PAGE srs THE DAILY NEWS obinfHood FiduR For All Home Baking The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED 1ACKC0D- Prepared Daily IJy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SHE'LL MAKE SOME MAN HAPPY Pauline M la just a young girl u you can tell frora her letter. But she hat what I with every young girl had a real enthusiasm for cookery, and a real deverneas in feruling out cooking StCTCtS. But let me quote her own spontaneous and delightful words: "I have tried many of your recipes salmon croquettes, creamed chicken, spinach an gratin, baked cauliflower, devil's food cake, caramel nut cake, cherry pudding and so many of them I just can't name them. They ere wonderful. You see, we xtrt giving a shower for a friend, and I made some of the recipes, and the people hist couldn't get over how good and delicious they were, especially the caramel nut cake. They all asked me who made all that, and they said me, but, boy! did they rash to me and ask how I got the recipes! I told them from Carnation Company, and they said, gee, they never knew Carnation could do somuch. So you see how all my friends appreciate your delicious r capes." Pa u ! i ne knows whs t you shoujd know that Carnation Milk, being simply pure whole milk, evaporated to double rkhm-sa and ''homoRenizetf' so that the cream is brnken up into finest par tirles a: A rfi-tributed through every dr.t . - . x.r;g results that even the best of boWed cannot equ: Carnation Milk is protected at the source. It comes from clean herds housed in dean bams, milked by clean hands into dean utensils. I am giving you her favourite redne below Carnation Caramel Nut Cake. Why not send for the Carnation Cook Book and Baby Feeding Book? They are free. Addrews Carnation Co., Limited, 134 Abbott St.. Vancouver, B.C. Carnation Caramel Nut Cake 1H cups pastry flour, 2 tp. baking powder, M tsp. salt. H cup Carnation Milk. cup water. !j cup shortening, 1 cup brown sugar, 2 eggs, 4 cup chopped nuts, J tsp. vaiulla. Measure ftour after silting once. Resift with bakir.g powder and salt. Dilute Carnation with water. Cream fat and sugar thoroughly. Add well beaten eggs and beat until mixture is light and creamy. Dredge the nuts with part of flour. Add flour and milk alt emately tothe creamed mixture, beginning and ending with flour. Add nuts and vanilla. Bake in moderate (375 F.) oven. Ice with Caramel Icing 2 cups tight brown sugar, i cup Carnation Milk. H cup water, 1 tbsp. butter. i tp. vanilla. Mn sugar and Carnation diluted with iter; cook ur' :1 it forms soft ball in -.I w,.-er. A 'd hitter. cool, add v.;-... a, and bra' f urus; .. Spread oncaue and that it is extraordinarily convenient, dependable and economical. Only purest whole milk, safeguarded at the source by the strictest cleanlU ntss in the care and in the milking of the cows, and then evaporated to double richness goes into Carnation cans. These cans are then hermetically sealed to continue the pro tcctiou until Carnation reaches you. To save on butter and cream and get wonderfully fine textures, use Csr- nation Milk in all your cooking. (See recipe above.) Milk from Canadian cowt, packed in Canada in Canadian cast and casta. PRODUCED fillip IN CANADA I i n HI uair -T' 'i '-am iTi VOCALISTS DELIGHTFUL Splendid Entertainment Given Capacity Audience by Aucmen-,i ted Choir Last Night it.. Jiyv- ;i,-n; , ;. DRQCKLESDY DIRECTOR One of the most delightful must cal treats which has been offered by instrumentalists and orchestra and cast of players in a Jolly one-act comedy. The large hall was crowded with an audience of several hundred persons and all seating capacity was taken up. The choral presentation marked another triumph for Mr. Brockles- by's direction and evoked highly favorable comment on all hands. The program was a well balanced ind varied one and included several mixed choruses as well as male choruses, quartets, trios, etc. The opening choral selection was De Persall's "O Who Will O'er the Downs so Free?" 