tA01 THRU A tired man should not BOVRIL Mail Schedule For the East . ,., I I .. MHj r , . . . Saturday 4:30pjn From Vancouver-Sunday . 4 pm. Wednesday 11:30 am. Friday P-m. Saturday 10:30 am. For Stewart and Anyox . Sunday r - Vm- Wednesday 4 pm. Baturday 4 P-m- From Stewart and Tremler Sunday 8 pm. Tuesday 11:30 am Thursday 8 pm. Saturday 8 P-m For Naas River and Tort Simpson funday 1 P-m From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 am. From North Queen Charlottes-Thursday '0:30 am. For queen Charlottes. Sept. 10 and 24 10 pm. From ((urrn Charlottes-Sept. 8 and 22 am. Guide to Correspondents The Dally News welcomes correspondence on live topics of the day or any oUicr subject of public Interest, but letters must be brief and to the point. The long-winded correspondent has no. place Iri modem Journalism. Every letter must be signqd by the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a matter of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to the waste paper basket. Letters of a caustic character must have the signature appended for publication. Letter should be written on one side of the paper only. 'Correspondents must avoid personalities and the language should be such as would be allowed In the ordinary rules of debate. Concentrated from Prime Beef Bovril is a fine restorative. day 11:30 ajn.t From the Etst Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday 1:30 pm For Vancouver 1 Sunday . 9 pjn. Tuesday 12:30 noont Wednesday, .v..-...4:30 pm.! Thursday 9 pjn. Friday J. U pan. Tea and Sale 61 Week-End CANDY SPECIAL Chocolate Covered Brazils, lb.,. . 50c Nut Buds, per lb. ... .20c Take a Pound Home Ormes ltd. 3fut Pioneer Druggists Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Fulton St. Is Successful Loyal Orange Kcnevolcnt Association Holds Affair at Home of Mrs. James Krikevsky A delightful tea and sale of home cooking was held yesterday afternoon by the Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association at the home of Mrs. James Krikevsky. 733 Tatlow Street Many ladles called during the after noon to lend their patronage to the affair, which was both enjoyable and successful. Mrs. Krikesrky. Mrs. S. V. Cox and Mrs. A. Macdonald had charge of the event. Mrs. W. Boles and Mrs. Krikvsky received the guests and Mrs. H. B. Eastman and Mrs. J. O. Vlereck poured. Serviteurs were MUs D. Smith. Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Fowler. Mrs. Larson acted as cashier. Mrs. Cox was convener of the tea room. In charge of the home cooking 'able were Mrs. Bert West and Mrs. T. Carlyle. Miss Hilda Beale looked after the raffles. During the afternoon there was delightful musical program which ncluded vocal solos by Mrs. P. C. Miller, accompanied -by Mrs. Kiel-back, vocal solos by Mrs. C. E. Cullln, accompanied by Mrs. J. S. Black and piano solos by Misses Rosle Cox nd Ruby Krikevsky. The drawing was made by Mrs. Tohn Clave ring and Miss Helen Sim won tne WDie cioin ana serviettes with ticket No. 21. LOCAL ITEMS F. D. Rice. B.C.L.S.. has returned to the city from a brief trip to Massett on professional business. Charles J. Fletcher, executive ecretary of the British Columbia Medical Association, arrived In the -Ity on this afternoon's train from Prince George, whence be accompanied a party of lecturing doctoi? this week, and will sail tonight by the Prince Rupert on his return to Vancouver. Inspector William jSplllef. provlrr-etal police. Prince George, arrived in the city from the Interior on this aftemo n s tinln and will return to Prince George Saturday morning with a prisoner who -aming from Okalla to face a murder charge at the Supreme Coun Assise In the Interior town next week. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED RtramfTi ! ITInpa nupcrt f or Virmivfrt t.r.k. i'atala rvr.RV tikshav. t.so r.M. