PRODUCED IN CANADA The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. P. 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineers. Machinist. Boilermaker, Hlarkmniths, Patient Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 NEW LOW PRICES Our prices on Good Tires are the lowest In history. You'll be amazed when we quote prices on yonr size. Exclusive Goodrich Dealers Rupert Motors ! NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered daily from our own cows. Four successive years Government Grade A certificate Health and Sanitation. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY Box 895 Phone 287 1C1 FOR SALE AUDITORIUM Fine Hull. 50x100 Maple Floor, equipped for both skating and dancing; SiOO pairs skates; organ and piano; ideal place for bowling alleys; none here. Make me an offer. SNAP FOR CASH Apply Auditorium. 215 6th Av. SHOW IS MUSICAL 'Children of Dreams" Presents Fine Entertainment Alberta Rose Flour 49-lb. sack B. it K. Pastry Flour 10-lb. sack , Malkln's Best Coffee 1-lb. tin Malkln's Best Tea l-lb. pk Malkln's Best Prunes 2-lb. pkg Nabob Pineapple Marmalade, 2-lb. Jar Icing Sugar 2's 2 pkgs Cream Maid Bgg Noodles 2 pkgs Snow Cap Minced Razor Clams, VVs, per tin Kaien Brand Shrimps 5-oz. Jar Best Foods Mayonnaise 16-oz. Jar Heinz Catchup 2 large bottles California Ripe Olives 0-oz. tin Happy-Vale Sweet Mixed Pickles, 38-oz. jar Sweet Oranges ft doz Large Ripe Pears per dog. Blue or Red Plums per basket TREATMENT PROTESTED Local Hospital Board Does Not Like Way W. C. B. Handles Accounts The vexed question of treatment by the Workmen's Compensation Board of account from the Prince Rupert General Hospital was again jrought up at last night's hospital "ward meeting and. after some discussion, the board decided to eom-jwoicate with Workmen's Compen-lation Board authorities expressing general dissatisfaction with the way in which local account were hand ted. The matter came up with the reading of communications from Che - Workmen's Compensation J Board in regard to two cases in one of which the compensation board allowed only $32 AO on a $100 account while in the other only $17.50 of $47.10 was allowed. ' This was just on a par, members of the board declared, with th way in which practically all W. C. B. accounts were bandied. When the local attending physician ordered treatment as being necessary, it was felt that it seemed hardly the proper thing for a doctor in Vancouver to rule that it had not been necessary. Something must be wrong somewhere. On motion of O. V. Wilkinson and Robert Gordon, it was decided 'to send a protest to the Workmen's Compensation Board. S1.25INativeGirIIs 45c 45c 45c 25c 45c 35c 25c 20c 30c 45c 45c 70c Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street Buried In City One-Year Old Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wright of Port Simpson Died at Sunnyside The funeral took place yesterday afternoon from the chapei of the B C Undertakers to Falrvlew cemetery of Mvrne Dels Wright, one- year old daughter of Mr. and Mra. Joseph Wright of Port Simpson, whose death occurred on Sunday at Sunnyside Cannery. Rev. Charles E. Motte officiated at the funeral. Necessary Repairs At Hospital Done W. M. Brown, chairman of the house committee, reported to the 4aC !hoPltal ard, at 1U ml,ng lat night, that considerable necessary OAn repairs around the building had v Un Knmnuini rtarlne the oast month, fire escapes, roof, flashing, gutters, etc. having received ,attn tlon. The board decided to nave y5C floors painted In some or the prl I vate wards to enhance their dura 40Cbuity. The regular monthly meeting or the board of directors of the Prtncs Rupert Oeneral Hospital was hell in the hospital last night. Thw present were: W. M. Brown, whi presided in she absence of Presi dent O. P. Tinker; O. V. Wilkin Cannot Afford to Take Insurance Hospital Takes No Action On rublic Liability Coverage The hospital board took the view last night that under present financial conditions it was not justified in incurring the expense that would be Involved in embarking inon a scheme of public liability in- 1 surance. I S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. had ai Ian before the board to Insure the homital acainst liability hi ease of . personal injury or death arising out of malpractice, neglect, etc. in the Institution. The premium would be $3 per year per bed and the insurance company would pajr up to $5,000 in claims on any Individual patient or claims aggregating $15.