PAGE FOUR N ews and Views in the World of Sport The Latest Golf Costum HORNSBY ISSUED Famous Baseball Manager Asks For, Umpire fn Connection With Hi Income Taxes- WASHINGTON, D.C., June 22: Rogers Hornaby, famous profes-j sional baseball manager, has petl-; tioned for an umpire In connection ' with a dispute between himself and the government In connection with delinquent income taxes. Hornsby was first assessed to the extent of $2,763 for income taxes due since 1927 but now the government says he owes $8,702. Homsby protests at the latest assessment and declares he is not entitled to; pay it. ! WILL LIVE IN FRISCO Ty Cobb to Live With His Family in City of Golden Gate SAN FRANCISCO, June 22: Ty-rus Raymond Cobb, former noted big league baseball star, arrived here at the week-end with his family. They will take up residence in this city. Cobb's arrival here with his family pots at rest rumors earlier in the year of a separation between the Georgia Peach and his wife. REGIMENT LINEUP The following players will represent the Regiment In the Dominion Day Cup football game with the Merchants on Tuesday: Laidler. Watson, Thurber. Edgecumbe. Kel-se. DeJong, Wlaon (captain), Fong, w'lotiam. Norrlngton; reserves, Tinker. Bond, Redpath. j . Ohe LEANING- TOWPR j 25RQ1 DMrcn j ? I ; I I i GuCKINdHflNr ARE A PERf ECTV.Y BALANCED 1 BLEND OF THE f . VH FINEST IN TOBftC.CGS , j audi you a complete art of "Do You Kasw card wity tarda of knowWga Ukl wrmm facta printrd in color (iit tli' s 1'). Or twenty ewijwffl brinj yu the sitty card arconipanird Ly an album in wLk h ths tarda tan be placed aJ aprrmamnttniWctioa. AdJrrat l)ept.7, Tuciett Tvbaan Co. Ltd, IUaultau Buckingham Cigarettea 'a imoolh trfrwLia Mend of ibcw-e toUrcoa, lua-trrattd by powerful ultra violet ray. TLere I no more mellowiDg indurnce than tbe ton. llm-kingbami, treated with giant aim lamp, are remarkably cool and mellow an all-pleasure bgartlta, crvtr varying in quality, packed fur fresLnatS in tbe patented atalcd package; S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers I I Cars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Gas & Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 83 COAL Buy the real Coal onr famous Edson and Cassldy-Wrlllngton In any quantities Also Itulkley Valley Hay. Grain and Itobln Hood Flour Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 68 AND 858 U.S. Olympic Hope ! -i-:'. sQSfc' - . : PM I Olive Hatch of Los Angeies. Caia VS. national intercollegiate Swimming star and one of America's hopes in coming Olympics, wearing 122 gold medals SPORT CHAT With the Otlhuly Cup football competition finished for the year and the Merchants the holders of the trophy, a review of the competl-! tlon should be interesting. A study of the goal scoring suggests that all teams are stronger in defence than in attack. The Merchants lead with nine goals in their four games. Of 1 these Albert Dickens scored four.' ne In each game. S. Dickens, H. ! Dickens, Amor, Douglas and McKay j .had one each. The Regiment, al-j hough foot of the league, comes' next with four goals, Pong, Bond; land Wlngham scoring one each) while the fourth was scored by W 1 Murray against his own team. The Legion had three goals to their credit with Bussanleh, Howe and S , 'Smith the scorers. n In the competition, the Merchants called on only 13 players, the abil ity 10 piay practically the same team in all games being of great value towards developing teamwork and understanding. The Regiment called on 18 players while the Legion required the services of 20 players. So far the Merchants seem to have the strongest team and their aeieai oy ine ttegimeni was a sur prise though well deserved on the evening's play. The Letlon have been handicapped by the Inability of Baptle, J. Murray and Howe to turn out regularly. With a full team this club will be hard to beat. The Regiment have a fine defence. Their forwards, while clever, lack exper- tence but these youngsters will develop and they certainly show promise. Final standing In the Ollhuly Cup. 5.W. L. D. F. A.P. Merchants 4 3 1 0 0 3 6 Legion 4 2 2 0 3 8 4 .Regiment 4 1 3 0 4 7 2 WINNER IN OPEN GOLF Emtrv Zimmerman, Youn? Portland Pro, Takes Pacific Northwest Honors TACOMA. June 22: Emery Zimmerman vouna assistant nro of the Multnomah dlub. Portland, won the ! Pacific Northweest open golf cham-! plonshlp yesterday In a play-off! from Nell Christian. Portland pro,1 Spartan Athletic Club Holds Its First Track Meet; Fine Performance By Contestants! The first track meet under tht colors of the Spartan Athlete Club was held on Saturday at the Exhibition grounds. Conditions were ideal for good performances and an Interested, enthusiastic group of spectators gave zest to the proceedings. The meet proved to be a revelation of what fine track material is lying undeveloped among the younger generation of athletes in the city. Plommer. d. H. Hartness and O The performances of Alex Wal- Anderson acted as judge. t-rs, Hedy Suehiro and Carl Smith were outstanding. With continued training and competition, these boys will develop Into fine runners, Walters placed in six events, win- nlngs the senior 100 yards, the high jump, the pole vault, and broad jump; placing second in the shot put; and running on the winning relay team. Carl Smith won the junior 220 yards in 25 seconds, a second faster than the time for the I ' senior event. Suehiro and Ronnie Allen ran ft dead heat in the half I mile, the time being 2 minute. minutes, 12 12 and three-fifth seconds. Later Sue hiro ran a fine half mile in the relay, clinching the race for his second), W. Wllllscroft. team of which Williscroft and Mox-1 220 Yardi, senior P. Edgecumbe ley were the other members. This I ( 24 seconds)', A. Bartlett relay was somewhat of a novelty! High Jump A. Walters (5 feet) being run in four divisions of un- j Friedham. jqual length: 100 yards, 220 yards, 1 880 Yards H. Suehiro and R. AI-440 yards and 880 yards. It brought len (dead heat. 2 minutes 12 3-5 a thrilling evening of track work to seconds), an exciting conclusion. I Pole vault A. Walters (9 feet). The meet was well organized, and j 440 Yards P. Edgecumbe (57 seethe club Is to be complimented forjonds). W. Vance, 'he handy manner in which the: Broad Jump A. Walters (17 feet, events were run off. Sergeant Ser- V2 niches). R. Irvine, vice did excellent work In starting Medley relay Walters; Wlllis-the races. Timekeepers were J. croft, Moxley, Suehiro (4 minutes. Campbell. O. Wlngham and J. W. 13 seconds. Oh: These Modern Girls! What would folks of grand.-nr day huvi thought had they seen a trio of girls such as above .-onmily dreaeed soaring gracefully over a fence? we thnk it would be "scandalous." Big League Scores SATURDAY SCORES National League Pittsburg 1-0. New York 3-10. Chicago 5. Brooklyn 6. Cincinnati 6-4, Philadelphia 11-1. St. Louis 1-2, Boston 5-3. American League New York 9, St. Louis 1. Philadelphia 5, Chicago 4. Boston 4, Detroit 5. ; Washington 14-7. Cleveland 4-3. SUNDAY SCORES American League New York 7-2, St. Louis 2-8. Philadelphia 8. Chicago 5. Washington 1, Cleveland 3. Boston 7, Detroit 6. National Leagce Philadelphia 7, Cincinnati 1. Pittsburg 5; New York 4. St. Louis 2-1, Boston 6-0. Chicago 8, Brooklyn 7. DACrriAII IS WTlJ&J)Lff AalSvO A ililj I J , June 22 Mtlllonalrs vs. 8.O.C. June 25 8.O.C. vs. Elks. June 29 Elks vs. Mtlllonalrs. July 1 