THREE SPECIAL! SPECIAL! LAVENDER FACE LOTION and LAVENDER TALCUM 85-ccnt Value Both for 50 cents Ormes Ltd. Dim Pioneer Z)ruQfisijt THREE GRADUATE PIIAKMICISTS CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED M-i:ci.M. UlNTlK lUIUMON t'.iltt en Milu hum Nmr, i. lo lrl. IMI (Midi flmil rtturii i.i.ME KUl'EUT TO VANCOUVER $10.00 RETURN Mr.iinrro lent lrlnce Kurrt I w Vancouver: u.i. ki:hv ti i:miiv. m i.m. j ' nnii,j Vmicouwr. via Ocwo rmlla, Thursday Noon appro. ltl;y t;vi;Y t'KIHAV MlltMOIIT '" mvkik Vancouver Sunday midnight approx. 'igs to Port tlmpon. Alic Arm. Anyox, Stewart and Naaa River pou.u Sunday. B OO p.m. , rm-mon regarding all tailings mid tickcU at '"Mr. Itli-I.IIT AlllAlV: Mrruitil Atpiiir, riione 3H TV Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. Stiff. Sf SHIPYARD UPKKATIMi (J. t. p. floating dkydock Engineers, Machinists, Hoilermakers, Hlarkhinlths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers Etc. ELECTING AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES AND 385 BULKLEY VALLEY COAL THE HETTER COAL Analysis nutter. 29.32: ash. 6.76; fixed carbon, 62.87; b.t.u.'s, 13917 i it in volatile It will not block your pipes. Being low In ah, no! buying clinkers. Being high in Ilxed carbon means .-i -.Jig quality. Being high in British Thermal Units means more heat value per pound. Order Now. Your Dealer Can Supply You. Tl BIB 1 1 1 iMamiMMHMB ?or Sale-Here are some Snaps I'll AVENUE EAST- -4 -roomed house with bath $1,200. $600 cash, balance arranged. lUiTil AVENUE W EOT- Lot, and 4-roomed house with bath. $1,000. Balance on easy terms. : English Hill. Summit Avenue. Borden. Street and any T 1 1 nt the city at reasonable prices and terms. FRI AVENUE W. TELEPHONE 11 H. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILlMiS I RUM I'RIMJE ItUl'r.KT To Ketchikan, Wmngcll, Juneau, and Skat way. February 7 and 21. to Vancouver, Victoria. Seattle-February ll$nd 25, ,; ' fr iicen Mtry--(&Mii rlls, etc. Vanwuvw and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m. . Agents For All Steamship Lines W ' un narq, on Atrnt, SrdAv.. rrtnee Rupert, Phone 31. Phone fififi ert Motor's'. irHe and Service Station ,UNT AM AUSTIN x . . . ' AND BODY WORK JJM IX1ALTY TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR. SKEKNA I1RAM) " Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City If J'ou want anylhinjr, try a classified ad. Local Items Billiards tonight Canadian Legion vs. Elks. Glasses fitted by registered optometrist., at Ileilbroner's store. The city ppuncH last night ;de-' cided to dispose ofi lots 23 and 24.! Block 7, Section T, on Seal Cove Circle to Robert Gillespie, who plans to build lmmendiately. At the request of E.'S. Alllstone of Prince Rupert, Miss Betty Shul-ton, popular pipe organist of KOM u raciio station, last night played "Beautiful Blue Danube Waltz," over the air. At the meeting of the city council last night it was decided to dispose of the citv's rieht in iv tax sale lots on Atlin Avenue. These hts may be redeemed by the owner any time before next October. At the city council meeting last night the Fire Chief reported thai there had -been only five calls dur ing the month. The salaries of the employees of the department during that time had been $1,077. Union steamer Cardena. Cant. Andrew Johnstone, returned to port at 10 o'clock this morning from Anyox, Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1.30 (his afternoon for Vancouver anr? wayporte. Oscar Landry, district suDerin- tendent of Government Telegraphs who had 'the misfortune to breafc his leg a few weeks ago, is pro gressing favorably toward recov ery from the injury. He will soon be able to go down to his office regularly with the use of crutches. ANADIANNatlonalofTi-r. many lusurlra and comforts which add pleasure lo your trip South by Steamer or East by Train. Sailings from Prince Rupert t Vancouver, thence la Trl-Clty Service to Victoria and Seattle, Thursdays 10.00 p.m. For Anyoi and ' Stewart. Wednesdays 4.00 p.m.. ' Krgular service to North and South Queen Charlotte Islands. Particulars of aall-liifts, rnle'ctc, on request. INi.M-ngcr. lralri leave PrltieaL?', Itupert fur FiTiiloiilon, nines. anUWnta lUst every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 11.30 a.m. .Cannadian It. F. MeNAtlfiHTON I'rlnM lliirri . It. ( . THE DAILY NEWS "I think Lydia E Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound it wonderful! J have had six children of which four are living and my youngest is a bor nie baby boy now eight months old who weighs 23 pounds. I have taken your medicine before each of them was bom and have certainly re ceived great benefit from it. I urge my friends to take it as I am sure they will receive the same help I did." Mrs. Milton McMuIIen, Vanasa, Ontario. of the aldermen This was set bv statue. The ratepayers' association1 nas been informed of. this. j The proposed B.C.