28 Cash Prizes For Best Letters $100.00 Offered by Dr. Williams Medicine Co. for Trpe Stories of Ypur Experiences The first basketball games of the 1931-32 season will be played In the Auditorium on Tuesday evening next. Four snappy sanies are sche The teams playing will be: Rovers vs. League of Nations. Tuxis vs. Marahants. . . s Amazons S. Boddie, capt.V'vS. Blue Birds L. Lowe. capt.). C. N. R. vs. Panthers. The schedule for the first half of the season is as follows: November 10 Rovers vs. League of Nations. Amazons vs. Blue Birds. Tuxis vs. High School. C. N. R. vs. Parithers. ; November 13 ' Boy Scouts vs. Japanese Asso. ' Tuxis vs. High School.' Amazons vs. Comets. 32 Taxi vs. C. N. R. November 17 Roveis vs. Boy Scouts. High School vs. Merchants. Blue Birds vs. Comets. Panthers vs. 31 Taxi. November 20 League of Nations vs. Japanese. ; Tuxis vs. Merchants. j Amazons vs. Blue Birds. C. N R. vs. Panthers. November 21 Rovers vs Japanese Association. Tuxis vs. High School. Comets vs. Amaaoni. C. N R vs. 32 Taxi November 27 League of Nation vs. Boy Scouts, Hih 8c tool vi. Merchants. Blue Birds vi. Cometh Punchers vs. 32 Taxi. December I League of Nations vi. Rovers. Tuxis vs. High School. Amazons vs. Blue Birds. Panthers vs. C. N R. December 4 Boy Scouts vi. Japanese Asso. Tuxis vs. Merchant!. Comets vs. Am sons. 32 Taxi vs. C. N. R. December & Rovers vs. Boy ScottU. High School vs. Mtrchanti. Blue Birds vs. Comets. Panthers vs. 32 Taxi. December 11 Leapue of Nations . Japanese. Tuxis vs. Merchants. Amaaons vs. Blue Birds. C. N. R. vi. Panthers. December 15 Rovers vs Japanece Association. DON'T let that cough or cold hang on until it develop, into tomttning mil? tenou. At tl nrtt inrne ula BUCKLEY'S n4 ru will b amaied how quicklf all ymptomt of a cold will vanith. IiUCKLBY'S littrallr "acu Lka flaih". No other remedy can compart with it in tha ipeed with which it conquer, couch or cold. Get a bottla lode. At all drutciM. Mil LI rk A fLAJM at 71 A SINGLE ZIP PROVES It A letter must be signed with the full name and correct address of the writer. A letter may describe more than one casebut if It describes the case of some person other than the writer of the letter, it must also be signed by that person as a guarantee of the truth pf the statements made. The writer of the letter must give ; the name and dat: of the paper In If you have derived benefit from which he or she saw this announce-the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, ment. or if some one in your home or In ' Literary excellence or fine writ-1 your circle of friends has been help-' ing will not win a reward unless you ! "Why I Recommend Dr. Williams' I ber 30h, 1931, and the prizes will be Pink Pills." Cash rewards will be given as fol awarded as soon as possible after. Do not delay. If you know of lows: $25.00 for the best letter, $15.00 a good case write your letter NOW. for the second best, $10.00 for the i Observe all the above-mentioned c,tv 3 third bes, and 25 rewards of $2.00 conditions carefully. each. 1 Address all letters as follows: Remember that every statement The Dr. Williams Medicine Co, you make in your letter must be lit- Brockville, .Ontario, eraily and absolutely true. Every letter Contest Department. BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Flay to Commence Next Tuesday! Evening in Auditorium Tuxis vs. High School. Comets vs. Amazons. C. N. R. vs. 32 Tixi. Pccember 18 Boy Scouts vs. League of Nations. High School vs. Merchants. Blue Birds vs. Comets. Panthers vs. 32 Taxi. LOCAL ITEMS been paying a visit to her home at duled to be played cn the opening Port gafjngton, returned nigm ana oasKeioan ians can jook clty yesterday afternoon. lorwara w some Keeruy contested games. Miss Mae Donaldson, who pai to the Miss Bessie Thaaapsen. who has; been spending a holiday visiting in , Vancouver, returned to the city, from the south pn thf as. Prince J George this morning. H. J. Elemendorf. son of W.,J.i Elmendorjf, well known Seattle ! mining man, is a passenger aboard j the Prince George today bound for j Stewart. 