PAGE FIVE THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, December 15, 1031 Tke Daily News, " Classified" is the Poor Mans Advertising Column CLASS M) ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE FUR SALE Cary Safe. Apply ii.iiiy News. tf For SALE Oood used cars at : -m prices. Kalen Motors Ltd. tf r ip SALE Elegant Chesterfield lit' solid walnut, beautifully i iiulHtered In lustrous English V iiuir; Encyclopedia Brlttanlca. ftjipJv Mrs Hyde. Room 13, Fed-Block 21 FOR RENT FOP RENT Furnished 4 room flat in h bath. Phone 547. tf c. IMPORTABLE Room to rent. .! ;i in Phone Red 218. tf 2 F UR and five-room apartments fn rnt. Mussallem Orocery. (tt LOST Nine week old puppy, white brown markings. Phone n 270 291 PALMISTRY MRS JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Federal E! ok. Phone Green 701. I.ANII NOTICE KOTKT is Tvrrvty 1n that I-ii b.non. occupation miner, In ;o apply to the eommlnloivfr Ct ! permission to purchase tlx :uk lands .:mi-cii at a post about 11 mils r - from Tul-irquah Post OfUc w cnalus southerly, tbenc 90 mttly thne 30 chain Dr-tteiicr 20 chain to point of j'tneut. containing 40 acre : lean GEO BACON Nr 37. 1931 r.l:rVA UM IHSTIIICT ihhtrict (II (tl'I'.RN CIIAKI.OTTK ISLAMtS 1 ".EE NOTICE tht I. Robert M r Portland. Oregon, iatend K r license to prapeet for eol roleum. over and under the fo-iiracr'bcd land CommeBClng t planted at the Northeast corner n 5. Tp 8. ItMllCC South t iitnte West 80 chatM, thtw 'in chain, ttteuce East 80 cbstD ut commencement and oontalr. acres more or lest. c; t7th Oct.. IM1. HOUEKT M MOUNT ' rna Land District District : Queen Charlotte Islands AKF NOTICE that I, C O. Emmons, I' Oregon. Intend to apply license to proipect for coal and m. over a ltd under thi foUow-"r ribed land. Oommenehic at . ; mted nt the Northwest corner ol --'.u 4. Tp. B. thet South 81 'hence Bast 80 chains, thenec 80 chain, thence West 80 ehatns n uf commencement and con- : 840 aeres more or less. l 17th Oct . 19S1 O D BatMONE rkxiaa i.ami imstrict nisTRicn Or I:kn f'tlAKLOTTE IM.ASIW 'HE NOTICE thai I. C D Enunon 1 ' irtiimd. Oregon. Intend to apply license to prospect (or coal an J St irum. over and under the follow-1 inscribed land. Commencing at nlnntert at th Southeast comer i "a-tlcn 8. Tp.. : thence North 8' tlteiioe weit HO chains, inn-r "80 elialna. thenar St SO chain; nt or oommenT.nent and eon 840 acres more or legated I7th Oct.. 1031. C D KMMON8 Kr.KVA 1.ANII IHSTKirr IHHTKiri r Ill KKN rilAKLOTTE W.ANnS AKB NOTICE that I. C D Emmons. rUaid Oregon, Intsnd U applj lueiue to prospect for ooal ant) ! toicum over and under ths Jollow uwrrlhed Isnd OommsneUig at a planted at the Southwest corner " in ft Tp. 9; thenoe North 80 !"' thenee East 80 chains, thence 1 1 80 chains, thence West 80 chainj 'Hnt ol cotuinenccmcnt and con !ng 040 acres more or lets. 'Hted nth Oct.. 1931. O. D. EMMONS. C. N. R. TRAINS Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl- luys 3 pjn,j Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- tiuys 10:40 a.m. ', 't The following Is the scale of charges made for reading notices: Marriage and Engagement announcement S2. Dirth Notices 60c. Funeral Notices $1. Cnrrla nt Thanti. 