snararaBiBJLKanBnaVisreim'rr 9 s 9 Ssv B K B B M B to B M B to r. I B to B w B m R e B to B w s m m B i I PAOE SEE THB DAILT OTfWB FOUR BARGAIN TABLES OF STAPLE GIFTS 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 Also a wonderful range of Dinnerware, Tea Sets, Fancy China, Cups and Saucers, Cut Glass, Genuine Crystal and Glassware for every day use. GENUINE INDIAN MOCCASINS AND CURIOS Brassware Aeropacks, Floor Lamps From India Suit Cases & and Fancy and China Club Bags Tabic Lamps Sterling Silver & Hollow Ware Reduced prices on Community Plate and extra special value in our new Monterey Pattern. Don't overlook this wonderful value. Carving Sets. . Pipes, Cigarette and Cigar Holders, Cigarette and Cigar Cases, bargain prices on Ladies' Hand Bags and Umbrellas. Also Ivory, Pearl-Toncand Sterling Toilet Ware. There is a Thrill in Giving and Receiving the Best that Money Can Buy in Any Gift Hamilton, Waltham and Elgin Watches For Ladies and Gents, are the finest and most reliable time-keepers made. All kinds of Clocks, including the New Electric. faiiSI:l'lsrflAH2aUltl'm Telephone 98 Sheaffer and Waterman Pens and Pencils Your name counter-sunk in 22-K Gold free on any Pen or Pencil over $2.00. Wc cordially invite you to come in and inspect our store. Friendly service. No obligation to buy. STORE OPEN EVENINGS MAX HEILBRONER We suggest it would be a good thing to get in line with progress. Telephone for the boy (0 call and then pay him a dime a week and live happy ever afterwards. lie an optimist. Subscribe to the paper THE DAILY NEWS Diamond Specialist Third Avenue !!QRE THAN A ftiSU.ION A DAY Cigarettes 14 Ciffaretie for Every Tstsie If You are one ; of the few People Who do not already Take the Daily News that radiates , optimism. 16 Third Avenue Daily News Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns m ifrnaiMiaaMflMMf miisslBsssasBB''' "TM a7"r'"TT1g IXMAS TREE IS STAGED " Happy Affair Held Last Night 5 j Fraternal Order of Eagles B The -Fraternal Order of E Eagles g,lat evening held their annual J j Christmas tree. The hall was ap- -' propria tly decorated for the occa-Sjslon and everyone present had a thoroughly enjoyable lme. Santa jClaus distributed presents to over one hundred and fifty children and every child present left the hall wjth the remembrance of a wonderful evenings entertainment. g I The program in connection with the event was as follows: "O Canada." Address of welcome, Worthy President C. A. Hebb. Address to children. Angelo Assort. Song, Mrs. Q. P. Perry. Recitation. Miss Gerald In Feero Piano solo, Miss Msrje Balagno. Recitation. Master Harry Astoria. Piano solo Miss Venetta Feero. Piano soK Miss Elisabeth Sturgeon. Comic sketch, Jo Arseneau and H. Astoria. Barnyard scene. Harry Astoria, iccompanjtt, C. P. Balagno. After the program was rendered Santa Claas T. FixgerIli appear, si on the scene and the distribution of presents to the large gathering cf children took place. This was followed by a lunch served toi afternoon everyone present. The drawing for Christmas Tree raffle prises then took place with the following results: First prize, $25 in gold, won by Angus, Anderson, ticket No. 1134. drawn by MImi Patricia Clough. Second prize, J15 in gold won fry Mrs. E. E. Beaifey. 