1 SUBSCRIPTION KATES City .delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance.... $5.00 For lesser'periods, paid in advance, per week 10c 'By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia. . paid In advance for yearly period J 3.00 By: mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- plre and United States, paid In advance, per year $6.00 7 By mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion ... Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word , Local readers, per insertion, per line Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line DAILY EDITION l'AOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. FR1NCR RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert " ' Dally News. Limited, Third Avenu: ' H. F. PULLEN - - Managing-Editor Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND . 1.40 . .02 .25 U 15 Friday, October 2, 1931 NEW CASH BASIS. The world is gradually getting back to its old cash basis following a period of credit expansion unparalleled in history It is difficult work, retrenching to a point where nothing is bought until it is paid for, but it is the ideal system and does away with many worries. To take up the telephone and order, even groceries, with no thought as to how the bill is to be paid, is so seductive that it causes many a young couple to run into debt. It always looks simple to pay next month. The shortage of cash is in the present. ' Under the old system which is being reintroduced as a new one, people are being induced to pay cash with the order or cash on delivery, and it is the best system of doing business the world has seen. PUBLIC SPEAKING. These are days when many people, men and women, undertake to sneak in public. They are called upon to say something at the lodge, the Church society, or some other gathering and usually they say it very badly. The average man has first to apologize for not being prepared and then goes on to talk for five minutes before Tbeginning to deal with his subject. The person who has had some training in public speaking forgets the preliminaries. He plunges right into his subject and keeps to, it until he has finished, and he always stops talking when he has finished instead of rambling uii uniting uuuul noining in particular. Donts of public speaking include "Don t apologize, "Don't talk too long," "Don't cough and .... sputter," "4pn't look down when you you should should 'be W'rok,IrTeVbuf"'audIe"nbfflh 'fookine b.WfcA. vdur m the eye," "Don't get up to speak unless you have something tu say. BRADFORD ELLISON Vicr-Prrdrni. NrUt M Ik PlodiKU HAROLD M. GROUT Met Malum. Nrall'a Ullk rtoduoU CMm1) Ufitfcrd TL election of Mr. UrwUord Kllii to thi luaitkm ot Tce-IYeaiHentor NettK't Milk Product! (Canada) Limits! it announced by the lioard t Director. Mr. Eilin, eight yeart aco, A, the 6rt NriN' mSk in the Dominion of Canada, and Null Milk PrlMt (l aajU) linriml h now one of the largest stlU-n of canwd amll in llw ml ire IVminton. In iiuuy pUt- .Nobi if brand 1 the leading .tiler. Th. appointment of Mr. Harold M. Grout, to th ptition of Sale. Manager, aad Mr. JohnTrancia 10 (Mr Ion of Auhtant Sale. Manager, it ako announced. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS SHIPYARD ;, 01EKATING G. T. 1'. 20.000-TON FLOATING DMYDOCK Snibecra. lUchinUta, Bollermslers, ItUt knmtths, Pattern Makers. Founders, Woodworker. Elc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENB WKUMNfi Oar riant la Equipped to Handle All' Kind- of MAKINE AND COMMERCIAL WOltK I'HONES 43 AND 585 OUTLET IS DISCUSSED Vancouver Sun Expresses Its Views Regarding; Completion of : Pacific Great Eastern (Vancouver Sun) Premier Tolmle has sand to Premier Bennett: "I will build the P.O.E. to Prince George If you will build a line from Prince George to Peace River." Ottawa replies: "I will pay half the cost of a line from Quesnel to Prince George." This, in effect, Is a refusal to build beyond Prince George. What Premier Bennett says In his own words is that there Is so much money to be spent for relief In the West; he does not care whether It Is wasted on duplicating existing highways or, in his opinion, waited in completing the P.O.E. to Prince George. His attitude seems to make clear that he is not Interested In developing Peace River. This Bennett attitude confirms what. Senator Robertson told Vancouver the other day when referring to the Peace River application made by the Provincial government to the Dominion. Senator Roberta-son said: "I trust that nothing which I may say or do may Interfere with the people of B. C. carrying on any project In which they may be Interested, and In which the Federal government Is Interested only to the extent