Mr mi thi daily news PACKS F7VH Why Not Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? Rent That Room,. Secure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etc., Through a Classified Ad. Hi FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished 4 room flat v. ith bath. Plionp 547. if FOR RENT Four room Hat. Apply r.mlth & Mallett Limited. it YOU RENT- -Furnished, room ana ( board If desired. Phone Sis;'! 39 FOR RENT Two roomed apartment, furnished". Apply Mussal-li in s. Phone 18. tf FOR RENT By day, week or month, furnished apartment, phone Red GP7. tf FOP RENT Clean, well furnlahec modern apartment. Palmer Apartments. Phone Reu 444. tf FOR RENT 4 -roomed modern liouse, Sixth. Avenue near Unl- :d Church. Phone 76 or Green 402 48 FOR SALE Little old heater price jpQ, Ijaily News. tf fQR SALE Snap 1928 Ghev. Coupe. Shock absorbers, excel jent condition throughout. Apply ' Room 9 and 10 Federal Block. 50 1 SOLID Leather Arm Chair, seven drawer drophead Singer Sewing Machine and Mahogany Dresser long French Bevel Mirror. Phone Blank 914. 45 FOR SALE Radio, Victor northern Electric, 5 tube set, complete with batteries and tubes, $50.00. Good condition. Cost $200. Phone Oreen 395- tf SITUATIONS WANTED YoUNd Olrl vHsdSj general housework by hourVday or wek. Apply Box 73, Dally Hews. 46 Public Stenographer T JHP MURIEL MORRIS, office Westen-haver Block. Phone 782. tf PRIVATE Stenographer, Ex-In-' vuetor In Commercial Subjects. ulO 6th Ave., West, P.O. Box 306. 18 MUSIC 8INQINQ Lessons. Mrs. Karl Dyb-luvn. Phone Green 618. tf YIOUN TUITION rof I In VAC ANCIES Fpr day or evening pu-; ris Miss Nellie Lawrence. Phone I77 VAUI&TRY palmistry ReQlngs by appoint- n nt Phone Green 127. MPS JAMES CLARK. Palmistry und Crystal Reading. White House 225 Second Aye.. Telephone 7C7. AUCTIONEER PUINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy. sell or exchange any kind "of furniture or household goods, musical instruments machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone BlacK 120 and we will call, o. j, DAWKS, Auctioneer Federal Block. tf BOARD AND ROOM HOOM and Board,. Phone Red 129. ... UV tf. ri TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. DOr Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine. tf TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moylng. phone 204. tt LODGE MEETINGS meetlntr nlohra Flrr. nnrt Third Wednesdays, Elks Home. YOU MEET SO MANY Everywhere you are hearing' of the results which Chiropractic Is obtaining. On every hand is prime evidence of what It has accomplished for others. Why do you hesitate to learn Just how much It will do for you? A short visit, enabling a full and free discussion of your case Is the first step! It is so Important to both your health and progress that nothing should stand in its way! W. C. A SPIN ALL (Chiropractor) Phone Green 241 & 7 Exchange BIk. Opp. Orme's) - r SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery Ird Avenue' Phone Blue 339 SALVAGE AND TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do it-Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Agents for EASTHOPK ENGINES Boats and Scows' all descriptions for charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Northern B.C. DistrlDutors Coolidte Propellers Sand and Q ravel in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Night SGI PO. Box 1564 UM Itl.fllSTKV ACT NOTICE Ke: rerllflrate f Title No. .W2-I Lol 7 and . Hlmk II. I. City of ITIimt Uuprrt, Map 913. WHKRBAS wttafactory proo( of Iqm: tbe above OertUluate of TtUe laue1 , tho name of Allan CaniDbell baa been filed in thi offioa. notice (a lierebyi 'r SK, F application hereof, laaiie a novbtoiiai OrrtlrtoaU of Tltl In lieu of the aaW Iom oarunaaw. uni Iom In the mean . ttmt valid oblectldr, made to me In wrtttne. DATBO at the Land Rfiy Office. wr -A.p: u 480 Reiunce: Lot 84sr "ln'IfJ, oiim. iituate in tbj C. thl. Mt. da, .t.Atl Mining jDUUlon of CaaM.r DU-, Prlnoc Rupart. BC January. 