te I M 5. -mi i ill WW Tuesday, AprU 28 193) pauk rwo THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue -1 H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance 6.00 For lesser ptried, paid In advance, per month -50 By maU to all part of Northern and Central Dritith Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period -'. 3.00 By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em pire and United States, paid In advance, per year $6.00 By mall to all other countries, per year ... . , , 9.00 Contract rates on application,. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone DAILY EDITION Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations nrCuiiuito FORGET THE BLUES' -86 S)8 Tuecday, April 28, 1931. Prince Rupert people now have no cause to be pessimis-i tic. Conditions are improving. The fishing business is back i to normal and very soon the city will feel the benefit. In- i dustries dependent on the fishing jndustry will also be reacting and we shall see better times ahead. Work is commencing on the highway in a small way, building is improving and the number of unemployed has been cut down. It is now some weeks since relief has been given out except in a few isolated cases. It must not be assumed from this that Prince Rupert is a place for people looking for work. There are more men here now than can be Drovided for and it does not seem likely that at any time this summer there will be more jobs ! offering than men to take them. All we suggest is that i people throw off that pessmistic attitude and get down to the realization that Prince is -with Rupert really a city a ; future. I -tc. -w. t n. SALT LAKES PARK Salt Lakes Park is being improved by the provincial government, fdllowing in this respect in the footsteps of the former government It now remans for the city to reorganize the swimming club and do their part at the swimming pool. This is desirable if the young people are to have the full advantage of this splendid resort. Owing to the highway construction and the diversion of traffic in that direction bv auto traffic interest in Salt Lakes Park has dropped off very much of late years, but now ttiere seems to be a return to Uie desire f or swimming and the Salt Lakes will undoubtedly be a centre of attrac tion. H 1, 14. ' SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRIES Insofar as possible it is always good policy to support home industries. We suggest that people buv home produced lumber, use Queen Charlotte Island shingles, order from the grocer Queen Charlotte Island clams, eat local caught fresh salmon or halibut or the canned product from the neighborhood. For local people to buy Japanese canned goods when there are better qualities packed right at home seems unreasonable and not good business. SCOTLAND You cm depend on "Perfection" It it the one Scot! Vfhidty lht ii actually diitilled, blended, aged-in-thc-wood and . . . BOTTLED ... in Scotland. Famed for uniform high quality aince 1807. Imported in 26Vj ox. and 40 oz. bottles only. Scaled with the convenieat measuring cap. "Smooth jf kitten's u-rist" Soots (Clhisky "Mb advertisement ii not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia MUST MEET STRANGLER: Jim Londos Will Not Win World's Wrestling Championship Until He Does, It Is Ruled CHICAGO. April 28 Jim Londos, the Greek wrestler, will hai to accept the challenge of EJ Strangled Lewis for a match before he will be officially recognized as the world's heavyweight wrestling champion. It was definitely ruled here. Londos. while taking everybody else, has been resolutely avoiding a meeting with Ed., the former undisputed champion. "BABE" RUTH ' 't Z1 The 'King of Swat u suffering from a strained tendon, and is out of the game for the present Two Weeks For King of Swat Hopes to Get Bark I In Game Again Then Fol- j lowing Injury I IndlanspoJk Speedway Lvent INDIANAPOLIS. April 28: Sixty- two entries, including 14 from the Pacific Coast, have bean made for the great Indianapolis Speedway auto race on Declaration Day. This will be the nineteenth re newal of the race whleh Is regarded as the geratest of American speed events. Last year a crowd of 190,000 persons witnessed the race. Grotto Winner Of Second Half In Golf League OrotUrlast night defeateAj'forth-ern B. C. Airways 300 to 328 to win the second half of the season In the City Miniature Oolf League. The OrHto will nlny off in a week or So with Great West for season's league honors. Individual scores last night were as follows: Grotto B. Murray, 38, 38: W. Davidson, 38, 4U B. Wrathatl. 