pAOB TIMES PURE VANILLA EXTRACT SPECIAL . n fAA J i lii.'Ji):. ' nt iJanrain Prices ' 3 oz. 50c 6 oz. 90c pint $2.00 flakes Go6d Things Taste Better A I'arkc-Davis Product rmes Ltd. Zrfia Pioneer Druggists I'honcs SI & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS KCilOR FOR I Turner Valley IflPAI P.IRI i Lies m Ruins 1 1. side. Daughter of Aid. , I'iilsbury, President of T ikio Women's Club Small Oil Town Swept By 15,000 Blaze Last Week TURNER. VALLEY, Alta., April 28 : ! Nine buildings of thU small oil a,, HI IB ..A nnthl t.ri. town 1 In ruins to mark the 4S hi dim womanhood In OOu Maze that swept the business ix n pivrn by the elec- . section in the early hours of last H-iah Keenleyside, wife .Monday morning a Koenleyslde, first see- The fire rased stx stores, two pool Can id tan legation in rooms, an hotel, a cafe and a bus i csidfnt of the Tokyo station before it was checked. The , 'ib. the leading tnstltu- ;fi brigade from Calgary aided the ,ui m Japan. Mrs. Keen- i local volunteer fire fighters In the i -ake office in the early ! battle against the flames, which . Hi? new vice-president ' leIt only four buildings in the block R u sell cousin and : The ttre started from defective elec- hussy hostess of Mr. ; trie wiring in a vacant store. : i brs. United States am-Japan iieyMciP. formerly a rost- . l ouver and Ottawa. 1 i cvo oniy in September. miik the short endeared herself to immunity and by her unaffected Woman's Club tru daughter of Mr. It Pilisbury of Prince i i a Kfurluate of the t British Columbia in Simmons College, Bos-nce. u Woman s Club has a i jf approximately 900. i irtitu'ly all the prom- BODY SEEN IN ALASKA WATER SAID REN AH AN? KETCHIKAN. Alaska, April 2 Investigation of a report that two Her personal popular- i Metalekatla Indians had found ,t are testified to by ' fuUjr clothed body of a man on JS election as head Of Untmnr T.lanr! wu husun Thur- '"" , dav on the trioorv that another clue to the Renahan plane crash may be uncovered.. The report to United States Mar-thai Wm. H. Caswell said the body was found recently, but later lost The Indians attempted to tow it In the water, It was said, and then lost t. Robin Pat Renahan. Sam Clerf , il.n t thZ" Frank Hatcher, a party flying LZ1 1 SeatUe, perished when their mess men. diplomats, ,nLn thj. w.Ur last nnd educaUwWle"- Zl ' quarter of the member- iwed of socially promtn- m- laldes The latter are at in English, in which !.i ac'tviUcB of the club d The majority of the .: is British and Amert- ; are aim many repre-"f other nationalities, in " w :ves and daughters of - .i irt i.itnisters acered- ' 1 court. km club was founded as I. idies' Debating Society M'lie Stupes, the famous i iloglst and reformer, l October between Prince Rupert land Ketchikan. Pieces of theii plane were found later. ACTIVITY IN SETTLEMENT Many People Moving Into Central Interior Country Word received from the district confirms telwraphk reports of con- 1 lerble wUvlty in the way of t thep hen has nas been been the tne . nmaMl lrli-rinr The ;;rf1rrortiM - ny. The first president I .,... rt. of the country where farmers wno have apeclaUied In wheat have been unable to make, a living on their . ' 'em II MBHMM tm fVln ii v another old fellow, or, huge acreages, smiu i is pulling up quite a central interior have always pro-. Jt tkysi-BuffSilo Cour- vlded a consUnt though not luxur-s , joins living in good times and bad. BLANKET SPECIAL Have your blankets washed with mild P flakes nnd returned nice and fluffy. SPECIAL IMUCE FKOM MAY 1 TO 15 Single Blankets, each 40c , Double Blankets, each 60c Pillows 50c PIONEER LAUNDRY LTD. Phone 118 and Our Driver Will Call UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hlramrra leave iTlnre Hiiert f r Vancouver: 'VTALA KVI'llV TI'ENIIAY. IJ I'M. Arriving Vancouver, via Oen Fall. TbuudaT Noon appro. KIEYV l.VIKV I Kill AY MIIINKIIIT Arrlvlnf Vancouver Sunday mldnlgbt aPiroi. iniiinji to Port Blmpnon. Alice Ann. Anyoa, Stewart ana na Rier )hUiij Sunday B OO