flie foremost among all package teas Yellow label Salada 6oct.alb Brown label Salada 70 cu a lb 'Fresh from the gardens1 NEW TANK SCOW HERE Home Oil Brings Craft From Alaska to Replace One Which Lost Last Week Tli(! Alaska Salvage It Towing C u Akutan. Capt. L. H. H. Jcnnln? arrived In port last night, hjvlns in tow a tank scow for the , Heme Oil Distributors Ltd. which u: brought from Cape Chacon, Aiastt The tank scow is to Ik- ' 1 taken from here to Langam Is- j I lami i replace anoincr kow wnicn tx last week while being tow-t utit- Hecate Straits. ytYi PLACE IlIVEU PAPER'S BIRTHDAY Tl" prano fllver Block News, pub-luheu ;it Rolla in the British Co- :mtiM Peace River by Lean and Kll'iUni i receiving i rv. having had 1U first birth-u. . ffw days ago. V Is far better to 'be wtee and trj -iilpful than to be clever and nperr.Ulous " Rablndranath Ta- ,5T Moose Lodge Has Delightful Whist Drive and Dance The Moose Lodge held another of i lts'enjoyable whist drives and dan ces last night. There were 18 tables of whist while many more persons dropped In for the dance which fol lowed. Winners at cards were: men's first. Jack Preece; second, M. J. Des-mulles; ladies' first, Mrs. Ole Ste- gavlg; second, Mrs. B. J. Bacon. After cards, refreshments were i served with Mrs. P. J. Ryan cater- i lng and dancing followed with de jlightful music by the Premier Or cnestra up to 2 a.m. B. J. Bacon was master of cere monies and N. Brewer presided At the door. The committee consisted of P. Peterson, C. Morrison, V. E ! Peterson, R. Long and C. Lemon. Jack Hartley of the Canadian National Steamships port steward'r department at Vancouver arrived in the city from the south on the Prince Charles this morning, be In. here In connection with the arrival of the steamer Canadian Seig neur, which Is to be tied up at the local dry dock. Ambrosia Combination Package FREE! 31.00 Siic Ambrosia Cream $1.00 She 'Ambrosia Tightener With purchase of 51.00 site of Ambrosia Cleanser and new 100-page book on skin care. You pay only $1.50 for nil four articles C0UETTES A New Product of Johnson & Johnson Little pads of cotton convenient for boudoir and nursery use 7")C pads for 50c OrniesiM. Trfie Pioneer Druggists Humes 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLAG Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Slrinnrm Irnvr ITlnce ltuert f or Vomouvrr! Ts-w,t.u.a r.vt:nv THESH.W, l.Sfl P.M. TSA. Arriving Vancouver, via oren rtiu. Tnuraaay nwu "-. t.MtllF.N.V KVr.ltY HtlDVV MIIINKIIIT ta. ni riving vanrouvrr duiiubj wtwiiiH "VK I aalllti.. tn Pnrt Rlmnmu. AllM Anil. AllYOX. River pouiu Suiiday. 8:00 p.m. nformttlon regardini! all Milium ami tirltcu m Blewart and Naat HITKUT AtlMNrY See mill Vvrnilc. rnim Local Items Dinncrwarc, china, crockery, glassware, lleilbroner's Store. Mrs. J. A. Hlnton sailed last night on the Cardena for a trip to Port Simpson Victoria Day, Monday, May 25. Baseball, football, races, and water sports. Entries open until 11 ajn. May 25. Auspices Y.P.A. Mrs.C. II. Sawle of New Hazelton, who has been attending the United Church conference In Victoria, arrived in the city from the south on the Prince Charles this morning and proceeded by train to her home In the .Interior. Fire Chief D. II. McDonald will sail on the Prince Charles tomor row nht for Vancouver where ht will attend a B.C. fire convention. returning tn about two weeks. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Mac- Donald, and Son, Angus, who have been lrPSpokane. C.N.R. steamer Prince Charles Capt. D. McKlnnon, arrived in port on time at 10.30 this morning from Vancouver with a fair -sized list of passengers and will sail at 8 o'clock this evening for Stewart whence she will return here tomor row evening southbound. John W. Allen, superintenden engineer for the Dominion Fish- cries, came north on the Prince Charles yesterday as far as Namu off which point he was transfer ee to the fisheries patrol steamer Malasplna aboard which he will continue an official tour. Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton arrived in the city on the Prin teas Mary yesterday afternoon rom Phoenix. Arlsona, and will lay a visit here with relatives. Mi Hamilton was formerly a member of Canadian National Telegraphs here and is now in the service of '.he Postal Telegraph at Phoenix DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Eyes Tested For lasses At St. Elmo Hotel ro xJiUy 111 IK? uur luiw FROM MONTREAL (iLASr.OV-KLFAST-LIVEI!-POOL 30 xJuik? XI MtltU 5 Juiw 30 . Ducheas f Bedford 12 Moatclare 19. Junr 17. Duchem of Richmond xNot rallniK Ht Liverpool. TO LIVERPOOL May 30 Dushaaa Of Athoil To Tiu to Duchea of York To Ilarvc-Lomlon-Autwcrp June 4 Montcalm FROM ((UEItEC 10 CIIEKIIOUKO-SOUTIIAMITON May 90. iuav SO . .Bmpreaa of Australia hiiK- 0. Juna 27 ..Boipraaa of Britain Iuim? 13. July i stapreai of Frame FROM VANCOUVER Tn IUiviill-J.iiiin.('liliM.riilllpjiln LOW ROUND , TRIP FARES TO ORIENT Aonlv to Acenta evenrwheft or J I KlltMTDU Stranublp aiil. Psh. Ant CPU StaUon Vancouver. Telephone Trinity 1151 SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, WraiiRcll, Ju- ncau and Skagway May 30, June 8, 15. To Vancouver, Victoria, and 34, June 3, 13. PRINCESS MARY For IJiitcilale, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Ray, Campbell River, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday, at 10 p.m. Full information from C. Orchard. CJcncral Agent Cor. 3rd Ave. & 4th St. Phone 31 ,. gff"JT3 1 - THE DATLY NRWH LUMBAGO? A pain in the lower part of your back can torture you. But not for long, if you know about Aspirin! These harmless, pleasant- tablets take away the misery of lumbago, rheumatism, neuralgia, headaches, toothaches, and systemic pains of women. Relief conies promptly; is complete. Genuine Aspirin cannot depress the heart. Look for the Bayer cross, thus: i Made ln;Canada A. J. Matheeon of the dry dock office staff returned to the city on the Cardena last. night from a trip south. Mrs. W. H. GobrJsell left on thU morning's train for Montreal where, on May 29, she will embark aboard the steamer Auranla for a trip to her native home In Lon don, England. VICK'S Holiday Special who fried springs, $2.00; milk fed large size, $2.50; fresh hot tamales, noi too hot, 50c.; Chill chicken sandwiches, delivered. 719 Fulton St. Phone Oreen 170. 121 ventlon. Mrs. c. H . Clay of Anyox, who left recently for a trip to Vancou ver, arrived from the south on the Prince Charles this morning ant proceeded by train to Smlther? where she has been called owing to the serious illness of her daugh ter, Mrs. Alex McLean. On a charge Of driving to the common danger, Jw. Hayner wa fined $25, with option of seven days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate MeClymont in police court yesterday afternoon. He was fined another $5. wlth.even days' op- tton. this morning for falling to report an accident. Victoria dispatches reported wrongly this week that a new min ister had been assigned at the re ?ent British Columbia United Church Conference to Rupert East Church here. No minister has been assigned to Rupert East but, after Junr 30. the work will be taker iwr bv First United Church. These Bargains ARE WORTH YOUR WHILE Dried Peaches- Fresh stock, per lb Bin press Crabapple Jelly 4's, per tin Pears & Peaches 2Vfc's, heavy syrup, 2 tins Asheroft Ketchup per bottle 14c nutter Woodland. Drookfield Cresto 9Qp per lb 3 lbs. Aylmer Pork & Deans per tin Aylmer Tomato Soup 3 tins Robin Hood Rolled Oat 8-lb. sack Red Arrow Sodas- - per pkg Blue Ribbon Tea- per lb Empress Plum Jam 4's per tin or Peek Frean's Biscuits Large as sortment just arrived EZftn per lb Shoe Polish Brown per tin Malkln's Boat Jelly Powders P pkg. 10c! Onions OCn ft 1K. UOs w awtv t. 85c 9c 25c 30c 19c 48c 48c 63c 45c 22c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Arriving Every Boat 5c1 Economy Cash and : Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have .More Cents" 319 3rd Ave. - 417-423 3th Ave. Telephones- 430 and 18 Glasses fitted I) registered optometrist at lleilbroner's store. Phone 32 Taxi for special rates, day and night, for large parties. Experienced drivers. , . tf C. C. Mills returned to the city on the Prince Charles this rriorn-lng from a brief business trip to Vancouver. Rev. Alfred Wilson, pastor of First United Church, returned tr the city on the Prince Charles thU morning after having attended the recent conference in Victoria. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Andrew Johnstone, arrived in port at 11:05 last night from the soutn and sailed at 12:30 midnight on her return to Vancouver and Miss Elizabeth Mackay, formerly of the Forest Branch staff here, has now Joined the Kamloops office of the department, exchanging with Miss Home, who has come here. Rev. Charles E. Motte, pastor of Rupert East United Church, returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning from Vic toria where he attended the recent British Columbia conference. By this Inadvertence, a headline in paper yesterday gave the name "Dr. A. 8. Munro instead o' "Dr. A. S. Murphy" as being involved in a Vancouver illegal prac tice case. The name should have read Dr. A. 8. Murphy. Rev. W. McKenile. United Church incumbent at Smlthers. arrived In the city on the Prince Charles this morning and proceeded by train to the Interior. He attended the re cent Conference at Victoria at which he was transferred to Ha zelton. DISPLAY BY GUIDES Interesting Evening at Rupert East Church Last Night Last evening in the Rupert East United Church, a very Interesting and effective display was staged by the Second Prince Rupert (Rupert East Guide Company, assisted by the Cathedral Ouldes. Brown Owl Motte acted as chairman for the evening. There were a number of dances, that were received with enthusiasm as well as fancy marching, drills, bandaging, signalling displays and campfire singing, to say nothing of the relay races, which took the form of a competition between the two companies. These caused a great deal of excitement among the girls as well as the onlookers. The Rupert Bast Ouldes were the winners. The program was brought to a fitting close by a march past of all the guides, concluding with the presentation of service stars, medals, etc.. by Mrs. E. Anderson, secretary of the Oirl Guide Association. Service stars were presented to the following girls: P. L. Phedella Stengal, P. 8. Alethla Peachey, P. S. Lillian Croxford, and Ouldes Alice Oomes, Edna Strand, Ethel Moore-house and Mickey Casey. P. L. Phedella Stengal also received her Music Lover's badge. A competition was held among the Rupert East Ouldes for proficiency and deportment during the evening, silver medals being awarded to the two best guides. It was no easy matter to de:lde the winners, and at the close of the display C. J. Norrington. who acted as Judge declared that there was very little to choose between Ouide Alice Gomez and P. L. Phedella Stengal, therefore the first medal was presented to Ouide Alice Oomee and' a special medal was awarded by Mr. Norrington for P. L. Phedella Sten- NEIGHBORS TALK "I am employed in a theatre and it is a problem to make ends meet, as I help support my mother and sisters. I like to dress well but haven't very much to spend on clothes. To give the appearance of variety to my slender wardrobe 1 change the color of a dress or stockings as toon us the things become faded. I always use Diamond Dyes for the work using them as dyes for dresses and as tints for stockings. I have always gotten such perfect results that our neighbors talk about the great number of new things I have. "I learned about Diamond Dyes from our wardrobe mistress. She say she has tried all the dyes on the market but none do such splended work mid are so easy to use as Diamond Dyes. 1 understand they are the world's most popular dyes and they deserve to be." L.l'.. Muiu.i.. Can't PLAY Can't REST Wi -child needs Castoria HEN a child ii fretful and irritable, seems distressed and uncomfortable, can't play, can't sleep, it is a pretty sure sign that something is wrong. Right here is where Castoria fits into