal, pro vinclal and civic governments were Recorded to Mrs. Waugh, as well as the Great War Veterans' organisations. Hundreds ot widows and mothers were visited arid comforted when news of casualties were pub lUhed. She was chiefly Instrumental In the promotion and organization of the first women's curling club In Manitoba, and Was the first president of the club, to court." Mrs. Ferguson went on to ray. "The proper curtsey is esse ' Hal. Th other formalities beeon," simple through the direction tlut Is given oh every hand after ad-, mltUnce to the palace." j In their official capacity, Mr and Mrs. Ferguson entertainer Canada. On Dominion Day through the efforts of Mrs Ferguson t reach every Canadian living In tsngland. they received severr.l hundred guests at Canada House' The majority ot Uiese guests were! former Canadians many of whom had been out of touch with their countrymen and Isolated tor years. Receives at Tea Although they have entertained m on i temporary ' u . niiirace ,n naon. Mrs. rerguson stated she had made It her custom to receive at tea several times a week In her temporary apart ment overlooking Hyde Park. Prominent Canadian women have often assisted her In pouring at these affairs. -Very enthusiastically Mrs, Ferguson described the beauty of the State ball, the first In many years. - - - v V2. W (WMk pi' 1 MI k There wefe 16.061 J39 aliens ad- M"m.u aim u.A.o.utfd uciatiuics. ill I that period the largest net Increase at the end ot a year was 817.619 In ; 1910. The year 1914. before the War bowed almost at high 769.276. The next yer 1915. showed a drop i to 50.000. in 1916 the balance at i the end of the year was only 18.- 885. Death of Winnipeg Woman Regretted By Ex-Service Men WINNIPEO. Aug. 12:-In the death recently of Mrs. R. D. Waugh, many soldiers' widows and ex-service men will remember with affection her devoted and untiring service during the war. For over five years she labored day and night, It to be thi1 first time she had ever seen th" uniforms ot the men outshine tho brilliance ot the court evening gowns of the women. She was alto keenly enthusiastic over the success ot the all -Canadian conceit given in London during July. Bhe modestly admitted her efforts In behalf ot the venture and described It as being a tremendous success. "I have been In public life for years." Mrs. Ferguson said, "and yet t have always made a particular point of keeping & persontl touch In my relations 'with the pubtlc by always attending to my own correspondence. My one regret will be that wehn I return to London t shall have to have a secretary. This will be a genuine grief as 1 fear I shall lose the personal touch I have enjoyed so much. "Asked how she Interided to spend her two months In Toronto, she replied that she Intended dividing the lime between her home in Toronto, the farm, and flshlnp.i She Is an energetic, enthusiast!: agreed there were no fish to com I. . .TrH . v. . WiP wltr Canadian fish, and thev w"'"ndaJltra n,b.rlnB n8l intended to make the most of back the survivors, and entertain their opportunity while here, catch lng them." CLEANING & PRESSING Ladles' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Reasonable Prices M. T. LEE CO. 323 3rd Ave. W. Phone 63 Next Itenson Studio GIRLS WANTED to enter Contest for America's Most Beautiful Girl The winner will be chosen during fair week In Prince Rupert and will get a f red trip to Los Attgeleri and baSlMid be entertained lavishly while there. Entrants must sell 60 tickets to tho Big Coronatibn .Ball, the last day of the fair. Nothing else to do but look pix'tty. It's the chance of a lifetime. . " :, The fair board at its recent meeting decided to enter a candidate in the International Beautequest at Ljs Angeles in connection with the celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the city, when the most beautiful girl in America will be chosen. The local candidate will be chosen at the time of the fall fair and immediately after her selection she will have to leave-for the south to get there in time for the big California event Her expenses going artd coming will be paid by the Fair Board but while there she will be the guest of the Ocean Park Businessmen's Association, who are sponsor ing the event. The attraction for the candidate is set forth in the following letter from the south. "Your candidate will be met at the railway station, dock or airport by a committee representing the Octah Park Businessmen's Association. ' "She will be the guest of screen stars at various functions. "She will he entertained by n reigning star of . the screen at her home. "She will be included in all parties listed as part of the program of the International Beautequest and La Fiesta de Los Angeles. . "She will occupy a position of honor in all gatherings Including pageants, parades, spectacles, receptions and, in fact, ail events planned for the International Beautequest and Lbs Angeles' great reception." Candidates must be between the ages of 10 and 30. unmarried nnd of good character and the one going irdm Prince Rupert will be chosen in the following manner: She or her sponsors must sell 50 tickets at $1 each f or the lug coronation ball to bo staged on the last day of the fair in the exhibition building. For the one. Belling the ihbst tickets a prize of $50 will be awarded. She may enter without sponsors If she wishes but' she must sell the tickets. ;' The candidates must attend the Exhibition every eVe rting while it is in progress here. On the first lligh't ' oHe selection will be made by competent judges. On tho second night a second candidate Will be chosen by another set of judges and on the third night a third candidate will be chosen by a third set of judges. These three candidates will attend the coronation ball accompanied by the other candidates and at 9 o'clock, the final selection will be made. Two hours later the coronn tion will take place here and the following day the winner Will be required to leave and travel as rapidly as possible by steamship, airplane and rail to Los Arigeles. Candidates from points around Prince Rupert hlay enter, such ns AnybX, Ocean Falls, Smithers, Terrace, Stow nrt, IlA2elton or other points and they will be required to sell 25 tickets to the coronation ball in order to qualify. Candidates either in the city or out may be sponsored by organizations who may help them in disposing of tic: kets or otherwise in connection with the event. Candidates or their sponsors should notify Secretary Vance of the Fair Association at as early a date as possible and as soon as tho tickets are ready' may commence disposing of them.