p.m i' '"iiiiaMun rruHrUlng all nUiiiRR and tickelf at i ut ri:itT Aui:rv: mm Avniue I'liom- Local Items Dinnerware, china, crockery, glass ware, Ileilbroner's Store. Tuesday, April 28, 8:30 sharp. Ad- Fhffisi&h; 25(EebWy;"el5ome. James 0. Eteen returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a brief business trip to Port Simpson. "The Kiss Waltz" was played by radio station KJR of Seattle last night fpr "Low and party," of Burns Lake, on request of "Bob" of Vancouver. Constable P. B. Smith, provincial police, transferred from here to Fort St. John, will leave on tomorrow morning's train for his new post in the Peace River Block, accompanied by Mrs. Smith. Tbe report of the auditor for the first three months of 1931 was pre sented to the city, council at its meeting last evening and laid over for, two weeks so aldermen may have the opportunity of perusing IV v A recommendation from the Board of Works that dangerous di lapidated plank sidewalks on Eighth Street between Second and Third Avenues be removed was adopted by the city council council at last night's meeting The city council at last night's meeting adopted a report from the utilities recommending that the fare fit Fire Chief D. H. McDonald to attend the fire convention in Vancouver from May 27 to 29 be Mid providing he attends same during his annual vacation. A recommendation from the utilities reporting against the Installation of a street tight requested at the comer of-Seventh Avenue and Taylor Street was adopted by the city council last nkght. The committee saw no reason for providing the light since the volume of distribution wm already similar at this point to that on other streets'. ' the house meantime had been leaned to a party of three men now In occupation. The matter was referred to the city treasurer for adjustment. SAVED IMPORTED DRESS "After a litlle wearing, a lovsly green voile nn imported drewi lost color so completely that it was not wearable. A friend ho had admired it aked me tiy 1 waan't wearing it My more. On hearing the reason, the advhxid dyeing it and rrcom-meaded Diamond Dyei. To make a long Ktory ahort, it turned out Iwauufully. I have a lovely new dress that really coat jutt 15c the price of one package of Diamond '1 have since used Diamond Dyes for both tinting and dyeing. Thry do either equally well. I am net an expert dyer but I never have a failure with Diamond Dye. They seem to be made so they always go on smoothly and evenly. They rtever spot, streak or ma; and friends never know the thing I dye with Diamond Dyes are redyed at allH Mrs. n.F Quebec. FIRST CHOICE OF SUITS Oil SPUING COATS New samples Just arrived of spring and summer goods of the finest quality and the patterns of the very latest. LINO THE CUTTER Steam cleaning, pi easing and altering. Free delivery to any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave, Vlione C19 S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Pas k Oil Plat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue I'hone 8J TUB DAILY NEWS Tuesday, April 28, 1931 Rheumatism? Quick relict from rheumatic pains without harm: t .-! To relieve the worrt rheumatic pain If a very aimple matter. Aspirin will do it every time! It's something that you can alwaya tale. Genuine Aspirin toblttt are harmless. Look for the Bayer Croti on each tablet ASPIRIN TRADE MARK RIO. This afterioon's train, due from the East at 3:30, was reported this morning to. be on time. Phone 32 Taxi for special rates, day and night - for large parties Experienced drivers. tf W. E. Walker, manager of Ar-randale cannery, arrived in th city from the Naas River on the Catala this morning. A bylaw to repeal local improve ment bylaws 757 and 787 was fl nally reconsidered and adopted ai last night's meeting of the coun cil, i J. J. Little, manager of the Nor thern B.C. Power Co., returned to the cltj on the Catala this morn ing from a brief trip to Stewart nn official buslneM. The city council last night at. cepted a tender of $110 from Wal ter