PAGE BIZ THB. DAILY NEWS Life Insurance , at a LOW RATE "You can restore your depleted estate to its former value immediately by means of a Mutual Life of Canada Low Rai e Life" Policy For example, a $10,000 policy requires a yearly outlay of only S 182.10 at age 30, and this amount becomes less each year as dividends are allotted. If preferred the dividends may be used to increase the amount of insurance or left on deposit uith the Com-pany, at interest, and used to prepay future premiums. Life Insurance is Hie Unique Investment there are No Shrinking Values Life insurance is the only road that tcill take You and Yours to guaranteed independence, because the values of life insurance policies do not fluctuate uith changes in economic conditions. Recognizing the outstanding merits of life insurance as an investment, Business and Professional men and women, Laborers, Farmers, etc, are investing their funds in Mutual Life of Canada Low Rate Life, Endowment, Pension, Family Income and other types of policies. We shall he pleased to tell you the cost of a Low Rate Life or other policy for any definite amount for yourself. Clip the coupon now and mail it to our Head Office for information or call our local office. Let the strength of the Mutual he your protection THE MUTUAL LIFE Assurance Company OF CANADA Ucad OjTiret WATEIUjOO, ONT. Eatabtished 1369 J. J. T. COLLAUT, Representative Prince Rupert, B.C. Please give me further particulars of your Low Hate Life Policy. I am aU interested in the following tyj of policy: Annie Address.. 'Iff" TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily IJy Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. SAFE WINTER TIRES - SURE FOOTED Goodrich Silvertowns Get Them Now! Rupert Motors Oarage and Service Station Phone SCO (Nicht calls 161) DISTRIBUTORS: DODGE and PLYMOUTH CARS COAL Bay the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wellington In any quantities. Also Bulkier Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Free! LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 649 C. E. Cadden of the Government Telegraph service at Haielton, who has been on a holiday trip to Seattle, arrived In the city from the south on the Princess Mary yesterday afternoon and proceeded by train to the Interior. Mrs. Cadden and child are remaining in Seattle for a while longer GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT Welners, small, 2 lbs. for 43c Royal Breakfast Baoon, sliced, per lb 21c Cottage Roll, per lb 19c Dry Salt Pork, per lb 50c Eggs, No. 1 Extras, 3 doz $1.00 Carnation Milk, per ease $5.25 Carnation Milk, per tall tin 11c Carnation Milk, baby tins, 5 for 30c Fraser Valley Jam Strawberry, Raspberry. Black Currant, Lo ganberry, 4's, per tin .50c Aylmer Corn.-2'a, 3 tins 39c Malktn's Beet Coffee, per lb 10c Malkln's Best Tee, per lb 40c Malkln's Best Baking Powder 12 oz., 2 tins 45c Japanese Oranges, bundle $2.25 Japanese Oranges, box $1.15 Our stock is fresh and complete We solicit out of town patronage and assure service and quality Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores WATERFRONT WHIFFS Fisheries Sessions Here During Past Week Valuable and Interesting Fishing Quiet Now Outlook For Halibut Better Practically all aspects of the two fisheries were taken up, particularly as regards conservation, and which should result to the benefit of all concerned. The visiting officials accorded courteous consideration to the various matters placed before them. In turn, the local Interests evinced every willingness to co operate with the work of the authorities Insofar as seems Just and practicable. Representatives of the Northern British Columbia Fish ermen's Association, Deep Sea Fish ermen's Union and the Canadian Halibut Vessel Owners' Association were congratulated on the effective manner in which they presented their cases. With halibut boats tied up and little If anything doing In the way of salmon fishing, the local waterfront is a rather quiet place these iull days. About the only fishing activity now going on is in the cod fishing line at which a few small boats are working. There will be nothing in the way of very exten sive activity, however, until her ring seining starts early next year. In January it Is expected some sal mon trolling operations will start. It Is reported that some of the waterfront business concerns are contemplating closing down alto gether for the months of December and January. , j C. S. Mathers of the sales staff of the Atlas Imperial Diesel Engine Co. at Oakland JOal., has been appointed manager for the company at its East San Pedro branch in the principal fishery centre of South-em California. He had been located at the San Diego branch for three and a half years. Mr. Mathers is another Canadian who has made good in the United States. He is a brother of F. D. Mathers, who has long been active in the salmon fisheries of British Columbia and who was formerly one of the chief