Today's Weather ftnce ..Rupert Cloudy, light Wind; barometer, 30:10, j e f& sea smooth. r 99. -f ized near the Queen Char-Islands iMt spring by the Rupert fisheries patrol and "d with Illegal fUhlng opera - T; defence of the boats was that wi re in shelter on account of r her and became of engine ihif They were first ordered l. ated in the Admiralty Court . '. :t -torta by Mr. Josttee Archer TR0UTP00L ARRIVES Vessel Here to Load Cargo of Wheat For United Kingdom or Continent Ropner Line steamer Trout-arrived in port at 3 o'clock this iiiiyj from Liverpool. England. : now on berth at the Alberta it Pool's local elevator where v. ill load the second cargo of n to be shipped from here to t'nited Kingdom or Continent m the last few days. The Trout- . is already lined and will, it is v-riod. be able to start loading ' ,i The reasel was met at Triple M(i and piloted in by Capt. C. W. V irmouth. ( apt. John O. Dodds. roaster of Troutpool, reported an uneven t-f vyage here from Liverpool via Panama Canal. Unemployed Fewer In California As Industries Expand N FRANCISCO. April 38: 1 n is u noticeable decrease In the v i of unemployment in the State California. Meantime there is a ) e.ible expansion In industrial . 1 Uvity. The Weather Tuple Island Cloudy, light uthcrly wind; sea moderate. I.tngara Island Cloudy, calm;' ; in southerly .wind; sea smooth. liid Tree Point Part cloudy, i ' south wind; barometer, 30:08; niperature, CO; light chop. PHYSICIANS STOOD BY WHILE SNOWBEN DELIVERED BUDGET . i. LONDON. April 28 While nt Hon. Philip Snowden. Chancellor of the Exchequer. delivered hU budget speech, ' wo physicians remained In in ante-room to give aid in 'Mse of emergency. Snowden imd virtually risen from his sick bed to prwent the budget. 4 cally 111. MMUCAN SEATTLE HALIBUT WENT ON AUCTION BOARD MONDAY Canada Supreme Court Orders Confiscation Of Four Troll Boats Vessels May, Queen City, Tillic M. and Sunrise Lose Out in Highest Court of Land Were Fishing Illegally OTTAWA, AprI 28: Four boats of United States rejjis-trv are condemned as forfeited to the crown for fishing . ithin Canadian territorial waters on the Pacific Coast under a judgment handed down by the Supreme Court of Canada today. The boats are the May of Ketchikan, Queen City of Seattle, Tillie M. of Aberdeen and Sunrise of Hb- t i;'m The four boats, all t rollers. 4- MAY LEARN THEIR FATE Commander Donald McMillan Hopes to Find Trace of Nungcsser and Coll NEW YORK, April 28: Com-mander Donald McMillan is hop inc. as a result of an expedition planned for this year, to shed some light on the mysterious disappearance in 1927 of Nungesser and Coll, who became lot while attempting to fly across the Atlantic Ocean from France to United Stales. McMillan has announced plans fr an expedition by air and water to pioneer a new northern air route to England. EAST HAS COLD SNAP Snow Reported in New York State and Heavy Frosts In Middle West NEW YORK. April 2: Unusual weather conditions were prevailing in the east yesterday Snowstorms and gales were reported from Northern New York State At Oaranae Lake in the mountains there was Ox inches of snow on the ground. Reports from Chicago announced exceptionally cold weather in the Middle West with heavy frosts. REVOLT IN HONDURAS It e ports That Revolution Was Over Prove Premature Rebels Arc Active TEOUCIOALPA. Apm m-u-j plte premature announcemen ( that the revolution in Honduras ( was over, insurrectionists were stlU , active In this Central American reDubllc of Honduras yesterday. I , n,.mmi Jiwm laie yesvri - day scored a decisive victory over the rebels wro are numbered at 3,000 and who are reported to bo well armed. Condition of Aged Educator Is Unchanged TALO ALTO, April 18-No change u-ai renorted vesterday in the con- I anion 01 ur. Da via Biarr jorama. i MiiarT swnrn mm -a i eu-year wu r" ; - , ,, is rr ti- Stanford University. latin NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUM TROLL HARRISON HOT SPRINGS BANDITS STILL AT HUGE r- VANCOUVER, April 28 Three bandits who blew the safe of Harrison Hot Springs