PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenu- H P. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance.-. $5.00 For leaser periods, paid In advance, per week ... 10c By mall to all part of Northern and Central BrltJsh Columbia, paid In advance lor yearly period - oj nuii .ra au omet pans oj anusn uoiumoia, m? cnusn mm- r:' plre and United States, paid In advance, per year w By mall to all other countries, per year . ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion Classified advertising, per insertion, per word .,.,. Local readers, per insertion, per line Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Editor and Reporter' Telephone WHY SUCCESS? SANKEY TO THE FORE. .89 Advertising and Circulation Telephone. as DAILY EDITION Member ol Audit Bureau af Circulations .15 Saturday, Oct. 3. 19?! Rfi Thnrnna Tinfnn hcf sVnmun fn mnlaavn vanvo no flm man who unsuccessfully tried to wrest the vachtinp honors c. j-iummttii pail, in mc in vcMigawuijs jiuo me coai industry in 1919 and was very largely responsible for the rather radical report. It was his work there that brought him recognition by the Labor Government and his ability In the position made it desirable that he continue as an important factor in the National Government now administering the affairs of the Kingdom. Sankev has hppn rhnirmnn nf tVia nraliminnm, TRIBUTE OF ESTEEM. .-The dinner t meeting of the Chamber of Commerce last night was a remarkable tribute of esteem to a man who lias been in Prince Runert nnlv a fW New Carrier Collection System In view of the depression and to make It as easy as possible for people to pay, the Dally News Is to be sold on a weekly basis, payable in advance. The delivery boy will collect each Friday evening for the week following. He buys the papers and stilt them to the customers, so there will be no credit given. The boy cannot afford It. Please do not ask him to return for the weekly payment. Have It ready for him. Customers now In arrears will pay the amount owing at the office, but this will have nothing to do with the regular collections made by the boy. He will be doing business on his own, and If he docs not rnake his own collections will not deliver the paper. Those paid in advance will continue to receive the paper until the subscription expires. Any wishing to continue the yearly payments may do so, and we pay the boy. The price of the paper will be 10c a week, payable strictly In advance. That means six papers for ten cents.' It will take a few weeks to get the new system running smoothly, and In the meantime we ask for ihe co-operation of the readers of the paper. The routes not going on the new system this week will do so Just as soon as the lists are made up and the boys properly Instructed. Help the boys to set up In business for (hemsrlvesl MOOSE LEGION BAND CONCERT R. Oreenfield, Bandmaster. March-New Colonial Band Vocal Solo Selected Mrs. C. E. CulJen String Seiectlon-SeIected Miss N. Lawrence and pupils, assisted by J. Brough. base viol; Mrs. J. Black, piano. 3.00 jSaxophone Duet J. Saunders, W. Stewart $6.00 Serenade Midsummer Eve Band 9.00 Vocal Solo Selected J. A. Teng String Quartet Stephanie (Cavotte) 1.40 Miss N. Lawrence. J. Brough, .02 Mrs. J. Black, B. Cameron. .25 Excerpts from Faust (Oounod).... from the United States, made his huge fortune largely as Qppc Ficrrif Arionrl 0 result of advertising. He was the star advertiser of the OCCi 1 1olu age. He fairly bombarded Great Britain with his tea until every man woman and child knew of it. had tasted it and Band (a) andante (b) andante lonto (c) soldiers chorus Vocal Solo Selected Mrs. Allen Brass Quartet Band Violin Solo Polonaise... B. Cameron Waltz Band Selection Vardon Singers March On the Way Band God Save the King. So Grits Teeth looked upon it as a standard. He was always a strong supporters of the newspapers but beyond that he was fond Former Resident of prince nupe rt of other advertising stunts that kept his product before Mentions Conditions in oid the world. Take as an example the city of Bristol. Find- Country ing that the groceries would not give sufficient prominence to his products, he opened stores of his own where in the R. h. Leighton, formerly of th windows there was always something different. One stunt ,ocal forestry department, who l which proved successful was to bring a troupe of people now in London- England, writes to from India with ay tha' h a m"e hear elephants to parade the streets. A huge feeIst Canadian 1 cheese 1 weighing a ton was placed in one of his SSnS'S shop windows. In the cheese were a number of gold coins win see it again, which any purchaser was likely to get. Needless to say the speaking of trie economic situa-cheese sold like wildfire and the advertising was good for tlon. Mr. Leighton says, "Mr. snow-both Lipton and Canada. Possibly his greatest advertising den has Just deaIt us anotner wi-stunt was challenging for the America Cup, which kept his ltp wlth ?n add.iUonal slxpence on name before the public for twenty years. iS ?S? 5S. Briton is setting his teeth again and being now convinced that he has a fight ahead of him will go Into "L.",.T. It with bared fangs "2S and grip- Lord Sankev. Lord Chancellor of rw.Rrihrfn. f th. , leading spirit of the Round Table Conference now Bitting Mr. Leighton sends his regards in London with Mahatma Gandhi as the most picturesque t0 the old tlmers around town. figure in the group. He has held his present position since 929 when the MacDonald government took office. Prior n n to that he had not been in politics. He had, however, taken frlllCe ueOfffe Man Succumbs Grnrge Bennett, Canadian National Express Agent, Dies . Given Masonic Funeral ... 