'a genUe air to which full justice was done. Bd-vard Cerman's "Rolling Down to Rio" served to warm the audience to the occasion. Male quartet by M. H. Blott, Fred 3radshaw, H. Lincoln and J. E. "The Two Roses" and "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes" prov-d very pleasing to the audience. An instrumental trio consisting if Mrs. E. J. Smith, piano. Miss Nellie Lawrence, violin, and William Beaumont, 'cello. In the rippling 'Au Bord d"un Ruisseau" by de 3oiseffre was moat acceptable. The full ladle' chorus acquitted itself splendidly in the typical Cad-nan number "Indian Mountain Song" and offered the novel VTwo Clocks" (Rogers) for its second number. To close the first part of the vo-;al program, the full mixed chrrus sang the rolling "Sky Boat Song" 'arranged by Statham) and Bin-tock's "O Can Ye Sew Cushions?" The virile "Song of the Vikings" i Fanning! proved a rousing number with which to open the second part of the choral program. Following came the sweet "Into the Woods My Master Went" by a ladle' double trio consisting of Meedames F. W. Allen. C. E. Cullln, C. L. Monroe, H. N. Brockiesby, Donald Ross and M. H. Blott. A 'cello solo 'Harlequin" t Popper) by William Beaumont was rendered in that artist's customary style. Reports that Mr Beaumont is about to leave Prince Rupert are to be regretted. This talented musician has become highly popular during his residence .of the past two or three years here and he will be greatly missed. The male chorus in "Drake's Drum" (Coleridge Taylor t and "Old Uncle Moon" Scott developed pleasing harmonies which were fully appreciated. The tull chorus made its final apnearance in "My Love Dwelt In a Northern Land Blgar followed ay two negro spirituals "Deep River" and "Dig My Grave." Next to the director, possibly the most responsibility devolved upon Mrs. E J. Smith, the piano accom- i panist. who performed her task to i jierfpcUon. At the close of the pro gram, she was nresented with a beautiful bouquet. 1 The personnel of the choir was :&s follows Sopranos Mr. F. W. Allen, Mrs. J. MeLeod. Mrs. C. C. Mills, Mrs. C. L. Monroe. Mrs. D. Ross, Miss M Crass, Miss E. Dalby and Miss L. M Btlett. Contraltos Mrs. M. II. Blott Mrs. C. E. Cullen. Mrs. S. Darton, Mrs. P. C. Miller, Mrs. C. Perry and Miss HalliweU. Tenors S. Deltay. 3. L. Davey. O A. Edgecumbe, II. Lincoln, J. PJom jner. J. A. Teng and J. S. Wilson. Base M. II. Blott F. Bradehaw, J. Bush by. S. Darton, W. E. Father and A. J. Lancaster. One Act Comedy The uproarious one-act farce "The Mayor and the Manicure." prevented between the two periods of the choral program, was a happy dlvaMlsn in .which all .played their parts wen. Appearing In the cast were Miss Jean Robertson, Miss Connie, Thome, t Jam, , Farquhar and Fred Bradahaw. The comedy was under the capable direction of A. A. Connon who can always be relied upon to make a success of this sort of thing. The Premier Orchestra with Mrs. 3. S. Black played popular selection at the opening and close of the program and during the NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Mining Lectures Prove Interesting Developing Alice Arm Property Cassiar Mine Litigation Df m : .'III 'Ul i V. W. V.'Smithenngale, Vancouver mining engineer, who spentathe veek before last in Prince Rupert giving lectures, is. holding a course of such classes this week at Anvox and next week will be at Stewart for a similar pur- nnsp. Sn u p received were inese lectures in uie eiue& aim for years m Prince Rupert was that! ja r naces that it has been decided to enlarge the scope hT! numbbr of smaller mining towns The . lee- an augmented choir, under the dl-,tures 111 the smaller towns are ineiuiy ui an eApciiiuwiw. rection of ii. n. Brockiesby. assisted j nature, states Hon. V. A. McKenzie, minister of mines, and the question of how rar ana?" how long they will be continued will depend upon the responses obtained during the next few months. A. Davidson, after spending several months developing the Wild Cat property in the upper Kltsault Valley, arrived In Alice Arm last week. He has done considerable un February 17. 