47, 3; B. Hunt. 35. 41. Northern B.C. Airways D. Bast-man, 40, 38. B. Unger. 42. 42; E. Clapp, 39, 30; R. Moore. 38. 43. ; 4 WOMEN MAYvTAKE , PART IN; SPORTS 1 OF 1932 OLYMPIAD BARCELONA, Spain, April 28 Women will be admitted to the 1932 Olympic Games competitions In Los Angeles In 1932, It was definitely de- elded here yesterday. They will be permitted to compete In all sports they request. BRAVES ON TOP NOW Boston Nationals Continue Winning Streak Senators Down Yanks In Twelve Innings PHILADELPHIA, April 28: Boston Braves went into the leadership I of the National League yesterday by i shutting out the Phillies wtth a two I to nil score. The St. Louis Cardinals ; dropped to third place below Chi-icago Cubs by dropping a five to three decision to the Pittsburg Pir-fates. The long suffering Brooklyn , Robins dropped still another, losing to the New York Yankees. ' In the only American League; igame, Washington Senators took a ,0 to 8 victory from New York Yan-Ikees in 12 innings and these two 'teams are now tied far second I plate, one full game behind the I Cleveland Indian, j Cold weather on the western sector caused the postponement of three American League and one National League game. Yesterday's scares: National League Boston 2. Philadelphia, B. Brooklyn S, New York 8. Pittsburg S. St. Louis 3. American League New York 8, Washington 9. Baseball Standings National League I ' Boston Chicago St. Louh ; Pittsburg j Philadelphia Babe Ruth Yet I Brooklyn cinclnMU American New York. April 38 Mrs. Babe Washington Ruth stated yesterday that Hi Detroit wouM be "two weeks at least" be-! Philadelphia fore her husband would be able to at. Louis resume his position on the line-up Chicago of the New York Yankees follow- Boston lng his injury last week whan he pulled a tendon In his thlglx. LARGE LIST OF ENTRIES Sixty-Two Cars Line Up For Annual W. L. Pet. 9 3 .750 7 3 .760 6 3 .667 ... 7 4 36 .... 5 C 455' 4 .6 .400 ... 2 9 ,182 ... 1 7 .126 League W. L. Pet ... 7 3 .700 ... 7 5 583 7 5 .583 6 5 JtS 5 5 500 3 S .375 3 6 333 3 7 300 U EARLY 700 LANGUAGES ARE SPOKEN IN AFRICA BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE KAYOrSfiVINS-l BUCKINGHAM 'J rw nam Cull f 'A 13 nnwjrHi-fc ILffUE YOU RECEIVED YOUR FREE CTi BUCKINGHAM CIGARETTES w Hclp Gundcrien and Win a Prize Bend in yout interfiling fact today. It seed not necessarily refer to tobacco. For CTrrjf frt we use we will lend you aruuk-ag of CO Iluckinguam Cigarettes. Give a refereoot with your fact. If interesting: enough Mr. Gundcrscn will cartoon it and you will receive the complimentary pu k-ageof Duclunghams, Canada's most popu-Ur blended cigarette. Hurkinglisms are all that U fresh, cool and mild a blend of all tbat ii finest in toburcus. packed for your pleasure and enjoyment. Address your farts to George liundersen. Dept. L, Tuckett Tobacco Co. Limited, Hamilton. Set of "De You Knew" Cards Fur ten cents in stamps we will send yon a set of "Do You Know" cards sixty inter- esting subjects printed in color with full description (siie of cards tW' x 1H") or for twent v ornts m will include cards and also an album in which the cards can be placed to give a complete collection in permanent form. Set New Women's Altitude Record Elinor Smith, girl pilot, set worlds record for women when she climbed 32.500 feet. This tops record of 28,743 feet set by Rath NichoUs. She it seen handing barograph to Walter D. Ward, at Roosevelt Field. Long Island. HIGH SCHOOL 1 HEAVIES SOFTBALL MATCHED Carl Smith's Team Comes Up From Behind and Defeats Bill Tobey's Ip the High School Softball, Leapse Carl Smith's team won from William Tobey by a score of 9-7. Catchers and pitchers for Tobey were Marrisan and Ertekaon and for Sml'h, Welle and Hiekey. 1 After retiring their opponents in quia!: order. Tobsy's team made ai strong effort to win at the outset.' Wha Church had already made a I run and bases were full. Tobey hlm-relf bit a home run bringing the scoe up to 5-0. Honors were even In the second Inning each side scoring two men, Orcn and W. Murray for one side. McRae and Kanaya for the other. The third inning was Smith's. Hlcl ty and Marshall scored. Tobey's side was qutekly retired by a double play. Green to Hlckey to Oreen. In the fourth inntng Smith pulled ahead when Hlckey, Marshall. Murray and Keefe all crowed the home plate. The score was now 8-7 In favor of Smith In their turn to bit, the Tobey team made a desperate affort o equal ire Morrison and Le j Roes both got to second and Kanaya to third but they were pt out inj tarn. chif credit going to Green who made a brilliant running eaten. Smith himself mads sura of the vie-! tory when In the fifth Inning he, vtflte t.hr hat in rlsMiriMi I Smith. Hlckey. Marshall Peaehey, Grean, W. Murray, Welle. T. Johnstone, Keefe, Stagavig. W. Tobey, MeRae, Church, J, Morrison, Kanaya, I. Murray, Le , Ross, Ritchie, Ross, Ertckson. Scorer and reporter R. Allen. ' I Umpire D. Stinech. ! Hollywood Stars I Play In Seattle rc Not Having Such Easy Time I In Pacific Coast League j This Year I SEATTLE. April 28 The Holly ,wood Stars will open a Pacific l Coast League series here today I with the Seattle Indians. The Stars were the pennant winner for the past two seasons but they have had a hard time getting started this year and are now In fourth place, a bare half game above Qskfano. . , There were no Pacific Coast! League games yesterday as thj teams-wrre -travelling:- 4 ene Tunney to I Visit Russia ; PARIS April 28-Oene Tunney. former world's champion boxer, will be able to spend five days In Russia in the course of his tour of Europe That is all the -time hh passport permits him to spend In the Soviet Republic. NEW YORK. April 28: rrimo Camera and Jack Sharkey, two of the outstanding contenders for the world's heavyweight boxing, championship, will meet at Ebbets Field June 10 in a 15-round bout, it was definitely an nounced last ni'ht. The winner will be recognized as the world's champion by the New York State Boxing Commission which recently raised the ban on Camera but does not recognize Max Sehmeling as the champion. !Dry Dock to Play 1 nrr a c . in r un Aiier All r or C.N.RGolf Title Dry Dock has decided, after all. to play off with General Office NflJ 1 for the Canadian National Recreation Association's miniature geif cup. The play-off will take place at an early date. IXDI n U050P5 OlDHKMlUwWHtflQf ,,ui5iTrCj Ctonipaqy Uemeiara 0NTARI0NS WIN FIRST Varsity Loses first of Doming Hoop Play-offs By Narrow Margin of 18 tq 1? 1 VANCOUVER. April 28 first game of the Domini men's basketball charm here last night. St C In the Orads defeated Universih of Br tlsh Columbia by a score of it It was a close and exnti: which was featured by gr ing by either Mde. The final game will be ;. morrow night: Total poim cide the issue. t..z. Tennis Courts ! May Be Ready I AtEndofWeek On a recent morning r the young men of lie Pr painted the new courts wi now practically finis h-r which it is expected may h for use at the week end The new courts, threr ber. have been built by T K contractor of this city TV. on city property, the r,-. having given special pe!.... the tennis club to reo i, 'ocrease the number They are a great improve, the old oourts and will boon to the young peo city who use them Seattle Rowers WUI Go East SEATTLE. April 28 $1000 has been raised f hkh Is needed to fuut of Washington Unirer.Mt Pouthkeepste for the n,r, leglate meet on the Hut. next month. It is expect, r balance will be raised jn l loaal seullsrs will be uble he trip. H B C SPECIAU v ncCT PROCURABLE" XfOTCH WHISKY HBC Irum HBC "Best Pr-la Eottled in Scotland guaranteed over W average age. be .rd of strength mellow age for over years. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by Control Doard or by the Government of British Columbia !.-? t, NOTICE! Baseball meeting tonight st I o'clock. City Hall. V Uquof