PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS ackenzie's Furniture M attress Special All Cotton Felt Mattress. All sizes. QQ Cft Real value PO.JU Spring Filled Mattress a pillow for the whole body. 18.00 and 20.00 vaiufaT: . Ex!ra . . . White Cotton Felt Mattress, four side Q j 9 A stiches. Comfort assured . . . . .?JLt.J V Cotton Down Mattress Special 11.00 Wc have just 50 mattresses on hand. Come and sec them Bed Complete 2-inch tubing, coil spring, all felt Mattress. Extra special tit 26 50 A Complete Stock of Household Furnishings and Linoleum These prices for cash. Goods delivered in your home I Third Avenue Phone 775 SKXSOKWKXSBtZ mi Thursday Friday and Saturday Oct. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Advertising S&la ot.TheM B.mtlful CRYSTALS Hand Carved 16-Inch 32 Cut Bring This Coupon Save $301 IT IIAHDLY 8KKMS POSS1BLU Ceur Mtrao&c. Tb vuiiutM-ant fcu mowed ui t of dutiful 14 rxkllng Cry.ul cnokeri to mU tt uH advertising prlc of If tt to tnaviTtiiltiit for yrra a Each In a Ikamifal Gift Box. unTt? 2& ."S Add 10c for Mail Orders. Joa- McCUTCHEON'S DRUGSTORE The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily IJy anadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'UINCK RUPERT, It.C. BULKLEY VALLEY COAL The Better Coal In buying Bulkley Valley Coal: You get the highest grade coal on this market; you keep your fuel dollar in your own section of the province; you help solve the local unemployment situation ; you help develop a basic industry in Central British Columbia. In ordering insist on Bulkley Valley Coal. WATERFRONT WHIFFS Halibut Liver Shipping New Industry Seaplane to Be Repaired Soon Halibut Landings Quite a substantial little industry bids fair to develop at Prince Rupert in connection with the. new project of shipping halibut livers to Chicago for use in the medicinal work of Abbott Laboratories. The1 Booth Fisheries Co. is buying the halibut livers at Prince Rupert and the Bacon Fisheries has been given the work of dehydrating and ireezmg me livers preparatory ion ihtnmpnt. TPnf TneteoH nt Vatrr thrown overboard as was formerly Lfluuy Ol 1 116111 All WIG bflOC, UTCIO U1C HUH VCAJlg saved on board many of the fishing ! boats. Immediately on landing in port the livers are landed and proc-; essed for shipment. The price be ing paid is 12c a pound and, when it is taken into consideration that a single boat recently brought in 1092 pounds, it Is not an altogether neglible matter to save the livers. In three days recently 6704 pounds of livers were landed. There 'will be no appointment to the office of director of he Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Sta tion in succession to D. B. Finn, who xsigned over a year ago, until next spring at the earliest, it Is learned Pending the new appointment, H. N. Drocklesby is continuing as act- ng director. Scope of work at the itation is constantly increasing. A neeting of Pacific Coast sub-execu tive of the Biological Board of Canada was held at the station last eek when various matters of pol icy were discussed. Rio Bonita Leaves After having spant since last nimmer cruising in Northern British Columbia and Alaska waters with Mr. and Mrs. F. dcOanahl and party if New York on board, the Vancouver charter yacht Rio Bonita, belonging to A. Melville Dollar, sailed it noon Thursday for her homo port. Capt. .Villi im Wyborn, reg-ilar skipper, came north' to take he vessel south. Capt. Frank Tylur, vho had bren in command duiing ,he summer, went to Vancouver, a spend a vacation. The Seattle charter yacht Nooya vrrived in port Thursday afternoon rom Alaska to have repairs made it the local dry dock to an exhaust nanifold. As soon as the work is :ompleted the vessel will proceed o Seattle, her home port. A party f Detroit people which had been cruising on the Nooya proceeded Your Opportunity to Save! Every Penny Counts Aylmer Soup- Assorted, 10 tins for Aylmer Pork and Beans 2's, 10 tins for Aylmer Catsup Bottles 2 for Aylmer Peas Size No. 3, finest quality, 3 tins for Per case Sago and Tapioca S lbs. for Rico Japan, good quality. 11 lbs. for Royal Breakfast Bacon- machine sliced, per lb. ... Eggs Fresh stfeonds, 3 dozen for Malkln's Best Baking Powder oz. tins, t per tin Malkln's Best Tomatoes 28. 2 tins for Malkln's Best Spinach 2V4's. per tin 95c 95c 27c 40c $3.15 35c 50c 30c 69 -12- 23c 25c 19c For Further Specials I'honc Us. We deliver orders of $2.00 or more to any part of the city. Our Fifth Avenue Store delivers Groceries with Meat Orders free of charge. We give prompt and careful attention to all mail orders. Mussatlem's Cash and Carry Stores nvnere uonars nave more urnts jllione3G0 Phone 18 & 81 (The largest striped Martin sword-tish ever caught is brought to gaff at Balboa, Cal., near Los1 Angeles. south from here by steamer Thursday night. Having evidently had mechanical ! trouble, the big Imperial Oil Co.'s , tanker Albertolite sent out an S O S call on Tuesday night of this week I from the vicinity of Swanson Bay 1 The next mornlne the vessel, which had delivered 'fuel cargo here and jat Stewart, was able to proceed to Vancouver unaer ner own power. Repairs to the Northern British Columbia Airways Oypsy Moth seaplane, which was damaged several weeks ago while on a flight to Langara Island, are expected to be completed within the course of the next week or ten days. The work has been carried out under the direction of Pilot Desmond Murphy and Mechanic Ole Rolhg at the company's newly-established han- jgar on the waterfront. After the necessary government Inspection I has been made following completion of repairs, the, plane