Ffl(tay June 26, 1031 THE JJAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE ? V J-S. 1 CUU1C IVIIUW Ul I jJUI ilcCUo 1 uc Rent That Room, Secure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etc., Through a Classified Ad. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS For rent, for sale and all other small advertisements in feh section charted at the rate of 2 cents , -o,4 Ier insertion with ...xinsertion. for the price of four. By toZto JSii I word. o advertisement taken for less than 50c. FOR RENT LOST choice Apartments for rent. LOST Lady's goat-skin glove. W tenhaver Bros. tf Phone Blue 277. (150) (id; ! ' ENT Four-roomed flat. Ap- LOST Between Ambrose Ave. and smith St Mallett. ti Drydoclc, pocket-book containing ;.::NT two flats, 5-room and. .urn. Sixth Ave. West. Phone' m:: it!- J roH RENT Furnished apartments b, d;iy. neek or month. Phone K-d 607. , tf' FuR RENT Five-roumed furn-isiied apartment. Apply Mussal-idti s Phone 18. tf hi KENT central 3-roomed fur-i;: h d apartment for July aid ft i si rnone uiue wi. jj, RENT Clean, well furnished tii"dfirn apartment. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. FOR RENT Pianos, phonographi. si ung machines and can, w afer's, cor. Second Averrue and Tourth Street. tf )K TtENT Furnished 3-room u '.e, fully modern, centrally Un ited for July, August and Sep-.(mix r. Phone Red 168 evenings. tf FOR RENT cottage with good si, ti living room, small dining n.'.m kitchen, two bedrooms and biihroom. Third Ae. next door to Dally News. Apply Pullei.. Daily News. ' tf FOR SALE FOR SALE Dining room suite, carpet, phonograph, mechano child's deck, sealers, etc. Phone Bia.k S3. 324 Second Avenue. 13J WANTED Phoiu' 678 Besner News Agency wins for Edmonton Dally Bulle tin delivered to your home dally, iat 20c. per week. Wanted n nt .boys. 153 TAXI SERVICE TAXI SERVICE PHONE 67C. Promptness and security. Bert A ' Mac If C'rrlirinalf nf iimroemeiU i"ii;ii) Fractional Mineral Claim, alt-'"- " the Attm Mining DitUlon ol f'uK-h.T Ddrtrlci. " l.tl: About one mile N 1 ' i l row the Ettflneer MIAe and kdi hk th BuecuUtlon SwepUM ' i i, Uuk Mineral Claim. ixr notice tht I. John Banhrt " Miner'a Certificate No ,3448 D, "" i itr deya troin the date hertrf v; iv u tli Mining Retorder for t t" :i .ii, ut improycmenu, lor the !'! of obtaining a Crown Ormt ot 't .' ...ve oUlm. Ami further Uk jietlee thet setloii "J1" wet ion 83. must be commnd Mm- iti iMuanoe of ueh CertHlcste ' I ; rr vrmenu U. .1 thk lt day ot May. A.D. 131. 11. MxN. mASKB. Agent Wonderful Tlcll Queen Charlotte Islands The Home Farm line Beach and Meadow for Children's Playgrounds Salmon and Trout Fkhlng River aud Sea Batulnf Excellent Cuisine p " ties can be met at Skldf-"' or Port Clements. Wlre-iesn for Reservations. MADAME RAJAUT COAL M"y the rAl Coal our fa- vVrUlnrtn In.any Moantltl-!. A,o Uulkley Valley tUy. 'rain tj ;ob J(oA( fnur ince Rupert feed Co I'HONKH 58 AND 658 tickets. Finder kindly leave at I Daily News. tf! PALMISTRY MR8. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Wallace Block. Telephone Black 637. HOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 129. j . - - -- TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177 Dry Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine. tf CHIROPRACTIC B. & R. TRANSFER. Cartage andth T-.France Mohair, reversea- Furniture Moving. Phone 204. trLle cushions, fully guaranteed, now AUCTIONEER i PRINCE RUPEFT AUCTION MART, We buy. aril or exchange any kind ol furniture or household; goods, musical instruments ma chlnery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone BiacJt 120 -and we will call. G. 1. DAWES, Auctioneer, ( Fedeial Block tf " i SALVAGE AND TOWING i "If it's on or under the water we do it." