tfnesdV- August 12, 1931 THE DAILY NKW3 PAGB FITS the Daily News " Classified" is the Poor Maris Advertising Column A Few Words in this section is the Cheapest Way of Reaching the Mass of the.People. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS For rent, for sale and all other small advertisements In this section charged at the rate of 2 cents a word per insertion with six Insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge b 25c a word, No advertisement taken for less than 80c. FOR RENT . TRANSFERS roR pkni Four-roomed Hat. Ap- B, & R. TRANSFER. Cartage ah5 pi. -i ,.: 'h &Mallett. tl Furniture Moving. Phone 204. ti ' ' r,il? iii-r Four-roomed rnoder.1 " ' ' ; nt. partly furnished papkriianging & painting p., u c 607. tl PAPERHANQ1NO and Painting u u Rl -Pianos, phonography J , m Rooms d from 0Q machines and can ,, Materlal ,urnlshd phone Rc6 W.Ukts cor. Second Avenue mi Fourth 8treet. If l : ' " SHOE UEI'AIItS mnsA.E ' " ' ' MAC Shoe Hospital. Shoe repairs f u klnds' Second Avem, FOB sale- Good used cars at :. ,h.t.s. Kalen Motors Ltd. west lf tf -rr - -- P H -M.E One Columbia River : Fishing Boat, 28 feel It) -ood condition. Cheap. 1" Black 120. 161 r!i l,E or trade, quantity cfi . i lumber, enough lo bUill ! n; sized house including : u:x windows and raften.j w:: onsider any reasonable, " proposition. Berry, Room 4, 1 : Apartments. HELP WANTED - i i-1 Housekeeper, 'Middle-'Y preferred, to look after i : I i.idy and do cooking fo.-M ist be reasonably good t P O. Box 838, Prtnee Ru- lw MISCELLANEOUS i i . . V. Am4 t n Use Purity Brand Oliv i s guarantcen absolutely : i-.tier chemical analysts. 2 2b per gallon. Pete Bruno ir Phone Red 720 or PO. Box 831, Prince Ru-tf BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 129 it LOST unuin pen, brown with id. some time last week, please return to Dally ward. (188) ADV EUTIS1NG COPY MUST UE IN EARLY r, . ' f'r display advertise- liquid be In tho hands 4 'I panters not later thaft :i p ' ttu" day prior to publl- it j . 1 This Is necessary to en u!).' best positions to be se- 'un ! 4tv Guide to Correspondents ' Dally News welcomes r ; undence on live topics "f ' ' Uy or any other sub-!"v,! public Interest, but let-" 11 '"--i be brief and to the 1 l ,; The long-winded cor-'' !"t has no place In '" journalism. E ' v letter must be signed " h. writer, hot necessarily ' "nuji uui as u iimv- All ' i 1 K' od faith and courtesy, '"'ned documents go to v .sto paper basket. Let-"r i. rs a caustic character IIHI C,'"'M for publication. '' '""I- should bo written on ''dp of the paper only. ' t)ondenu must avoid P finalities and the language ''''beHuch as would be al-''CJ in the ordinary rules ot HOUSEPAINTING Inside and Outside paperiiAnging kalso.mimng Reasonable Prices JOERGENP.MOLLER Call Red 802 between 5:30 and 8 pjn. or before 8 am, ot call 84 at any time. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 p.m. Wednesday Pr. Henry 9:30 am. Thursday ss. Pr. Charles, 2 p.m, Friday ta. Princess Mary 10 pm. SS. Cardena, midnight. Saturday ss. Pr. George 7 pm. Aug. 8 ss. Prln. Alice . 5:30 pm Aug. 12 s. P. Charlotte 3:30 pm Aug. 15 ss. Prln. Louise 5:30 pjn. At? 22 as. P. Charlotte 5:30 D.m. Auir 26-sa. Prln. Louis 5:30 D.m.!Snd and aravel ln any quantity From Vancouver- . Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. Monday Pr. Charles 11:30 a m Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 11:30 a.m. Fitr-ss. Pr. George, 11:30 ajn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pjn. Friday ss. Cardena pjn. Satur. ss, Pr. Henry, 11:30 a.m Aug. 7 ss. Prln. Charlotte 9 ajn. 9 ajn Aug. 10 . Prln. Louise 9 ....ajn. i Aug. 17 ss. Pr. Charlotte 9 ajn.j Aug. 21 ss. Prln. Louise .9 a.m.j Aug. 28 . Pr. Charlotte 9 a.m.; Aug. 31 ss. Prln. Louise ... 9 ajn. ; For Naas Iltv cr and Port Simpson j Bundayss. Catala 8 pjn. From Naas Rlv-r & Tort Simpson j Tuesday s. Catala .11:30 a.m. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Monday ss. Pr. Charles 8 pjn Friday ss. Pr. Ocorge, 3 p.ra I From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 a.m ' Thurs. Pr. Charles. 10:30 am Sat. ss. Pf. Oeorge C p.m. For Ocean Falls Monday-ss. Pr. George ... 4 p.m. Friday is. Princess Mary 10 p.m ' Sat. ss. Prince George, 7 p.m From Ocean Falls-Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert, 11:30 a.m ( Friday ss. Pr. Oeorge, 11:30 a.m. Friday- w. Cardena p m. ss. ITlncess Mary 4 pjm 8at.-ss. Pr. Henry. 11:30 a.m For South (lueen Charlotte Islands Aug. 1788. Prince John .10 p.m. Aug. 3188. Prince John 10 pjn. From South Qncen Charlotte i ' Islands Aug. 12 ss. Prince John am. Aug. 26M. frince John a.m. . For North Queen Charlottes Mon. ss. Prince Charles. 8 DJV. ! From iwth queeh Charlottes Thurs.-ss, Pr. Charlei 10:30 a.w. For Alaska-Wed. 3 i ss. Prince George Sat. sa. Prince Henry 3 p.m. Aug. 17 as. Pr. Charlotte 11 a.m. Aug. 21-ss. Prln. Louise .11 a m Aug. 28-83. Pr. Charlotte 11 a.m.; Aug. 31 ss. Prln. Louise 11 a m. From Alaska Aug. 12-43. Pr. Charlotte 4 p.m. Aug. 15 ss. Prln. Louise 4 p.m, Aug. 22-ss. Pr. Charlotte 4 p.m. Aug, 26 m. Prln. Louise 4 pm From Skeena River Friday s. Cardena p'.m. CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray treatments Nervous, Female and Children' Diseases Specially treated XV. C. ASPINALL (Graduate Chiropractor) i .1 I l Srcen 211 BIack I j jl; i r. i 1 PALMISTRY ; MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry Building Lots In City, also the cort-and Crystal Reading. Federal ! tents of his fiVe-roomed suite con- BipcK, Pnone ureen 701. AUCTIONEER i PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy. sfll or exchange anylric Fixtures for living and dining kind ot furniture or household room, Reading Lamp: GOURLAV goods, musical Instruments, ma jANGELUS PLAYER PIANO; Choice chlnery, etc. General repairs, election of Books In leather pad-crating, packing and shipping ded bindings; 24 Vol. Encyclopedi a Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Biacx 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, redeul Block tf SALVAGE & TOWING i "If it's on or under the water r do it-Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Agehts for EAETIIOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAIN'S IN GAS ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Cootidge Propellers neuverea anywnere Dy waier Tlione Day or Night 564 P.O. Box 1564 i QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prices: No. 1 5x per M $3.15 No. I 3x per M - J.25 No. 3 per M. . 