PAGL' TWO JQIplCi UcLtS Best Eecause It's "PAH-DRIED" THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Llrnlted, Third Avenue - H. F. PULLEN - Managing-Editor : x SUBSCRIPTIO.V RATES For laser periods, paid In advance, rjgr month JS0 City delivery, by mail jot rarrier.oarly period, paid In advance Or four months for tfitfwmVWM).'!.l.jr.r:. .:;.: Legal notices, each ln5SrKJBaejine i : Transient advertising 6hffntaglpr Inch .. Local readers, per Insertion, per line ... Translet display advertising, per inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 ' Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY rDITIV. CANADA AND RUSSIA 5.00' 1.00 .15 2.80 .25 1.40 .02 Thursday. Feb. 19, 1931 GOLD RUSH IN ALBERTA What is to be the attitude of Canada toward the Russian Camp- c - Livingstone Range Area LETHBRIDOE, Feb. IS "Still going in" Is the word from Nanton and Stavely, jumping off pl?.ces for the Livingstone range gold Trace of Gold lovernments Cause. Van couver Financial Paper . Says umus no account or tne conditions regulatintr what in Rus-! ,n 1931 W0UId almost certainly - voiuniary worK out which in other countries-Liberia, t u for instance would be called sheer slavery." Certain Kurd tribe In desert of Irak worship the devil. Two priests fa-inn the camera are watting for contributions from those who pray to the devil not to ) them for misdeeds make more cheerful readlne. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert February 19, 1911. The Indignation of Stewart citizens at the refusal of the nrnvln THE DAILY NEWS Thursd SPIRITUAL WELL BEING Provincial Police take Charge and Koger. V. Babson Says Such Watch Developments in Kewt "rr WraKh-ls-of' Economic Value Recently I suggested that later the nations would recognize the economic value of accumulates spiritual wealth but that they an rush. . not now in the mood to do so. Spirits 'of Alberta's prospectors writes Roger W. Babson are. not dampened by the report. Such a time may, however, be that assays of ore from the find much nearer than I had thought.! show only traces of gold ahd no Apparently, people today are not platinum. E. Overand or Stavely only tired out physically, but are who got in on tne "ground floor," discouraged. They lack that faith staking one of the first claims in which is essential to personal or the potential EI Dorado. Is as national progress. Accompanying hopeful as ever. Further samples of this lack of faith is a disrespect ore have been sen to ass'.y offices for law. order and experience. ; at Vancouver and Denver. Children are self-suf f Iclent of their Indications that many would go parent; and parents are self-, in caused the Alberta provincial fufflclent of their God. In fact j police to'send In a detail composed faith, to be effective, must b? I By mall to all qther parts of British Columbia, the British Em- iof Inspector Scott of "D" detach- backed up. by righteousness. Faith plre and! United States, paid in advance, per year $6.00 ! ment here and Corp. Frewin of cannot be bought or quickly ob-j By mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 , Nanton. Beautiful weather prevails talned when in trouble like medl-! By mall to all-parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, (throughout southern Alberta, the cine. Faith must acquired slow-j , paid In advance for yearly- DerlSd'-: ! 3 00 .mercurv standing around 60 In the ly.. before it Is needed like educa- miaaie oi me aay nignis are cool, tipn. Faith comes through patlentl .especially In the foothill country devotion, right living and service' Police however, fear that tragedy to others. may overtake the goldseekers In A great mass of wage workers. I the hills should the weather sud- executives and youn? business peo-; denly turn cold, and alii parties go- pie have never before witnessed a' ing in are warned to protect them- seyere business depression. Ever selves with plenty of bedding and since Germany declared war In 1914 food. with the exception of a very Nanton and Stavely are reaping short readjustment period after a harvest from the rush. By a co- the war ended there has been a1 Incidence the hotel at Stavely Is constant demand for labor named the "Yukon." In view of the steady work ani: easy profits which the above described 'condition made possible. A trace of gold was found in the tnIs nw generation has felt suf-samples from the Livingstone Hclent In lteeh. Sabbath school range country, submitted to the and churches have been neglected.' Sullivan concentrator at Chapman family prayers have been given up., for assay by E. Over- ana Sunday has been made a com- and and CnarIes Fltzsimmons