PAGE SIX $100 aHappy Months For You Moiltll J lcn Earning Years End! Earning year must eventually cmm, the period of retirement must inevitably arrive for eadi of ut, for we cannot stay Tbe in its flight. Vben you come to the end of yeur earning years what income will you have to continue the independence you value, and provide for the comfort and standard of living you now enjoy? If you wQl do your part, the Confederation Life Association will CUARAS-TEF, that you will have an Income of $100 a month when you retire. Under this plan you can provide for the future without missing the deposits, and you will have the satisfaction of watching your savings grow. -THEN . . . with , the assurance of the monthly income you must have for complete independence; with leisure to rest or play, as the fancy takes you; and with health, which freedom from financial worry promotes . . . your later years may well be your happiest. Decide SOW that you will investigate this plan. Send for the folder, "Your Key to Happiness," and full information. Without obligation, it is your for the asking. Tune to play and travel comes W those who plan. Confederation Life Association" Toronto, Canada Without obligation, end roe "Your Key to Uippinesa" and full information of your phu, "4100 a month." Stmt flr, Ifrs. or litis).. , ,,, ,,, ,. , , ,. ' Aty'H '. : WALTER PURKIS, Representative rfOX 414, PRINCE RUPERT The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - i Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'RINCE KUI'EIIT, H.C. Oie LAMP to Entertain by 4 YOU'LL find your bridge better . . your guests happier . . and conversation more congenial . . when the soft, restful radiance of Edison Mazda ' Lamps lights the game. Keep a few "extras" handy, too. They save embarrassment in case an old lamp burns out. It's very convenient to buy them by the carton. mo EDISON MAZDA IAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT SHINGLES! No.l-3xatperM $3.25 No.l-5xatperM $3.75 No. 2 -at per M ....$2.75 SUITOKT HOME INDUSTRIES MADE AT MAS SETT HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results Atomic Theory Is Discussed By Scientists The subject of the lesson-sermon In all Christian Science churches and societies on Sunday was "Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved By Atomic Force?" Among the Bible texts Included in the lesson-sermon was the follow Ing from Romans 13:1: "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there Is no power but of God; the powers that be ire ordained of God." The lesson-sermon also included the reading of citations from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy, one passage being as follows: "Spiritual evolution alone Is worthy of the exercise of divine power." THE MARKET Market prices current today are as follows: Vegetables; California New Potatoes, lb 7 Potatoes, netted Jems, 10 bs... 2" sack 2.25 Parsley, bunch L .lu California Celery, head.3(krnd M Spinach, B.C. 3 lbs. .. .25 Garlic, Imported, per lb .4ft Leeks, bunch if Carrots, 5 lbs. ...J 25 Cabbage, green .0' Onions. 4 lbs .23 B.C. head lettuce, head 10 Victoria hothouse tomatoes, lb JO Green' peas, lb 11 Rhubarb, outdoor lb. or Bulk Turnips lb .05 Bunch Turnips, 2 bunches ... lb Cauliflower, Wash., hd. 25c to 25 Victoria hothouse cucumbers each 15 and .SO California bunch carrots 13 Apples-California bunch beets, bsnch .10 Green Onions. 2 bunches .05 Radishes, 3 bunches .'. n Terrace Asparagus, lb- 30 Yellow Newton, fancy box $3.iH Wlnesap, extra fancy 3M- Fruits Valencia Oranges 20c to .GO Lemons. Sunklst. doz .40 Florida Orapefrult 12Vic to .W California Grapefruit ....7c to .10 Bananas, 2 lbs, .33 Reduced Price Fresh Raw Milk Now! 7 Quarts for $1.00 12 Pints for $1.00 For Cash Only DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red C08 P.O. Box H NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered daily from our own cows. Four successive years Oovernment Grade A certificate Health and Sanitation. