FAQ POTTR THE DAILY NEWS "BASKETBALL LASTNIGHT Intermediate Came Was Feature of Evenine Program Merchants Win C'.n. Defeated Panther; in Senior! League Match j Senior Leaajne C. N. R.. 36: Pan- there, 32. Intermediate League Tuxls, 39; Merchant. 30. Ladles' League Cardinals, 9; Amazons, 15. Junior League Japanese Students, 10; League of Nations, 9. j Last night the basketball enter -tainment revealed that the "spice" of the program is to be found in the Intermediate di virion. Tuxls and Merchants put on a fast, clean, thrilling game from which the Merchants emerged with a hard-won 30-29 victory. It was Jurt about a perfect game to watch, with a score that indicates bow evenly the teams were matched. The Senior game was of the type that does nothing to raise the standard of plays nor did it reveal the quality of competition that U most desired. Twenty-five personals were dished out by Referee Skinner which is nearly as am-age of a foul every two minuter In short, the game was fast and rough but with too much "run-nine ibterference. It was too bad. because the last time CNR. and Panther clashed they treated the fdhs to one of the finest exhibitions ever seen in this cite. And &t a, though the 30-32 score Indicates rose play, the rustomm went home realizing that, as bak-etbalL it wasn't "so hot." The Intermediate ganw ooenad wh fast olay and fine combination by each team. Currle scored foj "Merchants after a hot bom- two more Thurber. who played a! rison some nice Established 1819 LAMB'S RUM AOi:i), BLENDED AND MATURED AT THE LONDON DOCKS "Lamb's Fine Old Navy" PROOF OVERPROOF Old and Good I Ask the British Navy! On sale at Liquor Vendors or direct from Government Liquor Control Mall Order Department, Victoria, B.C. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British British Columbia of them. Naturally, combination disappeared and Individual play, or whatever you might call It In this wstance, was In the ascendant Mitchell and Macdonald got sensational and with the help of Cross gave their team a lead of 18-15 at ! half time. In the second spasm, the boys reneated their fouls and decided to 'et "bygones be bygones." The p'sy was fast and clean (for u while! 1. The whole C.N.R. was see ing In this half and a rally brought them eight goodly points Then the Panthers clawed in with 1 - - U . -t.. I - 1 bardment of the Tuxls hoop. Tuxlr ,hr, 'brow. va Friend ,,w. Lamble was soon ..!,. 1 . r. tn, .... ... I wnimunj nihil a full consignment r.mfAro,h re,tf!bo.t even. But the boys iu, (or Ttucls. But It was a great night for the Merchants and they proceeded to pile up a substantial lead. Towards the end or the first half, led by Thurber and that couldn't be nice and rough ota' again became the vogue. The out-Handing play came from Stylet who Indulged In his own parucula.- wlzard Nakamoto. Tuxls rallied b'rTX a ii.h w. ..w , I bounds. Mitchell and Stalker wer rr i.w"".rt "-"ent to the showers with the full leaa. raaenent oasketbau " at ,- f .u wax ..iouow of fouls ,,. and ,H the game came iu ' 7 1 ' rT'to a desultory close. 36-32 for the like slaves. Nakamoto held the T. lne Tm. lfam TuxlS bOVS toMther mnd M Mae- ' 1 r n 1 . t . m The whole Mr-h.nt t-m ! Btv,p' 8teJkr 3; Morrison 0, funfionln beiAilifuUv with Oftm-'ToUI M- adln-i out-tanrtiiw onri h .... i Par'herj -Macdonald 4: Croat 5: PdlBts for hi team ThMr eomhta. Trv,,", Mitchell 7; eKlsey 10.- atlon was a treat and with four ,Tl 31 , , mlmit- to to. they held a 26-2J ! ReIeree " Skinner, lead. I. was anybody's game. With! Ladies' Came inww w nu vurriR ana iJing-; The Ladles' game between Uje ren ramaiy. -mm Naica- Ama20ni and the cardinals re moto threw ."one !n to bring th-'.H-d n. m pvtn m score to an-d for Merchants as the othtr MIV vlctorv for u,. Ania. VzSfJ. .nw1,! 