PAGE BIX THE DAILY NEWS COULD YOU SAYi AS MUCH i VAT SEVENTEEN ? a i . I had a letter the other day from Mildred A- , whichMlnust share with you. For any mother, I know, would be proud of such a daughter. She says: "I am only seventeen years oW, but I have had to cook for five years, as my mother is an invalid and I am the only girL "I am taking home economics course as I thought that would do me more good than anything else. I w ish you would send my home economics teacher your cook book. I know she will be delighted to have it a will the girls in my cooking class. I have used Camation"Milk for several years and I will never be without it if I can help." Isn't that a wonderful endorsement from a girl so capable and so sensible? She has learned very early the cooking wisdom which women everywhere are discovering that Carnation Milk gives milked by clean hands into dean utensils. This safeguarded milk is evaporated to double creaminess, sterilized for safekeeping and "homogenized" so that the cream particles are minutely fine and distributed through every drop. As a result, everything in which Carnation Milk ik used is extraordinarily fine of texture and rich with creamy goodness. Below is a Carnation recipe I want you to try. Send, too, for the free Car-nation Cook Book and Baby Feeding Book to Carnation Co., Limited. 134 Abbott St., Vancouver. B.C. Carnation Cherry Coooanut Pudding M cup cornstarch. )i cup sugar, H tsp. salt. 1 cup water, 1 cup Carnation Milk, 14 tsp. vanilla. 2 tbsp. cherry juice, M cup ilked maraschino cherries. cup cocoanut, 2 egg white. Mix cornstarch, sugar and salt with cup cold water. Dilute Carnation with Y cooking results that even the best of f JJSS: bottled milk cannot equal, and with a j dependability, convenience and econ omy offered by milk in no other form. muw. uuAiyic BniniJ lu II IC SCaJuca milk. Cook in a double boiler for 20 minutes, stirring constantly until ened. Add vanilla, cherry inif rhr. Carnation Milk is simply pure vholt 1 ries, cocoanut and stiffly beaten egg milk protected at the source. It comes 1 whites. Chill. Garnih with cherries, from c If-an herds, housed in clean bams, Serves 6. 1 ' PRODUCED IN CANADA For unusual richness, unique smoothness of texture and com.' pletely dependable" results, use Carnation Milk in all your cookery. Doubly rich?fn cream, It is most economical Carnation Milk it siftguardedlst the source by clean housing of clean herds and clean handling of the milk. And this protection continues until it finally reaches you in the hermetically sealed container. (See recipe tbove.) Milk from Ctntdiaa cowt, picked in Ctnsdt in Csntditn cant tnd cases. SPECIALS IN FLOOR LAMPS A new snipfflfU Jusi. arrived and we are $ niO $OET f "".n HB-MTV.MWA.WUa.V MMM 00 Your choice ot beautiful georgette or celon shades with brans or bronse or walnut standards In the newest styles. Barrie's Home Furnishings For Sale-Here are some Snaps FIFTH AVENUE EAST 4 -roomed house with bath $1,200. $500 cash, balance arranged. K1QHT1I AVENUE WEST Lot. and 4 -roomed house with bath, $1,000. Balance on easy terms. Houses on English Hill, Surrimtt Avenue, Borden Street and any part of the city at reasonable prices and terms. McCAFFERY, GIBBONS & COLLAUT, LTD. Tlllltl) AVENUE XV. TELEPHONE 11 Dr Alexander X-KAV SERVICE niONE 575 UESNEK BLOCK DENTIST GOAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Welllncton In any quantities. Also Bulkier Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 To Handle Products Of Sea For Benefit Of Those Producing (Continued from Page One sued in dK85iCiaIionro7$25 and no member could own less than one e or more than fifty shares. The cap! tal was to be an unlimited number of shares. Liability of the members was limited to the paying up of their shares. Under the incorporation papers, the date for the holding of the an nual meeting was set as the second Thursday in February. It was pro posed to hold the first general meeting of the association about April, the expectation being that organization would have been completed by that time. Then the mem bers would decide what the scope of the association's operations would be. Speaking personally, Mr. Lord felt that the object of the association should not be for the purpose of piling up profits but to give' the fishermen mora for their product which was most surely needed. In closing, Mr. Lord explained proposed financing methods. It was compulsory that at least ten per cent of operating profits be placed in reserve. The directors might use Lhelr discretion in recommending dividends with the balance. Introducing Directors Mike Anderson announced the names of the provisional board of llrectors. Mr. Anderson Intimated hat amendment of the Co-opera-ive Act would be sought and. If ranted. It would then be possible 0 amend the constitution of the issoctatton to make It more deslr- ible to the members. As for the association's business