-000 in any single year. In the case of the local hospital with Its 75 beds, the total annual premium would be $2X3 and the board felt it was not justified in Incurring such an expenditure under existing conditions. O. P. Tinker, who had the misfortune a few weeks ago to break his knee cap. is doing atief actor -ily at the Prince Rupert Oenerv' Hospital where he is still a patient. He is now able to go out for drives and get about with the uv of crutches. Eventually You Will Buy For Cash Why Not Now? Creamery Butter 2 lbs. Canadian Cheese 2 lbs. Malkln's Best Tomatoes SVs. 3 tins Malkln's Best Grapefruit is, 2 tins Robertson's Marmalade 4's, per tin Johnson's Liquid Wat-pints, per tin (1 Duster Free with each Pels Naptha Soap per pkg Palmollve Soap 4 bars Pure Italian Olive Oil per gal. 47c a 1 5 74c 25c S2.15 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Mew Beets From up river 25( (Tender for boiling or pickling) Tomatoes per basket Canteloupe 2 for Fresh Cucumbers 8 for Corn-on-Oob per dee H II s M ill 37c! 40c 49c 69c 84c1 tin) son. Robert ooraon. rtiBi uun. 319 3rd Ave. 417-423 5th Ave Phone 208 yd a itadderhfcm, and R E 1 Benson dlrertors; and IL W. Blrcu managing secretary. 50c 25c 25c 35c Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores "Where Hollars Have More Cents" Phone SCO Phone 18 A: 81 Thmday August 13. THE DAILY NEWS 1931 PAGE tax What it Carnation Milk? Simply pure, wholesome. whole milk, evaporated to double creamincss, sterilized for safekeeping and conveniently packaged. Yonll find it absolutely dependable and wonderfully economical. Carnation Milk ia safeguarded at the source by strictest cleanliness in the care and milking of the cows. And this protection continues until it reaches you in hermetically sealed containers. ' Writ for Cook Bok and Baby Book ' CARNATION CO, LIMITED ArUr, Of. AlUi from CWm , Current attraction at the Capitol Theatre is a fine musical romance by Oscar Hammerstein II and Slg-mund Romberg who have created many successful musical plays including "Desert Song," "Blossom Time," "The Student Prince," "New Moon," "Nina Rosa." "Rose Marie," "Show Boat," and "Sunny." The love story (Is that of a girl who has lived the life of a gypsy wandering through California with her parents from orchard to orchard, in the time of apple harvesting. One evening in the fire-lit camp of the fruit-pickers, when gay strings are twanging and young and old are dancing two young ne'er-do-wells come In their house -on - wheels . Molly renews her affair with Tom while her friend Gertie, is recaptured by Ous. Molly sings in camp one night and Is overheard by a rich youth who urges his mother to send her abroad to study. It is only when Mollys drunken father is robbed of the fruit-pickers' payroll and she is forced to accept money from her benefactress to pay ry?r father's lossthat she consents to go ab-road. She succeeds becomes a success In opera tires of it. It is a beautiful story In idyllic ettlngs of orchards in bloom and it apple-picking time in New York, and Italy beautiful songs ind a musical setting of glamorous ind haunting beauty. The cast is well chosen. The lovers are played by Margaret Schilling and Paul Gregory, Broadway :tage favorites. Gus is cleverly por- jtrayed by nimble-footed Tom Pa- trlcoia. while Molly s uny ana volatile friend Gertie is done by Marion Byron.. The huge and tippling father of Molly Is played by Hubert Standing,, while the