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday j Morning. T.8.8. tttKlir.KA r.VI.UV IIUDAY MIKXIOIIT Arriving Vatioouvtr Bundtr midnight pjirox. Wf-akiT .illlngt to Port BUnpnon. Allc Arm. Anyoi. BWwwt nl N.m Blm luU, Sunday 8:00 p.m. Purthr Information rgmtn aAlllngi nd ticket - ritlNCT . Ht'rKRT AUKNCV: Hi mid Avnuf. 1'hon ( s Local Items Glasses fitted ft registered optometrist at Heilbrdner'i store. Exhibition, prize money will bei ready for distribution at 2 p.m.! Friday. 118 Presbyterian tea and home cook ing sale at home of Mrs. J. R. Mlt-! chell, 9th Ave. East, Saturday afternoon, 3 to 6. 218 ' The Catholic Women's League will hold a tea and sale of home cooking at home of Mrs. P. 1 Palmer, 4th Ave. , Saturday after noon. 217 . Louis Hogan, manager, and crew of Humpback Bay, Porcher Island, cannery, which has been closed down for the season, will sail on the Cardena tomorrow night for Vancouver. A number of men and boys and young children lost their hats or caps during Fair week and two ladies left their hats behind at the building. These have been taken care of and removed to the office j in the city hall where the owners' may fecoYer them. j Dan Fraser, Government Tele-; fraph operator at Haysport, has! been -transferred to Prince Rupert! af bookkeeper and the office at I lay sport is closed. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser and family will live at 432 Fifth Ave. West. Nelson Drew is ap-nolnted local telephone agent at Haysport. A. M. Johnson, K.C., crown prosecutor for the province, who arrived yesterday from Victoria, proceeded by train to Hazelton, where he will visit for a few dayswith his son- in-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Wrinch, before proceeding to Prince George where he will be In attendance at the Supreme Court Assizes next week. A Chevrolet truck, belonging to B. and R. Transfer, was driven last evening by a boy who was tampering with it from its parking place oft the lane to the rear of the transfer office over the side into the back of the deep excavation at the southwest corner of Second Avenue and Second Street. The vehicle went straight over on its nose and then turned on Its side. The boy. fortunately, was uninjured. The truck sustained a good deal of damage. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY GIRL wants housework. Phone Black 900. 223 FOR . RENT Two-room flat, 603 Talrd AvePhone Black 625. 223 BARBAIN in Old Newspaper. Useful for lighting fires, laying be neath carpet, wrapping parcel, packing furniture and many other purposes. Special for a short time, 2 bundles for 25c Dally News. tf eadaehe often relieved without "dosm. tt-S W 7APOHUB OVtB W MIUION JABS USED YtARtV DRY CLEANING AND l'RKSSING Ladies' Si Gentlemen's Tailoring Reasonable Prices M. T. LEE COMPANY 323 3rd Ave. W. Phone 663 HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Ruperts leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms. A. J. PKUnilOMMK. Trop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts SAVOY Cecil Brchant, Anyox; C. L. Lewis. Butedalc. New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot it Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. TEH DAY AND UP J, Zarcill Trlfphona 11 ROYAL H. Sallla Long Lee, Chew. W. Cong Lee. Fong I ting. Lung Lock ..nU Ml.. R. Halley, city. THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, September 17, 1931 Comfortable Rooms n IJ"HIENnLY comfort wit Hon I atraa. gant dUpla? I. iprMd in evvry appointment and awrU-i Awaj from t ha din of traffic, 7t wllhln two bio. k. of thratrr. and ahopa, tha Uroavenor ia Ideal); aituatad. - uiosvenoi -titeriendltj The Dollar Store has been appointed Agents of Pictorial Patterns, and has Just received a shipment of the new Fall Styles. 