irospects, Mr. Anderson stated that he committee had already sur-eyed the field for the marketing of almon and, from Information ob-alned. It seemed quite possible that not only salmon, but also halibut, :ould be successfully marketed. Co- iperative salmon could certainly be marketed through co-operative tores In Canada. Whether the as-ociation would engage In canning salmon, mild curing It or merely hipping It fresh could be deter-nined when a complete survey had een made of the whole Held of traduction and marketing. The association, to operate at all, vould need considerable funds. Hiese would have to come through ale of shares to members. It was, herefore, Imperative that the hareholders should take out their lock receipts at once. Mr. Anderson was of the opinion hat the pool method would be the nost advantageous one for the association. If this method was not followed, a huge amount of capital vould be needed to buy the fish as it was laid down at the association olant. It would be better If the association "handled" rather than bought" Its members' fish. The nembers would, eventually, receive is much. If not more, for their fish. 3y means of contracts, the assocta-ion would have guaranteed deliv- ries of fish. The fishermen would let control of the product of their abors. The tables would be turned ind they would have the whip hand While the canners had the capi tal, Mr. Lord observed, the fishermen were really the backbone of the Industry. If the backbone became weak, the structure would na turally fall. To combat such steps that might be taken by the canners is raising the price of fish to break the association, the fishermen would have to continue to act co operatively. The association could also be valuable in the way of reductrig the price of gear and equipment which would be the same as raising the price of fish. The association could eliminate "unholy profits" on gear. After J. F. Murray had been told that the provisional directors were already open to receive subscrtp Hons on stock for which official re ceipts would be given pending the printing of stock certificates, sev eral of the fishermen present came forward to put up cash for their stock. Following the Intermission which these transactions were Wednesday Special Lemon Jelly Roll 20c The Electric Bakery We Deliver Phone 667 Sleepless NERVES The nerves themselves never sleep. The involuntary nerves must work all th time or the vita) organs would resse tolfunctioh It W onlyvwhen 1 ttippliedi with nerve (force that the 1 the other vftal.orzani perform .their " " -f natural fuSlUdni. ITt- J . . li.l f 1 t oe umuriunace conumuu is niitn you cannot sleep. The weak, irritated nerves will not let you rest. So day by day you are losing vital energy until sooner or later must come a nervous breakdown. Sleeplessness and headache are the warning signs when the nerves go wrong. You may also have indigestion and feelings of fatigue. All the vital organs sooner or later alow up, when nerve force is lacking. The most certain restorative for the nerves is Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. It has proven its effect in so many thousands of cases that there is no question of its merits. made, a resolution was unanimously passed approving the steps that had already been taken by the oro visional directors. Mover was J. T. Murray and seconder, Sam CHsen. General Discussion A general discussion followed. Mike Anderson again spoke on the question of pooling. Despite the fact that general depression and manipulations had embarrassed the Wheat P00L he. nevertheless, thought pooling was a success. At that, the situation with regard to wheat was much different than that of salmon. Once the co-operative got started, it did not need to 3a re about the capitalistic market but could handle its own product. It would be better for the town. too. in that the fishermen would have wore money to spend. It was high time that the fishermen were up ind fighting for themselves. Now was the opportunity for them to do it by legitimate means. j Charles Lord referred to the sue- j cess of the B. C. Fishermen's Cooperative Association during its brief span of life. Although it had started out on a shoe string, it had lone remarkably well. It had packed salmon valued at $894,006. It had id $78,000 for- plants at Alberni and Vancouver and had already distributed $235,000 among the fishermen. When it sold its remaining stock of canned salmon, there jcould be another $95,000 available tor distribution. Eventually, Mr. Lord suggested, the Prince Rupert Co-operative might merge with che B. C. Co-operative which had been unable to take over operations .n the north for the present. H. Hoffman pointed out that halibut fishermen could at least benefit, meantime, through this Association, by being able to save on gear. J. F. Murray thought the right jlaee to start co-operative activi ties was actually on the banks. Lit tle could