wise family ioctor gives Charles Winlnger an-jther chance for a notable ' Hospital Reports Surplus For July Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital Elections for the month of July totalled $5,027.70 while disbursements amounted to $4,728.34, leaving a surplus of $299.36, Frank Dlbb, chairman of the finance com-jilttee. reported to the hospital joard at its meeting last evening. There were a total of 1576 hospital Jays in the month at cost per hoa- iltal day of $3. Week-End Specials ENJOY THIS WAY TO PREVENT CONSTIPATION The most frequent cause of illness and poor health is constipation. Its poisons cause headaches, backaches, dizziness, lack of pep and often lead to serious disease. Kellogg's All-Bran a de-' licious ready-to-eat cereal, protect 1 agaitut coiutipatmn. Two tablespoonfuls, eaten daily, will prevent and relieve both temporary and recurriiig constipation. In stubborn cases, eat it three times a day. Isn't this far more pleasant and far more healthful than taking habtt-forming pills and drugs? All-Bban also provides iron, which brings a healthy plow to complexions. Many delicious recipes on the package. Made by Kellogg n London, Ont. All-Bran PILOT IN AIR TALK Frank Dorbrandt Heard in Inter esting Interview From Station KOMO Last Night A highly interesting radio inter view was heard last night from station KOMO of Seattle with Frank Dorbrandt. noted Alaska flyer. Pilot Dorbrandt told of some experiences in the air in the north including the tragfc flight In the vrinter of 1029 of Carl Ben Eielson from Teller. Alaska, to the Siberian coast. Among other pilots to whom Dorbrandt paid tribute were Anscel Bckmann, Bob Ellis and Gene Meyrtng, all of whom are well known here. Pilot Dorbrandt. it will be remembered, was among toe rescue flyers last faU for the late Capt. E. J. A. Burke and party. 1 iMmiis:ia:ixaiaiaK:iXBisiiiiiiiK!:wi'i!i H Wednesday & Thursday 5 Feature Starts t 7:40 & 9:10 TWO SHOWS 1 Si 9 p.m. Admission 20c 81 65c THURSDAY MATINEE at 2:30 Feature Starts 3:10 15c & 40c . . 1. V Do You Remember 'Viennese Nights' Here is another beautiful musical romance same masters of melody and mirth Romberg and Hammerstein "CHILDREN OF DREAMS With Margaret Shilling, Paul Gregory, Tom Patri-'cola, Charles Winninger and over 100 SINGING VOICES Coined yTHE BRIDE'S MISTAKE" Novelty "THE OFEIt UIOY FOX NEWS MONEY SAVING VALUES FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER per lb. . . FRESH EGGS per down AYLMER LOGANBERRY JAM per 4-lb. tin NORWEGIAN SARDINES Packed in pure Olive Oil per tin .- VELVBETA CHBESB per M-lb. peg RED ARHOW SODA BISCUITS J tut in per pkg RICE KRISPIES per pkg SNOW CAP PILCHARDS I s per tin SNOW CAP PILCHARDS -la's 3 tins for UBBY-S APRICOTS TS per tin BRANDS' Al SAUCE The Famous English Saace per bottle , ASSORTED FRUIT DROPS Real Fruit Favors per lb Telephone your orccr and pay the driver "WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING WE SELL" Q & S GROCERY Phones: 227 & 228 25c 20c 53c 10c 18c 18c 12c 12c 25c 23c 31c 25c 600 Seventh Ar- E' t WE ARE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Rate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.(10 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12. Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12. HYDE TRANSFERPHONE PHONE 580 FOR CASH ONLY i ; FRIDAY & SATURDAY i S BRITISH SPECIAL "THE MIDDLE W ATC H" I i Nanaimo Wellington Vancouver Island Coal Prices Effective at Once, 5th August, 1!' 1 SACKED DELIVERED (Per ton) Double Screened Lump $13.50 Furnace Lump 12.25 Nut 12.00 81ack 8.00 BULK DELIVEKEU iPer ton Double Screened I, tim; ' ' Furnace Lump Nut r: Albert & McCaffery Phone 116 COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy. Wellington In any quantities, Also Uulklcy Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY F3K SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED M'tR AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throurboal tne Kiiij