Hotel yesterday and escaped with $700, are still at large de- spite efforts of the provincial police to trap them. MURDER FEARED Ransom Offered But Chinese Reds Do Not Give Up Missionary HANKOW. April 28: - Although the $10,000 ransom which was demanded was forthcoming, Chine e Red bandits yesterday refused to give up Bert Nelson, Mmneapcl-missionary, who is being held oap ttve It is feared that Nelson may have been murdered. MODIFYING DRY LAWS Should Not be Difficult to Get Beer and Light Wines in States 'Says American Federation Leader PHILADELPHIA. April 28 Matthew Wohl. vke-presidtnt of the American Federation of Labor, at an executive conference here yesterday, called on all Laboritee for support in the fight to bring about modification of the Volstead Act so as to permit at least of the legalised sale of beer and light wines in the United States. Wohl contended that there were comparatively few Bone Dries in either Senate or House and that it should not be difficult to bring about modification ol the Eighth Amendment. JAIL BREAK IS FOILED Authorities Catch on to riot in Utah State Pen Two In Solitary Confinement Now SALT LAKE CITY. April 38; Two prisoners were yesterday placed in solitary confinement while ten others are under strict surveillance as a result of the discovery of a ploV for a wholesale Jail delivery from the Utah State Penitentiary by use of dynamite. The plan was to release 21 prisoners. RUSSIAN SHIP jn ItMrOADiNn TIMBER j.BCD r CARGO A rrr NORFOLK. Virginia, April 28: Unloading of a timber -cargo from a nusuati "'"- """ several days ago was allowed yesterday. An Inquiry was first made to ascertain whether or not the cargo was the product of convict labor. i Contractors of San Francisco Oppose Wage Cut SAN FRANCISCO, April 28: Three hundred San Francisco con voted yesterday aealnst any - rill , , Ul below the present' level. ft) PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1931 An Interesting Relic Arm relK: o! s: ok... :.: .it afooir K!T' which contains the amiOoDt ot S ;'rt;i- tin Maityr. and wi.u-h is among famous Gue,ph treasurers now on display at Chicago Art Institute Fourteen Halibut Boats Sold Today To Old Local Fish Companies The United Pacific Fisheries was not on the market to day for halibut but all the local fish sold to the old Prince Rupert buyers. Fourteen boats disposed of their catches, five of when were American, and nine Canadian, tne American boats getting about two cents more thun Canadian, the difference of the U. b. duty Price of Salmon i t J y i Ll Here and IVelCniKan i Word received this morning lrotu Ketchikan was that 94.000 pounds 'of spring salmon sold there yes terday, large reds going at 10c.. small at 7c. sad white at 4c. The price tor salmon here today was 10c. for large. Sc. for small and Sc. for w ' MRS mk nwvsnv DAWSON was WAS WINNER OF FIVE DOLLARS TODAY 4 Mrs. F G. Dawson who sent her check for subscription to the Dally News was one of the winners oi the free dollar cir- dilation prbM )B' the special offer now being conducted. un Dawsan'a cheek is being returned to her on thlv mail. 4- She U ereditta with 15 months paid in advance. The SDcelal offer closes at 4 end of May but in the mean- 4- time all MibacrtpUons paid a j 4 year in advance are given at at the five dollar rate for 15 4-1 A nvnntha m6 nph Mth suh- 4 tcrtptton is returned to thp 1 person wi. pays it. J i 4. t 4- 4- 4- BIA'S NEWSPAPER ' Word received from Ketchikan i was that 17.000 pounds sold yester day to the United Pacific on orom- . k- x--.,. . lng Company bought S34() pounds at 8c and ic tor meting and 48.000 pounds were put into cold storage Sales at Prince Rupert today were as follows: .. American Tahoma, 16.000, to Booth Fisheries at 10.4c and 7c. Bcnorn. la.uuu to hoohi risnenes- HI IW.OC inu (C. Tomorrow's Tides Wednesday, April 29, 1931 High - .11:15 a.m. 19:9 ft. 23:33 p.m. 21.0 ft Low ! 5:05 a.m. 4.9 ft. . 