1 . ' " ....... v iii.iiiiuiih(ji v.utii-1 puivpr nrnnnr mittee appointed to prepare for the nrnsent Oct 3:- Canadian and his .work is still going on. It is said thattfs i8!K' 53, did now achieved it will be largely his influence that will haveintiy at his residence here. 1 urougni u aoouu Man in the Moon re- Born tn Kilmarnock, Scotland, he came to Canada as a young man and rved four years overseas durlnw the Oreat War. He leaves to mourn ' his loss a wife, four brothers awl1 I two sisters. , The funeral service, one of the way has made his presence felt continually. While here E fv" seen ,h"c' w con-; he Worked for Prince Rupert as welUsVXS by which he is employed. B. J. Mellish has always been The committal X S : the ?! a booster for the City Where he made hl8 living. jmetary was conducted by Nechakoi , Lodge A. F. tt A, M, worshipful ' - i master. Just when the round table conference on India was (ln progress, the unemployment troubles at their height and the Peace River raU-way problem being tackled, along comes the world series baseball and overshadows them all. We turn from affairs of state i iuui yiuuicuu ll'ttl llllll 9IDUU I I And ClVB Our mlnrft vnentlnn nr I The great game of baseball. There's nothing wrong with Prince Rupert except j If you call her "kid" you are very likely to get her goat. j I A young couple who had Just mar-' rled received many presents after establishing their home in a suburb. One morning they received two the-atre tickets with a note which read: "Ouess who sent these?" On the appointed evening they went to the theatre, returning very late. To their astonishment, everything of any value In the house had been carried away. i On a table in the dining-room mey iouna tnu note: "Now you know." THE DAILY NEWS Saturday. October 3, 1931 A SATURDAY SERMON What Are You Worth? What Are :You Doinjf for Mankind, the Young, and Your Home? Rev. l)r. F. XV. Dafoe, First Baptist Church What are you worth? I do not mean in dollars and cents, for, if that were the measurement, some of you would be millionaires and yet be paupers, paradoxical as that may sound. What I am thinking of is what have you as an individual contributed to the manhood of your city? To the young life about you, to those in your own home? There are numbers of souls who- " - " ive and pass on to their eternal des- you can make your best contribution tiny these days and are forgotten to the lives of men and women, In a week, while there are others whose lives, If saved, will mean who have not based their worth or much for the betterment of society contribution to society in dollars and the Kingdom of God. and cents, they have accumulated Do not pass on as so many are but in the incarnation of them- doing today, leaving behind nothing selves Into the lives of others who but leaves that are scattered by the will live long after their bodies have autumn winds; but put your life of disintegrated In the bosom of lava and sunshine, Into others. "Let mother earth. your light shine that others may What Is your life worth to the be sncouraged. cheered and blessed, men and women, to the youth about Mike It harder for men to do wrong you? Have you given something out and easier for them to do right, and of your own life that has enriched your memory W13 be cherished them, or Is it a fact that you have throughout all time and men will merely stood as a speck between two eternities, to be forgotten as a dream dies at the opening day? Money never has, nor can it buy happiness; It only brings you to the place where you can, if you will, make others happy and thus deposit your wealth In a bank that knows no depression and whose security is underwritten by the nall-plerced hands of Christ, the Son of 06d. Remember, "a man's life consisted not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth." Luke, 12:J5. Have you given anything of yourself, has anyone caught a glow of heaven from you because they raw something of its color and glory in your life and conduct? Now, really, what are you worth? Money won't answer the question. A restoration of prosperity will not say, "There was a man rich in his day." This is the need of today. "O Ood of righteousness and grace, Seen in Christ, thy Son, Whose life and death revealed Thy face By whom Thy will was done, Iniplre Thy tteraMs of good news To live Thy life divine, Till Christ be formed In all And every land Is Thine." Should Secure Better Rates for Wheat Shipment bring that peace of mind and heart At the dinner meeting of the that is so much needed today. These Chamber of Commerce held In the will doubtless aid, but service to Commodore Cafe last evening a. W. your brethren and humanity In the Nlckerson said this was a time when spirit of the Master Is the keynote. Prince Rupert should make an He who came not to be ministered effort to secure equal rates on grain unto, hut to minister and to give shipments with Vancouver. It was His life a ransom for all. Life is a shippers' market and vessels were full of heartaches: need and sorrow stalks on every corner; tears flow from eyes whose flood gates are open and cannot stem the swollen floods that come. How those about you need you and yours! These are days when willing to go anywhere to secure cargoes. Equipped with 500 h p. motors, all stee! airplanes have been built In France that have a speed of 167 miles an hour despite their weight. CHURCJHNOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Itev. W. D. Grant Hollin.TWorth, BJV. Organist, John E. Davey 11 ajn. Quarterly Communion Service. Sermon Subject: "THE OOSPEL OF THE FRAGMENTS." 