7" ab0t'iaM.' There u no doubt that this pefert bs.elball rve .11 tbroOTh ;,eam h l00 ,trong. . . ' J"0 "- Played exceptionaUy well but could Smlfh 4- TotS' 8 Merthant E. Dlnwill fl: F Din?wi) ? Pirc r-r oom adlni 14: McNu'tv Total 30. Referee Mlhll Senior Game The Bon lor fme stirt.d ff wltli CN.P on the awreasive exhibiting thr w11-known combination. The Pnnthfr rallied. not measure up to the play ot Susie Boddie and her squad. Tiling-: looked rather hopeless foe- the Cardinals when the tint half ended 8-0 for the Amazons. Th:n. In the third quarter, the Cardinals surprised tha spectators for they developed a real fast brand ot basketball. Play becamt as fast as In many of the Junior gamss. As a result of this sudden r 'i'W, the Cardinals worked all u..u. r,a...v. Mnmson sanK a thflr play ,nto uman who 1 " i. i ; shot with great accuracy. 8he dis tinguished herself by scoring all eight points, thereby equalizing the ! score. However, this period of fast piny iwas ot little consequence for the Cardinals were exhausted and the j Amazons were able to have their own wcy and soon took a perman ent lead. Final time found the ircore 15-9 lit their tavor. ! CartjlnalsrLllll9h Lowa-tB), Cath iirvino ni. v KmevskyrP. Stone, E. Rlvett; total. 9. Amazons Susie Bodlde (7), E, Morris '6), C. Morgan. D. Prltchard '2. Jean Ritchie; total, 15 Referee. BUI Mitchell. Junior Game The Junior affair ot the evening was a keenly contested and Inter estlng match. The Japanese Stu dents won their first victory of the ihoot International Hockey Captains Anne Townsend, left, captain ot all-American hockey team and Mary Morrison, captain of all-Scotland team, meet just before their respective teams take to ht field at Merlon Cricket Club, Haverford, Pa. long one. The game was marred 'season by defeating the first place by rough play and a little lnci- j League of Nations by a score 10-9. dental "dirt," land no apologies. I Both teams played the same style With six minutes, Lamble had; of game that of a hard checking gathered unto himself three per-, defensive nature. During the first sonak, which is rather fast work half, the Japanese had bad luck However, this same Lamble wai with their shooting. Their shots the "generalissimo" of the CNJl were weU token but the bill Just forces and the trainmen soon had would not go in. However, toward a 12-5 lead in spite of the stren- the end of the half, they put on a uous mining. Ten minutes from thejludden 0, spewit and b, rtart. eleven fouls had been award-1 Klshimoto. they were able to tie ed and the trainmen owned seven score 6-6 to end the first half. On resuming play, the Japanese! seemed greatly fatigued and the League of Nations again took the lead temporarily. For a period of ten minutes the League of Nations maintained a lead of one point. Then, with less than 30 seconds to full time. AntoseUt unnecessarily fouled Obata woo was about to JUNIOR BILLIARDS December 14 Hawks vs. League of Nations. December 17 Jewelers vs. Bmj press. i Empr r. DE LUXE C W r0 t0-lubSupcf-Hclcrodync 5 J i 0 mx-mm t IB S JUNIOR 44ft sT s. U- C U -i J. 'J OMUOI JUpSIl ICIVTVU fi TV'Junwr" (A) 50 v V t d TL-f..i. The!fJnlor" 'B7'" A wim Litems .IfcWcl V.10W yj.tv Aft modtlt compfele with Genera ilKtrie Rsdiotroni 117 ess won In Billiards Junior- League Match Concluded Last 'Night With Aggregate Score of 933 to 918 George Howe 1 Empress defeated Frank Aldridge (League of Nations by a score of 20 Oto 183 In the outstanding match from Thursday night's Junior Billiard League fixture and the Empress, as a result, ' ran out wlnenr of the match 833 to 918. j The league standing to date Is as j follows: ' j o. Hawks .. 