219 Olnnrrware. cnxna, crockery, glassware, Hcilbroner'i Store. Mrs. D. II. McDonald returned to the city yesterday from Seattle where she left her son, Angus McDonald, in school. J J. Dyck, who has been on tho summer staff of the Prince Rupert ! Fisheries Experimental Station. left; yesterday on his return to Saska-, toon where he will resume his stu-: Idles I at the University of SasKat-j chewan. j George McAuley was fined $25. j with option of thirty days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont) in city police court this morning for stealing a large lunip of coat last week from the street in front 'of the Prince Rupert Feed Co. It j was not long ago that McAuley (similarly removed a large lump of coal from the street in Iron Casey's Cartage office. j Klngsley Navigation Co.'sfreigh-i ter Rosebank. formerly tne C. O. M. M. Canadian Rover, called here I this morning for clearance after a voyage to Skagway under charter to the Canadian Pacific Coast kSteamshlp Services for freight car rying purposes. The Rosebank arrived at 9:50 a.m. from the north, sailing for Vancouver not long Provincial Constable Wm. Harrison returned to the city on this afternoon's train from a brief trip to Tort Esslngton and will sail to night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver, having In his custody Felix Seppl of Stewart, sentenced to six months' Imprisonment at Okalla for keeping liquor for sale: Tom Hanson, who will servo-thw months for drunk rnnrss. and Robert Lawson, Pott Simpson, who his been sent down lor six months for i upplylng liquor to Indians. Announcements Eagles' Carnival dance September 18, Ladies refreshments; Gems 50c. . Gyro Fall Hoedown. "Ojtpbcr. 10. Moose Hall. Hill 60 I.O.D.E. Bridge and dance October 30. Moose Carnival and Dance N(W. 12 and 13. Anglican Cathedral Bazaar, November 10. Ued Salmon, 12c. Jb.; Halibut, 7c. IbA-FISII MARKET. Indian Agent W. M. Halllday of Alert Bay is in the city to attend the session of the Supreme Court Assizes. He airlvcd from the south yesterday. .' T. W. Hall, Inspector of school, was the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Ru-pert Rotary Club at the Commodore Cafe today. He dealt, with educational matters. President O. H. Munro Was In the chair. Dr. and Mrs. A. Ettgelpw, wlio arrived in the city earlier in the week from Telegraph Creek, where Dr. Edgelow has been practising medicine, will sail tomprrow night on the Princess Mary for theirl home In Victoria. Dr. Edgelow spent a few days In the city on business. no t el Twentv Years As VANCOUVER, B.C.. In Prince Rupert September 17, 1911 II. S. Clements, Conservative candidate for Skeena In the federal election contest, and J. S. Cowpcr, chief oratorical gun for Duncan Ross, the Liberal candidate, met on the same platform at Kitsumaklum last night and it was a hot debate that ensued-. At the end of the meeting,' Mr. Clements publicly withdrew the challenge he had issued at the outset of the campaign to meet Mr. Cowper on the platform at any time. Frank Russell will sail on the m. The labor untons 0f Prince Rupert Prince Rupert tonignt-ior vaneou-' t mMt,nclntheEmDrMS theatre, route to Calgary where he ver, en declded upon a one-day general will take a three-years course in strtke on October 11, the day of the electrical engineering. I opening of the trial In Los Angeles of the McNamara brothers for com- James Bryant, son of Mr. and pilclty m the blowing up of the Los Mrs. O. A. Bryant, will sail on the , An?cle4 xjmeg building. W. H. Prince Rupert tonight' to resume : Montgomcry presided over the his studies in Seattle after spend- j mcctlng and speakers Included D. ing the summer vacation here wl.h0 Keyser and Robert Godson. his parents. ' j . . I Rev." W. II. McLcod will preach Sidney Batcher of the Post Of-itoninht in First Baptist Church in fice staff, who left recently for a holiday trip south, has had to enter Shaughnessy Military Hospital ;at Vancouver to receive treatment for war injuries. Mclntyre Hall on the subject of "Reciprocity in Religion." I i nil I i : rnmimimx ennui tu.tmi:u De Jong s Cash and Carry PHONE 953 PHONE 953 We Deliver $2.00 or Over Free Aylmer Red Plums An per tin vv Australian Peache-i2Ws 25C Or. Grove Oolden Bantam 9f mOj Corn 2 tins Dutch Maid Salad Dressing. 