-Alaska-Yukon hlphvmv Was tho mhln.! nf on J I ! " .w uuujlvv ail UU .dress by O. P. Napier, asslslaht'' chief engineer of the department,' of public works, Victoria, before1 the transportation and customs bu ANNOUNCEMENTS Women of Moosehonrt Legion whist drive and dance, Feb. 19. Royal purple brldgo and whist. Friday. -February 20, Elks' Home Admission 50c. NextR'nl 'Purple Brldgc-whist. series nday, February 23. ; Angllean Tea, Mrs. Woodland Fifth Avenue, February 24. "MelvlnVs CpurUhip.v at United wiurcniirebruary 26. 27. iviuu vvnwt, Krivana Tiis-I Eagl' Smoker March 6. - - . . . xucaunv. rriiriinrv i iuii I . , Fish buyers of Prince Ruoert are demanding a change In grading whereby halibut weighing from 10 to CO pounds shall be ttradprl it fishermen iisnermen desir desire continuation tinn-ti. of the former grading plan 'whereby iisn weighing from 10 to 80 rounds constituted first class fish. Although it Is stated In one Vaneorrer paper that Norman A Watt will resume his oost of bov- ernment agent here on March 1. it is understood to be. quite likely that the change will not m into effect before April 1 which date will mark the beginning of the next fiscal year. I In a letter to the Vancouver Province W. J. Batt points out that ns long as there is no Pacific Coast outlet for the Peace River district practically no goods from the cities of the Pacific Coast are seen In 'hat district, rverything comes from Edmonton, Calgary or points farther east. aVsA uancc I1 L. O. B. A. Bridge. Whist and Dance March 12. St. Patrick's Concert, Catholic Hall, March 17. Catholic women's League Sprlnn Sale April 8. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 10 Ladle's' Golf Leanue tonieht - Sunken Gardens. Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroner's Store. Foster Wlllan, who has been on a brief business trip to Anyox and rnorin, , ; tv.x- bm. jmtf lilAt Ul.-t 4,1!' Father Champagne who has been stationed at Anyox temporarily, arrived In' the city on the Cardena this morning 'from , the smelter town. . . The report of "tffef auditor ,'Vas presented to the, cttv council last night and ordered tobc laid oh the table for two weeks so that members may have an opportunity to siuay it. 1 At the meetlntr nf fh rtiv nin cil fast night the sidewalk bylaw ior tne south side of Third Avenue between Eight Street and Biggar piace was reconsidered and fin ally passed. I O. E. Gulick, local .manager of the Swift CanadUn Co., returned to the city on the Cardena this morning after making the round trip to Anyox and Stewart bn company business. At the meeting of the city last night a request, of Alderman Black for a smalt annrnnrla. - ' Vf iH - tlon for the city reading room to This afternoon's train, due from cnaDie tnem to carry on until the uie east at j was reported this " w were passea was grantee. morning to be on time. Father E. M. Leniy, O.M.I. of At the city council meeting last Stewart arrived In the city from the msjii a iciter irom ur. J. t. Man dy, resident mining engineer, thanking the council for Its co- operation in making the prospec- 1 nnrth nn iK. PnniAnA iui. . ... u.. ...v uutuciu kills IllUill- ing. He will proceed by train to morrow morning to Terrace where he will conduct monthly services tor's classes successful was read'0' ne Roman Catholic Church. ana uiea At the meeting of the city last night the city solicitor re- 4rted that it was not In the Dower or the Tk'T"!" council to W make "f6 any ehangv-j first class fish. Boat, owner, andJ,n ' 2 ,n tne lenth ' l ; teHTl of w ,oKi AL!KE .Luxurious p in v coinforf- Oil Stocks OILS Freehold. 13i. 15. Hargal. 10, UVfc. A. P. Con.. 26. 28. Merland. 15 ti, 16. Mercury, 26, 26. Calmont, 22. 23. Dalhousle, 50, nil. Fabyan Pete, 2, 2y4. Home. 151, 15. United. 26, 30. Royalite, 15.00, 1650. reau of the Vancouver Board ol Ttlf) TATE TH PI. AQQIIVV nwuc in Vancouver at a luncncoi today. today. 75 " r i The city council, at its. meeting last night, parsed nt brtaw' ''pro viding for a stop sign at the rail way crossing at Cow Bay. This Is a dangerous crossing and drivers of cars will be required to stou every time before making It. The bylaw has yet to be reconsidered and finally passed before it gocj into effect. A well known local sixteen year old boy. chanted with assaulting Wflliam Miller, proprietor of the ScRvlew Grocery, on Saturday ev-enflte last, npWred before Maa- lstratc McCiyniont in' .pity .police court this morning, the case being remanded until tomorrow morning. When Miller ordered thje bpy out of his store, the latter is! alleged to nave struck him in the face, shattering his glasses and cutting him up about the eyes.- FOR SALE Radio, Victor north- em Electric. 