S.O.C. vs. Millionaires. Canadian National .it'll PAnranHnn Recreation As after the two had tied on Saturday -orlatlon to Port Simpson by ss at the head of the field. Zlmmer- Prince Charles leaving Prince Human, won by on stroke. kpert 9 a.m. Wednesday July 1. Ths meet is ihe first of a. series of four whlcfrthe club will stage about every three weeks during the summer. In this wav it Is hoped that the contestants will be in good condition to turn in some brilliant performances on Labor Day which is the climax of track work for the summer. iqo yards. Junior C. Smith. 11 1.5 seconds, im M1. in IZZX p MJSi LSf . Pnt-Friedham (37 feet. , . 5 uicuesi, a. waiters. 220 Yards. Junior C. Smith (23 T ' ti'v. LakelseLake m -i' Angline GoodiArney8' Boys, 10 to 12-Bobby Houston,, Visitors From Prince Rupert to 8am Currle. j Popular Interior Resort Have ,rls- 12 H-Ibel Sturgeon. Good Lark With Trout ,June Oom- j 1 Boys, 12 to 14 Bob Peachy, Set- Antling is excellent at Lakelse '. erlno Dominato. j Lake Just now, It Is reported by local : Treasure Hunt, girls. 14-18-Ra-Deoole whr have been vlsitinir that chc DeMarcO. Jean Sunberg. popular it rlor resort. J. Bruce1 Johnstone's hotel is in full operation . Bnane Murray-again for the summer. . . a,ria' needle and thread race- Mildred Munlzaba, Jean Sunberg. ; rti Ann rt (un CLOSE GAME WAS PLAYED' ' ... Men's open race Prlmo Vaccher, Roy Fong. C.N.ItJ. Defeats Porters In Softball Ladles' blindfolded race Mrs. R. By Score cf 5 to 4 Long. Mrl. De Marco. I Men's race, Moose members only Canadian National Recreation "f11"- L!mon' 0scar Sa,ter-Asoclatinn aoftball players scored " ifdleg hftt an1 lrcM COmPuon j another victory over a porters team at the c N.R A', wounds last evening". ,ho the pcorp . hin' rinsi. , nt s ... in a ThJ , match roved very" Interesting and was watched by a crowd of about three hundred persons. SOFTBALL June 23- Drydock vs. Station. June 28- station vs. Roundhouse. June 30- Roundhouse v. Drydock, PICNIC IS SUCCESSFUL No Lew Than UOfl Persons Went on Outing of Moose Lodge Yesterday The first real big picnic of the summer season took place yesterday ' when the Moose Lodge staged Itei annual outing to Dlgby Island. There were no less than 1100 per- sons In attendance and the affulr was most enjoyable as well as sue- : cessf ul. In spite of a few light showers, a memorable day was made of it. I There was a long program of sports and races. The Boys'. Band was In attendance and enlivened the proceedings. Two clowns did their part In making for generul fun. The Northern B. C. Airways 1 moth seaplane was on hand and took up nine sightseeing trips. This was a treat which had not been expected. The crowds went over on boats loaned for the occasion between 9 ajn. and l p.m. By 0 pin. all were safely home again after a very happy day. The boats made available were: Takla, Capt. Chris Park-void; F. H. Phlppen. Capt. James Morrison; White Hope, Capt. Pete Thompson; Kalen. Ole Stegavig; Viking, Capt. Harold Ertcksen; Em-bla, Capt. John Olsen Pete Anderson, owner); Livingstone, Capt. Tony Martlnusen; Cape Beale, Capt. Edgar Arnott. and Pair of Jacks, Capt. Axel Peterson. A scow was ako loaned by the Rupert Marine Products. Judges for the races were Ted Rorvlk, Jack Judge and O. B. Connelly. The prizes were presented to the wnners by Mrs. Richard Long. C. R. Blggart and E. C. Hopen were Judges for the hat and dress com petition for which 0. B. Connelly was the model. W. E. Funnell and J. Jeans acted as clowns. George Bro- jchu's orchestra played music for j dancing which was enjoyed in the I evening. 