3( Eggs Fresh Pullet Extras. OQ perdoz. Cream of Wheat Per 5-lb. Malkin's Best Pure Straw- tZftn berry Jam 4-lb. can Red Arrow Whole Wheat WOO QQp Wl- TJ-ir. t IK. tnr ri ,J, . 0 tin, iui .. Malkin's Best Coffee Per lb. Campbell's Tomato Soup CJq yi tin Fray Bentos Corned Beef l's Ripe Olives per tin Macaroni. Spaghetti, Vcrma- "tCZ( VELVEETA CHEESE-Ws per pkg. 43c 17c 20c 18c REGAL or WINDSOR 1 XUO fP SALT- Per pkg. P if,BaV5 aiMtTai::'-ai;i:wiJ;!':'iiiiit:siw1 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK ' AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Nothing can take the place of quality mm Yellow label Salada bO, a lb Brown label Salada 7ct a lb 'Freeh from the gardens Salada Tea is sold by Mussallcm's Cash & Carry Stores CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND Were Married SHIPYARD OPERA UNO . T. P. 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK bnglnms. Machinists. Boilermakers, Wrksmiths, iatteru Makers. Founders, Woodworker, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant I Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 Last Evening' Mrs. Ida Doctor Becomes Bride of William Wain at Quiet Ceremony in Lutheran Parsonage The marriage of Mrs. Ida Doctor and William Wain took place quietly i last evening at the1 Lutheran par-! sonage. Rev. John H. Hanson offl-J elating. Witnesses of the ceremony j were Mrs. H. Johansen and Mrs. J. H. Hanson. Mrs. Wain has been, cook for the past few years In the j trance uupen ueiivrui nuspiiai. Mr. and Mrs. wain win resiae on Ninth Avenue East. They will have the hearty congratulations and best wishes of many friends. World's Lightest Cake Weighs Only -Mere Three Tons ALBION. N. Y. Sept. 16 De clared to be the "lightest" of its kind, despite its weight of three tons what was said to be the world's largest cake, standing six feet hlnh. was cut here as a feature of the annual Orleans County Fair. The cake, which for the first time replaced the so-called World'i largest pie, baked here yearly, was the masterpiece of Herman Thorn- Mhmldt, Rochester baker. Special machinery and oven were necessary to place the three layers In position and bake the cake.. The layers were eight feet in diameter. The gigantic morsel contained 600 dozen eggs. 100 pounds of bak-mgpowdcr, 1C00 pounds of flour. 1140 pounds of granulated sugar, 1000 pounds of apple fllllnsj,. 90O pounds of shortening, a gallon of vanilla extract, and 500junds of confectioners sugar for ielhg; STEWART W. 8. Orr has been appointed timekeeper In connection with public works being undertaken locally by the provincial department of public works. Dr. and Mrs. Brydonc-Jack of Vancouver are paying a visit wlth1 their daughter, Mrs. Swanson-Glb- son of Premier. Values In Quality Foods For Friday and Saturday, fresh Eaas Tee Wee size. 2 doz. ROWNIREES COCOA-4-lb. tins, each ROWNTREE'S COCOA- 1-lb. tins, each 39c 24c 47c CHOICE TOMATOES-Royal 97 City, large tins, 2 tins CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS, OAn Fresh stock, per lb. "" SPERRY PANCAKE FLOUR, Qi n large packages, per pkg. . w RED PITTED CHERRIES A fOp Ensign. No. 2 tins, per tin BARTLETT PEARS -Quaker -i Op ot No. 2 tins, per tin PEARL WHITE SOAP 9?f 7 bars CHOICE PINK SALMON- Q n Yacht Brand, tail Una, tin. CELLO WRAPT GRAHAMS, QAn Fresh stock. 1-lb. pkgi., pkgiUl' DRI-PAK PRUNES--Del fiCJp Monte, 5-lb. tins, per trn rLUM JAM Fraser Valley, out ( 4-lb. tins, per tin MARMALADE Malkin's dlt 1 Best 4-lb. tins, per tin MAYONNAISE Dutch MUM, OQn 8-oz. Jars, per Jar uuj (Now made In B. C.) KRAFT CHEESE Per 1-lb. pkg 3Gc Fruits and Vegetables CRISP CELERY Min Per stalk JLV' OKANAGAN ONIONS O itra. GOLDEN BANTAM CORN Per dos WEALTHY APPLES 4 lbs B. C. ITALIAN PRUNES SI IWd - , Per Crate 21c 25c 81.10 Watts Grocery PHONE 55 IMIONK 50 THE BEST FOR LESS