w Lr F. E;, ft.: W A; A; Be, Bt-pf. April 28, 1631. TOT DACT mtWV F0S rrra 1 hy Not Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? (MP Jt Rent That Room, Secure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etc., Through a Classified Ad. 1 '.!' r l M Furnished room i; desired. Phone S43. 102 ..iit HINT -4-room house, 1028 1 I ? nu Avenue, coll 645 or 180 101 i r i tpartment. Apply Mussal- lc:.. Phone 18. tf ;in rrNT -Clean, well furnished ,i apartment. Palmer Ap-: Phone Red 444. nrxTT Ml intv nm nipt pi v ird apartmenU downtown i . s from fish dock. Dre- r A;r tmenta, 140 Second Av-r Phone 043. tf WANTED TO RENT 4: : i.;.) to rent, for two months, uat 28 to 36 feet. View i imk Phone Red 730. 100 FOR SALE KIT. Table Lamp; 2 cribs; in double bad, complete. (,rrvn 687. 101 SITUATIONS WANTED x. z olung, or day work in or own Phone Blue 629. Public Stenographer " "orris, office Westen-BJ.M-k. Phone 782 tf THE MARKET F ihnnng are reta&prttes current here today: Applf N. wton, fancy box $3.00 s Wlneaana, fancy box 2.85 K. tuncy box 350 2c u fancy - 335 :.inRCS 50c to .85 Sunklst. doz. 40 U Grapefruit ...12ftc to .20 i.i Grapefruit 0c to .10 n is 2 lbs. 3 t'l UDes uer lb. .40 i ted honey, per Jar 55 Con:l honey .35 bulk, lb .12ft R r bulk, lb 15 jMffl frnll t ,inti orange peel Bla;.i cooking tigs. lb. .. t-; iiU. lb , : oeel ' figs, lb dried peeled ts lb " 60-70, lb 30-40. lb. f-unr 40-50, lb Mcata- t F No. 1, lb 38c and tlnn Chicken, lb ..... .icrs -m, . ilced. first grade trozen, lb " r pullets, doz JO .IS .15 J35 .15 50 50 50 .10 .16 12Vt lu-'nir. first grade 55 ' ' rolls, lb .30 an. side, sliced, best grade JS J loin P Shoulder n. Pork dry salt " .m bacon, lb. 35q to Bnouider .it h . ,40 ij 56 .50 , J5 rD loin ' 74'J pot roast 22c to 5't boiling 15c V) .15 UI roast, prime rib 50 L-nib shoulder .35 "teak 35c to 'b r.hops .., "'in. shoulder ... ; kippers, lb "-thw frozen lh ' . ,. ' ,mut .30 .40 .40 50 .15 ,'iS .25 .25, Beef Scrap Ground oil cake . 1 ... , M,n : l r i ii -- 1,1 ' " . . i ri A CCinm k rturnTiornfiraT'TP ! M,ROJiriE.U A ) v r.i I l.ir. Yir.N 1 FOR RENT 1ENT Modem Apartment V . muver ouuaing. u Willi bath. Pnone 547. tl k i : . JUJUvU vk ovvnui hf :m Phone Blue 345. tfl NT Furnished 5-room jiw Phone Red (599. tf ,7 FURRIER CHIROPRACTIC . .. MRS. Q. FOWLER, 501 Sixth Av- Sunshine and lied Ray Treatments enue-West. Phone Dlue 153. tf Nervpus. Fejuale and Chlldm Diseases Specially Treated TAXI & MESSENGER W, C, ASPINAIX - Cbiropractiri Phone Green 241 TAXI and Messenger Service. & 7 Exchange Bit. Opp. Orme's) Phone 678. Day and Night. Dar- . j. row& Bert " ! . , BOARD AND ROOM AUCTIONEER ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 129. tf PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART , , ' We buy. sfU or exchange any kind of furniture or household1 LODGE MEETINGS goods, musical instruments, ma I chinery, etc. General repairs, ELKS' meeting nights First and crating, packing and shipping. Third Mondays, Metropole Hall. Workmanship guaranteed. Just - -- -. phone Bla 120 and we wlU KNIFE GRINDING j call O. J, DAWES, Auctioneer, Federal Block tf Get your cutlery sharpened knives, 10c; scissors, 15c. Variety TRANSFERS Store, near Post Office. (78) j CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. i SHOE REPAIRS ! Dry Birch. Cedar and Jack pine. j H FOR Finest Work try Louis Shlblg, i Mi Second Avepue West. Box 3C RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and Prince B.C. V. Furniture Moving. Phone 204. Rupert. tf -L DRESSMAKER SALVAGE ANP TOWINf; : MI8S N. ROGERS. Phone Blaci; do it-Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. FuPy Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work AcenU for EASTIiOI'E ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descriptions lor Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Barcains in Gas Engines Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidce Propellers Band and Gravel In any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Pbone, Day or Night 5C4 P.O. Box 15B4 DA fresh extras, dee. 30 Butteri- Fartoy eartpned, X rba -86 No. 1 Creamery, lb 40 1 3 lbs MS ! Flour-Flour. 49s, No. 1 hat d wheat I Fine oat chops - ' InrnthpH nntu Fine barley chop Nuts-Almonds, shelled Valenclas California soft shelled walnuts Walnuts, broken aJieiled Walnuts, shelled halves Peanuts -- Cheese . PALMISTRY MRS. JAMBS CLARK. Palmistry and Crystal Reading. White House 825 Second Ave., Telephone-,? 07. FLEET CAFE BARBER Shop and Shower Bath will open in Nelson Trading Co. building on waterfront April , under management of H. A. Nelson. a2 Kraft Llmberger. Vis Ontario solids New Zealand aortas . Stilton, lb. . Kraft Norwegian goat ... . tj ' Napoleon Llmberger . A- Roqueion Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. .. .50 , swift's Brookfleld, lb. Feed iGorgonzola. lb Wheat. N6. 3 Alberta 1.95 ; Brookfleld Swiss. Vi-lb. pkg. No. 5 Albert 1.80: Gruycre. .. . lOaU Bran 'Shorts - Middlings 'Barley -i Local new mid, doe. l B5 1 HrooKiieia uanaaian cneese. 10 1.60 ' ' tl IV Ml W-lb. pkg. ! Qalden Loaf. lb. 455 Parsnips, 4 lbs. 2.00 Carrot. 5 lbs. . 2.00; Beets, lb 1.85: cabbage, California I Onions, 4 lbs. 501 California head lettuce, 2 hds. 5 Victoria hothouse tomatoes lb. .45 .50 .15 Oreen Peas, lb. Mcuaren s uream, jiwo, -rj - Rhubarb Rnuoaro, Camembert, 8-oz. pkg. .65 J5 JO 20 .40 .45 .60, .70 .80 .4$ AO JO .45 J25 .45 2-10 1 Texas New Potatoes, lb 15 1.75 .potatoes, netted Jems. 8 tbi. 55 40 sack r 250 Lard Potatoes Pure '. Ashcroft, 8 lbs. 54 Compound 5i . 2J0, Rueftr i Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs 55 Yellow, 100 lbs 5-00 j Parsley, bunch . ,10 wfilte, 100 lbs 5.60: California Celery, head 55c and SO Laying Mash 3.10 ' Spinach, California, 2 lbs. 55 Ovstor Shell - I-85 . Garlic. Imported, per lb .49 at m m . i I l am ZM Leeks, bunch Brussels Sprouts 50 Bulk TurnlpsowO ea S'4 7 Cauliflower, Wash., hd. 20c to -.30 outdoor, 4 lbs ' 55 BRINGING UP FATHER TMXT5 O K AH, MR JlSfiWC WILU SO TO POKIER AND THEM I I 1 Close the dbau , pi 1 "" . V Frank H. Coon PALMER GRADUATE Doctor of Chiropractic Office Hours: 11 to 12 2 to 5 7 to 8 Saturday and Sunday by appointment. Consultation free. Phone 857 Room 15 Eesner BIk. House, Blue 539 Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue Singer Sewing ' Machines On Easy Monthly Payments As low as $3.00 per month Cneaper to Buy than rent All makes of machines repaired. McKAE BROS. LTD. INTERIOR DECORATING. PAINTING AND SIGN WRITING Very moderate prices. Basy Xerms JOERGEN R MOLLER Painter ond-Dccurator Phone Red 802.- 7th Ave W. BLASTING AND EarthTVork ' NELS ROKKJAR 811 Fnuser Street Phone Blue 823 Evenings FURNITURE USED CHESTEItriELU AND TWO CHAIRS FOR BALE CHEAP MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phone 775 QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prices: No. 1 5x per M S3.75 No. 1 3x per M. , 355 No. 2 per M. SMS ROBERTSON Jk SIMPSON Massett. B.C. Atent: Hyde Transfer, Phone 580 en t Mwr baiu: mma nuiv 1 KEY LAT CHAKO OF THE PIM1C ROSE OHOVP OF MINERAL, CLAIM. 