officials of the B. C. Packers, having been located for some years in Prince Rupert. Halibut Catch The Pacific Fisherman, In a rough, preliminary estimate, places the halibut production on the Pacific Coast for the 1931 season at approximately 42.000,000 pounds, representing a decline of some 8,- 000,000 pounds from the official to tal of 50.466.632 pounds for the 1930 season. "The lost can be accounted tor." says the Pacific Fisherman. largely by the reduction in the length of the fishing season which this year was approximately six weeks shorter than In 1930. At the beginning f the fishing season last spring operations were practically suspended for five weeks owing to disagreement between the vessel owners and fishermen. Furthrmore, the new international treaty regulating the halibut fishery closed the eason November 1 Instead of November 15. Thus the season was sub stantially shortened at both ends with material restriction of production natural. This tendency was further aided by the withdrawal of a considerable number of boats to other fisheries as a result of low prices prevailing for halibut. "Although Seattle did not again achieve leadership over Prince Ru-Dert in October, Its landings of 1.-613,300 pounds during the month represented a substantial gain over the 1.051.950 pounds delivered there In October. 1930. Prince Ru pert's landings for the period were considerably ahead of Seattle's but the northern port fell far he-hind Its business for "October 1930. The 1,884.000 pounds delivered there during the period fell short by ap "Where Dollars Have More Cents" proximately 1.000,000 pounds for No. 1 Store Fifth Ave. Phone 18-81 No. 2 Store 319 Third A v. Phone SCO No, 3 Store 127 Third A v. Phone 375 the landings of last October. "Halibut landings at Alaska ports were extremely light during the period preceding the dose of the season. Deliveries at Ketchikan aggregated only 74,700 pounds. Ju- The American halibut vessel Kal- art, which landed catches at there was a full and free discussion Rupert m 1930 but was not here dur ing the 1931 season, was wrecked 1 and lost on an island in the Gulf of Alaska last month. Capi. Chris F. Aune and his crew of twi men barely made shore where they secured shelter for two weeks until their signals were sighted by the halibut boat Spray which took them to Cordova. Prior to the public session of the International Fisheries Commission here on Thursday of this week, the conference board, representing local halibut boat owners and fishermen, had an interview on Wednesday afternoon with the members of the commission. Various matters were informally discussed and a lood deal of the ground of the public hearing was covered In a preliminary way. Metal Lining It Is reported that at least one Prince Rupert halibut boat during the coming winter will be equipped with sheet metal In the flshhold This is a step which has already been taken with excellent results on Atlantic trawlers and Is said to be logical as far as halibut and salmon trolling boats are concerned. The metal to be used is non-corrosive In fresh water and salt, remains bright and smooth regardless of chemical conditions and makes the task of cleansing and sterilizing the fish-hold an easy one, insuring the land ing of fares in the best of condition. Capt. Andrew Einmo has been using his American halibut boat Polaris, which la well known In Prince Rupert, in freighting supplies between Seattle and South eastern Alaska points during the past fall. The first trip is said to have proven quite profitable so Capt. Einmo loaded his second cargo. J. W. NlcholU. comptroller of the Canadian Fish tt Cold Storage Co, in a recent interview, stated that, while business had been difficult for the past six months, he believed it was now "turning the corner." "We believe it to be a fact." said Mr. NlcholU. "that the fish business reflect conditions as quickly as any. At least, this Is our experience. We fully expect that the stocks of frozen halibut on November 15 will be materially below the figure of November 15 last year and, with the low price at which frozen hail-but is being quoted, we are hopeful for a clean-up of frozen stocks which, unquestionably, will have the effect of giving us a healthy start next season. For the first time in eight or nine months we are feeling optimistic." A petition from United States troll fishermen that the Dominion of Canada release to their owners the Amerlean fishing boats Queen City, May, Tlllle M. and Sunrise, which were seized in 1930 for being unlawfully in Canadian waters, was recently forwarded by the Uni ted States Department pf State to the Dominion Government at Ot tawa. The Canadian minister of fisheries replied that he did not look with favor upon such action because It was held the United States government had warned the fishermen that they must abide strictly by the law. The four boats were seized off Rose Spit, Queen Charlotte- Islands. Holland, only