of mn nonaay. Hence, unlive pro-, GXDOrts DrrfdllCPfl flvfrimM f-ihnr nr hv InW nnid fnrwith rnrW, S - ?m? .1 stavel Alber- was their find vious generations, a large percent-i money "t" ' lch1iaS)noqe wi"jiiw OUde uuub in of nussia: Russia? The ine matter mailer ,hat that started started the the presei present rush to age of the people now unemployed! will have to Depndej) carefully in order to protect the scene of the strike. Canadian workmen. Already action in this direction has i" a letter c. t. or losing money In business, have! Ougi Ouzhtred. sud- no alth upon which to fall back. been taken by United StatVEhe following is from a letter "lntendent ot concentration for When employed or making money. I sent out irom lintish to o uoia ' House " ia London: U1C -nso"aaa Minins snm- j a up "Tfc iQ nf pSP;0 u: i i n Company of Canada at Chap- Hual reserves and hence have none. lwtWnSSK; ? S ri iebe,"S Compelled or persuaded man Cam7ystates that whUe to draw upon, now that employ-1 Ujr propaganda to give the greatest output for the barest mine Is not operating a customs ment and Profits have vanished., .minimum t)f existence in order that imports of manufac- assay office, the prospectors' sam- As a result, great 'masses of peo-1 tures may be kept down and credits for machinery created P,e was run for old and returns PIe are discouraged and know not! aoroau. itussa pays lor iier produce by merely turninj? a ,naicaiea a lface oi me metai. no iu maieriai weaun nrintin.rnrpss sVip r?np not noorl nl,l A , ,,.Ill wA mention of platinum was made "P which they solely depended dividends .1. i . . Aim .Jim., i . when th the to pay on camp tf$fn her factories are in full swing, she will have naaiffclilty in dumping into any market, and will swampTheftrld with cheap goods with which other industrial nation's rannnl hnnp tn enmnatn samples were submitted. Mr. Oughtred ma'xes no estimate of what the ore will run per ton. Unless this-evil of forcell labor is met,.a'nd met now, by TUP TROTTR! V concerted international action it is quite patent that some- lllLt 1 JwUDLiEi thing more than mere economic competition is threatened. , That is only a means to an end. The Soviet Government, ! wuiiiitiuiiiow iwtci jjciljuiwu, l inerejy an JustruinenL WITH P. G. E. of the Communist Party, whose leaders have never dis- spineless Treatmi-nt o tMllKf'fl thp fnot tVint thmp iiltimnto nViat in n ,..1,1 ll.t-. Hare r-.u-n.. Given it it i r.. v.. v.. uiwimitv UUJttt JO c KU1IU ICVU" lution; and . it . is the conviction that they are helping to bring about this revolution which inspires their followers 10 enaure tne privations imposed by the five years plan, i "What is the nature of these nrivations? At thp nrpspnt Tne tragedy of the p.ajs. Rail L At T . , V has gone. They have no spiritual wealth upon which to draw and they are tired out physically. What Is true of individuals Is PesRsipn Yourself : $100 monthly frvm ap? CO, as long a yottih($titiry , antmt for JO years nhethr you live or i7iV)-M?j-' $ ; p.! i ( 1 least $10,000 to your tlejtetulents ij death occurs licforp 60 $20,000 if death occurs as the result of an accident totally disabled before afce 60, an income of $100 monthly after four months disability, insurance still in force, re'ilar dividends, paid and no premium deposits reqntml as long as yon are disahletl. x Dividends paid before pension sturls and for ten years after. . Optional methods of settlement available at age 60 if desired. THE above is an outline of dne of the pension policies available from this company. A policy can be arranged to suit your particular requirements. When you invest iu life insurance, you make provision for the continuation of your in-conic to yourself or dependents when it is needed most, and you do so in the knoW'leuge that your principal will be absolutely safe and your interest returns good. Our representatives will be pleased to give you full information concerning a Pension Policy for yourself, or, if you prefer, write your name and address below and mail to 11 cad Office direct for booklets. Name , M Address, EttaUUUetl JU9 ' also true of nations. People should understand that -before prosperity can return there TaN- Rev. E. A. McCarthy also tra-must be a renewed interest In the veiled .n the same train in order to spiritual life by both individuals ; officiate at the wedding, and nations. Nations should real-! lze that the world has always pos-' The foundations have been dug. sessed ravy materials and labor; tne lte levelled and the floor al-but has been prosperous only when J m0ft """Pleted on Ben Agart new the people, have been actuated by a religious