5 tube set. complete with batteries and tubes. $50.0.0. Good condition. Cost $200. Apply Box 72. Daily News. tf HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel I Prince Rupen's leading fam lly hotel, hot .ind cold water In atl roonu A. J. PKUIMIOM.MK. Prop. Cor of Fraser nd Fifth Sts. New Royal Hotel I. arrlll. rp THE 11(11 K. nOKTII WHILE Hot St Cnlii W-iicr. Birm 75c PER DAY AND UP 1i'lrilimir ni Boston Grill Phone 457 Prince Rupert lirge Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night. 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties - (tin i -- r Rowe's Slieet Metal Works , Have Removed , From Third Ave. W. to 227 2nd Ave. W. (The Old Standi Where they will be pleased to meet all their old friends and patrons. Rheumatism Routed. svatVT r Rapid Relief. writes: "For the last few years 1 have suffered with rheumatism, also severe attacks of indigestion. I suffered great pain in the back, and tried various remedies without re-lief. A friend advised me to try at once Carter's little Liver Pills this I did and received immediate relief. I am a miner, and I strongly recommend your valuable pills to all sufferers of rheumatism, indigestion and constipation." Take Carter's Little Liver Pills for sick headache and indigestion. All druggists 251 and 75 red pkgs. Mail Schedule " ' 1 For the East Monday,.. Wcdnejsday and SaU urday 10.30 ajn. From the East- 1 Bunday.-Tuesday and- Thursday 3.30 pin. For Vancouver"' " -Tuesday-..-.,.. 0. pm. Thursday liJ.ij.' 1 g pjri. Friday C-..'-v4.;U ,11 pjn. Feb. 11 and 25 pju, From Vancouver-Sunday i 4 pjn Wednesday 10J0 pjn Wednesday 10J0 am For Anyox and Stewart Wednesday . 3 pai. Sunday 7 pjn. From Anyox and Stewart Tuesdays , pjn. Thursdays 8 pjn. For Naaj River and t'ort Slmason - i Sunday .. 7 pjn. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 11 JO ajn. Kor Queen Charlottes Feb. 5, and 19 .1........ ajn. From Queen Charlottes . Feb. 7 and 21 9 pjn. For Alaska Feb. 11 and 25 pjn From Alaska ' Tuesday ss. Camosun 1 pjn i mm rw jit DRIFT IS RECALLED (Continued from Page One) turned about. As she headed out to sea, rolling and pitching in the heavy waves, the steam pipe between the boiler -and the engine-broke, leaving the ship without - " - " ..B.bU Up c muni- sail, foresail and staysail, and tried to make Kodlak Island, but a heavy j northwester maue it lmnossible, sn Captain Moore decided to head his cnppiea steamship for Cape Flattery and the Strait of Juan de Fuca: Then the great drift began. Back and forth went the Dora, the plaything of the elements. She wander ed all over the Gulf of Alaska, and at one time reached a point below the Columbia River, while her three passengers and crew gave up all hope of reaching shore. N. H. Moses, Alaska fur buyer, Insisted 'on making his will. "Provisions ran low and the Dora was soon desperately short of drinking water. Finally, when all hope was abandoned and the Dora had been recorded In the list of missing ships, a westerly wind came up and continued for davs. and the Dora sailed into the Strait of Fuca, arriving In Port Angeles February 23, 1906. The United States revenue cutter Rush and the steamship tsama Anna nao neen searching ror the missing "ShiD for manv davs. and Lloyds was preparing to pay the insurance money to her owners when she docked at Port Angeles. "The Dora was repaired and re- ' turned to service, oneratln for the Northwestern Steamship Comnanv ' and Its successor, the Alaska Steam ship Company. She ended her days on shoals near Alert Bay, where she was beached December 23, 1920. after stranding on a reef off Noble Island." WAS MARRIED IN THE OLD COUNTRY Tony Plnoff who has Just return ed from Bulgaria after an extended noiiaay orougnt mck with him a bride. They were married in December and will reside in Prince Rupert. Mr. Plnoff, who Is on the staff of the Booth Fisheries, and his wife, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Caroff. A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a man. Kites rise against but not with the wind. EVEREADY LayerhUl 7ONLY thing' you neea r Know YOU buy radio bstleries on U basis ol service, IF thtrt is just om thing you need to know. Be sura they sre Eversady I syerbilt. Then you will b certain r I.LI. -1. . ... vn.inM .nil Fa. Ol more urpnuwi pew. . . t longer life, Du to tlv( exclusive dat-layer construction, Lsyerbilt Bstteries contain nearly twice as much active, power-producing material as oJJ-type bstleries of equal sir. Foe but 11" 1 i A IWf battery economy, insist on Layerbilt, swlVLll I mad only by Everesdv, the world's n. jift D nrrarioc largest builders of dry batteries. Kaaio Daiiencb SoU 4t Raiil0 $tout tn9htrt. CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO.. LIMITED Clrr Vsntauvet TORONTO Montr... Winnipeg Owsisi Crtfdf Jtsrff Slltl CKNlX Tsrsai ULCERS. BAD RB2 OLD WOUNDS SORES Marvellously Healed by Zam-Duk.