1B31. H. F. MacLEOD. Mar. 5. Reglatrar KIPPERS AND BLOATERS Fresh Smoked For Sale at All Local Stores Prepared By Local Labor At Bacon Fisheries BRINGING UP Country Readers of " The Daily News" .tf. To the readers pf the Daily News who live out of town, we'siiggcst that the classified columns of the paper pro-.J-Vitle aiVexcclIeRt medium for the disposal of, ariiclestheyv 'may have for sale or exchange. Last season a lady at Smithcrs did a large business in selling fresh eggs direct from the farm by advertising in this paper. Chickens, implements, household goods, boats, fishing gear, guns, cordwopd, furs and dozens of other articles may be disposed of, The charge is two cents a word but six times goes for the price of four. DAILY NEWS Classified Department PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. i! Many THE MIMKAL ACT fKKTIFICATE OK IMPROVEMENT NOTICE lAt 4665 Oloonda; ZjoI 4S88 Broken ' lull.' Lot 468T Klnburn: Lot 4688 Bar- ttjrJ2E Leated on I White Moose Mountain on touth Weal ude of Weat Taku Arm. TiKK NOTICE that Maurice lorj Eg-artou of Tatton ud Estate of Otto II. Partridge, tPie Mlner'a CertlflcatM fclm -44901 n. anil SOfiQl D.. Int.nd. &lxt 1 days from the date hereof, to apply to tbe Mining Recorder for a certif ica.. ' of iniprovemenu for the purp-.e ofj a Wown Orant of the apove nbtaujln. F And further iake notice that action. imdrr aeotlon 8S. must be commenced before the lawaivc of auch CerUflaatel of improvewenu. Dated thl. lath day of January, nd , 1M1. II. MeN. FRASER, ml9. Agent. Get the Atf. rending nablt. I) oavs FATHER people get good results. Why not you? Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Thursday-ss. P. George 10 p.m. r'riaay &s, rnncess Mary 10 p.m. Friday ss. Catala ...12 midnight Feb From Vancouver-Sunday ss. Camosun, 4 p.m. Wed. ss. ' Pr. Rupert 10.30 ajn. n..i. m h. . . , Friday m. Princess, Mary 4 pm. Feb. 21 ss. Princess Norah a.m. Na Rw na Port Simpson ounpay ountiav SS. . Pimmnn wamosun -, 8 a p.m. nm from Naas River ana Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Camosun 1 1 :3Q am For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Camosun 8 p.m Wednesday ss. P. Rupert 4 pjn., From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday -ss. Camosun p.m. II W.PWW'. I UETTMt HT M II I I in U I I . I If. r. Thurs. ss. P. Rupert 8 p.m. For Ocean Falls Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 10 p.m. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 p.m. Prom Ocean Falls Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert !.I0:3Q ajn. Friday ss. Prjncess Mary 4 pjn. Fiday ss. Catala pjn. For North Queen Charlotte F&. 21 ss. Prince John .10 pjn. Mrch 7 ss. Prince John 10 pm. From North Queen Charlottes Feb. 19 ss. Prince John ajn. Marcji 5 ss. Prince John . ujn. For Alaska Feb. 21 ss. Princess Norari a.m. From Alaska-Jan. 28 ss. Pr'n. Norah p.m. Feb. 25 ss. Princess Norah, p.m. From Skeena River-Friday ss. Catala p.m. a N. R, TRAINS and Thursdays. 3:30 p.m. For East--Mondays, Wednesdays 'and Saturdays. 11:30 a.m. tMX OlO'n-n BARK AMO VMA.T ARE VOO OOltJG 1M the pakuor.? qo to TO tviSAK OUT- Tf THE MARKET Following are retail prills current here today: . jppl Yellow Newton, household .... $2.2.1 Yellow Newton, fancy box 2.75 Newtons "C" 2.5? Stayman's Winesaps, dox .... 2.85 Spltzenberg, fancy 2.75 Spitzenberg "C ..... 2.50 Winter Bananas, fancy 2.75 Delicious, fancy 3.35 Delicious "C" 2.75 Fruits-Naval Oranges .15c to $1.00 Lemons, Sunklst, doz 40 Florida Grapefruit 12c to 2i California Grapefruit ... 