PAGE BIX CTocay-Conqoleum Rugs at new lower-than-ever prices Actual savings ... tuch as you cannot fail to appreciate when brightening up your borne ... ISO W yours with these new CONGOLEUM lower, than-ever prices. Economy plus all the beauty and convenience of this long-enduring floor covering at a fraction of what you have formerly paid. Every'Congoleum Cold Seal Rug is guaranteed by the famous GOLD SEAL ... IS'ew patterns for the season showing unusual beauty in coloring and design w . . Freedom from tiresome sweeping and cleaning. Take advantage NOW of today's low prices. Visit your nearest dealer and make your selection. Here is economy in its most striking and satisfactory lorm. LUXS5K m- HOT MJ . 1U. r4 U 4 ft. lM mmij 6-S0 GOJLD SEAJL Hive Wortits BaLYahir, Uv "Home TurnUiings CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL New Carrier Collection System In view of the depression and to make it as easy as possible for people to pay, the Daily News is to be sold on a weekly basis, payable in advance. The delivery boy will collect each Friday evening for the week following. He buys the papers and sells them to the customers, so there will be no credit given. The boy cannot afford it. Please do not ask him to return for the weekly payment. Have it ready for him. Customers now In arrears will pay the amount owing at the offlre, but this will have nothing to do with the regular collections made by the boy. He will be doing business on his own, and if he does not make his own collections will not deliver the paper. ( Those paid In advance will continue to receive the paper until the subscription expires. Any wishing to continue the yearly payments may do so, and we pay the boy. The price of the paper will be 10c a week, payable strictly in advance. That means six papers for ten cents. It will take a few weeks to get the new system running smoothly, and in the meantime we ask for the co-operation of the readers of the paper. The routes not going on the new system this week will do so just as soon as the lists are made up and the boys properly instructed. Help the boys to set up in business for themselves! WE AKE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Hale of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12. HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 NATURAL PUKE Fresh Milk Tree from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Grade A certificate Health and Sanitation. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY. Rox 895 Phone 287 Car Owners Our repair service is prompt, efficient and courteous. RUPERT MOTORS . Distributors of DODGE & PLYMOUTH CARS Phone 566 Night Calls 161 p NOTE THESE PRICES ! 99ft.ft .S 9.75 fe2 9x10 fu. 15.75 . 11.40 23 I 9 x 12 ft. . 18.00 . 12.95 Tk. COLD rtlL unlka I, fat ff ry Ainmin Cflf CU Rg. It U CMrmM mt mU-V rr MMy LWk aw4 of Smimw Vanderhoof Pool Elects Officers John Carey President of Cn-Oprra-tive; A. St. G. Brain, Secretary-Manager VANDERHOOF. Sept 17. The Central Interior Co-Operative Hay and drain Pool has elected the following directorate: President. John Carey. Vice-President, Oeort;c Cameron. Secy -Manager, A. 8t. O. Drain. Directors. Caleb Prout. II. Fallon and E. Skitt. Week-End Special Fraser Valley Crubapple AOp MUl Jelly 2V4-lb. Jar Heinz Tomato Catsup 2 bottles Malkln's Best Peas Slzc"3, per tin ... per lb Jap Rice, No. 1 5-Ibs Empress Vanilla 45c 15c Ensign Red Pitted Cherries, QHr 2's. per tin Malkln's Best Plum Jam ttZn 4-lb. tin xaVy Eg&j-rFresh Extras ,2'doj. Crosse & BlaekweU's Purest rjffn Olive Oil Quart bottle 1 '' Empress Raspberry Vinegar, I On Quart bottle xu Remo Potatoes-MOO-lb. C-f HE? sack ?1WI 8wlf t's Pure Lard5-lb. rjr n tin ,.; 75c Brookfleld Creamery Butter, Qfli 25c 20c Frascr Valley. Loganberry I fin Jam 2V4-lb. Jar 1UU Many Flowers Cold Cream Soap-4 cakes UO Preserving Peaches Per "QE? crate QJ.VD Alberta Market P, GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 