1 SCOTLAND WINS ' GLASGOW, NOV. 7:Scottend de- , feated EngrandT'4 to 3 In itKfleague soccer today. j 3. Old Country Soccer SCOTTISH LEAGUE First Division Airdleonlans 2, pundee 2. Celtic-St. Mirren, unplaced. Cowdenbeath 1, Ayr United 1. Dundee United 2, Falkirk 2, Hamilton Acads 4, Aberdeen 1. Hearts 2, Third Lanark 3. Kilmarnock-Rangers postponed Morton 9, Leith Athletic 1. Partick Thlstle-Motherwell post-4 ed by them, here is your opportun-1 have a good ase to describe. Theponed. ity to win a cash reward. rewards will be. given for the' Queeus park 2, Clyde 3. Write to the Dr. Williams Medi- strength of the recommenaation cine Company. Brockville, Ontario, ' not for literary style, telling about the case helped by Dr. The Dr. Williams Medicine Co. Williams' Pink Pills. The details ; fhall have the right to publish any must be true. Don't make up or In- letter entered in the Contest wfae-vent anvthinz. Give all the interest- ther It wins a nrize or not. ing facts, telling In your own words The contest will close on Novem-1 ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Acti-in Villa K CMi rL'nrrvl 1 Bc'ton Wanderers Sunderland J. i Clielsea 2, Derby Coitnty 1. Gilmsby Town 3, Portsmouth 1. Hudde rsfield Town 0, Everton p. Livenool 4, Blackburn Rovers 2. Middlesbrough 3, Manchester Newcastle United 3, Arsenal 2. Sheffield Wednesday 5, Birmingham 1. ! West Ham United 1, West Brom-wich ' Albion 5. Leicester City 4, Sheffield United! "Co Vancouvrr Island cost BBAGE SCHEDULE November 9 Grotto vs. Moose. Musketeers vs. Seal Cove. 8wtft'a vs. I. O. O. F. Elks vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. Eagle vs. Knights of Columbus. November 16 Moose vs. Elks. I. O. O. F. va. Engles. Grotto vs. Swift's. Prince Bupert Hotel v. Musketeers K.-JCs y$. Seal. Cqye. . November 23 Swift's vs. Seal Cove. Elks vs. Musketeers. I. O. O. F. vs. Moose. Eagles vs. Prince Rupert HoteL Grotto vs. Knights of Columbus. November 30 Seal Cove vs. Elks. Musketeers vs. Eagles. Moose vs. Swift's. Grotto vs. I. O. O. F. K. C.'s vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. HEAT MONEY 1tWlANAniO-Wcllington,,or"Lady I smith" r...i., r this year, for ISO. 1 lump, $13.50 a ton. Imported lignite costs more. The product of the Island mines yields, on the nvcrnRC, 13,030 ll.T.Us per pound where lignite coal shows only 9,840. This means, tp get the same heat, that you will use I shovclsful of lignite to every 3 of niwiaimo 'i of 3 tons!! 4 trips instead of 3!!! to However you figure it, your best buy because 4 tons instead the basement Island Coal is you get more heul and you pay less money. Ask your dealer today. Order by name. Cliech your delivery slips. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phone 116 PillLFOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. - Phoae 648 Distributors for cum AD1AN JEHIES (DUNSMU1R) LTD- VANCOUVER, B.C. 4H.T.L'. mean Ilrltlth Thermal Unit pr the amount pf heat required to ralae 1 lb, vf water 1 degree Fahrenheit, THE PAILY JSJW SCHEDULE OF WHIST NvvemVr It '5jns of Norway vs. Grotto. Musketeers vs. Moose. JOli Empress Hotel vs. Seal Cove. Fish Packers vs. I.Q.Q.F. Totem Park vs. Legion. November 19 Legipn vs. Or. otto. Moose vs. Empress. Fian Packers vs. Totem Park. Seil Cove vs. Musketeers. J,Qp.F. vs. Sons of Norway. November 26 Grotto vs. Old Empress Hotel. Moose