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY Box 895 Phone 287 Kaien Motors Limited General Garage and Service Station CHEVROLET and IJUICK Open Day and Night Phone 52 Third Avenue JBHBSSBBSSBSSBDBSJH 0 REDUCTION On All Suits 'Till our present stock Is sold. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Prices $30 to $55 LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone C19 THE DAILY NEWS Monday June a LOSE YOUR FAT This sensible way Start lalting Krusrhon Salt thatV me rommon-wnso wny to rr-aiire-r-DMi don't take them wilJi the idea that they pwwest reducing qualities in themselves. This (s what they do they clean ot the impurities in your Mood hy keeping the bowels, kidneys and liver in splctidid 'working shape and fill you with a vigor and tireless energy you'd almost forgotten I tad existed you get the needful As a result instead of planting yourself in an easy chair every free moment and letting flabby fat accumulate you fcei an urge for activity that keeps you moving around doing the things vou've Iwayt wanted tn do and needed to do to keep vu in good condition. Knischen- Salts are the up-to-date Fountain of Youth. Take one-bait teaspoon in a glass of hot water to-morrow morning and every morning lie careful of the funds you cut take regular m -derate exercise then watch tlie pounds slide off. District News TERRACE The hot spell has caused a lot of water to flow under the bridges this week, in some cases a little too much. The bridge leading to Braun'a Island, always a Jimcrack affair, went out on "Wednesday and the public works department had to send a boat for the reJ'.e! of the marooned residents on th-. island. Visitors to La k else lake can look forward to finding better arrangements in the way of the pro vision of refreshments from now on. Mrs. E. M. Smith has established a little cafeteria where all kinds of supplies for the inner man liquid and solid, may how be had. The public works departmen'. has been patting the recreation ground -Into shape for the summer games. The road grader has made a great change in the erstwh'k uneven contour of the play fleli which promises soon to. become a very pleasant rendezvous for the athletic minded. Mrs. Butt left this week for a visit to her sister in Spokane accompanied by' her husband. While there Mrs. Butt expects to undergo an operation. After a couple of years hi Ter race. Pat McPhee has gone bach to Smithcrs. taking his 'family along with him. Miss Fanny McLaren, of Print:- Rupert General Hospital arrived on Saturday on a visit to her parents here. ALICE ARM Repair work to the Dolly Varden railroad, so that it may be used by prospectors wishing to take tn supplies in speeders, has been com pleted by the department of pub lie works. A check-up 1ms been taken hen showing that there sin fifty-seven men in Alice Arm who will be de pendent upon the government this year for a livelllwod. J. Trlnder left hut week for Prince Rupert where he will be en gaged In fishery patrol work during the coming summer. BURNS LAKE F. R. Keefe has sold his Interest In the sawmill at Southbank to Axel Olsen aod Oust Westberg. Mr. keefe will bo leaving for Vanoou ver in the near future. Robert Lowe and J. 8. Brow.i I left last week for a trip to Scot ;land, England, Franco and else where in Europe. They will drive on the Continent. STEWART A son was born last Tuesday in the Stewart aeneral Hospital to Mr. and Mrs, George P. Heinekey. Mrs. .J Thomas, who, has resided In Stewart since 1928, passed awav last Tuesday morning. She is sur- Rev. Evan Baker officiating. PICNIC ON Gomez. SATURDAY! P Annual Outing of Hupcrt East Sun- jj ' day School Proved Very En- JJ joyabie to All It4 The annual picnic of the Sunday School of Rupert East United Church took place Saturday afternoon at Digby Island. Weather was Ideal and a very happy day was spent by all who made the trip, parents