Today Y-ther Prince Ruper g st, light rusicny wina; r r, 28.98; V !) XXII No. 298. 6 !- to TAXI 32 Prompt 24 Hour Service LICiNCE ATTACHMENT IS ABOLISHED ALL LOCAL RELIEF WORK Important Change In Fiskery Regulations Announced Yesterday Commencing Next Year Oriental Fishermen Will Re Free Agents in Disposing of Salmon Catches "Contracting" System Will Re Eliminated Advice was received in Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon that the much protested at system of attachment of Japanese fishing licences to certain salmon canneries in District No. 2 had been abolished by the Dominion Fisheries Department and that, commencing with the 1932 season, Japanese fishermen will be free agents like all . her nsnermen m me awimi . their salmon catches The action of n. department followed protests ,i' uu- attachment policy by various itMiiizaUons of fishermen and a number of public bodies In the district. By the change of policy, the iniquitous "contracting" system in iuiectiiW ViUii Japanese fishing iin ncea is expected to be ellmtn-afrri There hare been 411 Japanese licences in ill In Dtotrtdf KO.' 1 Hh-n the attachment system. 5 of these being on the Skeena River and 73 on the Naas. Following up the change of pol-irv. local Japan v organizations ire now urging upon the department that local resident Japanese "f the district be given the prefer- nrr in connection with the lssu-. i nrr of licences. r S Obata. official of the 8keena Fishermen's Association and of the Prince Rupert Japanese Assocla- ioii left for Port Esslngton today r.nfr with Jananese there In r-Kard to the change of policy. Biff Repair Bill For Los Angeles Schools Okayed LOB ANGELES. Dec 23 The Los Angeles Board of Education yes-i kvday authorised the expenditure r $338,690 for improvement of nine . schools tn the city. Mavor of Detroit Is 111 at Miami Frank Murphy Is In Seclusion at Florida Resort MIAMI. Dec. 23: Mayor Frank Murphy of Detroit, Is In seclusion here recovering from a recent serious Illness. STRICT ENFORCEMENT OF ORIENTAL EMPLOY LAW URGED BY JURY VANCOUVER. Dec. 23:- Strict enforcement of the laws prohibiting the hiring of white female help by Orientals was urged by the coroner's Jury . .,hi.h wunii miuu.'n" iumntjd the death . of Miss Mary ahaw. waitress ... an East Pender Street Cafe, and her Chinese slayer. Lee Dick, who ended his own life Saturday night after shooting the girl. H wur revealed at the tnouest that Lee Dick had In- vlted Miss Shaw to go out with him and she had refused. r CHRISTMAS CANDLES BURN GERMAN BOYS LOEN. Oermany. Dec. 23: Pnttrvn mttiimM nf nix bnvx dreased as Santa Claus were set fire from candles on a Christmas tree at an enter- talnment here. Two of the boys were burned to death and the other four suffered severe burns. APPROVED BY SENATE War Debt Moratorium Needs But Presidential Signature Now WASHINGTON. D.C, Dec. 23: The war debt moratorium need but the presidential sijnature now to make It law. After two days of bitter wrangling, the Senate last nltht approved the measure, defeating all amendments which were presented. Under the moratorium plan, a one-year suspension of war debts due the United States Is declared. Obllcations of European nations asurrjallnr $250,000,000 this year will not be paid. The vote of the Senate In approval of the moratorium was 69 to 12. Indications Of Storm Are Seen Rough Weather May Attend Yule-1 tide Season If Trcsent Con-dltlons Conlinue Meteorological conditions this afternoon point to stormy weather for season although there the Yuletlde SToI course, a possibility that it before Christmas over may pass mild and temperature Day. With wind in the soutneasv ! barometer was rapidly dropping early this afternoon ana len below the 29 point mark. Light Sales On ' Vancouver Mart rorler-Idaho Sells at 8c and Premier Gold at 6I.63c VANCOUVER. Dec. 23:-Sftles on Block Exchange the Vancouver Monday were very light. There was at 8c and trading in Porter-Idaho 'in Premier Oold at 61 -63c. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, MORATORIUM IN HUNGARY IS O.N T BUDAPEST, Dec. 23: A moratorium declared by the Hungarian government under which payment of all debtj f due by the country to. outside nation1 Is postponed came into effect wday. t JAPS ON ADVANCE General Offensive in Direction of Chlnchow Starts Chinese Suffer Casualties MUKDEN, Dec. 23: Japanese forces started Monday what appeared to he a general offensive against Chlnchow, strategic Man-churian railway point which still remains under control of the Chinese. Japanese soldiers, aided by bombing planes, inflicted hear; casualties upon Chinese regulars. Unless the Chinese evacuate. It appears almost certain that the Japanese will attack Chlnchow within the week. CHINESE SCATTERED Chinese regulars and bandits were scattered in all directions yesterday in a fierce battle north of Mukden. Japanese casualties were placed at a score while those of the Chinese were believed to be In the hundreds. General Honjo, Japanese commander-in-chief, declared that the drive would continue until all Chinese were driven from Manchuria. There are estimated to be at least 100,000 Chinese soldiers under arms in Manchuria, MONOPOLY DENOUNCED Medical Freedom Advocated al Vancouver Meetlnc Prominent Speakers Heard VANCOUVER. Dec 23: -A so--ailed monopoly enjoyed by the nedleal profession in British Columbia was condemned at a mass meeting held at the Colonial Theatre here Sunday night. Medical freedom was advocated by the neeilng principal speakers at which were Dr. A. S. Murphy, William Dick M. L. A. and Angus Mclnnls M. P. Dr. Murohy declared that all dis ease was caused by Infection In the blood and that there was no hccm- Mty for people to pay high iom to be told to drink pure water. TRAGEDY IN VANCOUVER Three Persons Came to Violent Deaths Last Night in Southern City VANCOUVER. Dec. 23 - Thfe' persons met tragic deathj here list night. The bodies or Fergus cma-.vieir ntted 62. street car motorman tnd of Mrs. Florence Dunkley were found in a room asphyxiated t7 as escaping from a stove, A man Identified from I card 'otvnd upon him as J. Tyncr m 'nutantly killed when he slipped while Jumping from a train at Ihs Canadian Pacific Railway depot. His adrcss Is unknown. B.C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23,1931 CLOSED A One-Man The -curse oi boou w- entertain..'. em. dept uo ng how you look upon this surt of thin, is embo led in thi one-wan orchestra. -V S- Arats oiwashitv- wi e playing his fiddle, can accompany himself on tSe pi no with special pedals. Fiwe Lives Taken and Many Priceless Volumes Lost as Library at Vatican Falls "VATICAN CITY, Dec. 23: Priceless ancient vol-, urraes were damaged if not destroyed and five lives are believed to have been lost as a result of the collapse of two floors of the right wing of the Vatican library at dusk last evening. Seven hours after the collapse, which was caused by the roof caving in, one of the library staff was ex-ti-Lcatedfrom the ruins but artificial respiration failed to save his life. Four others are believed to have lost their lives. No estimate of the property loss has yet been formed. The structure was built in 1558. The four walls re-main standing. The Pope was grief-stricken at the accident. AT LEN IS !Pound and Dollar IMPROVED, Weabf on CoiitlStlon of Local Ulan, Hurt In Vancouver, Keportcil to Be Slightly Better Today VANCOUVER. Dec. 2S": The con dition oi Frank W. Allen, formerly -r Pwince RuDert. who sustalnea a Cmct xircd skull and serious Internal niur-Ies in an automobile coliUion Saturrday night, was reported today to sllghuy improved. OH Regulations Are Explained WpISs Now Brln; Drilled Are Not iTVffcctcd By Keccnt Order in Alberta E53DM0NT0N, Dec. 03: It Is ex-oln.l-Ted here that regulations preventing the drilling Into llmestono in t-3ie Turner Valley oil field, do not .ffct wells which are now being dril led. t DOWN BY CITY Orchestra 1 ! , ; i ; ' new i uiiv lvidi jvcl NEW YORK. Dec. 23: The Canadian dollar closed at 814c on the local foreign exchange Monday, be ing one -eighth cent down from Saturday's close. The British pound sterling was. off one-half cenlJseUlngratjte . ItAILWAYMEN WILL NOT ACCKIT CUT MONTREAL. Dec. 23: The Railway Brotherhood will not accept the ten, per In t wage Imposed by the railways upon the running trades, Sen- ator James Murdoch, repre- s&itattvc of the Railway Bro- j. v,..KnnH ta von led todav iOl- r lovvinz a conference of railway officials and union heads. Con- versations on un- huojeci we adjourned until the middle of January. 