faith to use these resources for advancement and service. This is the law of life and now to the time when It should bs moment there are in Northern Russia seven nrisori icarnm way has been r,dlcule and the tauBht ,n churchy, schools, and containing a total of over 600,000 , nmSX-T T -W iyer. ofWO I winter py Miffererf. Clt"K rnl- prisqner eniraireu ilitforest work hns tn fpll nnri ct-;n zz. Had nmvinri9i v .. I limDOr logs a ttay,plQs ft further nine loga under the "So-1 the Financial News, of Vancouver. cialigtic Efficiency Competition" and an additional 25 per'taken the poE ,n hand wltnout cent to show his patriotic fervour! For this he receives a 1 furth?ra, ad ,rra,nged uor lti Ana , completion to Peace River, the fu- normnl rntinn nf Hnfr,.n,, 10 i e l , li i t rl JS Jfth R 0 mC (2X"5 lhS; l b,3Ck bread;ture of the road would now be as-a n aay with a o nM mate of aoun. trenernllv mnAo nf vnttn (iah .r ,- ... . meat, old horse flesh, is given only twice a week. All this . the province of British Columbia Uistnct News TERRACE Mrs. Will Robinson went up to Hazciton on Saturday to see her daughter. Doris, wno recenUy underwent an operation in the hospital there. The recent' heavy rains have had the effect of washing out a considerable Quantity of the fllllni nut ; Into position on the new water line near the reservoir. A portion of pew main has been laid bare, but no erlous damage has resulted. The clal government to grant them In- ma,n work carr,ed out ,n enlarging corporation continues. They f.nd and bracing the reservoir last fall It hard to reconcile Premier Mc st? testwe11- No interference wlth cellent suPPy h" been Bride's, refusal with a promise along tnls line which he had made occas,oned' last November. !-..... . . T. McMeekin of Prince Rupert 'came In from the coast on Monday. Illumination was turned lnttfj garage. The building is to measure CO feet by 60 feet and will comprise a spacious repair garage and executive offices together with a commodious car shelter. J. Herman of the Dominion Government water rights branch was a visitor for a few days being registered at the Philbert Hotel. H. S. Parker, of Prince Rupert, was a business visitor here at the week-end. Theo Lucas, representing the engineering department of the Canadian National Railways, with headquarters In Winnipeg, was In Terrace for a few days. 'A real valentine of the kind that Isn't readily forgotten, was presented on Friday to her husband by Mrs. Charles Kofoed, formerly M1m Agnes Desjardlnes, in'the form of a daughter. Dr. Mills was the speaker at the P.T.A. meeting held on Thursday, his subject being "Japan." The gathering was very small. New Peace River Church is Opened Prince Rupert streets and houses Mr. and Mrs. James Dalcer left on POUCE COUPE, Feb. 19: The last night for the first time -from I Mondays- 'tram ror tneir old home first Presbyterian Church to be the new steam plant of the cltv " England, where they Intend to lo- I established In this district the Mel at Cow Bay. cate for some time. They were given j villa Presbyterian Church, Rlver- .. a hearty send-off by a numerous side, was recently opened, Rev. E. A. . . Bathering of friends. Wright officiating at the dedication Under the auspices of the Prince, ceremonies. The rustic log struc- Rupert branch of the International qute a number of local residents ture. beautifully finished Inside, was Longshoreman s Union, an enjoy- went up to Usk on Monday for the 'crowded for the occasion by people able social was Md last night In wedding of Ernie Wlllman and Miss from all over the district the Industrial Hall. Yf. E. Denn- Williams. In addition to the rela-' Miss H. MacDonald. resident dea-lng, president, was In the chair, tlves of the bride, there were In the coness, has done much toward the There were speeches by O. B, company Mrs. Swain. Mr. and Mrs. success attained in establishing the Casey and W. H. Montgomery. A. Olsen, M. E. M. 8mith and Miss church. THE 'MIJrL LIFE Assurance Company OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE-WATERLOO, OXT. Hp ! II , Itepresentatlve, J .J. i.tOllart, Prince Kupcrt, B.C. "Husband off to work children off to school how do you do it? "Oh, that's easy if you sen; Shredded Wheat. IjusiiJ; and serve them n'ith cretfj orwithhotmilkoncoMJ tcrdays. My finuiy"l tire of it, and of cor that nlrP TilC. bCClU'l Shredded Vhc 'V bodybuilder rhe necc; sary vitamins anJ nana-are there, and so u the? good health." SHREDD WHE WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT ...V I CANADIAN SHREDDED WkM u"'- Hecause It doesn't pay lo advertise poor product U does pay to buy those advertised.