will be ready to go once more Into commission. I The Pacific Salvage Co. Is carrying out the work of putting In a new float on the waterfront for the Digby Island ferryboat Catherine B. ! While the work on the new landing is going on, the Catherine B. Is tying up at the Pacific 'Salvage ' floats. Henceforth the Catherine B. i will remain overnight on this side j instead of Digby Island, Captain I Harry Calderwood having taken up 'residence in town some time ago. j The Northern British Columbia ; Power Co.'s power tug Billmor Is ' undergoing an overhaul at the Pa-jclfic Salvage Co.'s floats. The Sunset Hardware Magazine ' published in Vancouver has an Interesting article in a recent Issue j on the fisheries of tho British Columbia coast, Prince Rupert and its Important relation to the fisheries coming In for prominent mention. There Is a good picture of the local waterfront with many fishing ves sels in sight, but labelled as "Waterfront at Vancouver." I Hunters report a great many more i wolves than usual In the woods hereabouts this fall. There are both the black and grey variety of those j predatory animals which destroy so , 319 3rd Ave. 417-423 5th Ave. many deer and upon which there is no bounty this year. Despite tho i lack of bounty, however, hunters! ' are not loath to-hoot such wolves as they encounter In the course of their roaming. Boasts New Car Jim Norrington of the Cold is aspiring to the millionaire class, having now bought himself a ' fine car. Walking was too tiresome j and the bus was much too plebian, I so the car was purchased, We fear I that Prince Rupert will soon be too small for our friend and that he may have to be shipped to more metropolitan scenes. llAilUUb lailUlMgd ail U1C JJUllr ut i Prince Rupert up to and including yesterday totalled 14,012,340 pounds, of which 5,300,900 pounds was from Canadian vessels and 8,711,440 lbs.' from American. For the week ending yesterday landings aggregated 632,900 pounds, of which 134,400 lbs. was from Canadian and 498,500 from , American vessels. Prices, on the whole, showed considerable improvement during the week Just ended. The high bid of the week for Canadian fish was 9.2c and 5c paid the Oulvik for 4,000 pounds, while the low was 5c and 3c received by the Brant for 1600 pounds. For American fish the high price of the week was 10c and 3c paid the Ta-toosh for 15,000 pounds and the low 5.5c and 2c paid the Western for 34,000 pounds. ROGERS IN FINE FILM 'Jreat Comedy Is Offered as Weekend Attraction at Capitol Theatre In "Young as You Fnl " nurrent offering at the Capitol Theatre. Will Rogers, great American comedian, discards the personal habits of a lifetime and appears for the first time on the screen as a well-groomed and nattily tailored ssentleman. The picture Is a most delightful combination of wholesome wit and Infectious humor. Many Rogers fans think it Is his best picture to date. There Is a good plot which lends interest to the picture. Vivacious FH1 D'Orsay gives Rog- a Friday and Saturday g TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 p.m. g ADMISSION 20c & 65c W Frotiiri. Klnrti nt 7;35 &. 9:33 5 a n- B S 0 a H q 55 Sat. Matinee at 2:30, 15c & 40c FEATURE STARTS AT 3:05 in Saturday, October 3, 183j The King of Jokcstcrs WILL ROGERS " Young As You Feel " With FIFI DOUSEY and LUCIEN LITTLEFIELD, 5 She gave him young Ideas when she sang "The Cute Little Things M You Do" Comedy. "Chester Conklin In "Taxi." Cartoon, "Bimbo's Express" I'aramoimt News jj 3 Monday and Tuesday, James Dunn and Sally Eilcrs in "Bad Girl" nana id Kit r I'mjujumv zkkijsji uwcamisca ub tm mm vu Federal Tea Shoppe Federal Block Third Avenue West The Only Private Dining Koom in Prince Rupert Private .Lunches, Dinners. Bridge Partle catered to. Afternoon Teas - - - - Home Cooking Hours: 3 to 6 9 to 12. Phone Black 700 for reservations rrs cx' ellrnt support and turns in a delightful performance Luclen Littleflcld plays an important part as the long-suffering general manager of Will Rogers' meat packlne plant. On the whole, it is a delightful week-end entertainment. Tom Dybhavn and daughter, Viola, sailed last night on the Car-dena for a trip to Vancouver. RECALLS LAIUiE SHIPMENT The Twenty Years Am column f the Vancouvo: Provmc'; I he following: "With 21.000 rws her largest consignment of :.UniM this summer, the Boscowitz sf im -r Vadso. Capt. Noel, arrived from Prince Rupert this morning. A wc ond smaller con inn me nt of salmon from Rivers Inlet arrived ir the afternoon on the steamer nmi BrftfaH Thermal Vnlt mr iht mmnunt 0 hit r ulri f rmln I lb. Mtr 1 fafcrhll BUT YOU PAY&Li VERY seldom is it possible to offer a better coal rusting less than an inferior coal. Hut it's true in this cane. Vancouver Ilnnd Giat . . . "Nanuiinn-Wcllingtoit", "Iidy-smith" or "Comox" ... at today', prices, give you 30 more heat per dollar than your money will buy in any lignite coal available in Prince Rupert. Just to prove this t There are, on the average, 13,030 H.T.U.V ficr lb. in these famous coals, as against 9,1110 in the average Ignite coal (imported). For the Island Coal you pay f 13.50. For lignite you pay more. Double Screened Lump - - $13,so Mine Run 12'" Washed Nut 12 00 There's a double advantage in demanding Vancouver Island Coali (1) for its better beating vuluej (2) your money remains in 11. C. and benefits your own community. Order from your Dealer today. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. - Phone 116 PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. - Phone 648 I)itrilmtors for CANADIAN COIlliRIES (DUN5MUIR) LTD. MOST B.T.U.'s PER DOLLAR. K I