4 .. an , Prince Rupert Budget For Unemyloyment Cut $100,000 to $47,500 Mayor Is Being Sent to Victoria to Interview Government Word of Slash Came Like Bolt From Blue Last evening all the relief work in the city closed down as the result of a message received from Victoria that the amount allotted to Prince Rupert was only $47,500 instead of $100,000 as originally promised. As the city had already ppent approximately $48,000 there was nothing to do but close down the work pending negotiations with the pro-vincial government. " The city council held an cmer- YYTTr)rP Tl ;-rncy meeting yesterday afternoon H 1 j jf I IN .md decided to send the Mayor to '.Victoria to urge upon the govern- TfT 1 HPIV ment the need of further grants to : H I H V Zi I M K mumjzu i a. . a ww enable the work to continue for at ict a brief peilod. The Mayor will leave for the south Friday night on Three In Hospital As Result of the steamer Cardena. Tlunge In Vancouver Depart- At the meeting Mayor Orme readi mental Store two telegrams, one In which he ask- j ed for a definite statement from the 1 VANCOUVER, Dee. 23 When J"t government In view of reports- re-" j elevator In n kal depurtment-lWrtr"-ceived that the appropriations had, plunged out of control last night been pruned. Hon. R. w. erunn ; wired that the $100,000 approprla Hon which had been approved Sep tember 25 had on October' 31 been ... ccnnfvi anri that if had heen lecessary to make a further cut of , 'Ive per cent since. This brought he city's appropriation to $47,500. The mayor and aldermen expres- a I nMfVtu4 Via t I iea lilrXUSClvea w asiuniiicv MM: he government had not notified j w until nrvnr nf tho rhartffp mi tit noiiev Some Some rather rather bitter bitter re- re- narks were made and the session i rovea a aoieiui lful one. one. Two ivra resolu- raum- i ions were passed after hearing; rom the city treasurer. One was hat all relief work be stopped at mce and the other that the mayor e asked to go to Victoria and dis cuss the situation with the govern-nent. These were carried without llscussion. The city so far has not received '-ora the government a dollar ard the relief work, the whole cost i far naving oeen Dome -oy we i ank. As the bank already has to arry approximately 5iou.wo 01 un-1 old city bonds. It Is evident that; no iurther advances can be expec-ed In that quarter. Unless the provincial government makes a fur-her grant there wUl be no more re Uel work. RELIEF WORK CLOSED DOWN Fifteen Hundred Men Affected By Shutdown in Burnaby Municipality VANCOUVER. Dec. 23: The municipality of Burnaby closed down til relief work Monday morning vwln to lack of finances. Fifteen hundred men are affected. Blind SinceiShe . Was Born, Is Now- Able to Use Eyes BELAIRB. Ohio, Dec. 33: As a rmnilt nf n series of onerfltloni On her eyes, a nine-year old girl of this town, who had been blind since birth, was able to see yesterday. PRICE: FIVE CENTS COUNCIL mrce persons were msni w uuj- tal suffering from Injuries susr talned. They were Mrs. Beckncr. suffering from a broken ankle; Mrs.. D. M. Macdonald. a broken ankle and bruises and Patsy Mac donald. a broken left leg. The flight of the car downward was arrested by an automatic stop at - the first floor. - - Several other ,,- Persons sunerea minor injuries. . 1 IJuatniaSkl VOVC Woman If UlllCllI JLMUW11CU I IrfiWllPfl , Mrs, James Campbell Swept Off Stranded Boat By Large Wave and Lost Her Life Mrs. James Camnbell was drowned when she was swept by a wave oft her 'husband's motor launch when l., hneame UCVtUUv branded tllliiWTO on a rock In QlHUjhkl FINAL DAY FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO RELIEF FUND ' Those who hare so far not contributed to the Salvation Army relief fund should do so at once If they to wish as to- morrow la the last day before Christmas. In view of the recent order .Inaln rimirn relief work the need for aiding the Salvatton Army fund will be doubly great and every dollar will be sorely needed. Those who can do so are strongly urged to contrl- bute to this fund. j tiMvlnnalv . anlrnTv'fi Sli3.72 . ft v J J Master Duncan McRae .. 1.00 ! Gladys and RonaW Bedford 2X10 Phllpott. Evitt & Co 20.00 A Friend A Friend 20' A Friend 5-tm ! Capitol Theatre 14.75 Dr. II. O. Johnson 3.uo Anonymous 2.00 F. J. Boutell 1.00 j Dr. W. T. Kergln 3.00 A. 0. Lancaster 3.0 Mrs. Bushby. 1 sack potatoes. John Si Ian, 1 carton bacon.