THE DAILY NEW8 Thursday September i AMERICANS TO RUSSIA ."More Than Six Thousand Skilled Workmen Will Have Left By End of Year NEW YORK. Sept. 17 The cml gratlcn of more than MOO skilled American workmen to Russia be fore the end of this year has been arranged by :ne Amtirg Trading Corporation, according to annouce mcnt ye tenia;, by the Soviet trad ing corporation here. ThMc work ers "jtil go under one and two -yea contracts, but. it was explained at the Amtont offices, many of these men are taking their families a 'one with the intention of settling permanently in the soviet Union. In most ca-vs the emigrants arc paying their own passages and talcing their own tools with them Describing Mir movement as or ganised tmniiniion." Amtorg offi cials said that every worker leaves me vniiea t ucs wan me guaranty of a job Mid olace to live. In many raae 'he skill of these work-en opens to them such positions as foreman or supervisor; and in all rases the American Immigrant is given the rights and privileges enjoyed by Russian workers, Jnolud-ing social insurance, recreation and the education of his children. It is said. NEWS IS WELCOME Injetior News Plsasrd That Frank Dot kr ill lla Droit rn Down Coal Marketing Difficulties Announcement that F. M. Dock rill had finally been able to break down the baying resistance of big corpora Uotls and had secured an order for 760 tons of coal for CNJt. stations to welcome news for the entire district, says the Interior News, edi torially. The final effect must follow that coal consumers throughout the territory served by this mine will have added confidence in the quality of the Telkwa product. With other important orders for Telkwa coal now an hand, il means woik for a number of men at the mine; It means work for several men with trucks hauling coal to the railway, and to the extent of the coal to be handled it means some work for rallwaymen. all providing that In any Industrial expansion the bene fits are widespread. Householders throughout Central British Columbia should use more Telkwa coal, recent tests having proved it to be of high qualltyt Mrs. Charles Hill-Tout Has Passed Was Mother of Local Man and Wife of Well Known Vancouver Anthropologist Mrs. Edith Mary Hill-Tout, aged 72. wife of Prof. Charles Hill-Tout, well known Vancouver anthropologist, who lectured In Pririee Rupert under the auspices of the Women's Canadian CJub not long ago, and mother of Alan Hill-Tout of this city, passed away In her sleep on Wednesday morning last at the farm home of her son, Harold Hill-Tout, near Abbotsford In the Fraser Valley. She was the victim of heart trouble, having been seized with two attacks the night before her death. Mrs. HUl-Tout was a pioneer of the Fraser Valley, she and her husband having settled In the bush near Abbotsford nearly forty years ago. There they hewed a farrrt home out of the bush country. A native of Cardiff. Wales, the late Mrs. Hill-Tout had lived In Toronto with her husband before coming to British Columbia. For the past ten years they had resided in Vancouver. Besides the ton here. Mrs. HIU- Tout is survived by four other sons and three daughters. The funeral took place In A. ,1. Matlheaon, secretary of the Canadian Legion announces tha! they have bh hand a considerable quantity of men's, women's and children's clothing, boots and shoes, and on application at local .Lesion rooms those in attendance will be pleased to Issue same to any returned man, Irrespective of whether he Is a Legion member or .otherwise, and to their dependents SOUTH SEA "Never the Twain Shall Meet" Impressive Picture Preserving Peaches Per Crate 7 TALE HERE I Is S An epic romance of tempestuous life and love In the South Sea Islands is the basis of the talking picture adaptation .of Peter B. Kyne's book of same name, "Never the Twain Shall Meet," which is the current offering at the Capitol Theatre. A violent struggle between love and passionate Infatuation is the central theme of a very impressive story. Leslie Howard, last seen here with Norma Shearer In "A Free Soul," plays the leading male role splendidly while the case Includes two brand new female leads in the persons of Conehita Montenegro, a Spanish dancer from Europe, who appropriately takes the part of the exotic and vivid daughter of the South Sea Islands, and Karen Mor-ley, who plays the part of the American girl and has a speaking voice that is very pleasant Indeed. 