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fuly Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Agents for KASTIIOI'E ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Northern B.C Distributors l Coolldge Proprriers Band tnd Ontil in any quantity delivered anywhere by water Pnone, Day or Mht 54 Pit Hot ISM SHOE REPAIRS FOR Finest Work try Louis Shlhtf. 331 Second Avenue Wst, Box SC. Prince Rupert. B.C. tt MAC Shoe Hospital. Shoe repairs of all kinds, Second Avenue West. tr BELLA, PINK ROSE, CX)PPKB CfLJIT. I Xt. t-AST CHAtfCK OF THE PINE; ROSE GROUP OP MINERAL CLAIM Situated u the CoaM Seo Mining DitUlon at head of Klekane Met. TAXI KOTICS, e W. 11 Mason, free ndnefa certlfloete 4791, rrancea NlooU I fre, mlnera certificate SSSIBD Alexander Mclod. free miner certificate S4-72BD B A. Iloiieyman frt mlnra cer- nrii..'L. &47S4D.. intend, alx'r daya from ilair hereof to apply to the mining w- -.ordfr for ceriuicawa ui """"'"" i for the purpuae of obuinlng crown cranvi for the ahore claims. And furtber take notice that action wider Orctlon S9 of the Mineral Act' must be commenced before the lasuanoe of auch certificate of improvements. Dated thU nth UU of AprlL 1931. "TILLIE THE i a VX flSy-yS xlm: i bunshine and Ked far Treatments Nervous, relnale and Children' Disease Bpecially Treated W. C. ASI'lNALL (Chiropractor) rnone ureen ZU & 7 Exchange Bit. tOpp. Orme's) CARPENTRY R. GREENFIELD, Carpenter. Altei-ations, repairs, first class practical experience. Phone Black 414 325 2nd Atenue. . ... ... i- i'-l J I Your Figure Studied Lines Symmetrical Arranged MRS. T1IOMASSON Dressmaker & Ladles' Tailor 41S Green St- Phone Blue 901 FUilNITURE 3 nieces Chesterfield Suite. Covered selling for $165.00 - Vour ued furniture taken as part payment. Terms arranged. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phone 775 1 Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prices: No. 1 5x per M $3.75 No. 1 3x per M 3.25 No. 2 per M 2.75 ROBERTSON & SIMPSON Massett. B.C Agent: Hyde Transfer. Phone 580 GEORGE MACKLIN Plain and Ornamental PLASTERING, STUCCO, BRICK, CEMENT. ETC. Tel. Red 832 4 Emad Rlk. Typewriters for Renl by day, week or month Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 II0USEPA1NTINO Inside and Outside VAPEKIIANGINQ KALSOMINING Ueasonable Prices JOEUGEN P. MOLLER Call Red 802 between 5:30 and 6 p.m. or before 8 am., or call G4 at any time. TOILER" t L. IBk v - BRIMG THAN ICS 1 thiwk: you OOCJHT 'i--i- aauii To MAKE MAMAQEO. FHE MARKET Market prices current today are as follows: Vegetables California New Potatoes, lb, .. . .7 Potatoes, netted Jems, 10 bs. .25 sack .: , , 2.25 Parsiey, bunch 10 Calllornla Celery, headOand .33 Spinach, B.C. 3 lbs 25 Oarllc, imported, per lb 40 Leeks, hunch V Carrots, 5 lbs. ... 25 Cabbage, green .0' Onions, 4 lbs 25 B.C. head lettuce, head 10 Victoria hothouse tomatoes, lb .30 Green peas, lb ll Rhubarb, outdoor lb. or Bulk Turnips lb. .. 05 Bunch Turnips, 2 bunches ... 15 Cauliflower, Wash., hd. 25c to 25 Victoria hothouse cucumbers each, rr.....i ito- .15 and .20 California bunch carrots 10 Apples California bunch beets, bunch .10 Green Onions, 2 bunches 05 Radishes, 3 bunches 10 Terrace Asparagus, lb .30 Yellow Newton, fancy box $3.60 Wlnesap, extra fancy 3.50 FrulU- Valencia Oranges l...r...20c to .60 Lemons. Sunklst, doz. .. .40 Florida Grapefruit 12tyc to 2D California Grapefruit ....7'ic to .10 Bananas. 2 lbs. 3a Australian Almelra Grapes, lb. .40 B. C. strawberries, 2 boxes .... 3$ Canteloupes, CaL , 20c. and 25 Byng Cherries 25 Dried fruits-Extracted honey, per Jar 25 Comb honey 25 Datea, bulk. lb. ... 12 ! Raisins, bulk, lb .15 i Lemon and orange peel .3D Black cooking figs, lb J5 Currants, lb. .. .13 Citron peel 25 White figs, lb .15 i Apples, dried 20 I Peaches, peeled 20 Apricots, lb. 20 I Prunes. 60-70f lb.. .10 ! Prunes. 30-40, lb. J5 Prunes. 40-50, lb. .12 Meat Fowl No. 1, lb. 25 Roasting Chicken, lb. .45 Broilers 45 Ham. nllced, first grade 55 Ham, picnic, first grade 25 Cottage rolls, lb 22' i Bacon, side, sliced, best grade Q jPork, shoulder .22 Pork, loin 25 ! Pork, dry salt 20 '. n 1. 