PAGE TWO THE DAILY NWS Saturday, November 7, jjj, THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA CHURCH NOTICES Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenu! H. F, PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations SUBSCRIPTION llATES City delivery, by mall or earner, yearly period, paid in advance.... For lesser periods, pal ' in advance, per week , By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period -. - - By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em pire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year m r ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion Classified advertising, ptr insertion, per word . Local readers, per Insertion, per line Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line DAILY EDITION SIGNS OF CHANGE $5.00 10c 3.00 $600 9.00 1.40 .02 .25 .15 Saturday, Nov. 7, 1931 A local citizen points out that in the past improved conditions have always followed an increase in the price of commodities. Wheat is moving up steadily. In other lines there is a stiffening of prices and, following all precedents, there will be a great improvement in industrial conditions. Ex-Mayor Newton, who has just returned from the east, speaks with confidence of the future and others who have recently returned have all spoken of the generally improved tone in the past few weeks. The local citizen who drew this to our attention says we have been deluged with generalities about conditions but until quite recently there have been no real indications of betterment. Now the turn has taken place and we may all feel more cheerful. WHY IT IS DONE People often ask us why we publish certain letters or other material which is objectionable to them and with which they are sure we are not in agreement. Sometimes they take a hot shot at this paper, at capitalists or at something else in which the writers may be interested. Yesterday we read in a magazine the reason why we do this. It is contained in an article by Bruce Barton as follows: "One Sunday afternoon a few weeks ago I took my three children into Hyde Park in London to listen to the orators, The British Empire is wiser than ;e are in dealing with agitators. Its long years of handling human beings have taught it that talk, like any other gas, is dangerous only when compressed. Thus,.jn Hyde Park on Sunday afternoons, anv man who believes himself to have a message may stand up on his soap box and harangue his fellow citi zens to his heart's content. No one interferes. No one gets mad. "As we drew near one impassioned orator, a high-priced motorcar came up to the curb and its occupants descended, leaving the engine running. A policeman stepped up and touched the chauffeur on the arm. " 'You will have to stop that engine,' he said. 'These people want to listen to that Communist, and your engine is making too much noise.' " This is the very opposite to the Russian method which is that the people shall read and hear only that which the government wishes them to read and hear. Others are Just another convent girl 'i fac'. Lupe Velei from convent In San Antonio graduated to music 1 comedy In Mexico City, Just to show there was no ill-fcel ng Then came the movies. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson. Dean ARMISTICE SERVICES : 11 AAI. Morning prayer and sermon. Anthem, "WHAT ARE THESE" Bugler Ranee will sound "The! La Post." Canadian Legion Church, Parade , 12:30. Sunday School 7:30, Evening praytr and sermon Anthem, "GQD SHALL WIPE AWAY ALL TEARS" CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Christian Science Society, 245 Second Avenue West) This Society Is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "ADAM AND FALLEN MAN." Sunday School at 12:15. Testimonial meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. Reading Room, 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 5. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. W. D. Grant Hollinrworth. BA. Organist, John E. Davey REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICES 11 A.M. Sermon subject. "DRIVING BACK GOLIATH" 12:15, Sunday School 7:30 PAL, 'THE QUEST FOR PEACE" "Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet. Lest we Forget." All visitors welcome FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A, Wilson. BJV. ARMISTICE AND REMEMBRANCE DAY 8 ER VICES Morning service at 11 o'clock Sunday School at 12:15 Evening worship at 7:30 Anthem, "The Lord is My Shepherd" Subject. "THE PRICE OF PEACE" A SATURDAY SERMON 9 Another Armistice Day By Very Rev. J. B, Gibson, Dean of St. Andrew's Cathedral On Wednesday next an Empire will stand at attention, its activities arrested, its speech silenced, its thought concentrated, not upon the victory won, nor even upon the warfare ended in November, 1918, but upon the men who gave their lives to make this victory and peace a possibility and upon what their suprejne sacrifice means for us today. At lrml.Hu ... . .... I ... ""-v .uuc c iaj icai ,h,pH .. (h. ,,,-,. . u memorials afresh In our hearts and recall with love and gratitude the names of those we once knew. all we can to help them and let them know the country does not for get. best thought man ever had before Christ came. If the Divine things a rn n aws-TAt art Vi a Viummm C "I" never be right. Unless we at- j apacnauS We 1 We "that JS he T T ithe' wa ris not ended with them-. SXal? L" ?'