that It Is called upon to bear the cost." The Inference which Senator Robertson gives is that only Vancouver and British Columbia are interested in Peace River; that Ottawa Is Interested only to the extent that It is called on to bear the cost. What is our Ottawa government for. If not to develop Canada? Premier Bennett and his cabinet very properly expect the West and B. C. to exult with him In the ten million dollar Increased business which the Industrial East is feeling as a result of the Bennett tariff; but how much ot that Increase came to the West and B. C? How much of that increase comes from the West and B. C? Does Ottawa not realize that Peace River Is to this end of Canada what industries are to the East? Herding Unemployed A government whose vision and organizing and governing ability Is confined to herding a country's unemployed Into non-productive, expedient road work concentration camps, while a nation-building productive work like Peace River goes untouched, is incapable of governing and developing a big rich country like Canada. It should be told so. Times like these call for plain speaking and quick action. Spending three million dollars to complete the P.G.E. from Quesnel to Prince George serves no useful purpose so far as opening up Peace River is concerned. There are now two back door entrance to Prince George, one via the C.N.R. from Vancouver, and one via the C.N.R. from Prince Rupert: both await the completion of the line from Prince George to Peace River. Why, In the meantime, spend three million dollars building a third back door to Prince George. If the Bennett Government does not Intend to develop and open up Peace River, there Is no need for the P.O.E. to be built to Prince George. There has already been too much financial and railway romancing in Canada. Vancouver wants and asks more of it; public bodies and business men should see that we are a party to no more of It. The Peace River, as a nation-building national undertaking, capable of providing a future profitable mode of living for hundreds of thousands of Canadians, has merit or It has not. 1 Premier Bennett and his colleagues have the vision and business judgment to see that merit or they have not. Ottawa and all Canada should be wholeheartedly for Peace River development Possibly Ottawa is not. Right now Is the time to find out Stationery Office Supplies Toys Charts Hooks Radios Sewing Machines McRAE BROS., LTD. NORTHERN B. C. NEWS SMITHERS ; PRINCE GEORGE The funeral of the late Howard! The provincial library service Is Birnle, victim of a hunting accident not available for Prince George, neafr Hubert on Sunday afternoon, Herbert Klllam, superintendent un-took place here on Tuesday after- der the Libraries Act,havlng advised noon. Contrary to the original the city council that the library belief, it is now thought that Birnle commission cannot give service to was shot by a stray bullet, probably incorporated areas. 1 from another hunter, and not from the rifle of hid hunting companion, y. R. Clerlhue has resigned his N. E. Blanchard, Smlthers school position as 'city clerk and city treas-prlnclpal. In addition to his mother, urer here, effective October 31. The brother and sister, Mr. Birnle Is resignation was presented to the survived by a young wife and son. city council at Its meeting Monday night and came as a complete sur-Two Improved properties were prise. ! 1 purchased at the municipal tax sale iiere on Wednesday morning, the Harold M. Mathews of Smlthers sum of $330 being realized as a has solved the water problenUn the result of their sale. Pineview district, having located a 1 number of water veins over a large A large number of local unemployed started to work on Monday on the sustenance basis. Until such time as a comprehensive program has been drawn up, the men will be engaged on various small undertak Mrs. Sidney Robinson has resigned ' as teacher at Telkwa and her place ' has been taken ay the teacher at Woodmere. To fill the Woodmere vacancy Miss Glraud has been OCTOBER 15- frnaf return limit OCTOBER 31 it You yet have ample opportunity to make that trip east while Union Pacific's sum mer excursion fares are in effect. Last going date Thursday, October 15 return limit Saturday, October 31. Liberal stopover privileges. Fine,fast trains. Superior service. Local agent will gladly give you 1"MJ all information. Union Station Seattle, Wash. MCIFIC The city of Prince George stands wO lose a considerable amount owing at the depreciation of the Canadian dollar on certain bond payments Ings throughout the district with',"' have soon to -je mci. in New temporary camps established for i-Yor-- ; their accommodation. Acting on complaints received from