FLAG IS GINCHED St, Louis Cardinals Again National League Champions ST. LOUIS, Sept. 17 The St. Louis Cardinals cinched the National League pennant (or the second con secutlve year yesterday when they defeated Philadelphia, while the New York Giants were dropping a . double-header to the Cincinnati Red. In the first game of the double-header. Red Lucas. Cincinnati hurler, turned in his fifth straight victory. Carl Hubbelli pitched for the Giants and weakened before the end. In Uie American League, George Earnshaw scored his twentieth pitching victory of the season for the Philadelphia Athletics when the Mackmen downed the Cleveland Indians. Earnshaw allowed six hits, while Wes Ferrell, Indian hurler, was touched for ten. It was the last meeting of the season of the Athletics and the Indians. -Boston Red Sox defeated the Chicago White Sox and relegated the latter to the cellar while they themselves went into seventh place. Yesterday's scores: National League Philadelphia 3, Si. Louis 6. Brooklyn 11, Pittsburgh 5. New'York 3, 3; Cincinnati 7, 4. Boston 5, 7; Chicago 6, 8. American League St. Louis 2, Washington 6. Chicago 1. Boston, 2. Cleveland 5, Philadelphia 7. Baseball Standings National League Won Lost Pet. St. Louis 96 49 .662 New YOrk 88 61 .580 Chicago- 78 68 .534 ' Brooklyn 75 70 .517 Pittsburgh 71 73 .493 ' Boston 61 83 .424 Philadelphia 60 88 .411 Cincinnati 55 90 .379 American League Philadelphia 100 43 .699 Washington : 86 56 .606 New York , 84 57 596 Cleveland 71" E0 507 St. LOCH 59 83 .415 Detrott 57 86 .399 , Chicago . 55 87. .387 Boston 56 i 490 Old Country Soccer WEDNESDAY'S SCORES EnjHsh League First Division: Derby County 3, Everton 0. Liverpool 7. Middlesborough 2. Portsmouth 0, Arsenal 3. Sunderland 2, Birmingham 3. English League Second Division Bradford 3, Charleton Athletic. 0 Manchester United 1, Stoke City 1 Nottingham Forest 2, Preston N. 2 North Arayle 2, Bristol City 1 Scottish League First Division: Motherwell 6, Third Lanark 0. Partfck Thistle 1, Dundee 3. According to a Otrman scientist fatigue is caused ty a poison, which he has Isolated and from which he has prepared an antitoxin that seems to Increase the energy. m i Argentine Polo Players at Practice Argentine team of polo players put in some practice during eastern invasion. Juan Reynal of Argentines hooking the mallet of Lieut. McDonald Jones during on" of the pftt:t;c? gunes in N. Y. .SPORT NOTES Enjoys Golf? Just a minute watch her ridel says Billy Bennett, participant In recent vaudeville golf society meet at Han well, nngiand, recently. Pipe the lad's expression men Sock MY Wear Weu 50c, 75c and $1 Buy yourtcl) a fete pain. They're the goods all right Nifty as can be. TUNNEY TO COME BACK Possibility Looms of Former llea vy weight Champion Return ing To Ring NEW YORK. Sept. 17-Genr Tunney, in an interview here yesterday, did not deny the pos sibllity that he may return to the ring next sprin-. Remarking on the offer that has been made him by promoters of Mrs. William Randolph Hearst's Milk Friends Honor Frank Russell Farewell Party Last Night for Well Known Young Man Who Is Going to Calgary Sme twenty-five friends gathered ;last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith. Third Avenue :Eat, to do honor to Frank Russell, who leaves tonight for Vancouver en route to Calgary where he will take a three-year course in electricity. Oames, singing and dancing ,were enjoyed and delicious refreshments were served. During the evening the prestation was made to Mr. Russell of a u-ff! going a"way gift. I Mr. Russell was formerly a mem ber of the staff ir the Power Cor poratlon of Canada and Is a well , known local football player. SAFETY IS QUESTIONED Skippers' May Not Be Altogether to Jf Blame. Vancouver Sun ; Suggests Capt. Mabbs, master of the ss Prince David has had his papers suspended for three months because he grounded his ship In fog at Port Townsend, says the" Van couver Sun editorially. Capt. J. D. MacPherson, wreck commissioner, told the skipper he was lucky to get off so lightly. Why was Capt. MacPherson lenient? Was the whole story hot told? No extenuating circumstance was disclosed on the face of the evidence. There is an undeveloped "hint, however, that this leniency was prompted by a system which the Commissioner, knows about, disapproves, but either falls or is! unable to attack. The hint Is found in Capt. Mabta " own testimony. He said, as-regular' travellers