saturday November 22, 1919. aaturday, I EE sCAME $0 THI SHE WAS AFRAID «pRUIT-A-TIVES” Made Her Weill, FRU Strong ® Vigorous WADAME ARTHUR BEAUCHER 805 Cartier St., Montreal, “ft guffered terribly from Cons- tipasion and Dyspepsia for many years. [felt pains after eating and had gas, constant headache, and was unable to sleep at night. I was getting so thin that I was frightened and saw ral physicians who, however, did seem able to help me. seve not At last a friend advised me to take ‘Fruit-atit I did so and goon I felt some relief. I continued with t s' and in a short time, nstipation was banished, I felt more pains or headache or the wr sensations that follow psia. Now I am well, strong and able rou Madame ARTHUR BEAUCHER. e.a 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. At all dealers or from Fruit-a-tives nited, Ottawa, Ont. Why Pay More Than $13.00 LUMP COAL delivered in your bin? We screen every pound Phone Black 85 Terminal Coal Co., [. H. SHOCKLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Office and Shop Fraser St. Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish lumber al. ways in stock, Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's hardwood. Estimates Given. REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phone Green 269. eee. SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Estimates furnished. Address, 3rd Avenue, head of Second Street. Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 For Comfort, Courtesy~ and Service go to’ The SAVOY HOTEL F. T. Bowness MANAGER Phone 37 P.O, Box 1704 Neeeenen Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN 1.50 pep day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE ttesessearnee ol Chili on Carne * Hot Tomales Db Chik) PARLOR . 935 Second Avenue Delivery At the Service Extra Phone 657 SYLLABUS OF WINTER ADDRESSES ARRANGED St. Andrew's Society wilt Hear Many of City’s Best Speakers. The St Andrew's Society hawe certainly obtained some very g00d public speakers to lecture to the Society in this winter's program of addressses. Besides the speakers on the evenings of the lectures there Will be com. plete musical programs, The fol. lowing is a list of the speakers that have been arranged for: Dec. 19 Jan. 16 .. Col, Peek, V4. aan Jan. ss, .. Burn's Night Feb. ae L. W. Patmore WUD cviccs; .. Fred Stork Mar, 12... Rev, W. K. Collison Mar. 26 . Judge F. McB. Young Apr. 9 .. F. H. Mobley, M.P.P. BASKETBALL GIRLS KEEN ON WINNING Burst of Song Over Result of Next Monday Night’s Game. One of the Prince Rupert High School girls has become so en- thusiastic about the basketball! game and the prospects of her side winning on Monday that she has burst into song over it in a parody on “How you gonna keep ‘em down on the farm.” The fol- lowing is the effort: “How you gonna keep us from winning this game? That's what Wwe want to know. How're you gonna keep us from going. over— Over the line, most of the time. How're you gonna keep us from seoring a goal? That's a mystery. Fancy one of our side when she gets the ball, scoring points by dozens with no trouble at all! How you gonna keep us from win- ning this game? That's what we want to know. That after every night of gaiety there is a morning and blessed is he who remembers it. > * . That a number of wise men saw the star last night and fol- lowed it. > * * That it proved to be a morning star, but happily not a mourning star. That great interest is being taken in the schools’ basketball series. That the gins are said to loek “just too sweet for anything” in their costumes. That they play with just as much enthusiasm as the boys. That both sides are expecting to win on Monday. . . . That the advertising of a musi- cal Sunday evening at the Meth- odist Church fs a decided novelty. ss 8 6 That the attendance is likely to be large. . . . That the Methedist Chureh be- ‘ng the only one with a pipe organ should be a social centre not only on Sunday but during the week. That if the organ has a cold, the publie would willingly pay for the doctor. . . - That a number of “aspirants” are sore with the Daily News for not announcing them as proba- bilities in the coming mayoralty contest. That anyone looking for the support of the public should be made to prove his fitness by ac- tions rather than by words. ° . . That the one who talks most and best is often the least effici- ent, That this applies in every walk of life. ® s * That some of the big cily papers are featuring a story with the headline “Girls Use too Much Powder.” The boobs could have proved the truth of the title had they only walked down the street with their eyes open. The case of Rex