5 s 5 4 U u u FOUR BARGAIN TABLES OF STAPLE GIFTS 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 Also a wonderful range of Dinncrware, Tea Sets, Fancy China, Cups and Saucers, Cut Glass, Genuine Crystal and Glassware for every day use. GENUINE INDIAN MOCCASINS AND CURIOS Brassware Aeropacks, Floor Lamps From India Suit Cases & and Fancy and China Club Bags Table Lamps Sterling Silver & Hollow Ware Reduced prices on Community Plate and extra special value in our Monterey Pattern. Don't overlook this wonderful value. Carving Sets. Pipes, Cigarette and Cigar Holders, Cigarette and Cigar Cases. Bargain prices on Ladies Hand Bags and Umbrellas. Also Ivor', Pearl-Toneand Sterling Toilet Ware. win be ame to .Princess Mary on the local ran be the Alaska route after ahedoled voyage. of : . sj r. ..umb.a new There is a Thrill in Giving and Receiving the Best that Money Can Buy in Any Gift Hamilton Wa.fna m and m A MUlli u W II MiiAlWHI MalVft Elgin Watches For Ladies and Gents, are the finest and most reliable time-keepers made. All kinds of Clocks, including the New Electric ! Sheaffer and Waterman Pens and Pencils Your name counter-sunk in 22-K Gold free on any Pen or Pencil over $2.00. Wc cordially invite you to come in and inspect our store. Friendly service. No obligation to buy. STORE OPEN EVENINGS MAX HEILBRONERa ExiBtaUimZStYtiUsujiYavaw SAILINGS CHANGED Alaska Mary Ptsee af Piaaiau Nrab The rtesmer Pnneess Koran, which a to erfergo repairs m the south f jewtag a stranding on her last voyage nor.h. wU' be replaced for the sen Alaska rayaee of the Bnt'-&h Co2a7.ti Cms: Steamship .Service by the steamer Princes Mary. The vessel will call here northbound on Wednesday of next week and will nuke calls at Ocean Pails both north and southbound vwnmmf .wb w There will be no no saihna a'l"g of the ext Week ia next week. tt is expected the CHEVALIER BEING SUED tween here and Vancouver via LOg ANGELES. Dee S Maur-Ocean Palls next week, it is an -( jee Chevaner. French eomeuan and noaacea in rawi win oe nere as screen star, was ritl vt.r,. fMISTLETOEl I drygin I ORANGE COCKTAJL ,tfm MISTLETOE RICKEY mSJtfW- . IJB "ffli lmMCIwrk- II III 1 Mimrroc hi ' S 1 III I j " I E M-B vfcjj i&jjzj -jjflut ijHQ ZlJI I - r .sen.! .'i- 3 r. I. tt:TC -Tui Card " ty ..ie iu-a-ci ctatnt m B 2! 1 KITSBGUKLA. Dec 23 The Kit- segukla Christmas tree and -school entertainment was held on December 17 in the United Church and wu much enjoyed by all. The teachers hid trained the Utile ones to represent nursery rhyme and this featare of a veil performed pognun was very pteas- When the year's school prize had been dlstrlbatd Santa CSaai arrived and thank to the Weaken Missionary Society and COJ.T of Victoria, be btuaght a of gift. Mooes Jonas very gencroaaty SMppUed candles and the Indian Department trait for alL Another featare moch appreeU- ri ted was numbers played by the vfl- lege Brass Band " After some good slides had been s thrown opon the screen sheet, old ..and young went home reaUsmy' Z they had bad a rood time ? CONCERT AT METLAKATLA J Affair Held Last Saturday by Sal ! ration Army Corps g METLAKATLA. Dec 5 Saturday night the 3 Corps of the Sal ration Army stag as,' Short address on nmmiai by ,n of three defendants in a suit : Samuel Aurtol Norab charting him with miaBtcorted i Folklore son. "TTsll stmw the next of a eopyrigh'd son?. R C. A. by O. H. Clifton. .Pictures is one of -.he other 1 the short program. there was on display for sale a few articles by the Home League. Cof-f good many The climax of the evening was when the "Arrow Target" honting contest started open to a:: For prises ttsere were candles, toyv Christmas novetUoa. etc. Only tvo bulls-eyes' wees scored daring th entire eveamg. The mystic Wheel" also proved a good deal of attraction for the young people. ' There was a closing soeeeh by ' the chairman and the usual vote of thanks, and the Save the King - singing of "Ood lAirplane Brings Turkeys to New York For Market WBW YORK. Dec. M: A ton of turkeys was deiiveted here by airplane from Kansas j rat must for' the (atrtstmas market, ' ! C N. rt. TRAINS Mondays. WedMedaw and Fridays j pm Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays io:4fl ajn. Radio Tubes Tested FREE With (he Jewell Tube Tester McRAE HROS- LTD. A wets! evening was enjoyed by awsafeen of the Young People Society af Pkat Pieabytefian Gharch last niaht There was an acceptable program of masar and games were played. Detiuous refreshments were President E. J Smith was m the chair and the praaram intladed selections by a male quartet eon- 1 ifflmf as J. li. uawy..4. a. 104. . J. Hunter and Alex Clapperton or chestral selections by Miss Neihe by Mrs. Robert Cameron and eom- ananf Hinging, mm "wt jiu the saveison af Rev. W. D. Grant HoOingworth. Fifty-!our persans were :ST0RY OF I g!ed a variety entertainment m their, the treason, CHRISTMAS Local Cttkea rinds Bottle and Pre pares to Celebrate as Owner Tarns Up A well known local ritmtn went oat to bis car as usual yesterday morning Investigating a parcel he foaad in the corner of the back L be discovered it to contain a a Lt bottie of Johnny Walker Scotch VIetlakaUa tek Starting back to his bouse with oar cittern met. a wwn wnjcn mwen enjofeofrtemd aod i to NH by an appteemttre aodience- la mm evenmg tost night. Bat. amt 5 Chief OianeUor W. Leaak was mlM.k . mnrmM chairman (or the the ereaint. en-lp,, the scene at this stase - Kituuncui opwiCTi aj a man pew- gram as lonwaa: i Opening speech by chairman. 