12:15 noon. Sunday School. . 7:30 p.m. Sermon Subject, "THE COURT OF FINAL APPEAL." There will be a supplementary communion at the close of the evening service for all those who are unable to be present in the morning. All visitors we:come. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of Entland) Very Itev. J. 11. Gibson, Dean II ajn. Morning Prayer and Holy Communion. 7.30. Evening Prayer and Sermon. This being the first Sunday In the month the 8unday School will meet at 2:30 pjn. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Christian Science Society, 243 Second Avenue West) This Society Is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Sunday Service at II o'clock. Subject, "UNREALITY." Sunday School at 12:15. Testimonial meeting Wednesday at 8 pjn. Reading room 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 5. FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Itev. A. Wilson, B.A. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Combined Rally Service of Sunday School and Congregation. Special Program. Usual Sunday School Session cancelled. Evening Worship at 7:30. Subject, "THE NEW COMMANDMENT." Screen Star Is Wedded Nancy Carroll, screen actress, is seen with her new husband, Bolton Mallory. Miss Carroll rentiy was Ujvorctd from Jack Kirkland NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Dunwell Mill to Be Moved South Tclkwa Coal Mine Looks Good Ultimatum Issued to Duthic Shareholders The Bralornc Mining Company is reported to be con-j sidering the purchase of the mill on the Dunwell property ,at Stewart lor installation on the Lome property. The ; Dunwell mill is regarded by mining men as one of the most efficient plants of its kind ever built in British C'o- , Jumbia. It was operated only eight months and the equip- 1 ment h all said to be in the best of condition. Working as a flotation plant during the 'operation of Dunwell, the mUl, with Co., Mr. Dcckiill having secured u I a rated capacity of 100 tons, regu- five-year lease on a small portion handled 130 tons of ore dally. jtarly lhe nature of lhe d (t sucn People on the ground expect to see 10 lend ltKlt 10 tne mort economical th mill in operation on the Lome property soon after New Vear. The development ana operation, the mill site has been cleared and the ,Vatlon, the ceal outsropplnn from necessary lumber cut. a steep hillrlslng from Goat Creek i 'At thil point bunkers have ben Unless shareholders on record as built in such a manner as to allow at September 19 come through to for gravity feed from the trucks on j the extent of two cents for each the hauling end. From the outset 'shve held. thy stand to lose all development waa carried out nu thlr vetted Interests In the Duthle :ocnmerctal fuel and. for the past j Mines Ltd., according to a circular ten month all shipments have which has Just been issued by the been made from coal taken out tn ! company. While J. F. Duthle took the process of driving the two slopes up a mortgage of $13,45450 expiring now in a little over 200 feet. From on September 10, It appears that these workings two cross-cuts have this notice issued by the company "5en run to establish room and. with U an ultimatum to shareholders to the completion of other working pay the two cents per share to re- bring started this week, additions Imburse Mr. Duthle for his outlay, men will be put to work and the mine will be well away for quanity Leo Pauleer, after having spent production Just now production some months in the National River raivgft from ten to fifteen tons gold field, has returned to Alice daily, but within a few days it is Arm. Pete Anderson, also of Alice sxpeeted this output will be more Arm, is remaining in the new gold than doubled. Coal already mar-field for the winter. krted has reached a total of 2000 tana. The coal is comparatively The entire coal holdings of the free of shale and has a greater de-Dockrtll mine, seven miles from gree of Drttish thermal units than Tclkwa, cover an area of thirty many other seals. The two slopes square miles and the property be- are being run In One solid body of longs to the Cassia r Coal and Land high quality coal. - Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $1150 No. 1 Alberta Egg $1150 Pembina Peerless Lump $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Oi'KltATINO . T. 1. 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Icnglnecra, Machinists, Hoilermskers, niackHmltlis, ,atter Mskera, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELRCTHIG AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our I'lsnt I Equipped to llandls All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL YVOItK PHONES 43 AND 383 If your paucr docs not arrive, telephone the office