some 12.600 square miles in Itself, possesses a colonial empire 70 limes as large. Drink More Milk For Fresh Local Milk Phone Red 608 DOMINION DAIRY H IS! Of great interest and importance to the whole local ma-rine community were the conferences in Prince Rupert " during the past week of W. A. Found, federal deputy min-lg ister of fisheries, with the local salmon fishermen and of jg the International Fisheries Commission witt the halibut ; the International Fisheries Commission with the halibut 1 at the sessions, local people having to do m any way with the fisheries took full advantage of the opportunity to pre-sent their views to the authorities.1. neau received only 35,000 pounds. Saturday, November 25, H " P . . . . . . . i . m s a vnr . tmunx ana SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 and 9pm Feature Starts at 7:55 9 55 Admission 20c & Sat. Matinee at ? Jo, feature Starts 3:23 15c & toc IIEK FACE IS HER FORTUNE WINNIE LIGHTNER ijj "GOLD DUST GERTIE" With a splendid cast. She makes pay-boys out of play-boys ami dough-boys out of slow-boys. What fun! Comedy "BEACH PAJAMAS" PARAMOUNT NEWS Adventures In Africa Spears of Death Mickey Mouse "THE MOOSE HUNT" ADMISSION 20c St 65c Feature Starts at 7 55 and s SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 13c 81 40c Feature Starts at J MONDAY & TUESDAY "THE PUBLIC DEFENDER' 1 TAT IT ADMIT UADft TTMrcl 11 auin u s as s u si 1 imr a 11 A FAIR EXCHANGE TWO 50c PIECES FOR si NO. 1 ALBERTA EGG, Per Ton SU.oo COAL - CASH ONLY Also Nanaimo-Wellington Lump and Nut Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. 116 Telephone 117 NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Has Promising Property in Rainy Hollow Winter Mining on Manson Creek (I corgi a River to Do Work By Contract William Buntinp is back in Vancouver after Mn. the summer on his nronertv. the Gold Cord, in r.- R Hollow country in the northwestern corner "f - Columbia. Considerable work was done this yra1, main vein which is four feet wide. This was ti ; : 2400 feet and a 100-foot shaft sunk, the width ..f :. and the values maintaining all through. It is est: that about 600.000 tons of probable ore has been proven. Mr. Bunting TkTF'IIT f t T found three more veins which were j j H W 1 1 1 1 1 . 1) Aaill 1VUC. W VJIMMimifc that the proposition will develop into a large one. once the necessary capital takes hold of it. The Gold Cord Is reached via Haines, Alaska, over a road 42 miles long and thence by six miles of trail still In the Manson Creek country I and the people of Vender hoof are hopeful that, with the opening of spring, the area will witness con siderably Increased activity. Mining development on the Oeorgta River Oold Mints property on Portland Canal below Stewart was temporarily suspended last week owing to the management having decided to contract for the balance of the work to be conducted at this Ume. With the extension of the tunnel another eighty feet, it Is expected that the objective of the present development campaign will have been reached. This, It Is expected, will show up an ore body of considerable value. Clay Porter, who has been meeting with remarkable succcm in the development of the Argentine property in the Stewart district Is on a business trip to Vancouver and Seattle. A snake, nearly three feet Ion? was recently found in a garden In Dublin. HOLDINGS Strikes Reported In Portland Caul and Manson Crerk Dbtucti During their recent trip to Fort St. James to winter a large stock of ! horses. W. J. Crawford and T. R.' a numb' wk of u'-' Whlteley of Stewart saw at Fort St. n 10 "' n P: James some nke eoarse nuggets hjveM'makdf from Manson Creek. In addition to lumb ,ChlmbT M!. ta ln PonU,ul 1 the goldnuggets. Mr. Crawford te-!'' ported on his return to Stewart trtct' that some of the miners were ob- At Bear River north i talnlng nuggets of silver and naUve .Argent group, a -i. copper. According to information n,n wppc available at Fort St. James a eon- made. The vein is u-yr slderable number of miners arel Cut Down Prces on . STOVE'WOOD 12, It or 16-Inch lengtli DRY SPRUCE and CEDAR GREEN HEMLOCK, ALDER and JACKPINE Cedar Pilings and Radio Poles N. Carlson & J. Flostrand Telephone Green 55C feet wide The strike the result of recedim: At the head of Am : which flows tnto Be n P grade sliver strike is - Owners of propcrn Lake at the headwaM River have sent nr pyrrhotite to the Chan " which carry very him gold. Robert McCorkel! operating all sumiw i on Creek in the Onm 1 satisfactory results Ti . been spent In puttim 1 and flume. There ! the property Mr Mi( to be In production i will operate a plac pi" Reports from otim returning from the l 'Hi satisfactory season '! sibllltles next sprint ii. 'Mi .;!! I !"' BOAT ENGINES 10 to i'tom 60 60 H II P P. - -1 $8.50 Akditfeheralors from $5.50 and Guaranteed fit- Slorsje Batteries from V-9 VANCOUVER AUTO WRECKING CO. 1219 Granville St.. Vsnc uver Dranch Yard at 330 Srcn Ave. East