82. Funeral Flowers 10c per nam. CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall Three Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Itay Treatments Given ! Phone for Appointment ' Green 241 and 549 Open Evenings 6 Exchange Bile, CHIROPRACTIC Health Service The PALMER METHOD Absolutely confined to the column. T. . HOLLAND 15 Besner Block Phone 857, SALVAGE & TOWING "If it's on oi under the water ve do it-Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and General Barrage Work Arents for EASTIIOFE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descrip tions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Night 504 P.O. Box 1564 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE SPECIAL Cotton Comforters, from $1.00 Down-Filled Comforters from $10.00 I Throw Blankets, assorted i colors, from $2.50 Blankets, all wool, from $9.50 All Year Round Gift Mackenzie Furniture. Company S27 Third Ave. Phone 775 WOOD FOR SALE Any Length . Apply T. Glenn and R. Vlererk T. & U. TRANSFER Phone Qreen 609 Reasonable prleei Orders Promptly Attended AUCTIONEER List you goods with us Prince Rupert's leading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT 3rd Ave. Phone lied 637 Fresh Fish Daily Aboard gasboat Dolphin 11 at Cow Bay floats. Number of varieties, just out of water. Typewriters for Rent by day, week or month Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue m TRANSFERS B. It H. TRANSFEH. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tf i CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 177 for Dry Birch. Cedar and Jacte Pine. tf SHOE REPAIRS MAC SHOE HOSPITAL. Shoes ro-j paired. Second Avenue West, tf, SHOE REPAIRS Beat material, finest work prices reasonable. Sharman Co., opposite Post Of- flee. tf BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 129. W Creditors Auction SALE Of Bankrupt Stock ,at the FEDERAL BLOCK 3rd AVE. commencing; at 3 p.m. sharp on Thursday. Dec. 17. By order of thJ Creditors of Geo. J. Dawes I will (cause to be sold by Public Auetlon the entire Stock and Fissures of aoove estate. i Ourney Arcadia Range; McClar Funutcette; 8 day Clock. Musical Instruments, Dresser, Sett, Couen Beds. Mattresses. Tools, Fixtures Showcases Bed Springs. Davenport Gramaphone. Electrical Fixtures Books. Encyclopedia, Pictures, and Miscellaneous articles. r. M. RAY. Trustee of Bctate in Charge Guide to Correspondents The Daily News welecmes correspondence on live topics of the day or any other subject of public interest, but letters must be brief and to the point. The long-winded correspondent has no place in modern Journalism. Every letter must be signed by the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a matter of good faith and courtesy. AH unsigned documents bo to the waste paper basket. Letters of a caustic character must have the signature appended for publication. Letter should be written on one side of the paper bnly, Correspondents must avoid personalities and the laniruage should be such as would be allowed in the ordinary rules of debate. r hav6 a i Alfx I rUAlP . i'Ll. I t BO - AND "TIME THE TOILER" VA4IL.U V0- PH.ETA'SE TELL. MR HACD006AU- r ' TO Him i - i 'asiif Si' MS i t --nw.- IS trl C "'fA 1 'i II ' l Market prices current here today are as follows: Ve;rtables Potatoes, 1J-15 lbs 25 MCk, $1.45 to .- 2.00 B. C. Beets, bluki, 6 lbs 25 Parsley, bunch 05 1 B. C. Celery, head 10c to 15 Brussells Sprouts, B. C-lb 17 Brussels Sprouts, Calif., lb 25 Spinach, B. C, 2 lbs 25 Garlic, imported, per lb .40 Cabbage, green 05 Calif. Head Lettuce, head 15 Victoria Hutbonse Tomatoes lb .25 B. C. Cauliflower, hd. 15c to 20 B. C. Bunch Carrots D5 Sweet Potatoes. Ib 10 Savoy Cabbage, head, 10c to .... 