2.75 ROBERTSON & SIMPSON Massett, B.C. Agent: Hyde Transfer. Phone 580 Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue Typewriters for Rent by day. week or month Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 C. TOOMBS Radio Service Radio Sales and Repairs All makes of radio work guaranteed, rhone Blue 901 508 4th A v. E. GEORGE MACKLIN Plain and Ornamental PLASTERING, STUCCO, BRICK, CEMENT, ETC. Tel. Red 832 4 Emad Blk. Your Figure Studied Lines symmetrical Arranged MRS. THOMASSON Dressmaker & Ladles' Tailor 415 Grren St, Phone Blue 901 MAMMOTH Auction IMON, AUGUST 17th, TUESDAY'. AUGUST 18th, at 2 p.m. Of - CHOlCt. FURNITURE, MAHOGANY PtfTERnORO BOATS, TOOLS, etc. Acting on Instructions from the owner Mr. Alex Macdonald, Suitr I, Summit Apartments, I will sill by Public Auction Real Estate, Isistinz Of: 3-PIECF CHESTERFIELD SUIT:" (Mohair); 9 PIECE WALNUT DlN INO ROOM SUITE, WITH CHINA CABINET; LARGE HALL MIRROR 2 OAK LIBRARY TABLES: Eleci- -by Frank and Wagnalls; Set of Worlds best Classics by Henry Cabot Lodge; several good reproduc tions of MODERN PAINTINGS. Copyright by CurtU and Cameron, I Sectional Bookcase; Porcelain Kitchen Table; WHITE ROTARY SEWINO MACHINE: 2 rugs; Lawrt Mower; 3 Linoleum Rugs; Mahogany BEDROOM SUITE: full-sl2? bed complete; child's crib and chair; PREMIER VACUUM CLEANER with Polisher and Waxer; 10-guage Shotgun; 22 high-power Savage rifle; quantity ot TooU. Stocks and Dies, Pipe, Fittings, etc.; Cham Wrench. Asbestos Pipe cov- iTSing; 1 Rigid pipe cutter; 1 El- rctrie spraying machine for paint, etc; steam guage compressor Rachet reamer; THOMPSON ENGINE INDICATOR with reducing wheel!. , - , BOATS. MAHOGANY AND LEATHER UPHOLSTERED PETERBORO OUT BOARD 17 ft. X S ft. 1 PETEft BQRO ADMIRAL 18 FT. BOAT WITH LIFE PRESERVER CUSHIONS; 1 18 FT. BPONSON CANQE. REAL ESTATE I will also offer for Sale Two High choice view Lots. Lots 18 and 13. Bkftk Two, Section 2. Situate AUln Avenue. Clear Title; also 100 Acres Land in tfie Naas River Val-j ley (Near Alyanch). Note Everything mutt be sold as Owner Is leaving Town. Goods on ,vtew all this week, for further information regarding same apply GEORGE J. DAWES AUCTIONEER PHONES BLACK 120; RED C33. ANOTHER SNAP Auction SALE OF AN AUTOMOBILE SATURDAY', AUG. 15lhat2'J0p.m, Cor. 2nd Ave. and 4th"Stnet Instructed by W ilker Motor Co., Ltd., I will 11 by Public Auction one Chevrolet Convertible Cabrlo-et with rumble p.t, year model 1926, licensed for iwl. Terms 1-3 cash, balance cart M arranged on m' thly paymenii with tecy reasonable finance tee. thll car Is in exrrilent condition has only run a ii'tle over II.CjO mile,' can be seen and tried out at the above addrc s any time before the sale, and must be sold irrespective of price in above date. GEORGE J DAWES Auctioneer Vhone Black ltd Take The DAILY NEWS When Going on Summer W-Z3mi No time is too THE MARKET ' ' Market prices current today are ' as follows: i Vegetables B, C. New Potatoes, 15 lbs .25 sack 1.41 B. C. Beets, bunch, 2 for 15 Parsley, bunch 10 B. C. Celery, head. 15c and X Vegetable Marrow, lb. .06 Spinach, B. C, lb. .x 10 Oarlls, imported, per lb Parsnips, 2 bunches 15 Green Beans, lb 10 Cabbage, green to Onlohs, 4 lbs - 55 B.C. head lettuce, head 10 Victoria hothoiise tomatoes, lb 20 Field Tomatoes, ltf. 15 Grceh Peas, lb 10 Rhubarb, buUfbor, lb .05 Bunch Turnips, 2 bunches ... 