9(tuMl In Um cooat Mmm Mlnlnf Dlvtoton at hul at KMuum I. TAKE NOTIOE wr W. H Mason fr nUnrr'a efUnoW Pnaon NlooU. (m mtnr mirtcU sStBS, Alexander UoLeod, tn miner! oartUleatc S4 T20D. R, A. llQWyman Xftm Blmf'i or-urkt S4TMD.. intrnd. attly aB from amt brrat to apply to tbr mtning r-porder tor eertlttoaiaa of tmpntmaU 'tar tt purpom uf gMaUUnc crown frant for the abow olafena. And furUter takr notlor that act (on .under fieetton ( the Mineral Act mut be MHunncc, befcre the taauanci or uch certificate 4 tsaprovemeuu. Dated thia nth tY of AstrU. IM1. Oet iv the Ao irndmg nablt. It 1 V 1 LLJ lit 11 , l 1 1 ' a " " U --- ,t - - - - . -r .. : . s . Mil. ? , 1 1 .... . Special Offer ! For Short Time Only , J 15 Months' Subscription For the Ordinary Yearly Price of $5.00 in Prince Rupert -or- $3.00 Anywhere in Northern B.C. Outside of the city limits FREE! To the fortunate holder of each Twenty-fifth receipt as advertised above, on subscription accounts and issued from our office we will present a cheque for yOU KMOW.TMIS RBSTALiRAMT I AM AKtKiS YOU TO 66 SWE.U-, THC.T OONiT OCvt vVr L " 1, ,ANO V 1.0 r -1 so? in ui uri lai ) 1 rVl nJT rN I O rMtun km !.. Qrtl rl(4l riH liw4 $5.00 PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS LTD. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Sunday ss. Pr. Charles 10 pjn. Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 pm. Thursday ss. Pr. Oeorge 10 pjn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pjn. SS. Cardena, midnight. April 1 as. Princess Norah 5 pjn. April 12 ss. Princess Alice 5 pjn. April 22 ss. Princess Alice 5 pjn. From Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala 4 pm. Wediw. . Pr. Oeorge 10:30 am. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pjn. Cardena pm. April 8 s. Princess Alice ... am. AprU 18 ss. Princess Alice ...a'm. April 29 ss. Princess Alice .am. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday as. Catala 8 pm. From Naas River k. Tort Simpson Tuesday bs. Oatala ...11:30 am. For Stewart and An) ox-Sunday ss. Oatala 8 pm. Wednesday ss. Pr. George 4 pm. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss Caiala 11:30 am. Thursday ss. Pr. Oeorge 8 pm. For Ocean Falls-Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 pm. Thursday ss. Pr. George 10 pm. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pm. From Ocean Falls Wednes. ss. Pr. George 10:30 am. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pm. Friday ss. Cardena pm. For Queen Charlotte Islands-April 4 ss. Prince John .. .10 pm. April 18 ss. Prince John 10 pm. From Queen Charlotte Islands AprU 2 ss. Prince John nm. April 16 ss. Prince John ....am. April 30 ss. Prince John ....am. For Alaska-April 8 ss. Princess Alice ...Jim. April 18 s. Princess Alice .. .am. April 29 ss. Princess Alice .. .am. From Alaska-April 1 ss. Princess Norah ..pm. AprU 12 ss. Princess Alice ..pm. AprU 22 ss. Princess Alice ..pm. From Skeena River Frlday-ss. Cardena pm. Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 10.30 ahi. From the East-Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday 330, pm. For Vancouver-Sunday ..... Tuesday .-. Thursday Friday AprU L. 12, 22 From Vancouver- Sunday By George McManus iinr 1 O.p.m. . llso 9 ptm. . pin. Wednesday , , u 1DJ0 Friday .. April 8, 18, 29 For Anyox and Stewart Wednesday 3 Sunday 7 From Anyox and Stewart Tuesdays 11.30 Thursdays ... 8 1 pjn pjh. pm. ..v f nm. pia. m am. pmj M5 f 4 . . .-44. "-Ml . 1