5 Opening song. -As With Omd-2 neat Men of Old commwalty stag-r tag " Prayer orferelf by Peter Haldane. Sacred song. "Gift Drrine." by S. and explained how be and a friend had gone into a garage to sample one or two bottles they owned. It was good staff bat seemed tempor arily to bare dulled the And so oar poor ctttsen got Mike Anderson, who has been on Comet and mandolin dnet by ; a trip south, returned to the city Bandmaster Auckland and Treat-1 an the Prince Rupert that orer Ldghton. mg from Vancouver Vocal solo, - tutting Aateks." by O H. Clifton. Short address on masse. C. P. Ry- tsUaaUauawjialiarrBrKiajBng Piano accordion solo. "Mocking: Bird." selection by O. H. CUfton 1 Whistling specialty. "Porkys! UaA MJwt FreMh Screen Star is Charted With Serenade,'- by & A. SMer. 1ACIC O a lflUUClaLC Unauthorued I'se af Seng Hit 1 Short address on edacation. by Sergeant Major Provost. Descriptive vocal agio, "Ott Met-iakatla." by H. Prevost Priced Watch for the Little Girl These are some new models recently sent by a wholesale jewellery firm and are good bays. The motement ks II JeaeUed and a good timekeeper, and the rae H in the new fancy lone thape with riabon bracelet, bat ether bracelets will fit White gold color. 9 JOHNgllWHlr Jewellers the wore vnn tc cuica Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 2l,0e tons SnfpbuHders and Ship Repairers fer Steel and Wood Vessel Sawmill and Mininc.Maehinery Repaired and Omhaaled tron and Brass Catting Electric and Acetylene Weldinr M-Un Derrick for Ileary Lifts -31 'II "A TAILOR MADE MAN" With Dorothy Jordan. Joseph Cawthom, Marjorie Ram bra a A Beau Brummel By Night A Pants Presaer By Day A Real Lantbfnl Comedy Comedy Tar. Tar Away" Matiral "Lessons ja Lore FOX NEWS NO MATINEE ON THURSDAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY EDDIE CANTOR in "WHOOPEE" Christmas ! Australian Afl ?XoUU Seedless Tibs Cluster Table Rauuu 1-Ib box Table Figs per tb. Fresh Hallowei Dates 3 ms 7 lbs. for SbUed Walnuts- $1.00 Mixed Nuts Fresh arrival, per lb. S lbs. for per lb. Blue Ribbon Tea I s. per lb 25c 20c 25c 50c 25c S1.00 15c 45c 'A Standard for Years Blue Ribbon Tea CI lA Canned Raspberries f s. per tin 25c Robertsons Imported Ap Marmaladr 4-Ib tir. Pea. No 3 Sieve good Afp ""U and tender 3 tins m " vyi hrntmas time is an eventful time in Ufe for yoang and old. The grown-ups as weM as the children look for good things to eat and make merry. Muuatttra's stores are prepared to eater to your needs and hare priced everything down to rock bottom WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING SPECIALS TO OFFER OtR PAT RONS FOR THIS WEEK Ay line r Spinach 2 2', -lb tins HeLnz Tomato Catsup 2 large bottisfl Campbell s Tomato Soup. 3 Uns 35c 45c 25c EXTRA SPECIAL Chocolate Bars. rag. 9c O "OK, Tp seller. I bars 34 Bar in a box going at. per box Good Christmas Mixed !Zf)p JUb Cand 3 lbs. Peek-Preaa Imported Bu.: Bread, for your tnrke;. Fraser Valley lam. 4 s -ft all varieties. Cranberries 2 lbs. Orapefrutt 4 for HoUy per lb Un UUt 45c 25c 55c We have the following Fruits and Vegetables to select from Apples, Jap Oranges. Orape Bananas, Celery, CaulifV' r Tomatoes VegeUble Marrow. Squash and Savoy Cabbie Our Stores Will Be Closed Saturday. December 34Hh Mussallem's Cash & Carry Store "WHERE DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS" No. 1 Store Sth Av-No. ! Store 319 3rd At No. 3 Store. TT? 3rd At Phone 11-11 Phone 3M Phone 37S pass ezz TOT DAILY M-fa Wednesday December 23 i 31 Large Attendance (Social Evening O fTf . v v r , . ... 13 " 5 cdnesaav & i nu rsaa v au J ; Enjoyed Concert Is Enjoyed By 5 TWO Feature SHOWS Starts at 7 and :! it i P-m. 9:11 j Oar Down Store I -Stairs ! In Interior Village! Young People i S ADMISSION William Haines 2e C5e 1 MHHWBjBPBggpBHanH HOLIDAY SPECIAL Easy Washing and Dryer Machine Slightly Used as Demon tr.. - and ELECTRIC CLOCK AS A PREMIUM AH for Qinn cn tJ Cash 5179.50 The late.it and most mtir; washing machine; beautif'... ly designed and well busl This offer huts till Decemtx r 31st only. Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your Bin. You are assured In letting full weight NO. 1 ALBERTA EGG For Cash $11.30 NO. 1 ALHERTA Ll'MP-For Cash 12.30 I'EMRINA EGG For Cash 11.30 Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 i i i e vi i I 4