vs. Marvin K. Allen, charged with forgery, Was again adjourned in the police court this morning awaiting the arrival of witnesses for the prose- ecution from the Queen Charlotte Islands. The date of the prelim- inary trial is now set for Tues- day, November 25. THE DAILY NEWS THE AFTERMATH OF THE FU EPIEMI Necessity Pointed Out of Public Being on Their Guard for Several Years to Come. In @ recent number of the Saturda Evening Post a writer calls pointed ate tention to the special dangers existing in the years following an influenza outbreak. He quotes the vice president of a great insurance company as saying that after the flu wave of 1889 the mortality rate, es- pecially from pneumonia, some years, was high for Tage 6 on a yee. ts also quoted as say- : S altogether probable that as after effect of the innuense. there hi be an unusually high pneumonia death rate for several years to come.” h mind and drive home to every raon the necessity of prompt action 1a "Overs case of cold——usually the forerunner of influenza, pneumonia and kindred ailments, It is possible to afford effective relief for a cold by home treatment, especially if it is taken in its early stages. Just as soon a8 the sneezing, running at the nose, closing up of the head occurs-—start tak- ing Grip Fix, This preparation contains Aspirin, Phenacetine, Quinine, Salol, Caffein Citrate and Camphor Monobromate—drugs which any physician will Say are the proper treatment for colds So effective is it that Grip Fix relieves a cold in a Night and a case of Grippe in 48 hours, This statement i made on a merchandising experience of over 10 years during which the preparation was used all over the country. Get a box of Grip Fix tonight and. tak tt home. Then, when colds a a ree lable treatment is at hand. Be sure and get the genuine Reid’s Grip Fix as there are no substitutes which do as effective work. It sells at 35 cents per box and ean be obtained at any drug store. LASSIFIED Phone - ‘98 This is the Advertising Column that people read whe» they want anything 't brings results WANTED—Men to fill positions as automobile repairmen and drivers. The demand for skill- ed men in the automobile busi- ness never Was aS great as it is at the present time. We will train you in a short time with the latest and most up-to-date method, to qualify and earn big money in one of the most profit- able and interesting busimesses. of the present day. We teach automobile repairing and driv- ing, Oxy acetelyne welding, storage battery repairing and rebuilding, Vulcanizing and re- treading on the latest and best equipment. Thousands of our graduates are now holding splendid positions and never regret the time spent in train- ing themselves under our sys- tem. If you are interested in any of the above courses, write for literature and catalogue. Dept. 57. HEMPHILL TRADE SCHOOLS Blanchard & Fisgard Sts., Victoria, B. C. Established over fifteen years, with branches at Victoria Edmonton Vancouver Winnipeg Regina Tacoma, Wn. Calgary Saskatoon Portland, Ore. WANTED—Capable girl for gen- eral housework. Highest wages. Apply Mrs. GC, H. Onme, 223 Fourth Avenue West. 27 OHAMBER MAID WANTED for rooming house, Apply 622 Fraser Street. 273 TWO YOUNG LADIES REQUIRED for bank. Apply P. O. box 1714 Prince Rupent, B.C. tf WANTED—First-class account- ant, permanent position, reply P, O. box 586. 27: WANTED—Maid. Apply Mrs. J. ©, MeLennan, 430 Fourth Avenue West, 275 SITUATIONS wan TED WORK WANTED by Japanese, either piecework or contract; any kind, Phone M, Nakayama, Bayview Hotel, Red 320. 2 et DAY WORK WANTED Mrs. Jones, box 45 Daily News tf FOR SALE FOR SALE—Smal! pleasure boat with new four-cycle # h. Pp. marine engine; or will for piano or anything of value. Also for sale fishing and hunt- ing boat and one t2 h. p. @as8 engine cheap. See McGowan, the cycle man, Second Avenue, Near McBride Street. Phone Blue 4214, tf FOR SALE-—Cornet in good con- dition, $35, phone Green 249, enn FOR BALE-White Leghorn roost- ers, Phone Green 249. 