1.. OA I rUiH., Jtg a)U ! Ayruhlre bacon, lb i.. 35c to veai, snouiaer Veal, loin, i Turkey Beef, pot roast -J8c to Beef, boiling .1.10c to Beef, roast, prime rib 25c and namb, shoulder .25 Beef, steak ..J0c to .40 Lamb, leg . 38 Lamb, chops 35c to .40 Mutton, shoulder . : 20 Fish-Smoked kippers, lb. .1 Salmon, fresh, lb. L 25 Halibut, fresh, lb. , 0 Eggs B.C. fresh pullets, doz, JO B.C. fresh first, doz. ...V. 43 3.C, fresh extras, doz. Local, nevir" laid u. - .45 Bi'tter- Fancy cartooned, lb JiOi No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs VS Flour-Flour. 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 1.70 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs ..... .30 Sugar-Yellow, 100 lbs - 510 White. 100 lbs. 5.60 Lard- iPure 20 Compound - 20 A Man of Take The DAILY NEWS Vhen Going on Summer Nearly everybody likes to keep in touch with Prince Rupert when away for their holidays. The best way to do this is to order the paper sent during that time. If it is only for two weeks, the News i5 welcome visitor and the mails during the summer months are carried almost daily to most points. Recently a number of Scandinavians have given up the local fishing for the sum-mer and gone on an extended visit tolheir former homes. In almost every case they order the Daily News sent them while they are away. Several subscribed for a year, others shorter No time is too r ) m- 7W Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monaay ss. Pr. Rupert ....4 p.m Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 p.m, Wednesday Pr. Henry, ... 9 a.ir-1 mursaay ss. rr. unaries, a p.m. rujf-.. -i"a " v Sata"S Pr !!Tu 7 Pm ' S& Cardena. midnight. , . vui.c jr.. - iw - r June 24-ss. Prln. Louise 5 pra. june i i ss. rnn. Alice ...jb pjij. From Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. Monday Pr. Charles 11:30 a.m Wed. ss. Tr; George 11:30 a.m. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pjn. Frl. ss. Pr. George, 11:30 a.m Friday ss. "Cardena . p.m. Satur. ss. Pr. Henry, 11:30 am June 22 ss. . Prln. Alice am, June 2ft ss. Prln. Charlotte am. I June 19- -ss. Prln. Louise am. ' June 29 ss. Prln. Louise am. . "Letters" THE DAILY NEWS rince Rupert, B.C. For Naas Hlver and Port Simpson Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Frlday-ss. Pr. Oeorge, 3 pa.' From Naas" River. K Port Simpson-! Tuesday ss. Catala ....1130 a.nD ' For Stewart and An ox j tiunaay ss. uaiaia o p.m. 1 Monday ss. Pr. Charles, 8 pjn yoni Stewart and Anyox- Tuesday-ss. Catala ...11:30 am. Thurs. Pr. Cnarle8i 10:30 a rn sat. ss. Pr. George 6 p.m. ,,or Ccean FaDs Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 pm.t Satur-ss. Princess Mary 9 am. U ADVERTISING COPY aaL-ss. rnnce ueorge, i pm From Ocean Falls- Wed. ss. Pr. George, 10:30 am Friday ss. Pr. George. 11:30 am. Friday- . Cardena pm. 8aU s. Pr. Henry, 11:30 am For South Queen Charlotte Islands June 22 ss. Prince John 10 pm. From South Queen Charlotte with you Holidays short for us to look after Speeding -thcouqh thb tdvmm at olo it m TJrft. to aptekvbo 1 V&l UnT THCtSUf E1CTHTV M1U&S WOft MO M. 601 VM., YHTtJ TO DISMISS. TEAPFC COPS ALU MADE M PERFEtfT rLV '"J f V. . . . . ' " : T , ' I - ' - - ummm . r l Ulmm tm- UNr I . . I -w r i tn i - vrr r-1 - a.v i i i MMunv i i 1 Subscription Department Islands June 17-ss. Prince John. a.m. For North Queen Charlottes Ioi-- Prince Charts. 8 pjn. rom North (luffn Cliarlottes Thurs. ss. Pr. Charles 11:30 a.m. por Alaska Wed u. Prlnei. nm. 3 p.m. -hh. Pr. Henry 3 djh. June 19 as. Princess Alice am. June 28 ss. Prln. Charlotte am. June 29M. Princess1 Louise ajt ; mijst BE IN EARLY Copy for display advertise- ments should be In the hands of the printers not later than 3 pan. the day prior to publl cation. This is necessary to en able best pusltlons to be se cured. By Westover. Tl j" I "'kfTI UVjt iJS m - n I 'I