1 Empress 1 League of Nations 1 Jewelers 1 Ttl. 952 933 918 789 International Division W. D. L. Two penalty shots were al- Americans 5 3 lowed which Obata converted into Canadlens 5 2 two points, thereby winning the .Toronto 3 3 game for the Japanese Students by : Maroons 3 1 one point. , Klshimoto was high scorer1 wttht American Division six points. w- u- JatunM Rnrlint Riuhlr I Rangers b 2 Klshimoto '6). Obata 2, Naka- micago J 4 J 2 4 4 7 I 2 noto. Kanaye S. Condo: total, mjuomn A l 5 Iboiij. nf Natlnnx AnttmmtU Ml .Detroit "n 3 2 3 Yaeger Mi, OiUM 2. Dominato (2), 1111. Allen; total, 9. Referee, Dan Morrison. Whist Schedule Av.i 952-933' 918; 789 OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH CUP Second Round Scunthorpe 1. Queens Park Ringers 4. Lincoln City 2. Luton Town 2. uainsoorougn irumy nauuiu( 5. Darwen 2, Shelsea 1. New Brighton 0. Hull City 4. Fulham 0. Voevll Petters 0. Tranmere Rovers 2j Bristol Roy-ers 0. Burton 4, Gateshead 1. Halifax Town 3, Acciington Stanley 0. Bath 2, Crystal Palace 1. Carlisle United 0. Darlington 2. Brentford 4, Norwich City 1. Cardiff City 4. Clapton Orient 0. Brighton and Hove Albion 5, 1 ' Doncaster Rovers 0. Northampton Town 3. Southend United 0. i Bournemouth and Boseombe 1,' Blyth Spartans 0. j Aldershot 1. Crook Town 1. P. 13 12 9 7 December 17 I.O.O.P. vs. Grotto. Totem Park vs. Moose. Old Empress Hotel vs. Musketeers. Seal Cove vs. Legion. Fish Packers vs. Sons of Norway. it PIPE TESTED by a SKI-ER TURRET A good, cool smoke Senior League W. L. Panthers 4 3 32 Taxi 3 3 C. N. R. A 4 4 Intermediate League' w p. Tuxls - 4 ji trlu ol 1 n oigu otiiuti i J 9 8 I Merchants 3 Ladles' League W. ! Amazons 7 ' Cardinal 3 'Comets o Junior League W. League of Nations . . 4 Boy Scouts 4 Rovers 1 Japanese 1 L. 3 3 4 L. 0 4 0 L. 1 1 4 4 Pts. (Iam M OmmI ffccMr Van- fiat finer gift than GENERAL ELECTRIC tfulURanqe RADIO WHEN ynu choose a radio for vour home llii Christmas remember that Ceneral Electric is the radio which, in competitive tests, has won the emphatic preference of musicians aud leaing musical authorities for its remarkable tone. "Uclievr your own ears" and you will he convinced that here is the true, vivid performance you have always wanted. General Electric offers you Full Range Reception Super-Heterodyne circuits Automatic Volume Control Pentode Tubes-Tone Equaliser richly designed cabinets. Wlist finer cift could you choose for your hornet Prices are ss low as $89.50 snd you csn have special easy terms on your purchase. enjoy a demonstration uuj. MADE I ,fSI r Company CANADA I Junior League I O. T. O. Howe i El 1 200 ' r r . 1.1 ,1. 1 OA1 8R. FOng (LNi ..... 1 200 'P. Vaccher.(LN .-.1 200 E. uavt 1L.N1. i iw J. May (II ... ."1 200 Pts. W. Stewart Ui .. ... ...-1 200 8 W. HuUon i H) 1 200 fl'R. WJcks (HI :...1 200 8 P. J&hnSbn (E) .v.T......l 197 jp. Cheno&kl El, ' I IJ-IJ . T XT . p., r. Aiuiiugc 'ui 14 8 0 Pts 8 8 2 2 2 368 1 183 A. Zadoroskl (El 1 108 W. Funnell J) . . . . ..1 192 W. E. Hayhurst iH 1 152 A. Murray LNi 1 135 J. Bulger J .. 1 132 L. Raabe (Ji . .l 131 A. Strachan J) 1 129 Av. 200 200 200 200 2i 2 200 200 ; 20P 197 184 183 168 192 153 135 132 131 129 (Note H Hawks: J., Jewelers; L. of N.. League of Nations; E., Saturd.i "My idea of recreation is a brisk, bright winter lay, u pair of good ali skiis ott my feet, and a pipe of good tobacco between my teeth. I always stuck to ash sklis, but lined to vary the tobacco, until u fellow ki-er offered me a pipeful of Turret pipe tobacco. Its mildness and fragrance wan a revelation to me, bccaiiho I thought I knew all there wan to know about tobacco. Now I wouldn't be without Turret pipe tobacco I buy it in the half-pound humidor tin and carry a full pouch with me wherever I go." JOf, IU ami m .. Hil hu p,V$ ho in fannmd humidor tins PIPE TOBACCO Turret fin cut for thnte rho rait their nwn Hockey Standings Basketball Standing ' Billiard Averages Pipe tested BILLIARD SUILDt IE Dec. IS EI Its vs. (-..:. ii Dec 18 Orotu K k BOAT ENGINES Also 10 to 64 H.r. from $8.50 Generators $3.50 from and Guaranteed New Storue Ratterirs from S" J VANCOUVER AUTO WRECKING CO. 1240 (Jranville St.. Vanciswf Branch Yard at 310 So ad Ave Ea-i wywr.WAVsvtx'ivnvsvw.i0 I I fill fjTPOPUUR POPULAR Northern British Columbia Poer Limited CANADIAN GE NEML ELECTRIC CO I CONSOLE f49sl LIMITED