Long will for the installation of a toilet and basin in the poUn station. Smith Si Mallett tendered $115 for the Job, H. E. DeWolfe. -local manager o the W. H. MalkhvCo. Ltd., returned to the city on the Catala thr morning after making the round trip to Anyox aricl 'Stewart on com pmny business. A bylaw providing for the tern porary bohowtsf from the ban of $100,000. .perkrmg the receipt o the yeajts taxation pQectkms. wa fia4h'.ttaWdffdalnd adept- at last nights city council meet There was some discussion at ing. last night's meeting of the city council lri regard to a certain sol-! "Down the Spanish Main," diets' housing scheme house which two-reel film depleting a cruise or the payments having fallen be-'Canadian . National steamer hlrfd. the former occupant vacated , through the West Indies, was but, having - since paid up. now shown, with William Crtrkkshanlr wishes to move back In although, In charge, at the regular monthly open Inn ch eon of the Oyro Club in the Commodore Cafe todav President C. C. Mitk presided over the luncheon. A scheme of City Engineer F. N Oood for the subdivision of lots ' and 2, block 1 Section S. on Bor den Street was adopted at las' night's council meeting. One of thr portions will have a frontage of M feet on Borden Street and a denth of 90 feet. The other portlor will have 15 foot frontage on Borden Street to give access to the rest of the lot A tetter from lien It. W. Bruhn minister of public works, read at ast night's meeting of Uie ctv council, announced that the dls-rict engineer had "been instructed to carry oh further road construction work here as soon as possible. Announcement of the proposwr resumption of the work on May 1 was announced yesterday In the city press. On recommendation of the Board of Works the city council last' night agreed that, when i new sidewalk is built on Fraser 8treet, It shall be made especially strong In front of Mrs. Clapp'i property so that irueics may aar.i In Aver It to the building. Mrs Clapp has agreed to meet any additional cost Involved by the special strengthening ANNOUNCEMENTS -v a Oyro Hoedown May 1. tm. ' , : ' tr Mott ' Whist Drfvtf' arid ' Dance Friday, May 8th. i Olrl Guide display. Cathedral Hall, May 8. S.O.N. Vinland No. 28 Independence Day Dance. Moose Hall. Mav 15. ' ' Canadian National Recreation' Association Monte Carlo night. May 18 and 19. C N.RA. Badminton Courts l Glasses fitted bf registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Furs remodelled, cleaned ' and repaired. An experienced cutter Goldbloom's Fur Shop. tf Gyro aidoXtgymnsi;. at Moose QtekHsiLirM kHsIL slum; undCharn, over- City accounts tor the two week ending April 24 totalllrg $8,275.21 were passed for payment at last ight's council meeting.. Thomas Cook, for drunkenness was fined $25, with option oi thirty days' Imprisonment, in city police court this morning. Mrs. Oscar Landry, wife of the district superintendent of Government Telegraphs, sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Rev. W. B. Jennings returned to the city on the Catala this morn ing from Alice Arm where he con ducted services in the Anglican Church on Sunday. It will be a iclr days longer be fore the new snagboat Easing ton built at the dry dock. Is finished and ready to be turned over to the federal government. Union steamer Catala. Capt. A. i. Dickson, returned to port at 10:- X) this morning front Anyox. stew- irt and other northern points and ailed at l:3i this afternoon for Vancouver and wayports. A clever dlsp'ay of woodworklnv irt by A. O. Morse, well known pi oneer of the city, is seen in the window of the Grotto Cigar Store Mr. Morse, apparently has a val uable talent along this lite. At 6 o'clock last evening thr ire department had a call tc Seventh Avenue near Mcdymont Park where a catering fire got out of control. The blase was soon tx Hrgulsbed and no damage was done. City Engineer r. N. Ooad tepor 'ed arttkt ntmrs iiil Msr-or the lty cmitfcsrtt$k ttse19nun would h pot to wore this week