1911 . Ex-Mayor Fred Stork delivered an address before the Presbyterian Club last nigh on the subject of ciUsenship. "Canada and ciUsen-shtp .are Inseparable terms," Mr. Stork said. "The camn contains a large num- be eT.s'rotoAeal ftafo!tfee iAvtnt workings of which exceptionally high assays hate been obtained. justifying reasonable expectations, says William Fleet Robertson, provincial mineralogist, in comment ing upon the Portland Canal division in the annual report of the minister of mines. The steamer Humboldt ts again to be placed on the run between Seattle and Skagway. calling at Prince Rupert en route. Call of Presbyterian Chin ch of This City To Pastor Sustained The call extended by First Pres byterian Church of this city to Rev. W. D. Orant Holltngworth of Cal-i , Mr. HoUlngworth, who ta a young married man. Is expected In Prince Rupert In the course of the next few weeks. FIRST CII0ICK OF SUITS i OR SPRING COATS New samples just arrived of spring and summer goods of the finest quality and the patterns of the very latest. LINO THE CUTTER Steam cleaning, pressing and altering. Free delivery to any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone M9 -Dr.H.O.Johnsen Dentist Successor to Dr. E. S. Tail Suit 1 Exchange Block ' Phone 109 Lewis Island People Enjoy Fine Dance derground work on tne Wild uai LEWIS ISLAND. Feb. 17: The during the years and has located ot Lewis Island put on a two ore bodies carrying copper va-: valentine Dance which was a great lues. He is now engaged in driving succe88 Counting the visitors from another tunnel which will encoun- rxrna Hirer and Prince Runert there ter another ore body that has good an attendance of some Lh Inn surface showings. Mr. Davidson Is one of the pioneer prospectors of Alice Arm camp and throughout each winter and summer Is unceasingly engaged In developing his various properties. , Cassiar Hydraulic Mines Ltd. has been awarded Judgment for $1448 in a Vancouver court against Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cole at trial of action in which plaintiff company claimed for money alleged to have been withdrawn by defendants from the Royal Bank of Canada where It had been deposited by Frederick N. Cronholm for the plaintiff. The amount Involved figured as balance of money deposited in lengthy litigation. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert round sixty. The settlers, under B. Ooedkoop and N. L. Jones, had decorated the hall with hearts, cupids, streamers and evergreens, bearing scarlet and white blossoms. The "moonlight" was a work of wonder, and It was certainly enjoyed. Everybody wished to thank the Hedlund hrpthers for their fine music. Emil Rosang also took his share at "making sweet musk." Mrs. Rosang, Mrs. Ooedkoop and the Ortquist boys were busy entertaining the guests and, as soon as the good news spread that a crowd had arrived, the ladies were up to their elbows In flour. Dancing was enjoyed till after 5 a.m. when daylight came. The next dance will take place on St Patrick's Day, March 17. Vancouver Girl Becomes Bride of Ocean Falls Man The marriage took place last Thursday evening In Vancouver of Miss Christine Marvis Downle of Vancouver and Norman Euatace Smtth of Ocean Falls. The wedding, which was quite a society event. was solemnised by Rev. Canon A. H. I Sovereign in St. Mark's Church. Miss Ida Smith was bridesmaid and Raymond Smith attended his brother as groomsman. Following the ceremony, there was a reception at the home of the bridegroom's parent after which the couple left for a honeymoon 