20 Onions, 6 lbs 25 Bulk Turnips, 8 lbs 25 j Carrots, 8 lbs 25 1 Parsnips, lb 05 1 Imported Spanish Onionsr2 lbs. 25 Apples Delicious, fancy box 3.00 Delicious, C grade, box 2.95 Delicious, household, box 2.10 Newtons, fancy, box 250 Newtons, C grade, box 2.80 Newtons, household, box 2.10 Winsaps, fancy, box 2.90 Wlnesaps, C grade, box 2.80 Spitzenbergs, fancy, box 2.90 Spitzenbergs, C grade, box 2.80 Spitzenbergs, household, box .. 2.00 Fruits Jap Oranges, box 1.15 Valencia Oranges, doz. 25c to - .70 Lemons, California, large 40 Grapefruit, California, 7 He to .10 Orapefruit, Florida, 12Vfec to .... 20 California Emperor Orapes, lb. 25 Winter ePars, doz. 35c to 0 Jamaica Grapefruit, each JO Cranberries, lb. . .25 Dried Fruits Extracted Honeyper Jar 25 Comb Honey 25 Oats, bulk, lb J2& Lemon and Orange Peel . 25 Black Cooking Figs. lb. 12 Vi Currants, lb J 25 Citron Pes! 20 White Figs, lb. , J5 Apples, dried . 20 Peaches, peeJed -is.. 20 Apricots, lb. 20 Prunes, 60-70, Ib.. , JO Prunes, 30-40, lbJ,. .18 Prunes, 40-50, lb. i .12fc! Raisins, Ausi. seedless, 2 lbs. 25 Raisins, Cal. seedless, 2 lbs. 25 Meats Turkey, lb. 35c to- .40 Fowl, No. 1, lb. 20 Roasting Chicken, lb .40 Ram, siloed, first grade, .45 Cottage Rolls,, lb 25 Ham, picnic, first grade, lb 25 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .. .40 Pork shoulder, lb J5 Pork, loin, Ib. 25 Pork, dry salt, lb 25 Pork, leg, lb X Ayrshire Bacon, lb 20 Veal, shoulder, lb,. 20 Veal. loin. lb. 20 Beef, pot roast, lb .15 ef, boiling, lb. 10c to J4 Seef, roast, prime rib, lb. 20c to 25 'mb. shoulder, lb. .20 tetf. steak, lb.5cMo -. 20 Lamb, let;, lb. 30eo . 25 Lamb, chops, lb JO Mutsoa shouldewlb. 18 fish I Jnftked Kippers, lb 45 Salmon, frown, lb .12(4 Halibut, lb. .. .20 rggs B. C. Fresh Pullets, doz. .40 B. C. Fresh PtnrtSj doz ,45j b. j, rrsen Kxtrae, aos m tiocal, new laid doz 60 Butter Fancy cartoned, lb 25 No. 1 Creamery, jjjba .90 Alberta Creamery, ib 38 Still in the Poors mc - he J TA MLV MAS WIS HE'S CSDiMS THE MARKET rti&OU6H r if fi.-.i.. Cheapes Christ mas f ffered t resen IllS J The Daily News is co-operating with those who wish to give a Christmas present to a friend anywhere in British Columbia out-side the city of Prince Rupert. All that is necessary is to cut out the appended coupon, fill it in, wrap a fifty cent piece in it and w? do the rest. We send the paper to any person who is not already a subscriber. Fill out the coupon at once and we see that the paper is sent to commence at Christmas. The value of a six months subscription to the paper is L50 which we give for this purpose for fifty cents. That is our cooperation to your Christmas present. Coupon To Circulation Manager, .Daily News, Prince Rupert, B.C. Please send the Daily News for 6 months to .... i t and Best Address and notify him that it is a Christmas present from Name Address Cut.out this coupon. Fill In the blanks. Wrap it around half a dollar and mall. t A GIFT THAT KEEPS COMING FOR SIX FULL MONTHS Keep your friend posted on Prince Rupert and its future activities. THE DAILY PHONE - Game r . - f v'm -sore. vz-Y, ISM IS OUT OM HIS f0. I t-- - ' -"- 7u mm NEWS 98 BOTaa i najam'T OK, V HASC him -ma A. TBSR-fiiBUE Mosteq HA.MO MR LECPIMG ' - rj r- -zk . L . ' I in i.i J 4 .a-aaSaH 'iaaH easoi By Westover, I t THIMK