on'cer-aln new water mains In vanou? larts of the city The necessary lipe will be here during the week Constable William smith , provincial police, transferred from here to Smltbcrs. will leave on tomorrow morning's tram for the ln-trior to resume his new duties. Mrs. Smith and family will proceed to Smtthers at the end o' June. The city council last night on t-ecommendation of the Boartl of Works, gave permission to Thorns MrMeekln to excavate rode on city reserve to give access to the rear f Watt's Grocery, subject to legs.' agreement and approval. Mr. Mc-Maekln will assume all costs involved. Access will be made from Fulton Street. A free nubile Cooking 8chool and Refrigerator Demonstration sponsored by the Northern B.C. Power Co. and Canadian General Slectric Co. and conducted by Miss France Thompson, internationally known Home Economist, will be held In the I.O.DJ:. Hall 5th Ave., twice daily from May 11 to 15 at 2:30. to 4:30 and 8 to 10 pra. Prizes and reciDes will be distributod at every session. Everybody welcome. 99 Always uniform and dependable WOMEN THE WHOLE WORLD w: , , Lnr L FUnU Vancouver Stocks tOourteay S. O. Johaatea Oa. ) Cayvlew, nil, 1. Dig Missouri. 36. 37. Cork Province, 1, 2. Duthie Mines, 5, 6. George Copper, 56, GO. Georgia River. 2, 2. Qrandvtew, 3, 4 ft. Independence, nil, 1. Indian Mines, 1. nil. Kootenay Florence. 1. nil L. & L, nil, 1. Lucky Jim. nil 3. National Silver. 14. 2tt. Noble Five. 4V4. 5. Oregon Copper, 0. 8. Pend Oreille, 1.01, MS. Premier, 16, nil. Porter-Idaho, 5, t. Rtifns-ArgentR. 24fc, 3. Stiver Crest, 2, 3. Soowflske. 2. 2. Topley ntchftsM. L nil Whitewater, nil 5. Woodbine, l, 1. OILS Hargal, nil, 7. A. P. Con. 33. 38. Oalmont. 10, 11. balhousle, nil. 3S. Fabyan Pete, 3 4, 4. Iiome, 67. 70. Royallte. 9.50. 10XX). Merland. 13. 14. Mercury. 18, 19. , United, nil. 164. Eastern Stocks Noranda. 33.00, 340. C. P. R.. 34i0. nU. Int. NlekeL 15D0, nil Ford "A." 1935. nil. onj'opley- j' I B&m neRoad Is Being Continued Work Is being continued by the provincial public works department on the Topley Bablne road, which is principal route used to reach Ba- ' bine Lake. It Is Intended to complete 1 right through to the lake this sea- son the widening and grading which has been proceeding for the last three years. When this Is done It will be possible t reach Bablne by , :uit' in thr summer months ENVIES Tnrr-wesr"tl) latest clothes" with such stunning- effects. For every woman within this charmed circle there are thousands dieting to achieve such a figure. Some succeed. But too many pay the penalty. Weight may be lost but years of age are often added. The skin becomes sallow. The eyes tired. Energy is lost The diet that produces such unhappy results frequently lacks roughage. Kellogg' All-Bran In a reducing diet helps you keep fit All-Bra, does not add fat to the body. But its abundant bulk relieves and prevents internal congestion safely, and it contains iron to color cheeks and help prevent dietary anemia. Made by JCellogg in London, Ont All-Bran CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING (J. T. V. 20.00U-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineer. Machinists, Boilermakers, Illarksmithts Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworker. Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 vAND 38S ZAM'I Soothes Injuries BL00D-P uk revenrs SON 1 HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all roonu. A. J. rRimilOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser nnd Fifth 8ts. Savoy A. Stewart, Lewis Island. New Royal Hotel I. Karelll. Prop THE HOTEL VtOKTII WHILE Hot St Cold Water. Steam Heat 75 PER DAY AND UP Telephone tm Boston Grill rhone 457 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPKCIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIltY FOR SKEP.NA 4IKAMI Creamery Butler & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station DODGE and HANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND IIODY WORK A SPECIALTY .r4 i .9:9 tr L