1 trip to California before taking up residence at Ocean Falls. Weekly Specials gary has been sustained by the ,J 1 box lor Presbytery of New Westminster and forwarded to the Calgary Preeby- Soda BUcuits 2 s tery. 2 pkgs. for Olnger Snaps 3 lbs. for Polity Oats -Contains China ware. 3 pkgs. $1 00 MalkhVs Best Seedless Raisins I s, 3 pkgs. MalkhVs Best Spices 3 for Malkln's Best Extract 4 oss. Heinz Ketchup 3 bottles for Robertson's Scotch Marmalade 4's, per tin Chase Ac Sanborn's Coffee per lb. Fresh Rhubarb 2 lbs. for Fresh Spinach 2 lbs. for 55c 35c 25c $1.00 40c 25ci 40c 80c 75c 55c 25c 25c Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Arriving Every Week Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-3 FIFTH AVENUE EAST P. (). IK)X .175 Phone 18 and 81 BANOUET 1 a"- FOR DADS' Tuxis Boys Hold and Son Annual Dinner ft V Father 'LasQeVn1"' ht First United Church the Onwcgos Tuxts Square held their annual Father and son Banquet. Fathers and sons to the number of 35 sat down to a fish and chip supper with other dantlC3 provided by the mothers, Olaf Hanson, Jr., pretor of the square, was chairman and: In in troducing the program or the evening, thanked the fathers for their attendance. Bob Moxley proposed the toast to the fathers In a humorous vein and W. H. Tobey responded very ably. A three-act sketch was presented entitled "The Four-Fold Way. ' which told In a forcible way the alms and purposes of the Tuxls program. The first act pictured the usual meeting of the Square, the second act showed the initiation of a new member, and the third act took place around the campflre. Those taking part -were: pretor Roger Obata; scriptor Ronald Allen; mentor E. Barrle: new members Rupert Ross and Wiener Bryant, Ronald . Wilson. Dutch t Rise and Bob 'Moxley. Anothtdhketcb entitled "Cream! Puffs," GIB in a humorous way the sehetpi'ot a poor hero 'to enable lilmself to procure a new suit of clothes. The hero was played by Bill Tobey. Bob Irvine was the baker and Bruce Stevens the Jew tailor. Community singing of both old and new songs added to the en- Dr. Wood's st JAvSfcl tSsv ' Norway Pine Syrup 1 Ri W-A.I Tuesday p-bruary v Monday and TW, pjQ snows. Hert L tell and I'atsy Ruth "Th - in - T ... O I net .1 il .Liaai in irai Lone Wolf A Romantic Crook Drai j.J une of the Ben Comedy- on, 1Tm Cartoon- liADio Dim Krazy Kat "RAMBLING REroTTn. ADMISSION Feature Start at? 1 t A Wednesday & Thursdji "ON YOl'K'K Joyment of the r. ton ably assisted After the proRi to the gymnasi , ball was playcc teams. The happ. a close all too Pneumonia Left Her With a Terrible Cough Mrs. A. VT. Powfr, 5S1 Jsn s writ! "Eigst years agn I ks 1 s next. I had a bad sttak nf plur x and wss six months ia bel. lh-with s trribt wwjh. I tried terrm bat thT 1h1 sot Mm to kf snr , taj nether broufkt m home s boius Ksnrsy Pis Bjrsp, u4 sftrt l-k ! mors I netirad my eougk rtttsnv Btaee that Urns if evr ay hatsed tyxlf fciTf Ksd riit I always ft'. Pries s bottle; large fsmil.r t u k drorgiitt or dealers. "NORTHERN" Rubber Footwear The "Northern" range of Overshoes for Men, Women and Children offers aw selection than ever. Jersey or Caahm ette fa variocs heights with buckle, s? rx Whizzer fasteners. Match ytnt WIdw with a taJJorml M tt CMtn'a TKSTat"aU look ro A complete range of Northern Rubbers and Styt-Shui la cm hand to sncct your needs. OUR COAL IS IN A DRY SHED When you arc buying coal look on the economical -' you buy wet coal, you are losing 10. So start trtuj; dry coal and see what 10 means to jou. PEMBINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton MINEIIKAI) EGG Delivered. Per Ton MINEIIEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton PnONE 580 FURS! FURS! cf ::r ' J 1 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 FOBS Made to Order In Any Style Hy Expert Fum" Special attention to repairing and clcar -Lowest Prices G0LDBL00M