be done now. Capt. David Ritchie pointed out that the salmon fishermen, mostly me man to a boat, were on a dif-! ferent basts altogether to the halibut fishermen. The halibut boat owners could not sign up a con tract or say what he could do with out considering the Union men who were on his boat as fishermen. It would be necessary to have ev ery member ot the crew sign a contract, Mr. Anderson replied. A gill-netter asked what gill-net-ters would do with sockeye and humps If they signed up with the association. Mr. Lord replied that. In all probability, the co-operative would have to operate a cannery. All plana had so far been based, on this presumption. After some further discussion, the meeting adjourned after a two-hour session. FIRST CHOICE OF SUITS OR SPRING COATS New samples just arrived of spring and summer goods of the finest quality and the patterns of the very latest. LING THE CUTTEK Steam cleaning, pressing and alter ing. Free delivery to any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR R17 Second Ave. Phone C10 Dr.HiO.Jbhiiseh Dentist Successor to Dr. E. S. Tait Suit 1 Exchange Mock Phone 109 'Mind' Subject Yesterday For Science Church , The , subject of the Lesson-Sermon In all Christian Scienee churches and societies on Sunday was "Mind." Among the Bible texts included in the Lesson-Sermon was the following frootn Isaiah 45 : 24: "Surely, shall one say, in the Lord have I righteousness and strength: even to him shall men come; and all that are incensed against hiin shall be ashamed." The Lesson-Sermon also Included the reading of citations from the Christian Science textbook. "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy one passage being as follows: "The exterminator of error is the great truth that God. good, Is the only Mind, and that the supposititiouf opposite of lrifire Mind Called devil or evil is not Mind, is not Truth but error, without Intelligence or reality. There can be bu. one, Mind, because there is but one Mind, because there is but one God; and if mortals claimed n' other Mind and accepted no othei sin would be unknown." (page 469) Sons of Norway Ladies' Aid Has Delightful Dance The Sons of Norway Ladles Aid ntertained Saturday night In the vfetropole Hall with a very enjoy ible Cinderella dance. The affair as in progress from 9 pjn. until midnight and, before it broke up delicious refreshments were served Music for dancing was provided b Oscar Gtske and Roy McTusson playing accordions. The committee in charge consisted of Mrs. Anton Dybhavn, lata. O Wick. Mrs. John Murvold. Mrs. Han Underdahl. Mrs. Chris Bather. Mbv A. Wick, Miss 8. Anderson, Anton Dybhavn and Sig Anderson. For his third offence on : charge of drunkenness, Kennet Mclvor was sentenced to twentj days' imprisonment, without op tion of fine, by Magistrate McCly mont in city police court thi morning. est Colds Rub well over throat and chest V VapoRub Weekly Specials This will be our last weekly speciaUner; our oredit system. After March 1 our store will be cash and carry. We feel indebted to our many patrons and offer these specials for their benefit. White Deans 4 lbs Rice No. 1 Jap 4 Iba. Sago 4c Tapioca 5 lbs. Braid's Tea Bach Cup and Saucer per lb . Fresh Q round Ooff ee - 3 lbs Rinso Medium 3 pkgs Oold Dust Large 3 pkgs , Malkln's Best Corn on Cob. 3 tins Malkln's Best Baking Powder. 12-c., 2 tins 25c 25c 25c 1 pkg. contains j 50c S1.25 35c 95c $1.00 45c Malkln's Best Marmalade CCn eJtlU 4'a, per tin Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Arriving Every Boat Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 FIITII AVENUE EAST P. O, ISOX 575 Phone 18 and 81 Monday February 23 I Monday and Tuesday tXr E TWO SHOWS - 7 & 9 VM. MlL tf imi rlnf1n? 'Hiirlflv' lfncrnrc and Nancy Carroll in "FOLLOW THRU" Broadway's Great Success A Wot of Laughter and Son' 'All ' 5 In Technicolor A Paramount 1'kture ' 5 Comedy "One Nutty Night" Screen Song "Accordion Joe jj Admission 20c & 63c Feature Starts at 7:30 & 9:;o ! 2 Weds. & Thurs. Joe E. Brown in ''Maybe It's Love 1 ; The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. OUR COAL IS IN A DRY SHED . When you are buyinr. coal look on the economical side of life II you buy wet coal, you are losing 10. So start today and burn dry coal and see what 10 means to you, PLMBINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton $12 30 ' MINEHKA!) EGG Delivered, Ter Ton 1- 0 MlNLIIKAU LUMP Delivered, Per Ton li .0 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 as luaiit yet gtaivmg . o rig 11, There's nothing quite like ZEBRA LIQUID STOVE POLISH for keeping yur kitchen range as glowingly, beautifully black ts the day you boughtt.. Try it next tijnel -It's new -and a wonderfully clean and easy polish toKise. ZEBR3L STjOyE ;p6lTsT3 BOTjjrLE s For those who prefer it, Zebra Patte Store Polish is still to had at all dealer. 3S Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results