a child's scheme the very purpose for which it was formulated years ago) A few drop and the condition which caused the trouble is righted; comfort quickly brings restful sleep. Nothing can take the place of Castoria for children; it's perfectly harmless, yet always effective. For the protection of your wee one for your own peace of mind keep this old reliable preparation always on hand. But don't keep it just for emergencies; let it be an every-day aid. Its gentle action will ease and soothe the infant who cannot sleep. In more liberal doses it will Saturday, May 2S,"193l I'fTyfTTTj) HilMjjlllll H ,Wj ! yegg n Ml 71? mmm. not il 4illJ effectively help to regulate sluggish bowels in an older child. All druggists have Castoria; it's genuine if you see Chas. 1 1 . Fletcherta signature and this name-plate: EpTOlfjf CHURCH NOTICES CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Christian Science Society, 213 Second Avenue West) Thls Society is a branch of the Mother Church, the Pint Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Sunday service at 11 o'clock. Subject. "SOUL AND BODY." 8unday School at 12:15. Testimonial meeting Wednesday at 8 pjrt. Reading Room, 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 5. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. W. B. Grant Rolling worth, RJt. Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Morning service at 11 O'clock. Subject. "WITNESSING FOR CHRIST." Evening service at 7:30. Subject. "EMPIRE DAY AND EMPIRE PROBLEMS." ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson. Dean WHIT SUNDAY Holy communion at 8 ajn. Sunday School at 10 am. Morning prayer and Holy communion at 11 ajn. Olrl Guides Church Parade. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30. FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson. B. A. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sunday Scfreol at 12:15. Evening service at 7:30. The pastor will preach and will make reference at both services to the work of the Victoria gal. The second medal went to Ouide Mickey Casey. A presentation of a beautiful bouquet was made to Mrs. Watt who has very greatly assisted in training the girls for the dancing, and to Mrs. Squire,' whose services as pianist have been greatly appreciated. Votes of thanks were also tendered to Mr. Watt and to Mrs. Wilson, who played the accompaniments for several of the dances. Mrs. Motte then took the opportunity of thanking Captain Rogers for the good work she was doing in connection with the girls, for whose smart and well trained efforts she was responsible, and to her also sho presented a lovely bouquet, while the guides lost no time in according her three hearty, rousing cheers. The program included the following: March On, followed by "O Dance, "Scottish Reform," Rupert Bast Guides. Stave drill, Cathedral Guides. Dance, Foursome Reel, Rupert Bast. Junior Ribbon Dance, Cathedral Ouldes. Exercises, Rupert East Ouldes. Dance, "Sir Roger dc Covcrlley," Cathedral Guides. Bandaging, Rupert East. Senior Ribbon Dance, Cathedral. Dance. "Strip the Willow." Rupert East Guides. Signalling, Rupert East. Fancy marching by both com panies. Relay races, Rupert East vs. Ca thedral. Camp Fire singing. March Past and presentation of silver medals, service stars, etc. Nationa' Anthem CAIT. DAN MeKINNON IN COALMAN!) OF I'R. CHARLES Capt. Dan McKlnnon Is now In command of the steamer Prince Charles on the Vancouver-Prince Rupert-Stewart run, relieving Capt. Nell McLean, who has gone ovir to the steamer Prince Oeorge. which is now being overhauled m Vancouver and which will resume service early next month. When man's love grows cold he should put his arm around her and warm her upl Detroit News. ANNOUNCEMENTS Eagles 8oclal and Smoker, Friday, June S. Elks' Show '"iu. .Beauty Shop," Capitol Theatre, June B. . I Moose picnic, Dlitby hdand. June 21. Canadian Legion Picnic July 12. Such lather! Sick relreihinr (rsf raaee. met skin softening and cWtniinil- Baby's cOwn 1(.,2oap 1U !nd;vldiiol(olon A mi jm. i . u