78 will be) Warnings such as these should be borne | trade , ; tone test. come in and hear it. FOR RENT rOR RENT—Two modern flats oi seven rooms each, newly reno- vated. Can be divided to suit tenants. Also four cabins oe rent, apply 210 Ninth Avenue, West. 273 STORE TO RENT in Westenhaver Block. Apply to Harry Hanson. TWO FURNISHED SUITES tT‘ RENT in Planitz Block. Apply Mrs. Walters, St. Louis Rooms. Lost LOST — Fourteen - foot rowboat near Metlakatla; marked P, R. B. H. painted on stern. Finder kindly communicate with C. C, Perry, Indian Agent. tf MISCELLANEOUS CASH PAID for old postage stamps of the provinces; old collections; Hudson Bay Com- pany tokens and so _ fonth. Reference, Beaver Bottling Works, W. Kelsey Hall, 1050 Hamilton Street, Vancouver, B.C. FARMS FOR SALE c¢. P. R. FARM LAND — Choice farms in well settled districts in Western Canada; low prices; twenty years to pay; irrigated lands in Sunny Southern Al- berta, with loan of $2,000 in improvements to assist new settlers. Act now — they are going fast. For free booklet and full information write HU. G. Loughran, General Land agent, 744 Hastings St. West, Vancouver, B.C, IN THE MATTER of an application for the issue of a fresh certificate of title to part of Lot Eight hundred and forty-eight (848), Group One (1), Cassiar District, salisfactory roof of loss of certificate having been filed, notice is hereby given that it is my intention, at the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof, to issue a fresh certificate of title in the name of Thomas Richard Tomlinson, which Certificate of Tithe is dated 8th February, 1913, and ts No, 3067-1. Dated at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.¢,, this 16th day of October, 19, W. E. BURRITT, Acting District Registrar QUEEN GHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND Dis- TRICT--REGORDING DISTRICT OF SKEENA TAKE NOTICE that I, Peter Piombo, of pomee Depew, 8. So ee tatond to apply for a licence eonpee ‘or coal, oll and Eas over the olowing de- seribed lands on the West Coast of Gra- ham Island: Commeneing at 4 post planted at three miles north of the north east corner of Lot 2437, thence 80 chains north, 80 chains west, thence 8@ chains south. thence 80 chains east to point of com- mencement. PETER PIOMBO, Located J 27, 1919. Dated tember 25th, 1019, ‘Ss ee Ss | Three million dollars for a phonograph! That’s what it cost to perfect the only instrument that Re-Creates music so faithfully that no one can tell whether it is the living artist he hears or the phonograph—when one is heard in direct comparison with the other. Thomas A. Edison’s genius, his vast knowledge and his indomitable will and you realize how much was required to make lhe NEW EDISON “‘The Phonograph with a Scul’’ Add to that three million dollars, “Now go ahead and build replicas,” sail Mr. [dison to his staff when he had finally achieved an instrument which wo.ll meet the “Cail it the Official Laboratory Model and uphold the standards i have set to the last detail,” This three million dollar Phonograph is on display here— : Ask for a copy of the beautiful book «Edison and M w'-” and the booklet «What te Critics Say” which proves Ed.cor superiority, J Pritce Rupert The ~ Old | Firm | Come Back stock of RW. Cameron G Co. | Beg to announce that not being able to obtain their | old corner on Second Avenue, at the head of what used to be Centre Street, they have opened on ‘Third Avenue, No. 626, with a carefully selected Jewellery, Watches and Clocks, Toilet Re- quisites, Cutlery, Cut Glass, etc. All fresh from the factories, and are now ready to welcome their new and old time patrons in their No. 626 Third Avenue Opposite Dominion Telegraph Office new store at Phone 524 Cor. Fulton and Sixth National Grocery Co. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Motor Delivery TIMBER SALE X 1676. Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands not later than noon on the 27th day of November, 1919, for the! purchase of Licence X 1676, to cut 3,574,-* 000 feet of Spruce, Hemlock, Cedar, Cotton- wood and aisam and 14,680 Hemlock ties on an area situated near Usk, Skeena River, Range 5, Coast District. _ 3) years will be allowed for re- moval of ti r. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, B. C., or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C TIMBER SALE X 1889. Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands not later than noon on the 2nd day of December, 1919, for the Licence X 1889, to cut t,- ce, Hemlock and situated in Juskatla In- let, Queen Charlotte District. One (1) year will be allowed for re moval of timber. Further particulars of the Caief Forest- er, Victoria, B. C.. or District Porester, Prince Rupert, B. ¢. Two-color window cards take the eye quickly. See them at the News Job Department, The Toggery shop Ladies’ Ready to Wear Fancy Work Notions Undergarments, etc. Made to Order Mrs. L. PONZO Second Avenue and Fourth St. OUR SEPIA PORTRAITS are neither yellow nor purple, but possess that delicate sepia shade so much prized ay Our Method costs us more, ut the result is worth it. You get the best for less! [e Poor: oe Suite 22, Alder Block _ baoees ofp of our 416 Sixth Avenue Bast Near Drydock Board by Month or Week, Phone Red 245 5 # AY, f: shed AF Df & =}