on coast steamers knowi to be true, that all the ships on regular scheduled routes keep up I their, speed In fog. This Is an absolute violation of marine law. Do the skippers breaxj the law out of a sense of lrrespon-I slblllty, or are they under orders?) There is more than a suspicion' that the shore officers of the local navigation companies inslsd upon their masttrs keeping their, boats up to schedule, no matter what the weather conditions mav' Selectors of Canada's 1932 worn- earlier this month and any one of be. . j ;ens team ror uie Los Angeles them might develop by next year The., only explantlon to Justify' (Olympics may have their worries. Into an International star. Two. In Cabl MaePherson's leniencv to thf but picking a strong sprint section particular, stood out as sprinters of master of the Prince David would wont be one Ct them. The rest is exceptional ability, apparently al- be his knowledge of that condi- not likely to be such a heartening ready ripe for competition in any tion. The Inference Is very strong Jb- ! company. But Wetaskiwln failed that he believed Capt. Mabbs was iw produce a single new performer not the man really to blame. At least hajf doarn girls flashed of better - than - ordinary rating Similar Accidents flying feet at Wetaskiwin. Alta., dur-, There seems to be no successor to, The similar accidents to the ss ing me canaaian cnampionsrups versaiue Fanny Rosenfeld. , Prince Rupert at Ocean Falls, to1 . " ' the Princess Adelaide and .thr1 Three sprinters stand today as Hamphtym off Point Orey, to the j heavy favorite to make places on Princess Marguerite and Louise off! the Dominion s Olympic team. They San Juan Island, create an uneasy are Mrs Myrtle Cook-McOowan of jellng jn the public mind that th.'l My Montrcal- coast, steamship line are placing and Beatrice-OMespie of Edmonton. .peed above safety s?." eck CommlssioBer be. , . v. w.-mp.u.is neves the skippers are entitled t-i fiTTiim. h T len,ency when tney break 'aw 2 lESlK tbelr employers have told 1 vSr i I JS rV Ut S them & lt- l".n he should pur- d " e" the ?.f W prof. Mlas Mav. cantured the on v two she tried for. . " t"e f e Men- P" iui anu juujc ujjuu wimhb uie poo- pie who go down to the sea In ships, depend for the enforcement ;Of marine law In these waters. ' It Is better to be an hour or so late In arriving In Victoria or Seattle than never arrive at all. Speed at the expense of safety cannot be j tolerated at sta. any more than ! along Granville Street LOW PRICES i ' FOR CHILDREN j On Saturday from 1 to 3 all shows. 1 rides and Bingo will be only 5 cents to all children of school age. The Elks are running some of the con-.ceesionscesslons themselves and th Fund for babies to meet Jack more support they get the bigger Demptcy next June and Max , the Christmas Cheer Fund Vlll bd. Schmtllng in September. Tun. ; The. Elks dont believe in liavlne ney said that lie could use very a bank account and every cent they nicely the $750,000 that twosuen bouts would net him. Further, he declared that he would like to bring the heavyweight championship back to the United States. Tunney had a light work-out yesterday, the first he has had In two years. make will soon be back In clrcula tion. . This la the best way of killing old man D. Presslon. QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. OurPrlnce Rupert Trices: No, "i 5x per M . ...$.M5 No. 1 3x per M SJtS No. ? per M Z.t5 ROBERTSON & SIMPSON Massctt. B.C Agent Hyde Transfer. Thone (80 TAXIDERMY Furs Made Up 18 Years' Eipcrlenre Al Kinds of Mounting J. A. LESTIN Prince George I This advertisement is not pub-lislied or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. PULP MILL IN ALASKA ' 2 Alaskan Industry In favor of foreign ! countries. It was pointed out that the Alaskan projects enjoy no tariff or other artificial aids, but rely solely on their natural advantages to compete with other regions Including Canada. American manufacturers. After spending some $200,000 on , preliminary surveys, the Alaskan ! pulp and paper projects arc reported I at a standstill because of business ; conditions. Timber contracts havo been signed for mills in the vicinity t of Juneau and Ketchikan but power I licenses have not as "yet been at- j cepted by the manufacturers. Con-j structlon work on the power plants has been postponed. j 1M-C as an Ocean Breeze YOURS... 