15 B. C. Cauliflower, hd.. 20c fthd 25 B. C. Bunch Carrots .05 Victoria hothouse cucumbers each 15 Hothouse Cucumbers, each 15 Hothouse Squash, lb 15 Broad Beads, lb os Oreen Onions, 3 bunches 10 Radishes, 3 bunches - - .10 Applrs Oreen Cooking Apples, 4 lbs. .. j. California Gravenstelns , doz. 60c to fkg. Fruits- . Valencia Oranges Wc to iV Lemons, sunklst, dos ui California Orapefrult ....7 lie to .10.! Banaftas, lb .15 1 Calif. Seedless Grapes, lb 25,1 Cal. Malaga a rapes, id za, ru(ts Local Raspberries, 2 boxes E5B. C. fresh pullets, doz. Canteloupes, Cal, 15c to 2i Terrace cooking Cherries, lb. .. .15 Plums, lb- - 15 Ipjeore, basket B0 Cal. Pears, doz. 45c to asirancy carioonea, 10. lElberta Peaches, doz. 40c to ..- j0 No. 1 Creamery, 3 lb Nearly everybody likes to keep in touch with Prince Rupert when away for their holidays. The best way to do this is to order the paper sent during that time. If it is only for two weeks, the News is a welcome visitor and the mails during the summer months are carried almost daily to most points. Recently a number of Scandinavians have given up the local fishing for the summer and gone On an extended visit to their former homes. In almost every case they order the Daily News sent them while they are away. Several subscribed for a year, others for shorter periods. THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, D.C. Cusaba Melons, lb. .Ot Watermelons, lb. Honey Dew Melons, each, 30c to .40 Dried ffulUi Extracted honey, pef Jkf .,v. ...25 Uomb honey Oatea, hulk, lb. 12 Raisins, bulk. lb. .15 Lemon and orange peel JO Ulack cooking ties. lb. .15 Currants, lb . .15 Htron peel .... -55 White tigs. Ib. .15 Apples, dried 3Q Peaches, peeled .... 20 Apricots, lb .20 Prunes, 60-70. lb. .10 Prunes. 30-40, lb. J5 Prunes, 4050. lb. 12V4 Meats- Fowl No. 1,1b .35 Roasting Chicken, lb .45 Broiler .. Ham, sliced, first grade .50 Ham, piehlc, first grade J25 Cottage rolls, lb .32 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade AC Pdrk, shoulder 3.1 Pork, loin J5 iPork, dry alt JO Pork, leg .30 Ayrshire bacon, lb. .... . 35c to .sot Veal, shoulder ..... J5l Vea oW lurkcy I Beef pot toast 18c "to 30 Beef, boiling 10c to (Beef, roast, prime rib 25c and "'Lamb, shoulder - ... W 4 , .vlk ...M.....w lLamb. leg - Lamb, chons ...35c to .40 Mutton, shoulder 30 : rish- . I Smoked kippers, lb, .15 Salmon, fresh, lb. ... 35 Halibut, fresh, lb. ... 20 35 B. C. fresh firsts, dot. 37 B C fresh extras, do. 30 Local, new laid .40 Butter- 30 .80 with you Holidays short for us to look after Subscription Department Flour-Flour, 49's. Nt. 1 hard wheat 1.70 Pastry Flour. 10 lbs, . M Sugar-Yellow, 100' lbs 6.10 White, 100 lb. ., 5.60 Lard- Pure ....... 23 Compound -v.. 20 Feed-Wheat, No. 3 AlbertA 1.95 No. 5 Alberta Oats l 5 Bran 1.50 Shorts 1.60 Middlings 2.10 Barley 1.75 Local new laid, doe .40 Laying Mash 3.10 Ovster Shell 1.93 Jj;Beef Scrap . 3.95 GrOund oil cake 425 Fine oat chops 2.00 Crushed oats .... 2.00 Fine barley chop ..... 1.85 Nuts-Almonds, shelled Valenclas . M California soft shelled walnuts M Walnuts, broken shelled ... 45 Walnuts, shelled halves .... AO Peanuts - .1- Cheese Ontario solids 25 ll8tllton, lb .33 0 Rouquefort 0 .401 , The Dally News car be pur- chased al Post Office News Stand, 323 Ofaftvtlle St.. Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince Oeorge. B.O. n. W. Riley, Tetrace. B.O. General Store, Anyox. Bmlthera Drug Store, Smith- era, n.O. 4