vs. Fish Packers. Musketeers vs. Totem Park. Sons of Norway vs. Seal Cove. Legion vs. I.O.O.F. December 3 Fish Packers vs. Grotto. LO.O.F. jrs. Moose. Musketeers vs. Legion. I .0. JEmp. Hotel vs. Sons of Norway. Seal Cove vs. Totem Park. December 10 drptto vs. Seal Cove. Legion vs. Moose. I.O.O.F. vs Musketeers. Fish Packers vs. Old Empress. Sons of Norway vs. Totem Park. December 17 IjO.O.F. vs. Grotto. Totem Park .vs. Moose. Totem Park vs. Moose. Old Empress Hotel vs. Musketeers. Seal Cove vs. Legion. . Fish Packers ys. Sons of Norway. SILVER !S GOING UP Trend of Improvement Continued Today With Price at New York 31!c Per Ounce NEW YORK, Nov. 7:-Sllver continued its upward trend today, closing at 34?ic per ounce on heavy speculative buying sales yesterday of 5,750,000 ounces. China was a large purchaser. MOST (heat units) PER "The advent of Turret pipe toltarcolias been a great boon to ine ami lias solved my tobacco problem. Ills thereforewitbgenuine pleasure that I, unreservedly and unhesi tatingly, recommend Turret pipe tobacco to all persons using a pipe vho urc discouraged in their efforts to find a cool, Hntisfj ing blend. Turret pipe tobacco satisfies both my palate and my purse. It is sweet and cool, and pbove all, has a wonderful lasting satisfaction" TURRET A good, cool smoke Association of this city, I have been asked to bring to the attention of the public, what appears to the workers at the relief camp at Cloyah Bay to be rather an unfortunate demonstration of law and order. I refer specifically to the attach ment at the camp of a provincial police officer, and the Central Committee of the Unemployed Association daslre to Inform the pub lic at large, that such an action is not conducive to the harmony expected between the authorities and the workers. I might add that as an association we have approached all difficult! in a sane and gentlemanly manner, and in fairness to the local authorities we must ad mit that we have been received at all times most graciously. Furthermore the association Is In no way Identified with any other organization, legal'or otherwise, and to flout the strong arm of the law in the face of law abiding unfortu nate 1 parallel almost to waving a 'red rag at the proverbial bull, a most unwise action by authority or citizens. I No complaint Is offered against the officer In person at time or writ ;ing, but his presence as an officer almost Indicates apprehension of a jnon-existent trouble. If reactionary i efforts were contemplated, one per- IfermlflAattrtn n9 1M ,f.l..t Ill t Ma.,vMv4. V AVlMJCaijr Will 11W dissipate the same. Somehow or other we feel that the dog might just as well be hung as given a bad name. SECnETAflY, Unemployment Ass'n. of Prince Rupert, B.C. BESANT !S NOW DYING .Hope Given Up for Recovery ,of' 1 ' TllpnrtnliUJ I (i . .1 . . lt. f - ill at Madras ' mVn&B, India. Nov. 7-Hope has been abandoned for the recovery of Mrs. Annie Husant. theoapphlst itR. der. who lias U) here, ft Is announced that she is slowly sinking. ricctjvt experiment ain to show that dlumunus muy to njiirto from aliftar ' The mink, for Ita size, is the most vicious and able killer In the whole animal world, Turret fine cut for those ir ho roll their own ZA J 1 . The Letter Box PROTEST POLICE PRESENCE In Norway, a chemical process Editor, Daily News: has been Invented to keep fish fresh As secretary ef the Unemployed for a month. Saturday, November 7. PIPE TESTED by a LAWYER J0f,lSiand20i packages also tn fapound humidor tins PIPE TOBACCO Pipe tested MaMaMaaMaMaaMMaMaaaMajaMaaaMaMMaaaaieMaaMaMaMai TAKE BOL and keep up to "Pa" rincnvEi vouu in Jet the In. bit oi reading jiiv a.lvertisenionU in H" l,alt und taking advantugc of the help they brintf