and children alike. There was a long program of sports and races, and delicious -refreshments were provided in abundance. Capt. Sam Hougan took the .chil dren over In his halibut boat Tramp, leaving at 10:30 In the morning and returning at 7 pm. Winners of the races were as follows: Olrls, 5 and under 1. Tomasslno Krause; 2, Ella Murray. Boys, 6 and under Jimmy Weir, Jack Hogan. Girls, 6-8 Jean Krause, Dorothy Peachey. Boys, 6-8 Jack McLean, Jack Wark, Allen Leighton. Girls, 8-10 Ella Krause, Jean Watt. Boys, 8-10 Billy Gomel, Jack Collins. Girls, 10-12 Engenla Lamb, Jane Boys. 10-13 Gus Krause, Howard Beale Girls. 12 and over Ethel Moore house, Micky Casey. Boys, 12 and over Darrow Gone. Geo. Ferguson. Married ladies Mrs. Joy Watt, Mrs. Krause. Girls' three-legged race Eugenie Lamb and June Gome. Ethel Moorehouse and Alice Gomes, Ida Moorehouse and Jean Watt. Boys' three-legged nee Darrow Gomes and Geo. Ferguson, Charles Anderson and Geo. Parsons. . Potato race Ethel Moorehouse, Ida Moorehouse. Catch-the-train race E. Krause, Jean Watt. Catch-the-train race, boys Howard Beale, Geo. Ferguson. Olrls' sack race Jean Krause, ;da Moorehouse. Boys' sack rflca Bob McLean, Tack Watt. Ladies' sack race Mrs. Krause.! Mrs. Leslie. ECONOMY FIRST Economy is the Foundation of Wealth and Prosperity Economy Stores give you more for your money We endeavor to keep prices as low as possible Creamery Butter per lb Kggs Fresh Extras 3 -do Eggs Fresh 3 dot Canadian Cheese ' 2 lbs Empress Tea ft Coffee 2 lbs. (This Is a go d buy) Malkln'a Beit Jelly Powders r Qr, per dot. tMJV Malkln's Best Raisins 4-lb. pkg 25c 88c' 65c 39C' 85c1 50c Malkln's Best Clams- (?An 3 tins UUly Fresh Fruits & Vegetables' Large Blng Cherries 25C i Okanagan Plums 3 lbs New Potatoes 13 lbs New Carrots. Beets and Turnips, 4 bunches ... Fresh. Spinach 4 lbs Head Lettuce 3 for . 50c 50c 25c 25c 20c MussallemY Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3C0 Phone 18 A: 81 vlved by her husband, two daugh-3l9 3rd Ave. 417-423 5th Ave, ins .inn iwo sons, mr luuciui i.u , ; i place Wednesday afternoon wUiijE s -'- .busts. LI hi i .. .1 rt..-A.-. " - iMUUUilJ ill III lllL'OUcIV Two Shows 7 & 9 p.m. THERE IS A STRANGE FASCINATION ABOUT William Powell in I "MAN OF THE WORLD" a m IB twin uaroie Lomuara ana ivynne uiDson. Love is his game Paris is his game-board. Wily, witty and woman-wise. A Paramount Picture COMEDY "BLOOD AND THUNDER" Novelty "Artists Reverie" and "The Patient" Tom Terrls In Streets of Mystery tery ADMISSION 20c Si G5c Feature Starts tarts Wednesday & Thursday GEORGE ARLISS ir In cam i.M tm j a tn !; i ibmstcbiw -snsuium I at 7 50 & 9 i0 1 "The Millionaire I CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Ul'EKATINU U. T. I. 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineers. Machinists Boilermakers, HlarkMtnith, I'attera Makers, Founders, Woodworker, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING 6i Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 WHO V :4 would let their hair oo tliiswaij? Your prWo prompts you to keep your hair well gro(ftnrtl ... then for the same reason smarten your dull, unpolished shorn rrpulnrlv with a gloiny "NupRct" shine waterprM)f the shors a it polishr, 99 itUGGE SHOE POLISH (the NUCOET TIN open) hiili a liM I n ) cAre iou buqin 1he Package or the POWERinside? I N SIZC, otlirr rJio baKeriri may rturmbU EvrrtaJv Lavrrbilli. but iniide ihrre'i a trrmrndoui difference. And in operation, there'i a still greater distinction, for Eveready Layerbilt employs a new construction that pacla far more power into every battery. That prllj longer life, greater dependability, far greater economy. Chooaa battery for what it will Jo, and you'll find the. moil lor your money in Bveready Layerbilt. Your dealer liai it in three tiiei. Sold at Radio Slow every htrt. EVER! CANAPIAM NATIONAL CARBON tO, LIMITED Clr Vi'.ouvf TORONTO Moniritl Winnlptl EADY Radio Batteries