17:20 p.m. 4:3 ft. SEATTLE, April 28: After a conference with fishing vessel owners on Monday, Independent, fish dealers bought the catches of twenty-live halibut schooners which had ! rone begging because of inability of the recently organized co-operative United Pacific Fisheries, composed of vessel (owners, to finance their purchasing. More than $10,000 fcivorth of fish was sold at 10c and 7c. CHAOS AT , KETCHIKAN Half a Million Pounds ot Halibut Still Unsold There Aboard Boats I I KETCHIKAN, April 28: The I chaotic conditionketthr halibut 1 Insf ftf e 4e ni el t 4 e mnr iuu e(i n .7 mill f i u iuvi V- vthan a dozen large fishing schooners and many smaller boats had More than 500,000 pounds of-un-iold fish on board. , The boat owners were holding the fish pending word from the i United Pacific Fisheries to buy 1 fish. I I LIFE FOR I GANGSTER ; Fred Burke. Chicago Machine Gun-1 ner, Will Cause No More Trouble ST. JOSEPH. Missouri, April 28 Fred R, Burke. Chicago gangster machine gunner, will trouble no more for he was yesterday sentenced here to life imprisonment with hard labor In Marquette Pen- "'"- Ul the murder of Patrolman Charles Skelly while the latter was at- tempting to arrest him. Soviet Rushes Aid To Stranded Ship On Russian Coast MOSCOW. April 38: A Soviet ice breaker was dispatched yesterday tr, thi roriM nf tart mnnlm nf th I of the xhoon vlctory whlch ; i .rm,hlo nn h nnrth maat Tha PRINCES ARE HOME TODAY (Wales ami Georte Fly From Bordeaux to Paris and Due in ' London Today PARIS. April 28 On their was home after a four-man Lha' tat tali 8ouUl Xmeriea. the Prince of Wales Jand prt rj arrived here yesterday, having flown from Bor deaux. The Prince of Wales expressed keen pleasure at the prospect of being home again today. Vancouver Wheat ! VANCOUVER. April 28: - Wheat was quoted at 59iic on the loeal exchange today. , Tuscan, 9.500 to AUin Fisheries atTcrew Is threatened with being fro- 10Jc and 7c laen to death Remus, 9.000 to AUin Fisheries at 10.2c and 7c. Tyoe, 11.000, to Royal Itih Com-,iany at 10.5c and 7c. Canadian Uiiome. 7.000, Cold Storage at 8.1c ,md ac IiiRrtd H . 10.000, to Royal Fish Co at 82c and 5c. Tnmn '8 and 5c Morris h.. Bow to facmc tun- eries at 8.1c and 5c. Bayview. 7.500. to Royal Fish Co. 4v" 8Sl UIld 50 Ouny. 13,000 to Cold storage at 8c iand 5c. R W.. 8.500 to Cold 8torage at 8c and 5C. Aleve. (,uuu 10 AUin risnencB ui 8.1c and 5c. H and R.. 5.000 to Cold Storage ut 8c und 5c. More Than $40,000 Fish Sold Yesterday At Paget Sound Port Price of 10c and 7c Paid United Pacific Fisheries Hoped to Put Independent Buyers Out of Business, It Is Asserted PRICE FIVE CENTS APPEAL Wholesalers refused on Saturday 'to buy the catches It is declared here that the United Pacific Fish eries was organized to put the in-I dependent buyers out of business. CALIFORNIA HAS STORM forVrnilai Kains Inundate Streets and Cause Flood Conditions L08 ANGELES, April 28: The back appeared to be broken yesterday of unusual weather conditions which have prevailed in California. during the past several days. Early yesterday morning, there were torrential rains of cloudburst proportions in the Los Angeles district while three huge waterspouts in the Pacific Ocean could be observed from the shore. Sidewalks were Inundated In San Pedro and at Long Beach there were, flood, conditions. REVOLT TO BE ENDED Portuguese Government at Last takes Firm Steps in Island Colonies LISBON, April 28: The Portuguese government has finally launched its tardy efforts to put down a revolution which has been on for the past few weeks at Fun-chal. Madeira Islands. The attack against rebel forces has now been launched by land and air. HOOVER TO RUN AGAIN President Will Seek Re-election, Preliminary Organization Work Indicates WASHINGTON, AprU 28 Preliminary organisation that Is being launched on his behalf leads to the belief that President Herbert Hoover has definitely decided to stand for a second term. Body o Crash Victim Home For Burial S BATTLE, April : Accompanied by the widow and young child, the body of Thomas D. Stlmson, Seattle millionaire, was brounht home yesterday for burial. He lost his life In a mysterious utrplano crash in the Washington Ok.inagan Sunday. m t t tea