0. Aubrey Smith plays an Important character role. Stepmother of District Doctor Passes in South The death occurred recently In fturnaby at the age of 58 years of Mrs. Louise P. Stone, widow of the late Levi W. Stone and stepmother of Dr. W. Hon Stone of Vanderhoof. Deceased is survived by three sis ters, one brother and five stepchildren. After a funeral service in Vancouver, the remains were dispatched to Sam la. Ontario, for burial. The divorce case Irora Alert Bay of Paul vs. Kate Paul is set to be heard this afternoon by Mr. Jubilee Fisher at the Supreme Court Assizes. A Real Bargain FOR EVERYONE SUGAR SPECIAL For your preserving 10 lbs. li Ttr B. C. Sugar granulated) . This special for every order of $3.00 or over. Only 10 lbs. to each customer.) Preserving Pears Per box $1.95 $1.85 Preserving Prunes Per Q-t Off Crate, No. I (Prices on preserving fruits are now at their lowest.) Mcintosh Red Apples Offo 3 lbs. for Mcintosh Red Apples Per Box Grapefruit 4 for Oranges .Ulue Goose r7(n 5 dosen for iUU ffextra value.) 1 tin Malkln's Beat Baking Powder 12-oa., l pkg. Malkln's Best Jelly Powder, o-, Both for MOKj Malkln's Best Tea 2 lbs Corn on the Cooper doaen 2 dosen for Cucumbers-Bach Pickling Cucumbers 3 lbs. for Pickling Onions 4 lbs. for Oreen Peppers ' Per lb. S2.75 25c 85c 20c 35c 5c 25c 25c 15c All Other Varieties at Reduced Prices Mussallems Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents-Phone 3C0 phone 18 & 81 31D 3rd Ave. 417-42J 5th Ave. Wednesday & Thursday TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 p.m. Admission 20c and 63c Feature starts 7:40 and 9:40 THURSDAY MATINEE at 2:30 15c &, 40c Feature Starts 3:10 g Peter B. Kyne's Entrancing Story 1 'Never The Twain Shall Meet' S With Lcsljc Howard, Conchta Montenegro, and I C. Aubrey Smith B American Beauty or South Seas I'assion-Flowcr- S Which did he choose? a 5 Comedy "Catch as Catch Can," with Thelma Todd and Zain PHU Novelty "Two's Company" Friday and Saturday "DIRIGIIU-.R" DUTCH MAID .MONEY Made in B.C. 16-oz Jar 30c RED PITTED CHERRIES 2's, per tin 19c BARTLETT PEAKS per tin 19c QUICK QUAKER OATS NonPrcmium per pkg, 19c Lunch Pail Suggestions Lobster Paste Sea t.uii An extra special. i i , Devilled Meats Assort.'; 3 tins Sardines, in Olive Oil per tin Rlpo Olives- Medium m per Un Nabob Fruits Assorted 0 small tins for Eagle Lobster Vi's 3 Una for Kippered Snacks 3 Una for rk Fresas Biscuit per lb Hall's Ctikken Sandwi' ): 4 0 Spread-per tm Adt Telephone Your Order and Pay the Driver WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING WE SELL Q & S GROCERY Phones: 227 & Z38 10c 25c 10c 22c 80c S1.00 20c 55c COO Sev 'ii ih tv Li t The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK CO Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'KINCE KUI'ICRT, B.C. BULKLEY VALLEY COAL The Iictter Coal In buying Rulklcy Valley Coal: You get thr ' ' ' grade coal on this mavket; youjiecp your fm-1 1 ' j '1 in your own section of the province; you li 'i " Vl' the local unemnlovmcnt situation: vou hrl)' 11 ' a basic industry in Central British Columi- Tl dering insist on Bulkley Valley ( oaJ. PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Tree! LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 619 r- COAL nay the real Coal -our ' tnous Edson and ''7' Welllnrton In an qaanlii'"- Aho Bulkley Vallcv Oraln and Robin Hood Houf' Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND6SS