both pedestrians and motorists Sergeant Andrew Falrbalm has In violators ot the municipal traffic bylaw. The village council has made the final rtnovnant nn a Kmlr lnin til. Fred C. Saunders, chairman of the local school board, re.urnea to the city at the first of the week from! Chtlllwack where he attended the formed the municipal council that I convention of the British Columbia it is the intention of the provincial i School Trustees' Association. police to take action against all I The marriage took place here last Friday of Miss Ellen Nordick and '.Carl K. Newcomb. Rev. P. Connal officiated. cured with the heavy program of I Mlss Wanda Wal1 unltcd in 1930 and the only other obligation i marriage to Horace Edwin Dammi It now has to meet Is one of $400 1 h" n Tuetday of this week. Rev. owing the provincial government as;""r wnnai oniciawa a tne nup- a portion of road maintenance. Judge F. McB. Young In County Court granted an appeal of Robert Mackln, who was convicted In Haz- ( elton by Stipendiary Magistrate! Storkey on a-charge of supplying! liquor to Indians, j John Yorston, appraiser of the. Dominion Farm Board, has been lm his district for several days, during the week. The Board has several; loans to farmers in this district. Douglas Lay, resident mining engineer for the northeastern mineral survey district with headquarters at Hazleton. has been spending several day during the past week here and In the district. After spending a holiday at her home here, Miss Alice Gazeley returned to Hazelton last week to resume her nurses' training duties at the hospital there. tlals. The Department of Education1 having ruled that the school trustees must, give full time instruction in the local public schools, more accommodation either by renting or by building a new school becomes necessary. The Canadian Legion building or the school basement are possible quarters for classes. Albert Hornby was found guilty here last Saturday of assaulting a police officer in the person of Oeorg Keep and was fined $100 at the Supreme Court Assizes. E. H. Burden returned here early this week after having spent several weeks in the Peac River district. Mr. and Mrs. Al Johnson and son !lef this week for Ashcroft where ithey will take up future residence,1 I Mr. Johnson having purchased the l Ashcroft Hotel. He has been a j resident of Prince George for 20 ! years. TAXIDERMY Furs fa Made Up 18 Years' Experience All Kinds of Mounting J VLESTIN Prince George Car Owners Our repair service Is prompt, efficient and courteous. RUPERT MOTORS Distributors ot DODGE & PLYMOUTH CARS Phone 5C6 M(ht Calls 1C1 COAL Uut the real Coal onr famous Edson and Cassldy Welllneton In any quantities. Also Bulkier Valley Hay, Grain and Itnblu Horn! Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co l'HONKS 68 AND SS8 Canadian Shredded Wheat is 100 Canadian grain. Eat TWO Shredded Wheat Biscuits a day and help Canada1 S Prosperity. Friday, October 1931 w. If. .' i.i'- mMesioL I eat it when traveling " Traveling has its discom. r-Ff& forts and "angers, but t-l 111 - 1 fSti T"- most of the trouble comes I j) jijj&lf j "p-from eating Wrong food. ft L ... -stmt. a ; 'ivjr ) j;0 matter uhcre I am I m m 1 - it 1 rr 1 C U O En cull for Shredded Wheat and milk for breakfast. It is the safe and satisfying food, easily digested, which helps to prevent fatigue on a long journey." Shredded Wheat is served 11 dinintf cars, and in nearly every hotel or res taurant in this country many in Europe. fand It is dcliciously strengthening with milk or fruits. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED ViUEAT COMPANY, LTD n ' KfedT fea m& WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK GOD Prepared Daily Ry Canadian Fish & Cold Storage .Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPKRT, R.C. Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg $11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump .... $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIitV FOK SKEI'NA Hit AM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese HU SH rASTKtmi.KD MILK AND CltKAM DAILY Karl j Di liver Throughout the City PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Free! LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone CI9 WW WHI.Hf)lIIIM UNION STEAMSHIPS iJMiTRfi fitem.ra li. r-rlnr. Huptri t or Vanrouvrr: T.M.h. OATALA EVERY TtESDAV. U0 I.M. Via Ocean Palls, arriving Vancouver. Thursday Mornlne. TM.K :AIIIKV EVKKY IIMDAV MIDNKIIIT Arrlvlnt Vancouver Bund.T midnlgrtt approi. Wetkly .ailing, to Port Slmpwn. Allc. Arw. AnyoiT BUwart and Nan niver ;oinu. Sund a fto nm ........ nv.i.ni iii,nn; net una AHIUf, rhone ses If your paper docs not arrive, telephone the office