1 Committee chairmen, who took 'an active part In connection with , the staging of the picnic, were: ' Sports, B. J. Bacon. I Transportation. J. M. Morrison I and Oiliis Royer. j Refreshment rtalla, Richard Long. . Hot dogs. N. Brewer. Water and freight. Joe Ratchford Tickets and advertising, D. Schubert. , Corree, Alois Ohnesorg. ' The rt.mlU of sports and races were as follows: Sport Winners , j Tot's race (All children under 4 , years) I, Jean Redmond: 2, F. j Kraustf. i Girls, 4 to 0 May Leach, Zelda ' Hale. Boys, 4 to 6 Bobby Long, BflUe, Arney. ' Girls. 6 to 8 Ella Dahl, Jean( Krause. 1 Boys. 6 to 8-Dlck Cameron ' Ralph Andean. Girls. 8 to 10 Mary Erlckson. Vlofet CavinaUe. Boys, 8 to 10 Albert Mah, Sam Currle. 10 to 12 June Gomez, Dora B " lVl8-Robfrt Shrubsatl. Boys' dressing race Darrow Oo-. imez Robert Shrubsall. I L,.thc&-nachel De muivu, rune VJU11ICA. Tin.. . . . f I . , Marco, Arthur Murray. -ra; "rro- Mrs..zygmunt. ta' WttlklnK race-Dorothy Pr Prllchard, tchard. Mrs Mrs. Lata. Lake. en"'' wlkl"B race C. Lemon, LMlle 1arks BASEBALL City League W. L. Pet Sons ot Canada Millionaires Elks 4 1 .0 0 2 3 1.000 333 .000 e Why not do this golf business .ip properly and give 1: mj ii of distinction a Marion Marsh is seen here doing'' P'.u- four haven't a chance LOCAL NEWS Word has been received here hat Spiro Ourvkh of this e4ty H 1 paUent In the Poyal Columbian Hospital at New Westminster where he I sufferings from pleur' John Altken, provincial assessor at Prince Oeorge, has been appointed deputy collector for the Prince Oeorge assessment district during the absence of Elmer T, Little from June 17 to June 30. Mrs, Charles Bajaano an.dlaligti-ter, Helen, ami Mrs. Leon Dlatri returned to. the city on this after noon's tra'ti from Terrace where 'hey spent the wetk-erd visiting with Mrs. As tori sr.. who Is In real- rienfo for the summer at Terrace. J. O. Davles. general saperintpn - C.ldtnt Carladlan Nattansl Tto- graohs Winnloec. ami O H. Stead. uperintendenr for British OtXurn- VANDERH00F BUSH FIRES hla wlh hdatnrter?j in VtneMi' . " ver. arrived In tbe city en thta af- Mr &nri xtra rov Lancaster ar- tc moon's train In tha course ot an tmpcctjpn tour and will bt here uri- Ul Wednetdny, Jack Olllatt. who has been t-rendlhg Provincial Normal School In Vancouver, arrived in the city on the Prince Charles this mornlnu from the south and will sail on the Prince John tonight for Sandaplt U'Kat'O Vim tr4fl ariAM4 Ida """W". 5 . ISW&r 'maw. w vittiakV. Whole Kechako Valley is Swrpt It llames VANDHRHOOF. June I7-Durin; the past week ot ten dtjl ttu: .hole valley has been douded with Mnoke from forest fires n fact, thsy are worse than a:iy w during the correspond :nt dtk! that even the old-tmier. hai-known. Several jettler h.ive lo buildings, ties and other proper) snd the fires art Mill ragini in 'his area R.imors were common and currrnt that the MeadowU Pi-lir 8chool had been dstrovta 'ThH Khool s?tl! stand unhurt the educational work Is car-i'1-ti on urvl Dur'n-r tlv fire u ; cow moose fled and leit nor ' -nrlr b-htnd to a'e it -1m". h t-v'V- MIm Orace MrlntW now taMat care of the bi'x mco-e fading the young anlnu! '?h milk, rtfed In the City on this afternooni t "ata fmm Melirlde Mrs Lancaswt hill and was met by a doctor on bef arrival. DK. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Fye. Bar. Nosl and Throat Eyes Tested Tor Olassei At St. Elms Hotel for the JOIN THE EAGLES EXCURSI To Ketchikai American Holiday on July Fourth Prince John sails at 10 p.m. from Prince Rupert cn the evening of July 3 reaching Ketchikan the morning of the Fourth. After a day and night in Alaska City, the Prince John LEAVES ON MORNING OF JULY 5 FOK PRINCE RUPERT Great colouration at Alaskan City including intercity baseball games. Price For Round Trip, $10.50 Children, Half Price