117 Fourth Ave. West, ticket No. 349. drawn by Miss Mollie FreM. Third prise, $10 jn gold, won by Mrs. Angus McDonald with Uckt No. 1520. drawn by Miss Irene Camilla After the drawing. "Ood Save the King" was sung afer which everyone dispersed after enjoying a pleasant evening. Committees hi charge were: Chairman and convenor. Anteto Astori. assisted by Oten A. Hebb. Oeo. Brooke. Wm. Reld. Bob Peacock. J J. WilHngton. Wm. Robb and other members of the Aerie. Committee in charge of drawing. Pete Oamula. James Brown. Santa Clans. F. Fltsgerald. Committee in charge of refreshments. Mrs. Clough. Mrs. Long and Mrs Brewerton. Committee on presents. Mrs. J. Feasley. Mrs. F Feero and Mrs. Wm. ReJd j RBUKlBUBUBT3BUSUBr. BUBrrB-SBTII ! Here's a Moderate Priced Watch for the Little Girl These are some new models recently srnt by a wholesale jewellery ffrm and are good buys. The movement is IS jewelled and a coed timekeeper, and the ease is in the new fancy long shape with ribbon bracelet, but other bracelets will fit. White told color. & Jewellers iSLlrlt STORE WITH THE ClOCH km j tmu ti ntmrjititmri Cut Down Prices on STOVE WOOD IS, II or 16-inch lenglh BUY SPRUCE and CEDAR GREEN HEMLOCK, ALDER and JACKI'INE Cedar Pilings and Radio Poles N. Carlson & J. Flostrand Telephone Green 556 District News SKIDEGATE Rev. James Cillett. Indian Agent for the Queen Charlotte Islands, Massett, has been here for a few days on departmental duties. A. Hansen, bakery and restaurant proprietor of Queen Charlotte City, has built a large addition to his establishment. " The steamer Prinze John. Capt. Neil McLean, arrived here" on her last trip north two days late after having been held up by southeasterly gales. N. Schafer, well known farmer of Southeast Harbor, motored to Queen Charlotte City and Sklde-gate recenUy on business. PRINCE GEORGE The Prince George 8ki and Toboggan Club held its annual tournament for local skiiers last weekend, commencing with a crosscountry race for men and boys on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday afternoon at Connaught Hill all clashes competed in championship events. Much interest was taken in Je jumping competitions In the After a severe cold snap weather "ias moderated here during the patt week with the thermometer not so very far below freezing point. Another carload of selected breeding cattle stock for farmers of the central interior arrived in Prince George last week. The car contained thirty Shorthorn breeding yearlings for Brunell and Blckle of Grassy Plains, bringing the total importations of breeding hciler? and calves Into the district of late up to 2S2 head. J. Assman of Prince George has offered the suggestion that relief money should be paid into the the banks which wouid collect the relief tickets from the merchants and disburse the money accordingly. By this means, Mr. Assman thinks, money would be more liable to go into circulation. The annual Christmas Tree en tertainment by the Sunday School of Knox United Church took place on Friday evening test. There was a large attendance of children at the affair. Angus McDonald. Longworth lumber Jack, whom Frank Douglas started on the way to Duetllstic glory, fought one round In an exhibition bout with Jack Dempsey. former world's heavyweight cham pion, in St. Paul recently and came through the encounter very cred ltably. The Catholic Women's League held a successful tea and sale of home cooking in the ballroom of the Prince George Hotel on Saturday afternon last. A business meeting of the Women's Auxiliary to the Prince George Hospital was held last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Kyle. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Tuesday ss. Catala . 1 :30 p.m Thursday ss. pr. Rupert 10 pjr Friday ss. Pr. Mary . 10 p.m. ss. Cardena. midnight. Dec. 20ss. Princess Norah pjn. Irom Vancouver-Sunday s. Catala pin Pr. Rupert 10:30 a m naay as. princess Mary 4 pjn. Friday- u. Cardena pm Dec. 30ss. Princess -Norah ajn. For Naa River and Port Simpson Sunday--ss. Catala 8 on. From Naas River & Tort Simpson- Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 a sa For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Catala 9 pjn. Wednesday ss. Pr. Rupert 4 pm. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 a jn. Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 8 p.m. From Ocean Falls-Wed ss. Pr. Rupert ....10:30 a.m. Friday Pr. Mary 4 p.m Frlday-ss. Cardena ..pjn. For Ocean Falls-Tuesday ss. Catala ... 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 p.m. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 p.m. From Queen Charlottes-Dec. 17--ss. Prince John ajn. HOUSE WAS DESTROYED Summer Home Across Harbor, Be longing to Wm. Brass, Consumed By Flames In a conflagration which attracted considerable attention even on this side of the harbor, the summer home of William Brass at he mouth of McNlcholl Creek was destroyed by fire about 6 o'clock Friday evening. For a whUe it was quite a spectacular blaze. Mr. Brass had allowed two unem ployed men to batch for the wjnter in the cottage which consisted of three rooms ami a large verandah These men had gone out to visit with neighbors nearby and. as they were returning, they saw the house n flames. The house as well as all the contents were destroyed. The loss is estimated at about $350. The cottage was built originally by George El kin, who has since let f '-he city, from whom it wax bought ibout for years ago by Mr. Bra.w Rose. Cowan & Latta Ltd.. whoso tender of $263.10 was the loweil.' was given the Job by the city ' council last night of printing 100 copies of the 1932 voters' list Alex McRae Co. Ltd tendered J27U4 n the Job, Tuesday. December 25 i w, Monday and Tuesday Two Shews - 7 apd 9 pjn HOSE HOBAKT and CHARLES BICKFORI) ln "East of B orneo Nature s Beasts and C ; , , . Things Filmed Int., :. J paralleled Drama A St..- f Woman's Love and Braver' Comedy Charlie Murrav and George Sidney in LOVE PUNCH Novelly "Whippet Ha. nj PARAMOUNT NEWS Feature Starts at 7:10 L i II Admission 20c 4 45t Wednesday and Thursday "THE TAILOR MADE MAY Christmas I ftlariflSw Australian Raisins Q-j A A Seedless. 7 lbs vl.U" Cluster Table Raisins OCn 1-Ib. box T,"" 20c Fresh HaHowd Dales 15 50c "ft w'"tt- 51.00 Mixed NuU Fresh 0p OU arrival, per lb. ?r si.00 Boneless Ham XOU Iftp per lb Blue Ribbon Tea AZn I's, pet lb MOU A Standard for Years 1 Blue Ribbon Tea Q- 4 A per 2-lb. pkg. vXXw Canned Raspberries OCp 2s. per trn AO, Robertson's Imported ((n Marmalade. 4-lb. tinUU Peas. No. 3 Sieve, godd fl(n and tender 3 tins Christmas time is an crrnlful time in life for young and old. The grown-ups as well as the children look for good things to eat and make merry. Mussallem's stores are prepared to cater to your needs and have priced everything down to rock bottom WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING SPEC IALS TO OFFER OUR PAT RONS FOR THIS WEEK Aylmer Spinach 2 22-Ib. tins Helns Tomato CaUup 2 large bottles Campbell's Tomato 8oup. 3 tins 35c 45c 25c EXTRA SPECIAL Chocolate Ban. reg. 5c OCp iOV' seller. 8 bars 24 Bars in a box TCn going at, par box Ooot Christinas Mixed tZflp ,Ul Candy. 3 lbs. Peek-Frean Imported Bl 11: J!Tt40c50c Bread, for your turkey Hp dressing, per loaf Fraser Valley Jam. 4 s tZfn t,,i all varieties, per tin Cranberries 2 lbs Grapefruit 4 for Holly per lb 45c 25c 55c We have the following Fruits and Vegetables to select from 'Apples. Jap Oranges. Grapes. Bananas. Celery. Caultflow Tomatoes Vegetable Marrow. Squash and Savoy Cabb,i Our Stores Will He Closed Saturday. December 26th Mussallem's Cash & Carry Store "WHERE DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS" No. I Slore 5th Av. No. 2 Slore 319 3rd A v. No. 3 Slore. 727 'irtl Av. Phone 18-81 Phone 360 Phone 375 HOLIDAY SPECIAL Easy Washing and Dryer Machine SliKhtly Used as Demonstrator and ELECTRIC CLOCK AS A PREMIUM All for O-fl ryn CA Cash S179.50 Tlie iatest and most modern washing machine; beautifully designed and well built. This offer lasts till December 31st only. Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd.