I 4U Mi I 251 FS02 FOTTH Enjoy Every PLUMBING Convenience Install those plumbing fixtures you have always wanted . . . enjoy then now and pay as you earn. We'll Install the latest fixtures in your home with a small down payment. Act today . . . come in or 'phone 174. Smith & Mallett C. II. Elkins, Mer. PLUMBER t PRINCE RUPERT dealers can supply your house building needs Corner 0th Av & Fulton St. Trlnce Itupert, B.C. SIDEWALK BUILDING Many Local Improvement Bylaws Considered by "Council Several local Improvement bylaws were put through at last I night'i meeting of the city council, I covering sidewalk construction in l the downtown business section, 'among them being the fallowing: Concrete sidewalk, east side of Seventh Street, Second to Third Avenue, initiative bylaw, finally reconsidered and adopted. Concrete sidewalk, north side of i Second Avenue, Seventh to Eighth (Streets, construction bylaw, finally reconsidered and adapted. Asphaltlc sidewalk, 10 feet wide. wt side of Sixth Street. Fraser Street to 60 feet from Third Avenue , intersection, construction bylaw, in-1 troductory readings. Wooden sidewalk. 8 feet wide, north stte of Second Avenue, Sixth to Third Street, construction bylaw, introductory readings. i Wfceden sidewalk. 8 feet wide north aide of Second Avenue, Sec ond Street to Mc Bride Street, con- I rfnvflmi hvlaur lntTfviiwtnrv rpflrf. tngs. Wooden sidewalk, 8 feet wide, west side of Mc Bride Street, First Avenue to Third Avenue, construction bylaw, introductory readings. Aid. Maodonald and AM. McOut-cheon voted against this bylaw, contending that it was advisable to instal a full width sidewalk at least from Second to Third Avenue. Summer HOMES should have this FIRE PROTECTION from every hope of aid if a blaze takes FAR hold, the inflammable construction of the average summer home makes it a source of danger and anxiety. Minimize the fire hazard by lining inside walls and ceilings with inexpensive Gyproc Wallboard-that does not barn. This building material is made from gypsum rock into sheets 4 to 10 feet long, 4 feet wide and Yt of an inch thick. It nails and cuts as easily as lumber and with minimum waste. Find out from your dealer how inexpensive Gyproc is; how easy to erect Ask him for full information about its application or request a direction sheet from him. Besides being fire-resistant, Gyproc has structural strength and insulation value. It is also draught and vermin-proof, By panelling, you can save the expense of decoration, yet Gyproc is an excellent base for Alabastine, Gyptex or wallpaper. Send for the free booklet. "Building and Remodelling with GYPROC ,w GYPSUM, LIME and ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Vancouver B. C For Sale By Albert & McCaffcry, Ltd- ' - I'nnce Rupert, B.C. M. F. Nourse Burns LaHc, B.C. Ifc S. Sargent, Ltd. Hazclton, B.C. The George Little Lumber Yard Smithers, Hazclton and Terrace, B.C. Letourneau&Co Sheef Metal Works and Plumbing sjltf Light and Cornice. Tar and Oravel Roofing. Job Work a Specialty, AU Work Guaranteed. Esttmat-es Free. John Bremner Contractor ; ' ' - .-: Plastering, Tiling & Ornamental Work Fire l'laces a Specialty Estimate Furnished 323 5th Av. E. Phone Qreen 127 feOWMA ft CULLX8NK, AttCMTi, VAMCOWVtR, S.C. the floor plans are examined UNTIL It is hard to realise that in such a moderate sised home so mueh could be incorporated. The rooms are very neatly and cleverly arranged with Interesting and sur prising closets, recesses and entran ces, worked out in a simple manner The entrance hall or vestibule leads to a coat closet rear hall stairway and living room. This liv ing room Is especially worth nattn; because Its celling runs up to the roof. Adjaeent te the Mvtng room Is the dining room which is connected to the kitchen by meant of a small hal or passage which also leads to the rqald's room. A washroom and L CARACJ. If Kft Mr-- H It. . ttWWfrfn- vtiT i... i JfHALLff Livmc 4-1. ntwmc merstqnd wjiy it Is now specified ac cording to the atnountof water re f RPM quired to mix with each sack of cement . Today, concrete is considered simply a mass of fine and coarse UiuUtrtels. known as aggregates. u 4 20OM L: s HERE ARE RULES TO GAUGE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE MIXTURE "tyatrr-Cfmeut Uatio KNOWLEDGE of what concrete A (-rally Is make it easier to un- THE DAILY NEWS Building Trades Improving in City Yesterday tenders were adyerti$edJ:orjJ Templei'Last week tenders were asked for the CQjmpbtipn pf the Fisheries Experimental Station. A few houses are being built in different parts of the city. Considerable repair work and painting is going on, all helping to bring about a better conditipn in the local building trades. With the settlement of the fisheries question there will be a hopeful outlook all round and people will be more disposed to proceed with building plans. Those who last week were feeling blue and disposed to be pessimistic are today looking forward much more hopefully to improved conditions in the city. There is still talk of a pulpmill being built here before long and other w.ork is in the offing, in the meantime, there are more than enough workers to handle everything that is offering and it will be some time be-, fore all are employed. IVIuch interest is being taken in this series of plans. Men and women who will not be ready to build for a year or two are already considering what they may do and how they may do it. WITH STUDIO LIVING ROOM BOWMAN and CULLERNE, Architects lothes clonst are supplied for the ervant's ciilrters. The rear ball which leads from be entrance ball to the kitchen al-o connects to the garage. There la rmall cuiboard handily placed at he end of this hall. On the seoond floor the bathroom has been divided up into two rooms o that th bath and lavatory are wparate from the water closet. Doth 1 rooms are tiled and have modern' 'lxtures and fittings. Between the; ooras Is a small passage with a win- i low at the end which serves to light she main hall. The artistic Atone chimney rising throuati the. roof becomes a paint of merest by breaking the roof lines. The stone asjd brick of the chimney, and atone, ilueeo and half-Umber J-B-IJ litnriJa'taJM-j -- i held together by a hardened port-land cement paste. AJmple explanation of thls"Uf hat tl'iee'emeni ifnd water lorm ..a glue or paste ' wfien the materials for concrete are first mixed together. Then the paste nixes with the sand to form a mpr-Ur. As the mixing continues, this mortar surrounds the particles of coaroe aggregate to produce concrete At flrt this concrete in in a phi.sur condition, but a chemical actum then takes place between the cement and water causing the concrete to harden. If the cerj&nt paste in concrete Ls Uiui oi diluted from the addition A of the house form a pleasing bar Outline Sperifirations Site of House! 0" x 36 6." , Suitable Lot: 60 frontage. Wall: Stoceo. Hoof: Shingles. r.ullt-in Fixtures: Cttpfcewrda. Cubic Contents: J1JM) CfL it Approximate Cost: $f JS0. Readers desiring further infer station retarding a house af this design should conusnurieate with Messrs. Bowman tt Cwlierse, 516 Seymour St.. Vaneouvr. B.C.. and mention design No. ?T8. Gotpult a local architect if desmnlni architect is too far reroavaa. Oapjwlght 1821. of too much mixing water, a weak mortar is produeed. In sueh mortar ihe sand parc& ore noWflrpily eld tnsfttpyjjen thjiiTEhortar U weak the concrete will be weak because the'ooarser Aggregate will be only partially held together. But cement paste which has good binding qualities will produce strong mortar that will hold the flKgreg ates firmly tonether to make strong concrete II is. therefore, the strength of 'he pi.ftuui-l cement paste which determine the strength of the concrete. And i he strength tills paste i;. determined b the umount of WE ARE OFFERING: TIMBCIt DIMENSION, per S. 'a.ti SHII'LAI'. per M No. 1 SHINGLES, CEDAK, per M. B. C POKTLANP CEMENT. perTHil. .. .. Compare these prices Ends M'Hti 1Q9Q qitri -nti'i'll1 - . . twenty-five per cent. over t Irritation mm water mixed with the cement the attain reason why concreu u now specified according to the amount of water required to mix with each sack of cemantPor ordinary watertight oonorete. approximately six gallons of water are required tor each sack of cement. Second In Importance only to the amount ef mixing water in controlling the straifttto a? concrete, comes proper curing. Thorough curing s partieqUrly neaeasary where watertlghuess is required. Such curing requires bath moist atmosphere and proper temperature, and at its belt is aarrled en under moist condition t temperatures at or near 7 degrees F. for a period of time varying from a few days to four weeks, depending on the nature of, the work. Copyright 1M1. The Architects' Small House Service Bureau. Ine. Walk Repair Is Requested Third Avenue to Fourth Avenue Thoroughfare Cift Attention The city council last, night referred to the Board of Works with power to acton a largely signed petition requesting repairs to thf walk leading from Third Avenue to Fourth Avenue alongside the Dyb-havn St Hanson block AW Putlen, Aid. Pillsbury. Artlnr, K2.M 1S. a MS Albert & McCaffery, Limited Phones 11C and 117 REWIRE YOUR HOME Why put up with those unsightly wires? They .,p : We rewire your home, placing sockets in the dev.- low east Since you 'nave eiecincivy. use h mj oes' .... -L us help you, get the most benefit and pleasure fi i?i dollar." Radio Service Expert. Sattsfar'.. : We carry onl In ) 59 Parkin & Ward Electric 349 Third Avnup FRED SCADDEN PAINTING INTERIOR DECORATING , , Estimates Furnished Get Your Interior Work Done Now Telephone: Green 92 PIMPLES' CItired Rash Healed Expels fczm M iyur Collnit ain. " .pf)kc In lavm "i pairs. Aid Rudri ' jaiiietK ro the !' ii It wen met. sol .' probably luve City Englneei (.-that, if cltj proper It would cost $200n walk By follow im 1 over private pr'0( would probably br Pillsbury felt tli. mate was on the h: The matter of k for right-of-way v, I fare finally referm the board of wink I act. . i. t t - at1 SHEET METAL WORK and Roofing HOT AIK IIEATINf'n VENTILATION Alexander Mun AnjJ Roofttf. Work ii....; . w in on iur n B"" oompun Stcens Limited P.O Dox 028