5 The keen pleasure of a holiday long anticipated , , . The deep satisfaction of a good business deal . The excitement of a new friendship , . , The contentment of a well-earned rest . . . All these sensations are yours as you sip a sparkling bottle of , Curling's Black Label Lager Beer With all lt$ quality It costs no mart Carling's Alaska's largest community. Ket-chtkan. has no winter payroll and Is active onlv frnm Jnlv 4 tn Anu is fk. 1 I A . . ... .itc puip inauwry, ii a generally freed, would stabilize the country and tend to build it up. Other oreanlzations in Junrau anri Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce other Alaskan communities were ex- asks uoernmeni lor support pected to follow the aetlon of the Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce KETCHIKAN, Alaska, Sept. 17. In urging that no governmental re- That the opportunity exists in stralnt be placed on the entrance Alaska to build up on American soil of pulp and paper manufaetUrtrs a large newsprint Industry under " the Alaskan field. It was said government supervision, was point- that there has been no Increase tn ed out by the Ketchikan Chamber newsprint production In the United of Commerce tn a telegram sent re- States since 1913, although the ton-cently to President Hoover. sumption has Increased by about SENSATION IS CAUSED The claim of the American Pulp j . . 8EATTLE- 8ePl 17 -A "nsatlon and Paper Association was that ceo-1 noralc conditions do not Justify the wa C,Uu Jfay at u,e trla ' 0lb "nden. former president establUhment of new mills. Alaskans maintained that no manufacturer f the Puet Soun ?av,ns tfLoan would spend $15.000.00Q or more In PaW on 8nd charges the development of a mill here If when Charles a he thought that economic conditions retary-treasurcr of the company, would hrintr fmi,,r. t fh wre that secret fUrs, which would Black Label Lager Beer ture. .The protest was Interpreted !f fffj iFor as a defense of Canadian and not TJ '". ma occome missing since iney naa been turned over to state officers. Edward Lipsett Here After Tour Through Europe Steamship Sailing. for Vancouver-Sunday ss Pr O " ' l Tuesday ss. CataJj ' M P Thursday . Pr !:- 1 Friday- ss. Prtnrr M try 19 S3 Cardena, n Sept 23--ss. Prlii I from Vancouver-Sunday ss. Cstsia Wed. ss. Pr. Rup- Friday ss. Ptlnc M ..rv 4 p Fridayas. Card, i . Pa Satur. ss. Pr Go 'I 6 bnl 10. Prm 1 '' u.j,. a w .... 8ept. 30 s. Prm The message was dispatched fol- 2,000.000 tons annually. Plants por Na, tlrcr aa rrt simp lowing publication of ft letter sent have been established In Canada to Sunday ss Cat.i! P the President by officers of the care for this Increase. : Vnm NaM J,.rr & rort simp American Pulp and Paper .Assocla- Alaskan forests, severed by deep Tuesday s. CaUU ;J0- tion asking that pending hegotfci- channels open to navigation vol guwart and Anv. Hons for the sale of pulp timber throughout the year, are said to be sundayss. Cat; in Alaska be halted. capable of supplying more than a Wednesday ss Pr v ;,s Many newspapers declared that quarter of the American newsprint such action by the President would demand at the present annual rate om gtcwart and An ox - discriminate against a potential of consumption. 8unda-ss. Pr ' Tuesday- ss C.i- n Thurs ss. Pr B i For Ocean Falls Sunday ss. Pr ': Tuesdayas. Catai.i Thursday-ss Pr P Friday ss. Prlncrs- v From Ocean Falls Wed. as. Pr Rup i-Friday- s. Cardflna ss. Prince- x Sat. ss. Pr Oeon: Nelson, former ' "r ""'Z , From Queen Charlotte Sept. 22 ss Prlni ' Sept. 10 as. Prln Bept. 30 ss. Prln From Alaska SeDt. 23 ss. Prin From Skcena River Frldays-ss. Cardi n " 1 C. N. Tit For the East Mondays, Wednesday days. 12:30 noon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lipsett Rr : From the East rived In the city on this afternoon's ! Snndavs. Tuesday Principal Industry 'train after a tour of Europe In the days, 1:30 p.m. Today .Alaska's principal Industry course of which Mr. Lipsett attended ! Is her fisheries, producing annually the Rotary International convention I Oscar Landry, 'i-products valued at $50,000,000. Mln- (at Vienna during the past summer, tendent of Ooverm lng wealth It rated at about $14,000,- They will spend the next few days returned to the city 000 a year. The former Is a sea- In the city bsfore proceeding to their coon train from a sonal Industry und because of It ( home in Vancouver. jirs on offlcUl duues. w S 9 in p 10 p 10 p :u t& pA 4 pr 30 I lii p II 4P P Thur- . ifu-