?S'! ,!, j. , . I will fail. When Christ t taught us that thousands of . . men who were so mu- th, ,-,,, - ,K.'. is ss srs. sstfs Er ita .,11 o nmemh, am. id do fif.,'.".SI"PMU.' $! heart of the Father and when He taught us that. we might find our Father, and order our lives In har- rAm. ...ItV. tri. .. n.l.l.l. - ven becomes in Christ's iivin i hi.,.a in. Vai ,', teaching 'SSSiST "5 ruts principles and spirit B.'t almost like a divine family where tn inUmr. .nH i ,. .. to interpret and apply is Seek first ,u. ,,,.- ,,. ,u. ,MU. children and , the Kingdom of God!" What they 7 f the cnlldren obey toT lo the I say to us essentiallv 1 thl Vmi w cental that cannot evade tJl .,T.i,t we It, i in tn ii hNi vnn "JeSlnTdom" you told us and we "died but we died In vain unless you learn to seek first the Kingdom of Heaven. Seek the right Kingdom, serve the right King. We He here daad because you failed to do this. Learn the lesson now." What the Kingdom of Heaven Is we gradually realize when we begin to think and to live close to God. The Kingdom of Heaven, after all, Is simply the recognition of God as the Primary Fact, ordering human life according to His Will. This is not an exclusively Christian message. It Is that of thinking man everywhere and always. Marcus Aurellus said practically the same. "Without a regard for divine things, you will fall In your behaviour towards men," and again: "Every man has three relations to acquit himself In. His body that en compasses him makes one, the Dl- loglc of the Kingdom of Heaven. As we observe the two minute silence on Remembrance Day let us make our own the prayer: "In the remembrance of those who made the Oreat Sacrifice, O God niake us better men and women, and give us peace in our time." LOCAL ITEMS C. L. M. Glggey, well known Terrace sawmill man, Is paying a brief business visit to the city, having arrived from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's mixed train Mr. and Mrs. O, F. Glersch ami Mrs. M. llermcnson of Swanson Bay are paying a visit to the city vine Cause that gives to all men all , having arrived from down tie coas' things another, and his neighbor, a on the Cardenu last evening. Life I Would You Desert Your Wife ? MOf course not," you exclaim. "No real man would abandon his wife and leave her to support herself and children." Ii'h a fact, however, that many a man's wife has been left to fight the world single-handed. Hit been short his have suddenly life has cut - - euruinga ceased. And bis family ha only a legacy oftlehl8,i future of 1cialr. , ... For your own self-respect, make certain that you will never he accused of forsaking your wife in life or death. Hold fast to your Life Inournnce. It. safeguards your wifq and children - and ensures comfort and contentment in the miiinI of your life. nsurance s, oervice One of a series of memaget sjiowwreJ by Life Insurance Companies in Canada. iM Expectant andHursinq Mothers WlCm- Iwe a good friend in OWLTlNE Wt- 'AkK lU mtmtht and fter THBt baby comes tax a woman's MfWifJ Utm" " 0vaI,ine hou,d on ,he moA" ' f diar diftarv Kr I . -.sssss's - I rj n. . a a 1 i. . - l ir r t r . a. . . ... . r WARNING No malt or foco drink la in any mhh a lubicicut for Ovaltin. Tha proctu bf which Ov!tin 11 mad it lh rtuilt of year of icien-tific riarch. R(uw ao calUl "juw at (oo4" preparatioiu. 1W1 ,u eooq ior tne moihff at Uii critical ." Ovaltine buildi up the mother before baby comes and enwr an abundant supply of maternal milk, nature's own food. Oalti quickly replace; precious vitality, maintaining mother's health ani strength throughout the nuraing period. The beat ot nature's tonic foodi, fre.h milk, freah egg and ripe b'JT malt are concentrated in Ovaltine. It is a perfect food, recommend a auch by doctors the world over. Aik your own phytuim. OVa LTI N E' TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE triable? Mothers to Breastfeed their Babies SoldatMtooJttoreuin 10; 75r, tlj, tJ itfcU $4.10 Ism Silt lint: aim WANDER LIMITED, lonJoq, El,8,inJf ,oJ peough, Wb If your napcr does not arrive, lelcphono the office MT