6c to ,12t Bananas, 2 lbs 2j Extracted honey, per Jar 25 Comb honey .35 Dates, bulk, lb .. ,12tfe, ) Raisins, bulk, lb .,- .15. Emperor Graupes, lb. . . "1 I Dried fruits - Lemon and orange peel .30 j Black cooking figs. ib. . .15 Currants, lb .15: Citron peel & ; White figs, lb Apples, dried 20 Peaches, peeled 20 , Apricots, lb 20 1 Prunes, 60-70, lb 10 Prunes, 30-40, lb .15 Prunes, 40-50, lb ... .12 Nuts- Almonds, shelled Valencias . .50 California soft shelled walnuts Walnuts, broken shelled .35 Walnuts, shelled halves .40 Peanuts .. US ( Lard- Pure .. 25 Compound 25 1 Eggs B.C. fresh pullets, doz. 28 '. B.C. fresh first, doz 20 : B.C. fresh extras, doz '. 25 Local new laid, doz. 50' Sugar-Yellow, 100 lbs 5.00 White, 100 lbs. 5.5Q Butter-No. 1 creamery, lb ;.... 42Vi No. 2 creamery, 3 lbs. 1.15 1 Flour-Flour, 49s. No. 1 hard wheat .... 1.90 Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. .50 ' Feed- Wheat, No. 3 Alberta 155 No. 5 Alberta 1.80 Oats 1.85. Bran ' 150, Shorts 1.60! Middlings 2 JO Barley , 1.75 1 Laying Mash 3.10 ! Oyster Shell 1 J5 j Beef Scrap 3.95 Ground oil cake 425 Fine oat chops 2.00 ; Crushed oats 2.00 j Fine barley chop 1.85 1 Cheese-McLaren's Cream, Jars, 45c and .85 Camembert. 8-oz. pkg 66 Kraft Llmbprger. 4s 55 , Ontario solids 20 New Zealand solids 20 Stilton, lb .40 Kraft ,41 Norwegian goat !60 ! Napoleon LImberger 70 j Roquefort 4 . H 1 Swift's Brookfleld. lb .45 Jorgonzola, lb. SO tfrookfleld 8wjss, Vi-'b. pkg nruyere 4f nrnokfleld Canadian cheese, Vi-lb.pkg 2t Golden Loaf, lb .45 Meats-Turkey - 2i Fowl, No. 1, lb 38c ah1 .35 Roasting Chicken, lb .40 Broilers 45 Ham, siloed, first grade 55 Ham, picnic, first grade J30 Cottage rolls, lb 25 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .55 Veal, loin .40 Pork Shoulder .. .30 Pork? dry salt ,s : Ayrshire bacon, lb.u... 35c to 50 , Singer Sewing On Eay Monthly Paynenti As low' as $3.00 per month Cheaper to vuy th,an rent All makes of machines repaired. McRAE BROS. LTD. J. P, MOLLER Licensed Painter and Interior Decorator 720 7th Av. W., Prince Rupert P. O. Box 397 Phone Red 802 , Silversides Bros. Third Ave. Phone 22 Window Class and Glaznig Nelson's Beauty Parlor Croguignole Permanent Wave " Guaranteed $750 Skilled artists In all branches of beauty culture 211 Third Street Phone Blue 5C1 BLASTING AND EarthWork ' NELS UOKKJAR 811 Fraser Street . : Phone Blue 823 Evenings IN PKOIIATE IN. TBE SCPRBMS COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER pP' TITS ADMINISTRATION ACT. AND IN THE MATTER OP Til ESTATE OF DONALD MATHESON. DECEAttKjD, INTESTATE. take wnec tkt by order or tn aid. dated the SMi dy of December A n. im I w afpofoted Adtnlnlatra-vor 9f, Um IMtc f( Oaold Mktbewn. doseMed. 'and Ui pttrtlf baving claim. agaiwMI the ItM tMt are required to twroW) mv. , prPrJ; vtrllled to me, n or bef-re the 19th day of March A. D. 1931, and all parties Indebted to tbe MtMt aU raqulryd to pay tbe amount of ttMlr ldelitrtneaa to me forthwith. C1IARLE8 L. MONROE, Official Administrator. IM&ca Rupert. B.C. luted tbe 12th day of February. A'.D. Veal, shoulder .25 Pork, loin .. 40 Pork, leg M Beef, pot roast 22c to ,21 Beef, boiling 15c to .15 Beef, roast, prime rib JO Lamb, shoulder J35 Beef, steak 35c to 20 Lamb; let? yW Lamb chops .. .. .40 Mutton, shoulder .. 20 aSife ktfeplfaib r.... ... to FWmon, froten. lb i-H 'Ialiimt, frown, lb .. , .;. M " Vegetable-- Nitatoetx netted Jems 0 lbs. .. . JU sack 2JS0 Potatoes '. Ashcroft. 8 lbs 3J Sack 2.W Patsley, bunah .10 California Celery, head .25c and "JO Spinac California, lb .15 Oarllc, tmported. per lb i40 Leeks, bunch .07 Cabbage, B.C. '.08 Onions, 6 lbs . M California, head lettuce, hd .15 Mexican, outdoors, Tomatoes, lo 2S Brussels SpJOqU 0 By George McManus MlCKOOGClE- COME K3RB'. Mlf NllCB. LiTTUB- 9 2,7 etgZM 1 1